• Published 7th Dec 2017
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The Book Of Friendship - XombieSlayr

Join Starlight and Trixie as they read through the legendary Book of Friendship, an ancient tome filled with secrets that nopony else has ever known!

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The Alicorn Empire

(The following information was retrieved from The Pre-Equestrian Section of The Canterlot archives by one notable historian, Myth Finder. She later documented what she found, here in this passage. PLEASE DO NOT MISUSE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN ANY WAY. Failure to do so, may result in permanent banning from the Archives.

Thank You.)

"Huh." Starlight said aloud, turning the book over with her magic."I wonder what this was doing under here, then."

Starlight examined the cover of the large white book she had found wedged under a bookshelf, while checking out a few (hundred something) books for Twilight from The Royal Canterlot Archives.

The bright golden lettering on the front, immediately caught her eye. It said one word only: "Hello."

Starlight scrunched her face in confusion as she removed a large note that had been attached to the front of the book. She quickly scanned over it.

Treecicle's Notes: The Alicorn Empire.

The Alicorn Empire was an immensely powerful monarchy that was once the largest body of Equine Kingdoms in our world, entirely made up of Alicorns, including The Goddess, who would go on to create The Earth, Pegasus and Unicorn races of Equestria. For 100,000 years they controlled half of the entire world with no issues.

They were a single, unifying body that controlled and housed the first Equine kingdoms to settle on Concordia. Led by the legendary Alicorn Queen, Omnipotence, The Alicorn Empire was comprised of 20 Alicorn Kingdoms that founded the empire over 800 years after Omnipotence and Eclipsa journeyed to Concordia from their homeworld. Despite her hoof in building the empire, Eclipsa herself had very little to do with it, and instead sanctioned to rule over her own empire, on the other side of the world. But she stayed in touch with her sister the whole time.

The Alicorn Empire was vast, powerful, limitless in resources, wealth and intelligence and was the first step towards Equines calling Concordia home.

So...lets put things into perspective here.

The Alicorn Empire controlled half of the entire world, without issue for over 100,000 years. 100 centuries of absolute power and prosperity over half of the world, and not a single problem for the entire duration of it's existence?!

NO other empire in the history of Equine-kind has ever lasted that long, not even Equestria itself, which has been ruled by Princess Celestia and Luna for at least 1000 years. That much power over one entire half of the world, without being overthrown, or collapsing under it's own weight? That is....beyond amazing.

But HOW did they do it? Well, I did some more research (Which I may or may not have broken into the Canterlot University Museum in the dead of night to retrieve, but....I digress) and I think I may have found out.

First: Literally, the other half of the world was ruled by Eclipsa's Kingdom, which was just as powerful (If not more so in some cases) as The Alicorn Kingdom. If your beloved sister is the ruler of the only other empire that rivals your own...then you don't have much to worry about. Together, they ruled it all.

Second: Queen Omnipotence was the creator and patron saint of the Alicorn race, as well as the first of her species to show friendship to another pony, something that on her homeworld, was unheard of. She was the Celestia of her day....actually, if what I've managed to find out about her is true, then she makes Celestia look like Discord, by today's standards.

And Lastly: GEOGRAPHY. This is the biggest one. The factor that guaranteed The Alicorn Empire absolute power for a hundred thousand years, if not longer still.

So now, let's talk Geography!

The Alicorn Empire consisted of all of where Equestria is today, as well as several island nations and kingdoms. The other half of the world was of course under the rule of Eclipsa. And in between these two empires, smaller nations flourished and grew under alliance with The Alicorns.

And then there's the ocean. A massive body of water, that connected the Alicorn Empire to Eclipsa's Kingdom and allowed the rest of the world, free trade and travel. This kind of influence only strengthened the empire's power. Not only that but their Naval Military also protected and maintained several checkpoints across the seas.

And then there's the heart of the empire: Aliaewah, The Birthplace of The Alicorn Empire, The gleaming spire sitting atop the Great Alicorn City.

Oh, yes they had MANY kingdoms, that dotted what would one day be Equestria, but do you know where Aliaewah was? Where it was that Queen Omnipotence, and her sister would meet? Where the Alicorn Empire's brightest and mightiest would collaborate,and indeed the future and plans of the empire were sculpted?

On top of a cloud.

Thousands of feet above the planet.

From which you need to be an Alicorn to even set hoof on, as well as come back down from. Not even a Pegasus could trot in those sacred grounds.

Yeah, pretty sure nopony's invading that place anytime soon.

Starlight's eyes were wide as dinner plates as she couldn't contain her curiosity and amazement. She had to know more!

With great care, she opened the book to the first page. It was here, that she learned about Queen Omnipotence and her sister Eclipsa: The very first Alicorns to settle on Concordia, and the founders of their entire civilization. She couldn't put it down.

This book, whatever it was clearly held secrets. Secrets that Starlight had never imagined were out there. Things she knew right from the beginning that she would never read in any other book, nor hear about in any museum. These were things nopony in the world knew, except for her and apparently this mysterious author, Treecicle, whoever she was. Starlight tried to check the book out but it wasn't in the archives system, so the librarian simply let Starlight take it. Upon returning to Twilight's castle, Starlight became engrossed in the possibilities the book meant for not just Equestria, but possibly the world.

It was then, that Starlight decided to make it her mission to research and log all the amazing things the book revealed to her as she read through it. So she began keeping a journal.

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