• Published 10th Dec 2017
  • 654 Views, 10 Comments

Nandak's Journey - Olakaan Peliik

Out to meet the horizon. Just your average exploration adventure. Nothing insane can happen. Right? Wrong. So, so wrong.

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Nandak's Journey - 4

We haven't had time to stop since we left the Oasis. So updating my journal was going to be a must when we have a chance. Once I made sure Klo was comfortable that is. We were over the south Luna ocean. As far as I could tell. It definitely seemed familiar. It was getting late and the sun was setting behind us. I could see land up ahead, I was hoping that there was a pony city was nearby.

When we got to the beach we landed. We were exhausted. At least our wings were. Klo sat and leaned against me as I got my maps out once again.

“How you do that normal?” Klo asked out of breath.

I was tired but not out of breath. We've been flying for two whole days. I can understand why she was like this. “Here.” I gave her our last remaining water pouch.

She took it with thanks by a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to return it but I needed to figure out where we were.

I showed her a more recent map of Equestria. It showed the Dragonlands with a marker for Crater. We were one continent and an ocean away now. And looking at this map we were a little ways south of a town in the area “Farthest Reaches” although the map is unclear if that is the town's name or just the area.

It showed a railroad track went to the town. Perhaps we can get passage to Baltimare from there? Best get Klo’s opinion.

“Klo. Look here.” I pointed to a spot on the map. “We are somewhere right here. If we go to this town, get on a train, and take it up this way…” with a claw I followed the train line to Canterlot “...then continue to Baltimare here. This way we can save our strength for the flight to the Dragonlands when we take off from Baltimare.” I know she understood most of what I was saying but I had just used a bunch of terms I have yet to teach her.

“What is train?” She asked.

New locations and new words for her to learn. “A form of… travel the ponies created for easy travel. But the train may not be there. Either way we need to go here and get more supplies and rest.”

She nodded. “Yes. We will not be long there?” she asked.

“Only for a night. To rest. Let's walk a bit. Save our wings for the long distance flights.” She nodded and we started to walk the coastline north.

We walked for a couple of hours. The sunset was beautiful, and at the pace we were at I estimated we'd arrive in the town after nightfall. I was gonna explain this to Klo but she wasn't beside me when I looked.

Turning around I saw her looking at the sunset. I went back to her side. “What is the matter?”

“Vis mu praal het getiid uv ziin Lokaal?” - ‘Can we sit here a moment or two Love?’ she asked in her own tongue. I went to her other side and wrapped my wing around her. “I miss them.” she said very sadly.

I pulled her close. “I know.”

“Do you miss brother and sisters?” She asked me.

I felt a twinge of hurt in my chest, remembering the distance between us. “I do. They are probably worried sick.” She leaned against me her head below mine as we watched the sunset. I wish we could stay like this.

“When we done helping my tribe. We see them? I want to meet them.” she asked.

I laughed lightly. “Actually, I'm sure if I don't let them know I'm okay soon, they'll start hunting me down just to see if I'm alright.” Klo giggled at the remark. “Yes. When we are ready, we can go see them.” I answered her question.

“I will like that.” she said calmly. I figured we could stay like this a few more minutes.

We finally found the town. It was an hour or two after sunset. And we were looking for a place to sleep. Klo was tired. I figured I could find a place to sleep, and then look for some food. I still had plenty of gems. So I wasn't worried about cost right now.

A pair of unicorn town guards were standing at a crossroads in the middle of town. “Excuse me sirs.” I said approaching them. They seemed a little surprised to see us but they didn't show fear.

“Evening. Can we help you?” One said politely.

“Yes, we have just been flying for a few days with no rest. Can you guide us to a place to get some food and rest?” I asked. Trying to not show my teeth.

“Billiard here can show you the way.” One of them said volunteering his friend.

Billiard rolled his eyes.”Yeah, yeah, come on, just this way, I'll introduce you two to the Innkeeper.”

“Thank you.” We started following him. Klo was walking by me very close. “How many ponies have you met?” I asked her.

“Only tall ones that attack us.” she whispered back. So none could hear. This was gonna be a learning experience.

Billiard lead us to an Inn called “End Line.” It was right next to the post office and train station for the town. Leading us inside, there were plenty of ponies in here, likely locals all listening to the magic powered radio that sat in the corner, or talking amongst themselves. We drew some attention but most just ignored us.

Billiard walked up to the Innkeeper who was preoccupied with a customer. “Hey Tracy.” Billiard called. “I got some customers for ya, travelers, and not the normal kind.”

