• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 7,545 Views, 63 Comments

Induction Insanity - LewdChapter

Celestia welcomes a new guard to the job.

  • ...
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Comments ( 62 )

*instant resignation note*

I was intending to give you a titjob, but even my breasts would be insufficient for such a task.


that would have been a lovely thing to witness

Son, if this was the welcome, I'd be applying for overtime.

Sadly, I couldn't find a way to put that particular scene in that didn't fuck up the pacing of the rest of the fic.

Thank you for this! I adore your writing style! A sick blend of sex, sillyness, and horrific violence. I love it. :twilightsmile:

I can actually see Celestia have this type of fetish too, that’s the scariest part


You fool. I am no pretender, rather, a disciple of headless_rainbow. He need not strike me down, for I offer myself willingly! I offer him this, for he is the reason for my existence.

I am no pretender. I am a student.

Yeah, I have issues with "portioning", is how I phrase it. I hope I get better with time.

Glad you liked it though

Kind of wish that spoiler wasn't there so I could have seen people's reactions when this went from 0 to 100 real fast.

I tried to go a different direction with this story than I normally would've. I wanted it to go from a sorta standard, romantic rendezvous thing, with Celestia being a beautiful and graceful woman, then transition into a hard, rough fetish fic, with Celestia being reduced to a fuck-crazed pain slut. I think I may have been more successful in that endeavor were it not for the necessity of tagging my shit appropriately.

I did consider omitting the trigger warnings, but I decided against it. This account is young, and I don't want it to get banned already just because someone with a stick up their ass can't deal with the gore.

Let me ask you this one question. What the fuck was going through your head when your where making no offense?

What was going through my head was "I hope someone reads this story and gets butthurt about it and then asks me what the fuck was going through my head when I was making this no offense".

In the event that you can't take a joke, I'm fucking with you.

This was written as a commission (as you can see), so I was mostly thinking about making the commissioner happy. Furthermore, I was thinking about how fucking stupid of me it was to open up commissions right before No-Fap November. If people keep paying me to write fics like this, I'm not gonna be able to control myself!

Ok this is weird i have to see this.
One reading later:

First of all Hedless_Ranbow is a she (I'm sure I've seen her say that.) secondly

Just replace the glass and electricity with the same glass slicing an entire orgyin to peaces and the electricety being replaced with the souls of the damned. The demons can stay though there on the guest list.

I didn't know that. In that case...

I will duel you for the honor of my Mistress Headless! Choose thine weapon, knave, we battle at dawn!

Funny, that's exactly what my mum said about having me.

Glad your taking it with humor, some people just dont get jokes.

Then I choose interpretive dance as my weapon most die to it at a glance and you shall fall to the song of spring.

Noticing her getting skull fucked. Was still waiting for her to say, "hurt me harder, daddy."

If she spoke after her own decapitation, that would kinda kill the whole "Oh shit, I killed God" aspect of the story.

If it makes you feel any better, she was thinking it. Maybe, one day, I'll write a sequel of this where Celestia and Oli have a real good time, now that they're more comfortable with one another, Celestia tells him to do some really heinous and fucked up shit, like strangle her with her own intestines or fuck her brain through her eye, while she begs for it the whole time. Maybe Twilight or Luna walks in on them and gets involved in the snuff-fun.

Maybe. We'll see.

Sounds... smexeeeeeh.

I only recently started speaking with xWhyohwhyx but fuck, he's turned me on for this kinda thing! Really well written, absolutely loved it!

Glad you liked it, good brother

Comment posted by Vector Erotica deleted Nov 10th, 2017

This is definetly going in my archive

Where can I find more stories like this? (Gore but consensual and repaired by magic.)

I dunno, man, maybe search consenting snuff. Or commission it from someone, like xWhyohwhyx did. I'm not a librarian.

8541478 8541490
There are links to some in this thread. I suggested to Pozzo that they create a group to collect them, but I don't think they ever did.

Goddamn it! I was reading this at work and started laughing way too hard :D

Yeah, you get a +1.

I appreciate it, but can someone explain to me what's funny about this? Like, I genuinely didn't intend to make this funny at all.

Also, kudos for having the balls to read this smut on the job

I have a weird sense of humor, but this can be summed up by "Well, that escalated quickly!"

A shy guard with ABSURD equipment, like literally a freaking telegraph pole all of a sudden (magic or not) rips Celestia into pieces, then fucks them, all while she's having the time of her life. The only thing missing was he ripping her legs off as well and using her as a barely living fleshlight.

No, just the contrast of this being a kinda sweet sex in one second changing into what is best described as a horny Doom Marine on a rampage through hell within some 2 sentences. Everything is so insanely over the top it borders on slapstick comedy more than clop.

Don't take it the wrong way, I enjoyed it, even on the sexy level, since I'm a heavy sub and would love to be in Celestia's skin. I enjoyed it it far more as a completely absurd mushroom trip. Especially when in the end Celestia was like "Sup, I still have some undamaged bits you can fuck. Let's go for an eyesocket next! Maybe I'll have fun having my brain get melted into cum."

I'm a twisted fuck, but I appreciate good comedy and somewhat decent clop.

10 out of fuckin' 10. I would definitely read a story like this again. Lol. This shit's going into my favorites.

Neat. I love stories that explore consensual extra-hard-kink. Some of the dialogue was a bit on the nose, but it was pretty enjoyable nonetheless.

I think I know what you mean, but mind elaborating on "on the nose" for me? It'd be helpful for me moving forward.

Thanks, pumpkin

That was . . . interesting? I don’t know what to say honestly. I guess good job overall with the grammar and how the story was typed out. Being literally fucked to death is something I haven’t seen on this site for the short time I’ve been here.

Well, allow me to be the first sick freak to welcome you to "that side of FiMFiction". I hope you enjoy your stay.

You probably won't, but try your best, mkay?

I...what? Um...what?

Y'know, you can only get so many pointless comments like this before it becomes a chore to masturbate to them. I mean, I'm still going to, but still...

No, seriously, what're you confused about? I might be able to clear things up for you.

Sorry, I was half asleep when i read and commented. Let me rephrase.

Dafuq did I just read and why did I enjoy it?

Wow, that was an amazing/interesting story I've read

I wish this was the result of drugs. At least then, I'd have an excuse other than "i'm horny"

That, and the drugs might kill me, so that'd be nice

this is not the worst thing I have cum to but it's certainly up there

I don't know how to shove all the approval through the internet, but give me time.:heart:

I cum way to much on this 10/10

Okay, this will definitely prank the Human Demon, like can't control your own (magical) mood and rip her apart that's exactly sexy. But I like to be able to read on these sorten sniffs; choke on c$#k, drown by c&m and (like like my first comment to you) rip inside apart (but not tearing apart or burst out body). Also I was a bit afraid of what happens when I really say those words completely.

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