• Published 29th Oct 2017
  • 8,566 Views, 344 Comments

So You Escaped From Limbo - Maran

Now what do you do? When you've been gone a thousand years, you have a lot to catch up on. Heroes old and new must deal with the consequences of their choices, each in their own ways.

  • ...

There Be Dragons

Celestia walked into her throne room, having just finished a press conference. Oftentimes, the princess used the throne room as her break room, where she could sit alone and let her mind wander, yet ponies could easily reach her if there was urgent need. She had not even made it up the walkway to her throne when the door opened behind her.

“Flash Magnus and Rockhoof request an audience, your highness.”

Before the guard even finished his announcement, Flash Magnus flew over his head. Rockhoof pushed past him and cantered toward Celestia, causing the marble floor to tremble to the three-time rhythm. Celestia lifted her eyebrows. If his canter could do that, how disruptive must his gallop be?

She smoothed her expression into a cordial smile. “I can spare a moment for two of the Pillars of Light, although I am a little surprised that only you two came. Where are the others?”

Flash took a deep breath. “Star Swirl's in the library, Meadow is in the garden, Misty's touring the city and . . .” He glanced at Rockhoof. “Did you keep track of anypony else, Rocky?”

“The last I heard, Stygian drank some energy elixir in the kitchen,” rumbled Rockhoof. “I thought it best if we steer clear of him for a while.”

“Do you mean coffee? Now, why would you want to avoid Stygian on coffee?” Celestia let out a shrill laugh. The two stallions leaned away from her, appearing uncomfortable.

“I remember the first time Luna had coffee,” added Celestia. “She was literally climbing up the walls!”

Flash's pupils shrank. “Somepony gave Stygian coffee?” He slapped his hoof to his face. “That's just great! Come on, Rockhoof, we'd better find him and keep him out of trouble.”

“Wait, Flash.” The earth pony held up his shovel in front of the pegasus to block him. “If we are all friends again, we have to show the lad some trust. We do not need to follow him around, waiting for him to slip up.” Then he sighed, letting his shovel drop a few inches. “In truth, I should have been more sympathetic to Stygian all along. I was much like him when I was younger: weak and puny, with no defining traits that stood out from the crowd.”

“Ouch, that's some harsh sympathy,” said Flash.

Rockhoof lowered his eyebrows. “I am mainly criticizing myself. I wanted so desperately to join the great protectors in the Mighty Helm, to be an equal part of the team instead of a laughingstock. And I know Stygian felt the same way about us Pillars. I always hoped that the lad would dig deep and find his inner strength on his own, as I did. But Stygian discovered his strength in the worst possible way.” He shook his head ruefully.

“You had your shovel,” Celestia pointed out. “Star Swirl told us how the shovel acted as a conduit for the erupting volcano's energy and channeled it through your body, enhancing your earth pony strength. It's no wonder Stygian wanted a replica of your shovel, as well as the other thaumically infused objects.”

Flash dragged his hooves down his face. “Oh, Harmony, you're getting into magical jargon. You really are Star Swirl's student.”

Celestia giggled, less shrill this time. “I suppose I am. But Rockhoof is right about Stygian. I believe the best thing for him now is to give him a little space. Besides, the guards will alert me if he causes any problems.”

“I wouldn't be too sure about that. Have you seen the guards?”

Celestia blinked. “Well, yes, there's one just outside the door.”

“This is exactly why I wanted to speak with you. With all due respect, Celestia, there aren't enough guards for a castle this size!” The pegasus hovered closer to the alicorn. “By the way, can I call you Celestia? I'm not used to thinking of you as the ruler of all the ponies.”

“The same goes for me, Celestia,” said Rockhoof. “To us Pillars, you and your sister are the little fillies that Star Swirl used to talk about.”

Celestia grinned. “Actually, it's refreshing to meet ponies who only knew Luna and I as the fillies Star Swirl took in. To your point about the guards, Flash, ponies enjoyed centuries of peace until very recently, in the grand scheme of things. We had a few hostile entities attack after the six of you left, but as my sister and I grew more capable, the world stabilized. Over time, the military stopped actively recruiting, and they relaxed the requirements for joining. Fortunately, we were still able to neutralize every threat, either with the Elements or with other brave ponies like Starlight Glimmer. So, even though our organized military is not as strong as it once was, our ponies have risen to every challenge and defended themselves.”

Flash Magnus spread his forelegs. “But even the appearance of weakness invites aggression! Don't you know that the dragons see us as brightly colored morsels? We have to build up our defenses so we're not easy prey. We have to show them that we're not worth the effort of attacking.”

Celestia's eyes widened. “I should have expected that you would be concerned about the dragons, Flash. But they don't eat ponies anymore. And this practice was never that common to begin with. The Dragonlord assured me that only a few dragons ever ate ponies.”

The pegasus shuddered, his wings locking up as he dropped to the floor. “Star Swirl sheltered you, Celestia. You didn't see what the dragons did to ponies. If you'd seen what even a single mature dragon is capable of . . .” His ears lay flat. “You wouldn't be so dismissive.”

“Oh.” Celestia held her hoof over her mouth. “No, I suppose not.” It was obvious to her that Flash was not exaggerating. If anything, he seemed to be under-reporting the horrors he'd witnessed in battle.

“Well. It seems that I need to have a talk with the former Dragonlord,” she added.

“Former Dragonlord?” asked Rockhoof, swiveling one ear.

