• Published 31st Oct 2017
  • 1,499 Views, 5 Comments

The Incredibly Sugary Nightmare Night of Dinky Doo - Trinary

Winningverse. Rainbow Dash takes little Dinky Doo on her very first Nightmare Night. She just doesn't know what went wrong.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The Incredibly Sugary Nightmare Night of Dinky Doo

Rainbow Dash smiled proudly as she adjusted her Royal Legionnaire costume. The armor shone so brightly it practically gleamed in the last rays of daylight. Nightmare Night had come again to Ponyville, and she was planning to make it the best one ever. The reason? One of her oldest friends just had a daughter, and this was going to be her first Nightmare Night.

When Derpy Doo had made her Dinky’s godmother … well, it took a lot to choke Rainbow up, but that had done it. She didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about stuff like settling down or having kids—in fact, she tended to prioritize thinking about pretty much anything else—but she’d sooner gnaw off her own wing rather than see Dinky unhappy.

And if there was anypony capable of bringing all the fun, treats, and all-around awesomeness of this holiday to a young foal, it was her. Rainbow grinned as she flew out of her cloud-house, only slightly unbalanced by the weight of her armor. Waiting not too far below were Derpy and Dinky. At first Rainbow thought Derpy had run through a laundry line (again), until she realized that the bedsheet she’d draped over herself was actually a budget toga. By contrast, Dinky’s costume was custom-fit perfection: a puppy. She had to bite down to prevent herself from squeeing. So stinking cute.

“Hey guys!” Rainbow landed in front of them with a wide grin. “Guess who?”

Dinky squealed, flailing her tiny limbs when she recognized her godmother. “Boe!” She squirmed in her mother’s grip, eager to get down and go to her.

Rainbow’s grin grew even wider than before. She never got tired of hearing that. “Hey squirt! Happy Nightmare Night!” She trotted over and picked up the tiny foal for a hug.

“Abby nyemayah!” Dinky repeated enthusiastically, if not terribly accurately, as she hugged back. Her attention was soon drawn to Rainbow’s costume. She poked it experimentally and gasped in amazement when she saw her reflection. Dinky leaned in closer, then back again when she saw her distorted reflection move too. “Whoaaaaaaa…”

“Hnngh. Too cute.” Rainbow winced, almost tasting sugar in the back of her mouth. “I might not have room for any candy.”

Derpy sighed as she took Dinky back, bouncing her slightly. “Ugh, I don’t know how I ever had the energy for this. Just setting up a Nightmare Night party at home wore me out. Thanks for agreeing to take Dinky out for the night. Nice costume, by the way.”

“Coztuuume!” Dinky naturally agreed with whatever it was her mother had said, for it was her mother who said it. That made it both true and important!

Rainbow chuckled. “Yep, I'm wearing a costume. You are too.” She gently tapped Dinky’s muzzle with the tip of her hoof, causing her to blink owlishly. “You ready for candy and treats?”

Derpy let out another martyred groan. “She's going to be off the walls when she gets home.”

“Oh, lighten up.” Rainbow Dash snorted. “It’s a kid’s Celestia-given right to have fun and gorge themselves on candy on Nightmare Night. And my godkid is going to have the best first Nightmare Night of all time!” She leaned her head back and struck a pose Flash Magnus would’ve been proud of. The effect seemed to have been lost on her audience, for Dinky just tilted her head in confusion, wondering if Rainbow was playing a game. She tried her best to imitate Rainbow’s heroic pose, but quickly unbalanced and almost slid out of her mother’s grasp. Derpy settled for rolling her eyes at her showboating friend and readjusted her hold on her daughter.

Rainbow took no mind of that though. “Now, to kickstart the evening…” She held up a foal-sized piece of candy. It was caramel-covered chocolate, one of Rainbow’s favorites. She wouldn’t settle for anything but the best for her goddaughter, after all. “Here’s your first taste of candy!”

Dinky leaned forward to experimentally sniff at the offered treat. Then, as most foals were wont to do, she immediately put it in her mouth. Luckily, it actually happened to be something edible. Her eyes lit up as she rolled it around in her mouth for a while before swallowing, then smacked her lips, savoring the taste. “Yummy!”

“And thus, Dinky is introduced to candy,” Derpy quipped, her put-upon sigh belied by her smile. “I hope you know what you just got yourself into.”

“Awesomeness,” Rainbow answered without missing a beat, ruffling Dinky’s mane. “Yeah it was yummy. And now we can go get more.” Between her awesomeness and Dinky’s adorableness, they would clean Ponyville out of candy. Even Pinkie Pie would be jealous. It was all she could do not to break out into maniacal laughter.

Dinky looked up at her with wide-eyed wonder. “Moah?” She gasped when Rainbow nodded. “Moah!” she squealed as she latched onto Rainbow Dash.

Derpy shook her head. “I hope you two have fun. Nice, safe fun.” She removed her saddlebags and carefully put them over Rainbow’s costume.

Rainbow waved her off. “Yeah, yeah, relax Derpy. Meet you back at your place later. Say bye to your mom, kiddo.” She gently took one of Dinky’s hooves and waved it at Derpy.

Derpy smiled and waved back. “Have a good night, sweetie! Mommy loves you!”

Getting the idea, Dinky started flailing her remaining hooves. For if one hoof made Mommy smile, then more hooves would be even better! “Luvoobai!”

After an extended goodbye—complete with Derpy double-double checking that everything Dinky needed was in the saddlebags—she finally made her way home.