The mare he called Tracy looked over at us and smiled. “Well I’ll be a monkey's aunty.” she had an interesting accent. “I was wondering when one of your kind would appear around these parts. Ever since that ambassador made the paper a while back. I didn’t really expect two of y’all though.”

Krein was in the paper? Nevermind that. “If you would be kind enough to rent us a room for the night? And if you got any meals high in protein-” that’s right, I know stuff. “-we could use two of those.”

“How will you be paying?” She asked.

I rummaged through my bag of gems to find three, a ruby, a sapphire and an emerald. I gave them to the Tracy. “With these.”

She whistled. “That'll more than do, you'll have plenty of extra after you pay for the room.” She smiled. “Do y’all want two beds or one?” she asked opening a ledger.

Klo answered this, “One please.” she said perfectly, but shakily. She was still nervous around all these ponies.

Tracy wrote the request down “The two of y’all are married?” she asked moving around the bar.

“Not yet.” Klo answered with hope in her tone.

I cleared my throat. “We are trying to take care of something first.” I added.

“Say no more.” she walked past us over to a table. “It’s none of my business and I respect that, I’m just a curious one. If y’all will sit here. I’ll make sure your room is clean, and I’ll have Gordon make something for y’all. He might even get creative and come up with something new. That Gryphon likes to do that.” she walked off.

“Oh good a gryphon. Oddly enough they are quite good cooks.” I commented.

“Gryphon?” Klo asked repeating the new word.

I keep forgetting but I think it was time for a first claw experience. “I think I'll let you see this one for yourself. I will get to see that look of curiosity on your face I first fell in love with.”

I could see her cheeks get a little darker but she didn't try to hide it when she smiled.

“Can I get you some drinks?” Tracy asked coming back out of nowhere. She surprised Klo enough to make her jump a little.

“If we could get some water, and a bit of information?” I asked.

“Shoot.” She shrugged.

I only had two questions. “When will the next train arrive?”

Tracy winced. “Sorry dear. The last train for two days left at sundown.”

“It's alright it was a long shot. One more. Where can we get supplies?”

She pointed at the door. “Cross the street, General's General Market.”

I nodded. “Alright. That's all I wanted to know.”

“I'll be back with your drinks.”

We waited for our drinks and food patiently. It wasn't long and she returned with shark steaks to my surprise, covered in white gravy, mixed vegetables, and a fruit salad on the side.

We ate quietly. I quietly showed Klo how to use utensils, and Klo enjoyed her meal. I enjoyed it as well. When we got close to the end I had asked to speak to the cook Gordon. Nothing was wrong of course, I just wanted Klo to see a Gryphon.

“Hes Zii!” Klo exclaimed and started examining him.

Gordon was confused. “She's never seen a Gryphon before.” I explained.

Klo had stood up and gotten close enough to inspect his left wing. “Oh. Well alright. I thought something was wrong.” he was leaning away from her obviously uncomfortable.

“Klo love, too close.” I said to her, she got back to her seat and just looked. “Nope, it was excellent. Actually I was wondering if you were gonna be making breakfast?”

Gordon nodded. “Yup. You got a request?”

“We are gonna be doing a lot of flying. Recommendation from a fellow flyer?” I asked jokingly.

He laughed a little. “Light but lots of protein. It got you. You go rest up. Just let the morning waitress know.” he started back toward the doors to the kitchen.

“Appreciate it.” I stood and went over to Tracy. “What room? And I'm guessing it has a shower?” I was itching to get clean. I was also curious to see Klo completely clean, without the years of dust merely being rinsed off.

I know from experience. When I first used soap I thought I had gotten two shades brighter or something. It took Krein explaining it to me that it was my natural scale color, just without the years of ash, sulfur, and carbon burns on them.

“It does. Room A-twelve. Down that hall.” She pointed. “Enjoy your night.” she winked at me.

I felt a little warm around the cheeks. I went to get Klo who waited at the table. “Come on. We're going to our room.”

“Room?” She asked.

“You'll see.”

The room wasn't big, but the bed was big enough for the two of us. Looking into the bathroom, the shower looked to be new and big enough for the two of us as well. I looked over at Klo who was looking around with curiosity.

I removed my bags from below my wings and set them down on the floor. “Klo.” I said getting her attention. “Come, please.”

She came over to the bathroom. I was gonna show her how a shower worked, but perhaps when she can understand common better. I got the shower started and to a temperature well below my tolerance level. “Is this warm enough for you?” I asked.

She held a claw underneath the water and she nodded. “What this for?”

