• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,824 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

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Work was beginning to become a much less enjoyable experience for Sugar. She was walking on thin ice every day when it came to Saradiamond and Mineral Water. The thestral looked down at the Crystal Empire, its tall buildings gravitating her toward them. Mineral once told her that the kingdom was considered the most beautiful city over one-thousand years ago. But to Sugar, it was nothing more than a prison she made for herself.

Part of Sugar wanted to tell Saradiamond that Mineral was the inspiration for the actually named Mineral Milk Cookie. But Sugar was very afraid of the obvious conflict that was to come. Not to mention, Steadfast knew the truth thanks to Saradiamond confirming he read Sugar’s article.

The Emerald District and its green homes twinkled from the sun’s rays as if to call the thestral down. Since Mineral was on half of Sugar’s mind, she chose to make her routinely hug attempt as well as see the friend she was undeniably in love with.

As she came closer to the ground, Sugar noticed a large cluster of ponies parting from the train station. It was hard to see who they were, but there was no doubt that an important body or bodies have arrived at the kingdom. They would have become more important to Sugar if Mineral wasn’t her friend. She shook her head at the thought of her friend being less meaningful. It was disgusting to consider ponies she knew nothing about over a pony who cannot be replaced.

Sugar licked her lips as she touched down as if she was preparing to soften them for a kiss. Then again, the thestral wouldn’t mind if Mineral suddenly opened his door and planted his mouth onto her own. It would be a great way to begin the day.

She knocked a few times on the door and waited.

And waited..

And waited...

Sugar pawed at the door a few times, making sure the knob was locked and secured. It was, thankfully. Again, she knocked a few more times a lot harder than before. But the result was the same. Mineral Water did not come to the door.

She stood outside Mineral’s home without moving. Something kept Sugar waiting. Was it because she wanted to avoid Saradiamond? Or was Sugar’s hunger to embrace Mineral much more starved than before? Regardless of the answer, the thestral remained put.


The sudden voice startled Sugar Crush, and she leaped into the air. Sugar looked down from the cloud she took refuge in to see Mineral looking up at her. Several brown paper bags levitated beside the stallion filled to the brim of various items. “Sorry,” he called to her. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”

Sugar flew down to Mineral at a dangerous speed, but she managed to slow down in the nick of time. Her leathery wings blew a gust of dust, wind, and a few leaves in the stallion’s face. “Good morning!”

An orange leaf clung to Mineral’s mane as if it naturally grew from his cranium. “You seem chipper today.”

“I just wanted to see you is all.”

Mineral’s flushed face looked away from Sugar. “I can tell.” The blush overwhelmed the mare, and she took a few steps forward with a smirk equipped. “If you can also tell, you will see that I have groceries to place inside.”

“There is also a thestral eager to help you with them.”

“Not unless I pause.” Sugar saw the fun-ruiner reach for his nose but quickly responded by grabbing the hoof. As they struggled, Mineral asked, “So what brings you to my home so early?”

“The usual. Just trying to hug you.”

The bags were placed on the ground while Mineral walked forward, his strength forcing the mare back. “Anything else?”

“Well, the interview Morganite held for us is out and-”

Mineral’s strength weakened. “It is!” It was the opening Sugar was waiting for. She leaped forward and felt her breast come in contact with Mineral’s chest. I got him! I finally got him! The “victory” was short-lived, and the stallion disappeared in a flash of light and sparkles. Sugar was about to get a mouthful of grass, but she was caught by a magical veil. “Come inside!” Mineral said as he levitated Sugar and his groceries toward his home. “You need to tell me about it!”


The massive crystal doors fanned open with the ease of unicorn magic. Rarity and Pinkie Pie led the group of guards while Spike sat on the back of a crystal guard. Ready to greet them, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor stood in the throne room with their child fluttering around Sunburst just mear inches from his arms.

“Good morning!” Princess Cadence said, her voice echoing off the hollow walls.

“Good morning to you four as well,” Rarity responded.