“Finally!” Rainbow shook her head. She knew Derpy was just being a good mom, but there were only so many times you could check the freshness of the milk from the same bottle before it became excessive. She shifted the weight of her saddlebags a bit, making sure they were secure. Now, with all the boring stuff out of the way, she guided Dinky towards the festivities. “Alright then, kiddo! Here’s what we have to do,” she explained as she walked over to Sugarcube Corner. “We knock on the door, then when somepony shows up you say, ‘Nightmare Night, what a fright, give me something sweet to bite!’ Got it?”

Dinky nodded eagerly. “Yah! Nyemah nigh! Myana tine, um…” Her muzzle wrinkled in concentration as she pondered those strange new words.

Rainbow patted her head. “Nevermind, it’s cool. Just watch.” She made her way up to the door and set Dinky down next to her, a little candy bag clutched in her hooves.

Mrs. Cake must’ve been excited for Nightmare Night too, for she arrived at the door almost immediately after Rainbow knocked, beaming and holding a bowl full of sweet treats. “Happy Nightmare Night!” She waved a costumed hoof, dressed like a none-too-aerodynamic acrobat.

“Nimah nigh!” Dinky repeated as she started hopping in excitement.

Mrs. Cake let out a delighted gasp, her hoof coming up to rest on her chest. “Oh, bless your little heart! Is it somepony's first time out?”

“You bet!” So much pride radiated from Rainbow’s tone that a passerby could be forgiven for thinking that Dinky was Rainbow’s own daughter. “Her very first Nightmare Night!” She paused slightly and winced. “Uh, Pinkie Pie isn’t here, is she?”

“No, she’s out for the evening,” Mrs. Cake chuckled. “I swear, she’s the biggest filly of them all—she had eight ideas for costumes and couldn’t settle on one, so she keeps popping back in to change into another. Last I saw, she was a gopher in a space suit.”

Rainbow blinked. “Okay then.”

“Oooookay den!” Dinky dutifully repeated. Even she knew that the pink pony was a very silly pony.

Mrs. Cake chuckled and patted her head. “Just a second, dear. I have something special for you.” After doling out a few treats into Dinky’s candy bag, she stepped back into the shop. When she emerged a moment later, it was with a fresh chocolate chip cookie. “Here you go!”

Dinky gasped as the delicious cookie was placed before her. “Angz!” She immediately tore into it, crumbs flying amidst noises that Mrs. Cake and Rainbow swore sounded like ‘nyam nyam nyam!’

The cookie was gone so fast even Rainbow Dash was awed by Dinky’s speed. “Heh, all done? Maybe you should’ve gone as a shark this year.” Still idly sucking the last crumbs off her hooves, Dinky looked up at Rainbow, her eyes wide. Rainbow felt her heart melt. Before she could ruin her fabled coolness by squeeing at the adorability of it, Dinky burped. Loudly. Rainbow laughed. “Heh, that's my godkid!” She patted her back, both out of pride and to make sure she got it all out of her system.

Mrs. Cake shook her head and giggled. “I'll take that as a compliment to the chef, then.”

Dinky nodded, for it was really good! “'Ummy!”

“Good girl. What do you say to Mrs. Cake?” Rainbow prodded.

“Zeegaball!” Dinky proclaimed, drawing a smile from both mares. Wondering if perhaps the silly big ponies didn’t understand, the little filly toddled over and wrapped her hooves around Mrs. Cake’s leg. “Fangoo!”

A wistful sigh escaped from Mrs. Cake as she knelt down to return it. “You're so welcome, dearie. Have a safely frightful night!”

“You bet we will!” Rainbow grinned. “Atta girl, Dinks. Now, do you want to get some more candy?”

Dinky nodded eagerly for candy was delicious! “Moah peez!”

“Sounds good!” Rainbow paused briefly. “Um, Mrs. Cake? You gonna let go or what…?”

“Hmm? Oh, I’m sorry.” Mrs. Cake sighed as she let Dinky out of her embrace and stood back up. “Just suppose I—nevermind.” She shook her head. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening! I need to go see Mr. Cake about some … things.” She smiled once more and quickly shut the door, leaving the bowl of candy on the stoop.

Rainbow tilted her head. “Huh, weird. Come on Dinky let’s keep the candy train a-rolling.” She walked her away from the shop, trying really hard not to notice all the lights suddenly going off inside and the curtains being drawn shut. Instead, she guided Dinky towards their next destination, Carousel Boutique. Dinky chewed her treats as she happily trotted alongside her godmommy.

Rainbow once again knocked on the door—but this time, she immediately flew up and out of sight of the shop’s proprietor when she opened the door a moment later. Dinky grinned and waved. “Raree! Nymah nigh!”

Rarity couldn’t repress a squeal of delight. “Oh hello, darling!” She leaned down to nuzzle her. That was when Rainbow Dash revealed herself, cackling menacingly as she loomed over her. Rarity let out a shriek of horror and looked up.

Rainbow Dash snickered at having gotten the drop on her. “Nice to see you too, Rares.”

“Cotton? For a uniform? How gauche!” She shrieked again.

Rainbow’s smile slipped, and she let out a groan as she lowered herself to the ground. "Okay, look, I didn't come here for fashion-y criticism of my totally awesome costume. We came here because Dinky's Nightmare Nighting for the first time, so could you make with the candy?"

“Peez?” Dinky implored, looking at Rarity with her big, pleading foal eyes.

Rarity never stood a chance. “Of course!” She used her magic to gently lift Dinky up and nuzzled her. “After all, it’s your special night, isn’t it darling? Oooh kiss-kiss!”

Dinky squealed and giggled. “Raree kissy!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes at Rarity’s mushy display, apparently unfamiliar with the concept of irony. After a moment of uneasy silence, she cleared her throat. “So … Rarity. What’s new with you?” She didn’t exactly have a lot in common with the local fashionista, which made conversations between the two of them a bit awkward.