“To get clean.” I stepped in and waved for her to follow. “Just let the water hit you for a minute.” I instructed closing the curtain so water didn't get on the floor outside. Falling would not be fun.

Dragons bathing together is normal. Not a whole lot of privacy in rivers, streams, ponds, or lakes. Just throwing that out there.

Klo had gotten all her scales wet as I had told her. Now was time for soap I switched places with her. “Now rub the dirt off with this.” I gave her a bar of soap. “Be careful to not get it in your eyes, it will sting, and don't get it in your mouth, it doesn't taste good.”

I watched her as the soap suds turned dirt brown and washed down the drain. Once I knew I was wet and that she had gotten at what she could reach I let her have the water again. I grabbed a new bar of soap though.

She had rinsed off. “Okay now. Step out and dry off with that.” I pointed to a towel.

While she did that I finished up. Stepping out I noticed she went back out into the room. I dried off, and joined her, but if I didn't know any better I'd say that Klo had been replaced.

Now that Klo's scales were completely clean I could now accurately describe her colors and patterns. Grey sides, and dark brown back, with white stripes dividing the color she looked a little pale, the dark brown pattern of scales her throat were more clear. The patterns on her back formed a kind of alternating and connected diamond-heart-diamond design that went from the top of her head starting with a heart, and ending at the tip of her tail with a diamond. She was absolutely stunning.

“Why do you look at me that way?” Klo snapped me out of my staring.

I walked up close to her and kissed her cheek. “I don't think I got the chance to tell you that you are beautiful.” I said to her.

I could see the red tint on her cheeks. “You are kind.”

I kissed her quickly. “I think not kind enough.” she smiled and kissed me back.

When we were done kissing, I think exhaustion finally hit us both because we yawned at the same time.

“We rest.” Klo suggested.

I nodded and climbed onto the bed. I patted the spot that was beside me. Klo tested it before climbing up. Once she was beside me she seemed to accept the mattress and snuggle up beside me. I draped my wing over her, and then got a blanket and covered the both of us to keep warm a little.

I reached over the side of the bed and grabbed my journal and pen. Time for a quick update.

July 2nd, Day 72, 23rd hour.

Klo and I made it to a place called “Farthest Reaches”, I am assuming that this is the southernmost town of Equestria resting on the border. The people have been kind enough, and we are resting for the night. A hot cleansing shower did us both some good. Even revealed Klo’s full color.

My sisters would say “She’s so hot she's a volcano.” Not sure how Alezah and Nikta are gonna react when they see Klo. Considering they are relentlessly trying to set Krein up with his assistant, they'll probably react well.

I closed the journal, smiling at that bit of comedy, and I put it back in my bag. I looked at Klo who was fast asleep beside me. I snuggled close to her before falling asleep myself.

I woke up to Klo nuzzling me awake. “Feyl laagus.” - ‘Morning sleepy’ she said. Kissing my cheek as well. “We get moving.”

I groaned. “Can’t we just stay like this for a five more minutes?” I asked nuzzling her back. Her scales were much smoother and softer to the touch now that they were completely clean. I couldn’t help myself.

I started to kiss her neck just below her jaw going down. “Nid, love. We need… praag…” she took a deep breath as I continued, I got about as far as the brown band on her lower neck. “Zu'u laan wah.” she said in a sigh before pushing me off, her face red. “Vuth.” When I pouted she rolled her eyes. “Hi los grik sen. Later.”

I smiled. “Fine.” before getting up I kissed her cheek. “After breakfast, we can go across the street and get some more supplies.”

“What gryphon will make?” she asked.

I started to attach my bags to my sides. “Something good I hope.”

We made our way out to breakfast. More ponies had come to get food but there were still seats available. We went largely unnoticed. But Klo still seemed nervous around all these ponies. So I picked a table close to the door.

Once we were seated a waitress came up to us. She was indeed scared of us. Unlike everypony else. “H-How can I-I help you?” she shook.

I had to agree with Krein, it didn’t feel right when things were afraid of you. “First of all; We mean you no harm we just wish to have breakfast before our journey.” I let that sink in for her.

“Secondly; If you could let Gordon know that his dragon guests are here that will let him know all he needs.” I finished.

“I’ll let him know.” The waitress walked away.

I looked across from me at Klo who was staring at the table in front of her. All of this was new to her, and we barely have enough time to let it be processed. “Klo, love. Are you okay?”

“Zu'u los... vopahsunaal. Pah het los zurun, ni vir dii zeymah lost fun un brodaan wah korah.” - “I am... unsure. Everything here is strange, not how my brother has told our tribe to believe.” she said, seeming to be searching her mind for answers.