“Hey, Flurry!” Pinkie Pie beamed. The mare sprang into action and bounced over to Flurry Heart. The foal lost interest in Sunburst and sped toward her new playmate. “I’m so glad to see you happy and not crying!”

“Hehe, I can agree,” Shining Armor said.

The moment Rarity came to a stop, the guards halted their march in unison. Spike’s escort fanned out her wing, allowing the dragon to use it as a latter. “Thanks for the lift,” he said and shook the pegasus’ hoof.

“Anything for the Great and Glorious Spike the Dragon,” she bowed. The guard stepped back in line with the rest of her comrades before expressing the same serious glare all guards posed when on duty.

“Thanks for sending us some guards to help us with the luggage,” Spike said.

“Well, when it comes to friendship duties,” Cadence said, “the least we can do is treat the situation as serious as we can.” She scratched her chin. “I will say, Twilight seemed a little panicked when she wrote to Shining Armor and I. Is this friendship problem something serious?”

“About that…” Rarity started. She approached the couple and eyed Shining Armor. “Are you giving your wife a generous amount of attention?”

“Of course,” he answered. “I’m not… sure what prompted the question, but… yes.”

Pinkie Pie dropped from above, landing before the princess. Cadence flinched by the sudden act. “And have you been making your husband laugh to the best of your ability?”

“I’ve done what I can to make him smile.” Cadence fluttered her eyes at Shining Armor as a red heart materialized at the tip of her horn. “In fact.” The shape of love grew wings and flew over to the stallion. It crashed into him in a burst of red dust.

Shining Armor let out a few happy hums. “I appreciate the affection, Honey.”

“Just showing Pinkie Pie I can make you laugh.”

The pink earth pony grabbed her tail and gave it a shake. Then pressed her ear into it. Hmm… It’s not reacting to anything… “Welp! I can safely conclude that the friendship problem is not with you two!”

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor looked at each other with confusion. “What makes you assume that there is an issue among us?” the wife asked.

Spike stepped forward. “Twilight is worried that your marriage is in jeopardy; she thinks the friendship problem is with you two.”

“Hmm…” Shining Armor looked to Sunburst who simply stood idly by. “No wonder Twili wrote to us about a ‘friendship problem of epic proportions.’”

“She just cares about her brother and sister,” Rarity said. “Why, just the sheer idea of a simple argument between you two forced her to behave so… so…” The unicorn rolled her hoof in a circle. “What’s the word…”

“Crazy?” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“No! Not ‘crazy!’ She was just behaving-”

“‘Crazy’ can be an appropriate word when describing my sister when she gets her tail tied in a knot,” Shining Armor grinned.

“No kidding,” Spike agreed.

“Besides,” Pinkie Pie continued as she resumed her playtime with Flurry, “I have a hunch that the cutie map summoned us here for a different reason. So at least there isn’t anything to worry about here!”

The prince and princess exchanged glances and frowned. Something was definitely the matter. “Guards!” Shining Armor commanded. “I wish to have private company with our guests! Please leave the throne room at once!”

“Yes, sir!” the guards spoke in perfect unison.

As the protective troops exited the room, Rarity looked down at Spike. “Do you know what’s going on?”

“Heck if I know,” he shrugged. “But I think there is something they want to tell us without the crystal ponies knowing.”

Cadence looked to Sunburst. “Can you get Flurry, please?”

“Certainly.” A ball of light flickered on the tip of the stallion’s horn, summoning the filly’s attention to it. Sunburst swayed back and forth as he sang, “Come to the lighthouse! The ships are coming home!”

“House! House!” Flurry chanted. She aggressively claimed the light, her little body covering most of Sunburst’s face.

“You both look worried about something,” Rarity said to Cadence and Shining Armor.

“We are…” Shining Armor nodded. “You see, the Crystal Fayre is on the approach, and Cadence and I are unsure of how to go about planning it this year.”

“Did something happen during the last fayre?” Spike asked.

“The last time we tried holding the festivities, well… you could say it began and ended with many complaints.” Princess Cadence let out a sigh, which prompted her husband to hold her hoof. “We did everything that was expected. I even went to the library archives to study about what was supposed to be at the fayre. But my efforts were in vain.”