Fortunately, being a social butterfly, Rarity was quick to slide into polite discourse. “Thank you for asking! As a matter of fact, things have been going exceptionally well for me. I pick up quite a bit of business this time of year—everypony adores my Nightmare Night costumes. They radiate elegance and poise, as well as fright and horror.”

Personally, Rainbow generally associated fright and horror with Rarity’s boutique, but not for that reason. “Yeah, well, I would’ve asked you but since Cloud Kicker’s family had this old armor, it seemed like the way to go. You know, for authenticity’s sake and all.”

“It is a rather striking costume,” Rarity admitted as she set Dinky down. “But as I said, cotton for the scarf was … not the best of choices. I may have some spare red cloth here for you, if you wish. It’s leftover from this simply delightful costume I made for my little sister Sweetie Belle. She’s going as a storybook princess!” Rarity sighed happily, a hoof over her heart. “Though I do wish she wouldn’t drool on the silk. It’s so hard to get out.”

“Uh, she’s a foal,” Rainbow observed dryly. “Drooling is kinda what they do.” Dinky decided to help Rainbow prove her point by toddling over to drool on her leg. “...thanks, Dinks.”

“Huwbwa.” Dinky mumbled happily around Rainbow’s leg, for she was being a helpful Dinky.

Rainbow idly patted her head. “I think we better be going. No offense, but I don’t want to bore Dinky with too much adult conversation when there’s Nightmare Night fun to be had. Right Dinks?”

Dinky nodded. “Lotta blabla.”

“Yes, I’m sure it’s Dinky who’s bored by adult conversation.” Rarity rolled her eyes as she deposited candy in Dinky’s bag. Clearing her throat, she nodded primly. “Very well. It was a delight having you both visit me. Take care, and do have fun.”

“Will do! Come on, Dinky we’ve got even more places to hit up for candy.” Rainbow ushered Dinky out as she waved goodbye to Rarity.

The eager foal wasted no time before her muzzle into her bag. Rainbow observed this with a bemused grin. “Taste good?”

Dinky nodded. “Ymmmee!” She frowned, smacking her lips and opening and closing her mouth a few times. “Shticky…”

“Yeah?” Rainbow looked around, soon spotting a promising looking cart. “There’s an idea … come on Dinky, let’s go see the Apples!” She guided Dinky to the cart, calling out as they drew close. “Applejack!” It actually took her a moment to recognize Applejack, for she lacked her trademark hat and was covered in bits and pieces of polished tin. “Hey, tin-mare!”

Applejack turned and waved. “Howdy, RD! Nice outfit!”

“Thanks, yours is pretty cool too. Actually, took me a minute,” Rainbow admitted. “I barely recognized you without your hat.”

That prompted an annoyed grumble from Applejack. “Yeah, well, the durn thing went missing. Strangest thing. Keep an eye open for it, will ya?” Her grumbling ceased when she spotted Rainbow’s company. “An' how're you doin', ya little sweetie?”

“Jay!” Dinky beamed, recognizing the pony in the shiny costume. She leaned forward and back to watch her reflection again.

Rainbow smirked. “We’re doing awesome, naturally. What do we say, Dinks?”

“Nyemah nigh!” Dinky chirped, getting the idea. Saying the words got her candy!

“An' happy Nightmare Night t'you as well!” Applejack ruffled her mane. “What can I do for ya?”

“Somepony could use a little drink to wash out sticky candy,” Rainbow explained, “Got anything?”

Applejack tossed her mane proudly. “Ya came t'the right stall, Rainbow.” She reached into the cart and pulled out a pair of cider bottles. “Foal-friendly cider! One free bottle per customer.”

“Cider, huh? It any good?” Rainbow asked.

Applejack looked affronted. “Of course it’s good you empty-headed, sky-jockeying, cricker-croaker! This is traditional Apple family cider, the best in all Equestria.”

Rainbow looked skeptical. “It’s really all that, huh? Then I guess it’s good enough for my godkid. I might even try one myself.”

“Gee, thanks.” Applejack rolled her eyes. “I’m honored. Really.” She opened up a smaller bottle and knelt down to give it to Dinky. “Here ya go, sugarcube.” Dinky eagerly gave it taste, her happy squeak indicating her approval. She began to gulp it down, spilling about as much as was actually going into her mouth. “Easy there, no need to rush.” She paused. “That’s your godmomma’s job. ‘Less we’re talking about her actual job in which case, she ain’t rushin’ to do anything.”

“Sorry, did you say something, Applejack?” Rainbow asked. “I couldn’t hear you since I was busy being awesome. I could give you pointers, but I guess you could ask your big brother, baby sister or your old granny if you wanted to. You know, seeing as all of them are way more interesting and cool than you are.”

Applejack gave her a mirthless smirk. “Here, lemme get yer cider ready for ya...” She grabbed a full-sized bottle of cider and began to shake it vigorously.

Dinky giggled at the funny noises. “Shakea shakea!”

Before Rainbow could ask what she was doing, Applejack pointed the bottle of cider towards her and opened it, spraying Rainbow Dash. Applejack smirked. “Oh, darn. Looks like ya were a bit overeager for that one, Rainbow.”

Dinky fell on her back, her legs wriggling as she cackled. “ZillyBoe!”

Rainbow pouted, cider still dripping off her. “Thanks a lot, Dinky…” But her annoyance proved to be short-lived, and faded completely when Dinky headed over to hug her leg, burying her face in Rainbow’s side. She rubbed Dinky’s head and instead glowered at Applejack as she shook herself off, deliberately directing most of it her way. Applejack merely accepted it with a shrug. Before Rainbow could say anything further, a stray droplet of cider trickled down to her mouth. After giving it a quick taste, her eyes lit up. “That’s … whoa. That is really good.”

