• Published 4th Nov 2017
  • 1,278 Views, 66 Comments

Pinkie's Permanent Position - fallen starr

Pinkie has big news that she is afraid to share. After all, it's going to change the lives of everyone around her...and give life, too.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Like Family

Was her throat going to constrict with every pony she told? She paced back and forth, waiting until it was exactly nine o’clock. She let out a relieved breath when the town clock started chiming and flipped the sign to closed before the other ponies in the bakery could blink.

“Have plans tonight?” Mr. Cake asked, rounding the doorway.

Pinkie shook her head. Then she stopped for a second and thought, and nodded instead. “I wanted to talk to you and Mrs. Cake about something important.” She looked over into the kitchen and Mr. Cake called for Mrs. Cake. A moment later, she came through the door.

“Keep it down. The twins are only just asleep now.” She walked over to where the other two ponies were standing and looked between Mr. Cake, with his concerned expression, and Pinkie, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. “Oh, what’s happened?”

Pinkie found her words were gone. Telling her friends had been one thing – she knew they would be okay, even if she was nervous. This was entirely different. Mr. and Mrs. Cake was like a second set of parents, teaching her everything she knew about baking. She had lived with them since coming to Ponyville, for Celestia’s sake! She blinked back tears. They could come in a moment, but first, she needed to find her voice.

“I,” she said, almost surprised at the sound that came out. She cleared her throat. “I don’t really know how to start this. I’m pregnant.”

Mr. Cake sat on the floor, a hoof raised to his cheek. Mrs. Cake took a step forward. “Say that again, dearie.”

“I’m going to have a foal,” she said. Her eyes flicked rapidly between them. “I don’t even know who the dad is. It isn’t Thundie. I…I haven’t even told him, yet. These ghosties are hard to giggle at.” She gave a small laugh that died before it left her mouth.

“Oh, Pinkie.” Mrs. Cake stepped forward, wrapping a blue arm around Pinkie’s neck. “It’s going to be okay, puddin’. We’ll all get you through this, and we’ll deal with this father business.” Now Pinkie let the tears come, leaning into Mrs. Cake, and then both of them when Mr. Cake stood and walked over. “There, now,” Mrs. Cake said, pushing Pinkie away slightly. “No need for the tears. You want your foal, don’t you?”

With a smile, Pinkie nodded. Her pink hoof rubbed at her eyes, trying to clear away the wetness. “I do.”

“Then it’s going to all work out. Now, let’s get you into the kitchen. We’ve got a few other things to talk about. After all, I don’t think that little loft room will be big enough for you and a foal.” She pushed the door to the kitchen open, holding it for Pinkie. “Mr. Cake and I have actually been discussing this recently, and, well, we believe it is the right decision. There is a little cottage we’ve been looking at for ourselves in the outskirts of town.”


“The thing is,” Mr. Cake said, pulling a chair out to sit at the table, “we’re going to need somepony here to watch after the shop.”

Mrs. Cake pulled out two more, gesturing for Pinkie to take one. “Initially, we had planned on you coming with us, but with a family of your own starting, perhaps you would like to live here? Then you wouldn’t need to worry and you could have space.”

Pinkie felt tears falling down her face again. “I love that idea,” she said. “Thank you!” She grinned again, her hoof drifting to her stomach. “You guys are the best.”

Pinkie Pie loved Thinking Hill. That wasn’t the real name, of course, since she was the only person to call it that, but still, she loved it. It was the hill where she and everypony else came to think about life and potentially solve problems. It was probably the best hill in all of Ponyville – all of Equestria! Right now, it was the hill where she lay, watching the clouds lazily drift past.

A heavy landing behind her caught her attention, and she sat up, ears straight up and eyes wide, as Thunderlane walked the rest of the way. “Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yepporooni! Why wouldn’t I be?” Pinkie cocked her head to the side.

Thunderlane fell into the soft grass, still breathing heavily. “Rainbow Dash. She said there was a weather emergency at the park and that you needed me, and I’d better take the next couple days off to make sure everything was okay.” He looked up at her for a moment. “That’s some mean prank. I flew here as quickly as I could.”

Pinkie shifted on her front feet. “Dashie, you say? Did she say anything else?” When Thunderlane shook his head, Pinkie sighed. “I told her to wait, but I guess…now is good, too. We need to talk.”

Thunderlane clumsily pushed himself up into a sitting position. “What?”

“We need to talk.” Pinkie walked over and settled beside him, her lip between her teeth. She looked right at his face, wanting to know exactly what he thought when she said it. “Something has happened. Or, I guess it already happened a while ago, but I’m just now finding out that it did? Is that the –“

A dark hoof on her shoulder stopped her. “Pinkie, please, what’s going on?”

“I’m having a foal.” She watched him closely as he blinked, as his hoof slowly fell away, and as his brow wrinkled in confusion. “You heard me right, Thundie. I’m pregnant. Two months.”

“What? But how? I don’t under – we never even…we’ve only been together for a month. Two months?” His hoof messed with his mane. His wings fell around him. “Pregnant?”


He straightened up, looking away from her. “I guess that means you’ll want to get back with the dad?”

“No really.” She stood and watched as he looked back at her. “I don’t even know who it is yet. Two months ago was a really rough week for me.”


He looked up at the clouds. She looked at him. It was silent between them. “I guess that means you aren’t breaking up with me, at least.”

“Of course not,” Pinkie said, stepping closer. “I don’t want to. But this isn’t what you wanted. Remember when we talked last week. It was just before I found out, but you were saying how you wanted a family of your own. Our own. And this isn’t…this isn’t that.” She took a deep breath. “Besides, I thought you would be angry.”

“I adore you, Pinkie Pie.” He brought his hoof to her cheek. “I completely, utterly adore you. And I don’t want to lose you.” His hoof moved to her chin, causing her to look up into his eyes. “Maybe the foal isn’t exactly what I envisioned, but you are. If…if I had met you with a foal three years from now, I wouldn’t think about it, so I’m not going right now. If you want me and you to still be us, then I do, too.”

Pinkie launched herself off the ground, wrapping her hooves around Thunderlane. They began to fall backwards, but he flapped his wings quickly, saving them. He laughed, pressing his forehead to hers. “Well, I have the next couple of days off. Paid, even. What’s say we go do something?”

Pinkie grinned. “Okay! I actually have to tell my parents. You can come with me, though.”

“Okay. ” He smiled, leaning down and kissing her cheek. “I look forward to meeting your parents.”

“Until then, we can just watch clouds.” Pinkie laid back, looking up. A second later, Thunderlane was next to her, pointing at a cupcake shaped cloud.