“It wasn’t all your fault,” Shining Armor whispered.

“But I failed to uphold their traditions. Even their cherished jousting tournament had to be canceled.”

Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Rarity looked at one another, uneasy with the mood created by the distressed princess. Despite the child still playing with his horn, Sunburst stepped forward. “This issue has been plaguing not just Cadence and Shining Armor. I myself am finding it very difficult to pin every detail known about the Crystal Fayre. It’s not to say I don’t know what to have prepared. Fare food, games, and of course, the jousting tournament are things I know that must be present for their yearly event. Only…”

“‘Only’ what?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“We… do not know who to ask,” Shining Armor confessed. “And I fear that not knowing how to handle the crystal ponies’ beloved tradition would force a negative light on Cadence and myself. And I don’t think having me walk around the Crystal Empire, proclaiming we have no idea how to properly run the fayre, is the wisest choice. It might make others think Cadence and I don’t care. We do not want to disappoint anypony. But we don’t know where to look specifically.”

“Oh dear…” Rarity muttered. “That does sound like quite the issue…”

“Speaking of issue!” Pinkie Pie interjected. She reached into her mane and pulled out a magazine. “I think we might have something to work with that will help Cadence and Shining Armor!”

“What’s the Bright Spotlight have to do with this?” Spike asked.

Pinkie Pie fanned through the pages, her eyes focused on what was in front of her. “Here!” She shoved the magazine at Cadence. “Look at this!”

Morganite’s Mission?” Cadence read. “Inform me why this will be helpful to us.”

“You see, in this part of the magazine, the writer named Morganite has interviewed several ponies who are here in the Crystal Empire. She has interviewed a restaurant owner, a jousting team, a librarian, and of course, my favorite, a baker.” Pinkie Pie licked her lips at the sound of her own words. “Anyways, I was thinking that Rarity, Spike, and I can split up and find the ponies Morganite interviewed. And while we are at it, find Morganite as well. Once we find everypony, we bring them all here to the castle so you and Shining Armor can plan for the Crystal Fayre. That way, you can have very few ponies know about your struggle with planning the fayre while they help you.”

Everypony except for Flurry Heart looked at Pinkie Pie with surprised stares. “Pinkie,” Rarity said with a slack jaw, “did you just come up with this idea on the spot? I never knew you would come up with such an elaborate plan.”

Pinkie Pie folded her arms and grinned, “I try.”

“I can see this working out in our favor since I am here,” Spike said as he pointed a thumb himself. “What I can do is go around and tell the ponies we need that the Great and Glorious Spike requests their services. That would get them to help us in the long run.”

“I can side with that as well, Spiky,” Rarity smiled and looked at Cadence and Shining Armor. “And this will allow good relationships to form among your citizens.”

“Are you sure this won’t cause the ponies who come help plan the event dislike our-” Cadence spoke, but she was cut off by Rarity’s raised hoof.

“Cadence, dear, I think Pinke, Spike, and I understand the situation at hoof. While I understand that being well received by the general public is something we all want, it is okay to admit you don’t know something.” Rarity smirked, “Trust me when I say dealing with a little sister who won’t admit she is wrong can be quite taxing.” Her tail whipped at the ground, “But I have to be blunt and remind you and your husband that neither of you are like my sister. You are leaders. And you have to be examples for your subjects.”

Pinkie Pie leaned into Spike and whispered, “Rarity can be very scary when she gets super serious.”

“Why do you think I care- I mean… think highly of her?” Spike replied quietly.

Shining Armor looked at his wife, whispered into her ear, and Cadence nodded. “You’re right, Rarity,” the prince said. “We do need to set an example. Perhaps the friendship problem does involve the entire kingdom and their leaders. But we will need your help.”

“And that is the first step to solving a problem,” Rarity said with a muzzle pointed into the air. “I am glad you’ve come to see that, Shining Armor.”

“Then we lay a good responsibility on your shoulders, along with Spike and Pinkie Pie,” Cadence spoke up. “I hope you are prepared for a lengthy task.”