“What’d I tell you?” Applejack wiped a hoof across her face. “Lemme grab ya another one to make up for that.”

“You better.” Rainbow thought for a moment and added. “Extra candy too. Chop chop, or else I'll tell your Granny you're being stingy with the clients.”

“Yeah, you do that.” Applejack rolled her eyes but complied, giving Dinky a candied apple. “There you go!”

“Fangoo, Appaja!” Dinky said before trying to fit her mouth around the tasty treat, with mixed success.

“Ye're quite welcome, sugarcube.” She paused, before looking to Rainbow Dash. “Um, how much candy has she had so far?”

“Why?” Rainbow followed Applejack’s gaze. That’s when she saw Dinky’s ever-growing wider grin and her wriggling about. “Uh, you okay kiddo?”

Dinky finished her apple, then let out a high-pitch squeal and started running around Rainbow Dash in a circle, moving so quickly even Rainbow almost got dizzy trying to follow her. “Oh geeze, hold still!” She tried to grab Dinky, but missed. “Calm down, kiddo!” However, the little filly continued to do her impression of an over-excited puppy, running around all helter-skelter. She would start running in one direction, then abruptly stop and shear off in another, sometimes turning on a dime and doubling back.

She raced over to a small bucket set up for apple-bobbing and proceed to chomp furiously at the apples floating within. After a few failed attempts, she devised a simple solution to obtain the elusive prize: she hopped right into the bucket and swam right over to the closest apple. “Gotta!”

Applejack winced. “Yep, that’s a filly on a sugar-rush all right. Reminds me of one time with Apple Bloom. That got to be a real mess, especially she wiggled outta her diaper.”

“How is that helpful?” Rainbow snapped, not even wanting to think about that prospect. Dinky meanwhile had already hopped out of the bucket and shook herself dry. Spying the spider toss, she gasped and ran over. She took the fake spiders and proceeded to toss them at everyone and everything except the web. Rainbow sped over to her, but her armor and saddlebags weighed her down. “Hold up, squirt!”

Before she could get close enough, Dinky let out a squeal and ran away from Rainbow, for this was the newest game she was playing! Despite the armor, Rainbow still could’ve grabbed Dinky if she went all out—but snatching a filly at high speeds didn’t seem like a good idea, especially when she sometimes stopped short. She didn’t want to explain to Derpy that she accidentally stepped on her daughter. They’d never find her pieces. “Dinky, would you please come back here?!”

But her shouts went unheeded. Dinky giggled maniacally and darted in front of random ponies, shouting, “Nyemah nigh!” as loudly as she could, expecting to get candy.

“Y’all might want to get in front of that.” Applejack offered. “Want me to help?”

“I got this!” Rainbow snapped. “You take care of selling apples and apple accessories and I’ll take care of things with my goddaughter.” She didn’t even wait to hear her reply, taking off after her wayward charge.

Dinky ricocheted from one house to another, knocking the doors and shouting only to run across the street to the next house if the owner didn’t immediately answer.

“Oh for—this is like herding cats!” Rainbow groaned, positioning herself in front of the next door. She managed to grab Dinky when she zipped past. “Gotcha!” She grunted, trying to hold the squirming filly in place. “Come on—hold still … for the love of Celestia, where's your off switch?!”

“Here!” Dinky giggled, booping Rainbow’s muzzle.

Not quite sure but not having any better ideas, Rainbow Dash booped her back. Dinky’s eyes went wide. “Oooh.” There was a moment where Rainbow felt a brief spike of hope, only to be crushed by her continued excited squealing and flailing. “Boeboop!” Dinky giggled.

Rainbow’s face fell. “Aww come on, can't you settle—hold still—GAH!” She almost dropped her, quickly moving her hooves around for a better grip. “So slippery…”

“Sli-pah-ree!” Dinky cheered, for this was a good thing.

With a martyred groan similar to Derpy’s from earlier in the night, Rainbow carried Dinky. “Come on, just settle down and we can—”

“Hi, Rainbow Dash!”

The sound of that familiar perky tones made Rainbow groan: Pinkie Pie. She couldn’t deal with this right now. She was already dealing with a hyped-up, sugar-loaded, out of control filly, and she really didn’t need another one.

Rainbow briefly glanced at Pinkie before readjusting her hold on Dinky—then almost let go as she did a double-take. Pinkie was wearing a ninja-like body suit, a pirate’s bandana and eyepatch (which for some reason had a single goggle over it), cowpony boots and a matching hat, all of which sat atop a spacepony helmet. “I'm gonna have to work really hard next year to top this!” Pinkie beamed proudly.

After goggling for a moment, Rainbow Dash asked the only question she could muster. “Pinkie Pie, what are you even ... did Rarity's wardrobe explode?”

“Nopey-dopey! I couldn't decide what to wear, so I chose everything.” Pinkie nodded. “I’m a cowboy-ninja-pirate-spacepony from the cyberpunk future!”

As much as Rainbow didn’t want to admit it, that really did sound cool. Amid all the chaos, one thing stood out. “Isn’t that Applejack’s hat?”

Pinkie Pie scrunched her muzzle and chuckled weakly. “What? Nooooo, don’t be silly, silly.”

Rainbow thought about pushing the issue, but shrugged it off. After all, it was funnier leaving things as they were. Dinky apparently thought so too, curiously reaching out to Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie gasped and began to smile even wider when she saw her. “Heeeeya Dinky Dinks!”

“'Inkee!” Dinky squirmed, reaching out for hugs. Rolling her eyes, Rainbow held her out so Pinkie could hold her.