Probably a good idea to talk in dragon for her. “Zu'u mindoraan tol daar los kung wah ofaal ont. Nii lost vuldak, fah dii briinah ahrk Zu'u wah malmind unmaar voth fos mu praag wah mindok wah lahney benix malkey.” - “I understand that this is a lot to get used to. It was a change, for my sisters and I to familiarize ourselves with what we needed to know to live among ponies.” I paused and thought a moment.

“Hin brodaan fen lost pogaan zos dovah wah tinvaak wah ahrk mindos do, Iiz, Gol, Vokun, Okaaz, ahrk faal Yol Dovah med dimaar. Nuz mu fen lost wah mindos do Dahralvith Dovah ol pruzah.” - “Your tribe will have many more dragons to speak to and learn about, Ice, Stone, Shadow, Sea, and the Fire Dragons like myself. But we will have to learn about Viper Dragons as well.” I said trying to ease her.

“Zu'u nunon hind nust frolaaz zey fah dii nusaanom. Dii zeymah los ni mindok dein stiildus. Rok fen kaatoz tir ahst niin.” - “I just hope they forgive me for my absence. My brother is not known for keeping calm. He will lash out at them.” Tears started to form in her eyes.

“Waan mu vis ofaal wah Drog Yiil us tol gon mu fen ni lost wah uful do nii bo wah tol.” - “If we can get to Lord Torch before that starts we won't have to worry about it coming to that.” I said with a much reassurance I could muster.

She smiled at me, wiping away her tears. “Zu'u unad pruzah fah dii unahzaal feliig.” - “I chose well for my eternal partner.”

“Vrah.” - “Indeed.” I confirmed.

Soon enough our waitress came back with two plates, eggs cooked to perfection on two slices of toasted bread, with fried fish, hashbrowns and a slice of tomato and lettuce. Water and orange juice were set on the table as drinks.

I looked at our waitress. “Thank you for being our waitress.” I dug out one of the smaller gems that gravity had moved to the bottom of my gem pouch and gave it to her. “You take tips right?”

All remaining fear was washed away with the sight of that gem. “Thank you!” she smiled and walked away with a new spring in her step.

Klo looked at her plate with confusion. This was basically a breakfast sandwich, and I had just taught her how to use her utensils. “Do what I do.” I Instructed. She was good at copying my actions so this will work.

We put most of what was on the sides of out plate onto the egg sandwich, hash browns, tomato, fish, pretty much all of it. We put the bread on top, then we took our first bites. Klo had a small smile on her face as we ate. I had a feeling her mood was gonna flux like this regularly until we get help for her tribe. I can handle it. Hopefully.

When we finished our food, I said farewell to our hosts and went across the street to General’s General Market.

It was a large building considering that this is a small town. Food in one section of the store. Tools, plants, and related stuff in the second part. Lastly traveling equipment and sport gear, including stuff to repair boats.

I lead Klo over to the travel section. Saddlebags, water canteens, tents, the works. I found klo some pony saddlebags that will work for the time being. We loaded up on preserved foods and water within reason. As we headed toward the register, something caught my attention and I stopped.

A piece of enchanted camping equipment, a ‘Home-Tent’, “Bigger on the inside than the outside.” I mumbled.

“That there came from Canterlot, a year and a half ago. It sounded real good on paper, but most ponies don’t trust unicorn magic. I started out with about twenty, I only got two left.” The owner informed me from the register.

“What is it exactly?” I asked.

“Well ya’ set ‘er up like a normal tent right? Except that it isn’t a normal tent. It has a weird space manipulation spell on it and it is the size of a small house on the inside. With a kitchen, fireplace, the whole works.”

This sounded interesting. “We’ll take this, and all of this please.” I placed all of our pickings, and our new tent, on the checkout counter.

He entered the item totals. “One hundred twenty two bits.”

Instead I dug out a ruby and a sapphire. “Will this cover it?”

He grabbed a little magnifying monocle thing, and looked through it at the gems. “Hmm, throw another sapphire in and you got a deal.” I gave him another. “Glad doing business with ya.”

Thief! I thought. “Thank you.” We collected our things and made our way outside. Once I evened out the weight between her and I, me with the heaviest items because of the enchantment on my bags, I stood in front of Klo and took a deep breath.

“Ready?” I asked. She nodded. “Alright, stay close.” Lifting of the ground we headed East. Toward the Dragonlands.

Author's Note:

I almost forgot about this one. Enjoy!