“You forget who’s done a good job here in the Crystal Empire, not to say I’m the only one who has helped around here,” Spike said as he polished his knuckles on his scales. “I think we can handle this friendship problem in no time.”

“You becha!” Pinkie beamed. "Aaaaaand scene!"

"What?" Spike asked.

"Scene transition. The writer didn't know what else to add to this scene, so I decided to end it for him."


Mineral walked about his kitchen and placed the dry foods he received from the morning market in the cupboard while Sugar assisted with organizing the fruits and vegetables. The thestral managed to sneak a strawberry into her mouth as a silent way to get revenge on Mineral for pausing.

“So tell me what the article looks like?” Mineral asked.

“I have an entire page dedicated to me,” Sugar said. “Also, remember the device Morganite used to paint a picture with one flash of light?”

“The camera, yes.”

“That painting is at the bottom of the article.” Sugar reached her arm into the fridge to push the milk into the back. She used that opportunity to blush in privacy. “I want to ask Morganite if I can have the painting so I can get it framed.” Another juicy strawberry called to be eaten, and the pony chose it and an additional one.

Just as she placed them in her mouth, Mineral’s voice spoke from behind, “What are you doing?”

Sugar turned around with guilty eyes and a stuffed mouth. “Noffing…”

“She says as she eats my food.” Mineral pressed his nose. “Unpause.” Because Sugar was so far into the fridge, she couldn’t fully retract herself in time before Mineral got a hold of her. “The score is now nine to zero.”

Sugar chomped down on the strawberries, the juices bleeding from her mouth. She swallowed and scowled, “You are so lucky I am not a unicorn.”

“Don’t be mad that I can beat you at your own game,” Mineral grinned.

Sugar’s anger didn’t last very long, and she was soon enjoying his close comfort. “Maybe I like to lose to you only to make you get dangerously close to me.” She grinned, “So make your move. I can strike at any moment.”

“Na. I’ll just hang around for a moment.” Mineral looked at the thestral and gave her a genuine smile. “I’ve said it before and I will say it again, I am very proud of you for taking part in that interview.” Sugar giggled a few times and broke eye contact with her friend. “However, I am not proud of you stealing my strawberries.”

With the cute moment she was having with Mineral ruined, Sugar made her move. But instead of trying to hug him, she tickled his side with her wing. Mineral flinched jumped away from the tickling mare.

“Hehe, don’t forget I can do that,” Sugar giggled.

“I haven’t…”

To not tempt herself with another strawberry, Sugar walked into the living room. “Are all of your groceries put away?”

“I believe so.” The thestral watched her friend walk about the kitchen, closing all the cabinets with his magic. “Anyways, let’s get back on track with the interview.”

“What is there to talk about? You were a part of it.”

“I know.” Mineral rounded the sofa and sat beside Sugar. “But I want to know what your thoughts are on it.”

Sugar swayed back and forth, “It’s just… It’s nice to think that you and I became friends because I was so eager to hug you. Every time I read it, I get happy. And I am happy to be your friend.”

“You also managed to change my life, too.” Mineral looked back into his kitchen and smiled, “Heck, you got me to get out of my house from time to time. Of course, I am still working on changing a few nasty habits. But I managed to get some food this morning. Let’s just hope I eat most of it before it all goes bad.”

“I can help you with the strawberries,” Sugar giggled and licked her lips.

“Hmm…” Mineral reached his head over the sofa and pulled the fridge door open with a magical pull. “Well since I haven’t had anything to eat, and because you desire my food so much-”

Sugar began to slowly crawl toward the stallion, but she was quickly caught in his peripheral. “You were saying…?”

“You know that I can just teleport away,” Mineral grinned. “Besides, I was going to offer you some strawberries.”

Instead of challenging him, Sugar booped the stallion’s nose. “Pause. I’d love some strawberries.”

“I knew you would.”