“Wow! She's not scared at all, is she?” Pinkie asked, cuddling Dinky close.

“She's young. She doesn't know any better,” Rainbow deadpanned. “Don't let her go. I just caught her after she went running around out of control. Her first sugar-high.”

Pinkie Pie blinked as Dinky’s hooves explored her face, smooshing and stretching it out. “Woah, no kidding! She seems preeetty antsy.”

“It's like trying to hold onto a greased lightning cloud,” Rainbow groaned. “How do you calm a filly on a sugar-rush down? I figure your parents must’ve been experts on it.” Her question was mostly rhetorical, she wasn’t actually looking for an answer from Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie put on a pondering look, though that may have been Dinky, who was still trying to reshape her face. “Well, they used to play ‘Sit Quietly and Look at Rocks’ with me, but we don’t have any good quartz here, so that’s out.”

“Right.” Rainbow didn’t even want to ask. Then again, she hadn’t really meant to ask Pinkie Pie for advice in the first place, not that it seemed to stop her.

“Sorry, Dashie. You just gotta let 'em run themselves ragged and use up all their pep. But that’s not the super-bestest idea when it's late at night like this.” Pinkie distracted Dinky by waggling the tip of her fluffy pink tail right in front of Dinky’s muzzle. The presence of this squirming pink fluffy thing soon entranced the little filly as she kept trying to grab it. She soon succeeded, hugging Pinkie’s tail to her and cuddling it like a blanket. “Aww, look at her go! So focused and determined—she reminds me of my sister!”

Rainbow Dash sighed and rubbed her face. “Great. I can't take her home and lock her up for the night. She'll drive Derpy nuts, Derpy'll be mad at me, and Dinky will have missed out on half of her first Nightmare Night ever.”

Pinkie tapped a bubble pipe against her muzzle thoughtfully, despite the fact that Rainbow was sure she hadn’t been holding one a moment ago. Again, she chose not to question it. Dinky reached out to pop the bubbles as they floated near her, suddenly reminded of her mother. “Hmmmm ... she doesn't like the holiday, buuuut Fluttershy's place is bound to be nice and peaceful,” Pinkie pointed out. “Hyper as lil' Dinky is right now, she might really appreciate some company tonight!”

Rainbow blinked. “That’s … actually a really great idea. Thanks, Pinkie!”

“No problem!” Pinkie giggled. “Tell ya what, I’ll keep Nightmare Nighting for you and Dinky so you don’t get to miss out on any candy while you visit Fluttershy. I’ll even dress up like you and Dinky if you want!”

“Uh, no that won’t be necessary. But we’ll take you up on gathering candy for us. Thanks. Come on, Dinky.” Rainbow blinked when she saw that Dinky was no longer in Pinkie’s hooves. “Dinky? Where did you go?” She whipped her around, looking everywhere before whirling back to Pinkie Pie. “How could you lose her like gah!” She yelped when she saw Dinky inside Pinkie’s space helmet and clinging tightly to Pinkie’s face.

“Help!” Pinkie Pie flailed. “Face-hugger, she’s a FACE-HUGGER!” She ran around, her vision totally obscured by adorableness. “This only means bad!”

“How did you even…” Rainbow rubbed her forehead. “Why do I ask questions I don’t want to know the answers to?” She idly wondered if this sort of thing happened to other ponies. Lucky ponies. Ponies who didn’t know Pinkie Pie. Unfortunately, her existential ruminations had distracted Rainbow enough to let Pinkie—and by extension, Dinky—get away.

Pinkie ran through town, waving her hooves and shouting barely comprehensible ramblings. Typically this would just be another day in Ponyville, but the fact that she was in a crazy costume and had a gray blur obscuring her face meant that most ponies didn’t recognize her. It was the Flower Trio who started the panic, because of course they would. Roseluck let out a shriek and fainted dead away as Lily shouted. “Look out! It’s a monster!”

Townsponies fled from the scene as Pinkie ran back and forth. Rainbow suspected that Pinkie wasn’t actually panicking, but was only playing it up because … well, because Pinkie. If she ever fully understood that mare, she’d immediately seek psychiatric help.

She landed in the middle of the street, waiting patiently. For all of three seconds. “Pinkie! Are you done freaking out yet?”

Pinkie stopped short. “Aww, but it’s fun to get your freak on! Or freak out … both work!” From inside her helmet, Dinky giggled.

“Okay, Dinks, can you come on out?” Rainbow forced herself to smile widely. “After all, your candy is out here, isn’t it?”

Gasping, Dinky nodded and let go of Pinkie’s face, crawling into her mane. Rainbow blinked as Dinky re-emerged from Pinkie Pie’s tail. That at least solved the mystery of how she’d gotten inside the helmet. As for the wider question… “Nope. Not asking.”

Dinky wriggled and hopped down to the ground, giggling as she scampered away. “Sorry Pinkie talk to you later, thanksforgettingusmorecandy!” Rainbow took off after her. "DINKY!”

“BOOOOOOOOOOOOOE!” Dinky screeched in reply, giggling because shouting names was fun! She gasped, spotting a new pony. “CLOOOWWW!”

Cloud Kicker, dressed in old-fashioned armor, blinked at the running, screaming foal circling around her. When she saw Rainbow Dash, everything clicked for her. “You gave her too much candy, didn’t you?”

“CANDEEEEEEEE!” Dinky squealed, pre-empting any possible denial from Rainbow.

“Not now, Kicker.” Rainbow grumbled, trying to readjust the straps on Derpy’s saddlebags so they wouldn’t weigh so heavily on her. “Should’ve known I’d be wearing armor, but how are Derpy’s baby-bags heavier?”