“Dragonlord Torch,” answered Celestia. “He is even older than I am. He will know the truth about what happened and may give an account of the dragons' actions.”

“Torch is still alive!?” Flash launched back up into the air and looked all around as if he expected the dragon to burst through one of the stained glass windows at any moment.

“He is retired and stays in the Dragonlands,” explained Celestia. “His daughter Ember is the current Dragonlord, and she is very open-minded for a dragon. She has made an effort to learn our ways and has commanded the other dragons not to attack any ponies, even those that enter their territory.”

“This is good news.” Rockhoof grinned. “Spike is proof that dragons are not inherently aggressive. This behavior must be taught. And what is taught can be unlearned.”

Flash's expression softened. “Spike's great. Not just for a dragon, but for anypony. But he's a child. What if his predator instincts grow stronger as he gets older?”

“There is still much that we don't know about dragons,” said Celestia. “But I believe that deep down inside, ponies and dragons are more alike than we thought. We just have to do our best to learn about each other. In fact . . .” Her eyes sparked as a plan began to take shape in her mind. “How would you like to come with me to see Torch again, Flash? We could make it a diplomatic mission.”

Flash's eyebrows shot up. “Oh. Wow. I doubt he'll be happy to see me, if he remembers me.”

“Who could forget the brave Flash Magnus?” Rockhoof punctuated his comment with what was likely intended to be a playful tap. The blow from his foreleg sent Flash flying several feet before he steadied himself in midair. He glared over his shoulder at Rockhoof.

“Sorry. I did not mean to hit that hard.” Rockhoof held his foreleg against his chest.

Flash adjusted his iron helmet. “And you ponies think we pegasi are brutes.”

“Oh, so we are 'you ponies,' now?” asked Rockhoof, sounding more amused than angry.

“What?” The pegasus shrugged. “I meant you ponies with beards, obviously. What did you think I meant?”

Celestia interrupted the banter before it wandered too far off track. “Flash Magnus, unless Torch has become senile, he's sure to remember you. I think it will do you good to see the change in the dragons. And to be honest, I have not traveled to the Dragonlands since Ember became the Dragonlord, and I've been putting it off long enough. I could use the company.”

Flash rubbed his chin. “Well, if you think you need to go anyway, then I'm game.”

“Could I invite myself along?” asked Rockhoof. “It is not like I have anywhere better to be.”

“Really?” Flash frowned. “What about your old village? Don't you want to go back to see what it's like?”

“I . . .” Rockhoof stared at the floor. “Applejack told me that there were hardly even any ruins left standing. There are ponies whose special talent is digging up the buried remains of my friends' livelihoods. But for me it does not feel that long ago that I rerouted the molten lava to save my village.” He gazed up at one of the windows, a blue one that depicted rays of light shining on the globe. “I know that my friends in the Mighty Helm lived good, long lives. I have to believe that. But to see the pitiful remains of my foalhood home that I worked so hard to protect . . .” He shook his head. “I do not think I am ready yet.”

“Horse apples, that is messed up,” Flash said sympathetically. “I mean, I lost my old home too, but I learned long ago not to get too attached to the place where I lay my head.”

“If it's any comfort, I know how it feels to return to your foalhood home and find it unrecognizable.” Celestia reached her foreleg toward him, and then dropped it back to the floor. Had this been Twilight, she would have wrapped her foreleg or wing around her. But Rockhoof was a big, tough warrior – big enough to look her straight in the eyes without standing on a table, which was a rare quality. She did not know if he would feel comfortable being coddled by another giant pony he'd just met.

“Sometimes you really can't go home,” she continued. “You just have to make a new one. But if you would like to join me and Flash on our diplomatic visit, you're more than welcome.”

Rockhoof glanced at her and nodded. “I would.”

“Look on the bright side, Rocky,” said Flash. “Our home is all of Equestria now. And most of Equestria has changed for the better. Except the military,” he added under his breath. “So I'm sure the Dragonlands have changed for the better too.”

A broad smile came to Rockhoof's face. “I had not thought of looking at it that way. All of Equestria is my home. I like that. I knew there was a reason we decided to keep you around, Flash.”

“What, my bravery and quick wits aren't enough?” asked Flash with a smirk.

“I will give you wits, but it is not very brave to hide behind a shield.”

Flash folded his forelegs, still smirking. “At least I'm good for more than just digging trenches.”

“And at least I can grow a beard.” Rockhoof grinned, running his hoof over his auburn facial hair.

“It always comes back to the beards, doesn't it? You guys are so proud of yourselves, like it's some kind of accomplishment that hair grows out of your face.”

Smiling, Celestia decided to leave the two warriors to their repartee. She would plan the details of the visit to the Dragonlands in short order. In the meantime, she wanted to enjoy the rest of her free period.

And the best way to do that was to find Stygian and observe his reaction to coffee.

Author's Note:

I decided to break up the pattern a little this time with the Pillars talking to Celestia instead of their successors. To those of you who were asking for an interaction between Flash and Dash, I'll try to come up with a good chapter for them later, but I make no guarantees.

In his brief scenes, Flash Magnus comes across as more optimistic than he's portrayed here, but I decided to focus on him being a soldier and a proactive protector. Also, it makes sense to me that he would have a few hangups about the struggles he's faced. Plus, this story has a drama tag to live up to, and that's hard to do with a character who constantly says, “We'll be ready for anything!”

I would have liked to work in a mention of Celestia copying Mistmane's hairdo, but I couldn't figure out a way to make it feel natural. Maybe some other time.