Mineral managed to grab the strawberries while Sugar propped herself extra close to the stallion. Since the rule of pause was in effect, acting too rash would get her into trouble. But sitting close to Mineral wasn’t abnormal. She did it quite often when the two were together. And Mineral didn’t give any sign that he was displeased with the closeness.

The tiny green basket levitated over to the mare. “Pick one,” said Mineral. A tiny strawberry slightly darker than the rest fell prey to Sugar’s sharp teeth. Its sweet flavor made her purr. “That was one of the better strawberries I’ve had.”

“I guess the ones you scoured before were not as good?” Mineral asked as he plopped one fruit into his mouth.

“Sometimes being sneaky can be just as sweet.”

“Whatever that means,” Mineral rolled his eyes. Sugar was tempted to take two strawberries out of spite but held back the urge to do so. The green basket Mineral was levitating settled between them. She looked down at it, curious if the strawberries could be taken at will. When Sugar returned her attention to Mineral, his eyes faced the floor. He didn’t give her the slightest attention as the emerald home became suddenly quiet.


“Hmm? What is it?” The thestral’s ears flicked. Strawberries became less of a priority.

“I was… wondering…” Mineral reached for the basket without looking but missed the mark. Sugar aided by pushing it against him. His eyes were disturbed, and Mineral smiled at his friend. “Thanks.”

“Just here to help as always,” Sugar winked.

Mineral reached for his muzzle but didn’t press it. “Wait… Didn’t you pause?”

“Yup,” Sugar grinned. “And I paused my hoof on your nose. I hold the key to the unpausing. Why do you ask?”

“I was about to hug and thank you. But since you bend the rules of pause to gain an advantage-”

“Don’t you pull that card on me! You pause whenever you want because you’re too ticklish!”

“But I don’t cave in when I offer a hug that doesn’t count against our little score!”

“Want to prove that I don’t?” Sugar pressed her hoof on Mineral’s muzzle. “Unpause.” A deadly stare down began among the two. The stallion levitated a strawberry and slowly bit down on it. “So Mineral, you were going to ask me something?”

The stallion laughed a few times and swallowed his food. But the smile faltered, then fell to the ground along with his eyes. “I…” Sugar saw Mineral’s throat swallow again, but he didn’t have another strawberry to be chewed on. “How long have we been friends?”

“Two months I think.”

“Two months…” Mineral repeated. “Has it been that long?”

“You make it sound like a year has passed by,” Sugar giggled.

“Well…” Blush glowed on the stallion’s face. “...time does fly when you are with somepony special.”

Sugar made a noticeable gasp. Is my morning going to begin with a kiss!? “Mini…” she mumbled. Her throat started to hurt a little; not out of sadness, but because of anticipation.

“I’m sorry…” Mineral looked down the hall. “I know you said you wanted to wait-”

“No no no! Don’t be sorry!” Sugar moved the strawberry basket aside and scooted up against her friend. He flinched but didn’t look back at her. Mineral’s breathing began to increase. Something he was bottling up was about to finally burst. And Sugar knew she was the cause of the pressure.

“Sugar, I need to be honest with you.”

“Be honest with me!”

Mineral revealed only one eye to Sugar. “I really enjoy your company. And I… really enjoy your closeness.” Sugar looked at the lack of space between her and him. “You are the best friend I could ever have. And I want to thank you by… by…”


Mineral took in a deep breath. “ASKINGYOUONANOFFICALDATE!” A heavy sigh escaped the stallion’s nostrils. “Would you be okay with that?”

The thestral hid her blushing face with a wing. “I would be more than happy to go on a date with you.”

“Y-you would!” Mineral beamed.

“On one condition.”

“What might that be?”

Sugar swayed back and forth. “Give me one hug that does not count and you can consider it a date.”

Mineral Water spun around and pulled Sugar Crush into him. Her arms were trapped by his hold, but Sugar surrendered everything to Mineral. “Just so you know, Sugar, you really do cave in when I offer you a hug.”

Sugar bend her neck back and managed to kiss the crystal pony on the cheek. “Don’t ruin the moment, Mini.”

Author's Note:

Please hold the urge to ask when the next update is! It's here!