“Sounds about right for a new mom,” Cloud observed calmly, making no move to actually help Rainbow. “I’d ask how your night was going, but...”

“NYEMAH NIGH!” Dinky shrieked, only to stop short when she spotted something on Cloud’s back. “‘LUA!”

Cloud’s little sister Alula blinked when she saw Dinky and instantly lit up. “Din!” she squealed, her tiny hooves dancing up and down on her big sister’s back.

With a sigh, Cloud lowered Alula. “Okay, there you two go. Happy Nightmare Night, Dinky.”

Alula's hooves had barely touched the ground before Dinky zoomed up and hugged her. “Hi!”

Rainbow gave Alula a pat on the head. “Hey, little Kicker. How’re you doing?”

“Gotta candee?” Dinky asked, poking around.

Alula grinned up at Rainbow. “Canee?”

Dinky gasped, excitedly hugging Alula. “Lotta kandee!”

Rainbow sighed, but dug into her own candy bag to drop a few pieces in each of their own. “Sure. Happy Nightmare Night, kiddo.”

“Yaaaaay!” Alula cheered, doing a little happy hop. Dinky soon followed suit, with them hopping around Rainbow and Cloud.

“Softy.” Cloud Kicker poked Rainbow in the side, smirking. “What happened? She keep pouting at you until you gave her all the candy?”

“Shut up,” Rainbow Dash grumbled. “What’re you doing here?”

Cloud Kicker pointed to Alula as she bounded past. “Taking my little sister out for Nightmare Night fun? Same as you? We’re actually heading back to see Mom. I’d invite you to come with, but...”

“CANDYYYYY!” Dinky yelled as she ran past again.

“Yeah, that.” Cloud winced. “You need any—”

“No!” Rainbow barked. “I don’t need any help with my goddaughter, okay?”

Cloud held her up hooves. “Whoa, whoa, easy there. No need to bring out the thunderclouds. Just being friendly.”

Immediately feeling a twinge of guilt only made Rainbow Dash unhappier. “Yeah, well … I know. Sorry.” She rubbed her face. “I don’t know why ponies offering to help tonight is annoying me so much.”

“That does bother some ponies,” Cloud offered.

“It’s not that,” Rainbow shook her head. “It’s more like how they all just assumed I needed their help. Like I can’t take care of my godkid on my own.”

Cloud Kicker sighed. “I’ll be nice and not point out the fact that Dinky is running around screaming on a sugar binge on your watch, even though she is.” She let that briefly sink in, then continued before Rainbow could speak up. “I don’t know what other ponies said or didn’t, but I somehow doubt they offered to help because they thought you were dumb or weren’t a good godmom. I think they wanted to help because—going out on a limb here—ponies like helping out.” She draped her wing over Rainbow’s back. “You remember how much you helped Derpy when she was starting out. Did you do that because you thought she wasn’t a good mom?”

“What? No, of course not. She’s the best. I…” Rainbow sputtered, but fell silent.

“But what?” Cloud asked, one eye carefully kept on the freewheeling foals.

Rainbow grumbled. “This isn’t what I’m the best at, like flying or competing or being awesome. It feels like everypony’s rushing to offer to help because they don’t think I do anything outside of that stuff.”

“Is this what other ponies think, or what you think?” Cloud pressed, wing-hugging her. “You know you’re great at a lot things, besides flying or being a super-awesome pony, right?”

“Yeah...” Rainbow shook her head. “It’s … look, you know you're awesome, right?”

Cloud Kicker nodded, “Yeah.”

Rainbow snorted, amused by her lack of false modesty. It’s part of what she really liked about Cloud. “You're funny, you're easy going, ponies like you—” She rolled her eyes when Cloud gestured for her to go on. “But all those things that make you awesome, doesn’t it also make some ponies think that you aren’t responsible or whatever? Like your mom?” She didn’t have anything against Nimbus Kicker, but that mare radiated all the warmth of a windigo. “Doesn’t she ever act like she doesn't think you're responsible enough to look after Alula, or whatever?”

Cloud hesitated, then grimaced. “Okay, yeah. But I kinda had to just be me. If Mom approves, great. If not, I can't spend my whole life trying to get her approval.”

“Yeah but…” Rainbow bit her lip. “It still sucks, you know? Having other ponies think of you that way, like you're only awesome as this or that but not really good for other stuff.”

“Hey.” Cloud gave her a quick nuzzle. “I know, but you just need to be good with yourself, and don't worry about everyone else. I mean, who gets to decide what kind of awesome you are? Them or you?”

Rainbow Dash didn’t even have to think twice about it. “Yeah, alright. Thanks.” She wanted to say something more, but couldn’t find the words. So she punched Cloud Kicker in the shoulder.

Cloud received the message and punched her back, grinning all while. “Glad to help, you big dope.”

“You’re the dope,” Rainbow grumbled, but without any real annoyance. “I guess I’m going to follow Pinkie’s advice—Celestia help me—and take Dinky to Fluttershy’s for a bit. You want to bring Alula?”

Even as she made the offer, Rainbow knew what Cloud’s response would be, and she didn’t disappoint her—which itself was a disappointment. Cloud’s ears wilted slightly and she coughed. “That sounds nice, but I’ll pass on dropping by Eepy’s. Mom’s expecting me and Alula and I shouldn’t keep her waiting.” The next time Alula ran past again, she sprung into action and picked her up. “There you are you little sneak. Ready to go home?” Alula blinked once, then nodded, expressing her approval by grabbing Cloud’s muzzle.

Rainbow sighed, but let it go. One issue at a time. When Dinky wandered over, wondering where Alula had gone, Rainbow picked her up in turn. “Hey kiddo. Cloud and Alula have to go home, but we’re going to see Fluttershy. Isn’t that cool?”

Dinky gasped and started to flail again. “YAAAH! SHY!” She waved to Cloud and Alula. “Luvoo buhbai!”

Cloud and Alula waved back. “See you later, little muffin. You too hot-flanks!” Cloud called out to Rainbow as she turned away. Rainbow felt her cheeks burn, but she didn’t want to give Cloud the satisfaction of seeing her react. That, and she didn’t want Dinky to repeat any of the things on the tip of her tongue. She instead made her way onto the path that led out of town and towards Fluttershy’s place.

Not wanting to fly with a wriggly foal, Rainbow opted to let Dinky down so she could walk. It was a good distance to Fluttershy’s house, which she hoped would bleed off Dinky’s excess energy and tire her out. “Alright then, follow me!” She led Dinky to Fluttershy’s cottage, one eye keeping constant watch over her. More than once the foal would get distracted and run off to the side before being guided back. As they drew close, Dinky was entranced by the pond beside the cottage, especially her own reflection in the water.

“Look, we’re here!” Rainbow pointed Dinky to the front door in the desperate hopes of keeping her from going for a swim. “Fluttershy’s house!”

Luckily, those seemed to be the magic words, for Dinky ran over and sat down in front of the door expectantly. She knew that knocking on doors meant candy!

Rainbow Dash didn’t think she’d be so lucky. Unlike every other house in Ponyville, Fluttershy’s was completely devoid of any Nightmare Night decorations. The doors, windows and curtains were all pulled shut and there didn’t seem to be any lights on. Rainbow knocked. She heard the faint sound of somepony stumbling about in the dark, but nopony answered. She pounded on the door again. “Fluttershy! It’s me! Let me in, it’s an emergency!”

Fluttershy’s unusually determined shout came through the door. “No! It's Nightmare Night! I'm not opening the door for anything!”

With an annoyed grumble, Rainbow let her forehead lean against the door in frustration. However, a solution soon presented itself. “I have Dinky with me.”

She heard a series of locks and deadbolts being quickly undone at breakneck speed. It was only by the barest of margins that she was able to jump back before Fluttershy flung open the door, nearly hitting her in the face. Fluttershy grabbed her and Dinky and dragged them both inside, slamming and relocking the door behind them. It all happened so fast that even Rainbow was impressed. Fluttershy leaned against the door. “Hello ... Rainbow,” she panted. “And Dinky!” Her eyes lit up, and she lifted her off the ground and hugged her close. “Oh, hello sweetheart!”

“Hi Flutters,” Rainbow deadpanned. “Happy Nightmare Night.”

“Oh, sorry, Rainbow Dash, but I usually don't get trick-or-treaters.” Fluttershy shuffled her hooves awkwardly while still cuddling Dinky. “Um ... I'm ... I usually stay in. On my own. I’m not that fond of Nightmare Night.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Gee, would never have guessed if you hadn’t pointed it out to me.”

“Nymeh nye!” Dinky cheered, waving her hooves about wildly, squirming about in Fluttershy’s hold.

Rainbow sighed. “Somepony’s got a sugar rush and needs some calming down..”

“Oh, I see,” Fluttershy nodded, only to pause when it truly sank in. “Oh dear.” Dinky half-slid, half-flopped out of her hooves and proceeded to zoom through Fluttershy’s cottage, running up and down the stairs, in and out of the kitchen, and around both mares. Birds and small critters squawked and fled to their nests in the rafters.

One particularly angry looking rabbit scampered over to Rainbow and kicked her in the shin. “Ow! Hey!” But the livid lapine wasn’t finished, chittering and hopping up and down and making what even Rainbow recognized were rude gestures. “Charming.”

Fluttershy gasped. “Angel! You know that behavior isn’t at all appropriate!” The only response was a half-eaten carrot bouncing off her head. Angel stuck out his tongue and hopped up onto the fridge, watching the chaos as Dinky ran through again.

“Yeah, I might need a little help with this,” Rainbow admitted, wincing. “Any ideas?”

Unfortunately for her, Fluttershy shook her head. “Not really, no. This is the sort of thing little foals just need to get out of their system.”

“WeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeee!!!!” Dinky zipped past them, pausing only to briefly hug each of them in turn before continuing.

Rainbow sighed. “Thanks anyway.”

Fluttershy waited for Dinky to run around her again before quickly but carefully scooping her up. Dinky still squirmed, but calmed down a bit as Fluttershy sat down on the sofa and cradled her in her lap. “And hello again, Dinky! Ooh, you've gotten so much bigger since I last saw you!”

“Shy!” Dinky squeaked as she reached out to boop Fluttershy’s nose.

“She's just so perfect.” Fluttershy smiled, bouncing her gently. “You're really lucky to have her as a goddaughter, you know that?”

Rainbow reached down to rub Dinky’s head, her voice uncharacteristically soft. “Yeah, I do.” She sat down next to Fluttershy and stretched her wing until it was draped across Fluttershy’s back. “Thank you.”

“Luvoo!” Dinky cooed from the comfort of her hug. She reached forward and poked Fluttershy’s belly. “Ooooh… Squishawarm!!”

That won a smirk of amusement from Rainbow. “Told you that you should start training with me, Flutters.”

“Thank you, but no.” Fluttershy shook her head. “I'm as fit as I need to be for my work. Besides, little ponies like Dinky need a little plumpness to sit on. Otherwise they can get fussy. We can’t have that, now can we?” She held up Dinky for nuzzles. The little filly giggled and grabbed onto Fluttershy’s muzzle in an all-encompassing hug. “Ditzy's so lucky to have a sweet little foal like her, and a friend like you to help her with her.”

Rainbow shrugged. “She isn’t the one who really needed help. I mean, I came to you because Dinky was getting out of hoof.”

“Everypony needs help sometimes, even with the things we’re good at.” Fluttershy stroked Dinky’s mane. “Sometimes I have to go to Doctor Fauna when one of my animal friends needs extra help. You’re doing very well with Dinky,” she smiled. “Sometimes I think she’s a lucky filly to have two wonderful mothers.

Rainbow felt her face warm, but was luckily spared from having to answer when something brushed against her leg. She looked down and saw a visibly pregnant otter tentatively sniffing her leg. “Uh, ‘Shy?”

Fluttershy looked down, then smiled. “Oh hello Mrs. Otter! We have some visitors today. This is my good friend Rainbow Dash and her goddaughter, Dinky Doo. Would you like to come up to see them?”

The otter nodded, her rudder-like tail thumping against the floor. Dinky looked down, leaning forward curiously. “Ooooooh.”

“So, what should I do?” Rainbow reached down.

Fluttershy carefully watched her. “Don't try to pick her up from her belly, and don't let Dinky be too rough when she pets her.”

Left unsettled by the sensation of Fluttershy watching her like a hawk, Rainbow was careful to gently pick her furry friend up and set it down on the couch next to Dinky. “There you go. Say hi, Dinky. Be gentle.”

Dinky leaned forward, curiously studying this small furry thing. Intrigued, she patted it with her hoof, giggling at the soft fuzzy feel. Rainbow tensed as the otter let out a squeaky barky, but she relaxed when saw the otter rest her head on Dinky’s hoof and get comfortable.

Fluttershy cooed softly. “That’s a good filly. Be careful, Mrs. Otter has a baby in her tummy.” Dinky looked curiously at the bulge in the otter’s stomach. She reached out for it, but Fluttershy quickly stopped her. “No no, you mustn’t touch. Just stroke her back, gently, like this.” She rubbed Mrs. Otter’s back demonstratively.

Dinky patted the otter, giggling. “Izzan ah-ta!”

“That’s right, it’s an otter! “Fluttershy giggled too. “It looks like I may have to talk to Ditzy about getting this little one a pet. Something tells me she likes otters.”

“She is calming down,” Rainbow noted. “I guess Derpy’ll have to learn to make clam muffins.”

Fluttershy gave a giddy little squeal. “It’s so amazing when a pony bonds with a special little animal friend. I just want everypony to have what me and Angel have.”

Rainbow wouldn’t wish that on her worst enemy, let alone her goddaughter.

Dinky started to squirm in Fluttershy’s grip, reaching out for Rainbow. “Aww, I think somepony misses her godmommy!” Fluttershy beamed. Mrs. Otter nodded, her whiskers twitching.

“Boe!” Dinky nodded, for Rainbow was her Boe.

Rainbow smiled dopily as she reached out to hold her. “Heh, love you Dinks. You’ve had a long tonight, haven’t you? Bet you’re tired, huh?”

Dinky gave a tiny yawn as she wiggled to get closer, feeling the comfortable warmth of Rainbow’s embrace. “Yumee…”

Rainbow patted her back. “Ready to go home and see your mom?”

“Snugga,” Dinky murmured sleepily.

Fluttershy couldn’t resist and excited squeak. “She's so worn out. Ditzy will probably thank you for that.”

“I better get her home for some snuggling with Favorite.” Rainbow stood and headed for the door. “Thanks again, Fluttershy. Have a good night.”

“You too.” Fluttershy fidgeted briefly. “Be careful! It's spooky out there!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Don't worry Shy, nothing's too spooky for us, right Dinks?” Her only response was a soft snore from the tuckered-out foal.

“She’s so brave.” Fluttershy giggled. “Good night!”

Rainbow Dash flew back to town, Dinky cradled in her forelegs. She never stirred once, not even when Rainbow landed right outside her mom’s house. Derpy must have been waiting for them, for she opened the door before Rainbow could even knock. She beamed at the sight of her daughter. “Uh-oh, looks like somepony had too much excitement.”

“Heh, no such thing.” Rainbow stroked Dinky’s mane. “She had a great night, seeing lots of ponies in costumes, getting candy, snuggling with Fluttershy and her otter friend.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Thank you so much.” Derpy smiled. “Could you go tuck her in? I don't want to wake her up, and she's already so comfortable…”

Rainbow nodded. “Absolutely. I promised her some snuggle time anyway and I am kinda beat myself.”

Derpy gave her a grateful nuzzle. “Go ahead and lie down, then. I'll put your candy on the table. Pinkie was by earlier with more.” She paused. “A lot more. I don’t think you or Dinky would have any teeth left if you tried to eat it all, but I suppose it’s the thought that counts.”

Rainbow let out a snicker. “Yeah, that sounds like Pinkie Pie.” She walked to Dinky’s room, reaching into her crib for Dinky’s blanket, Favorite. She gently wrapped Dinky up in it, but she didn’t even stir. After taking off her costume, Rainbow carried Dinky to the guest room and settled down on the bed, gently laying Dinky on her stomach. She was asleep in ten seconds flat.

The End

Author's Note:

Happy Halloween folks!

Special thanks again to Comma-Kazie, Chengar Qordath and Ponibius for editing and pre-reading.

Comments ( 5 )

D'awww, and now I have adorabetes :rainbowkiss:

A very cute little story.

God, this was so cute. :D My teeth have dissolved from the cuteness.

Awww, that was great fun. "“Lotta blabla" cracked me up. Glad to see you writing again.

That's some good Dinkabetes right there. Thank you for it.

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