• Published 8th Nov 2017
  • 1,003 Views, 26 Comments

Familial bonds: part one - Darling Dearest

Rainbow Dash sets out to find out why she is begining to worry so much about her sister Scootaloo.

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Visiting Twilight

As Rainbow Dash sored through the light blue sky, she couldn’t help but endlessly contemplate on why she had felt as she did. She was Rainbow Dash, a mare who had gained a reputation for putting herself in dangerous situations all the time, weather for the thrill and adrenaline, or simply to better herself, she had never cared to much about her own safety and knew what she could handle. So why? Why had she got so scared when Scootaloo, a filly that was almost identical in personality to Rainbow as a filly, and even similar to her know, had done the exact same thing as she had always done? It wasn’t like her, a contrast to her usual motivated personality, it just didn’t make sense! This question lingered in her mind, pestering like an insect crawling on her brain.

“Uh, this makes no sense!” Rainbow shouted, disturbing a nearby Pegasus pony.

“Sorry.” Rainbow said in a much more timid voice.

The other Pegasus just shrugged and continued with her journey, however this confrontation had left Rainbow feeling much more calm and rational. She began to think about just where her relationship with Scooterloo was. Why had she come back from training so early if not just to make sure that she was okay? Was she really that concerned about her? Did she love her that much? She knew the answers to these questions to be yes, but she couldn’t interpret why these feelings were so strong. The two had only been sisters for a short while, and she knew Scootaloo to be a competent young filly, she didn’t need a guardian to be constantly looking over her shoulder. These feelings shouldn’t have been this powerful. But they were. These questions kept coming into Rainbow’s head, giving her a small migraine and making her feel heavy.

It was here that Rainbow began to see Twilight’s castle, it was huge, and shiny, looking like it belonged in the Crystal empire, contrasting the humble and modest look of Ponyville, however ponies had since learned to accept it and even admire it. Rainbow began her gentle decent to the ground, like a leaf falling softly from a tree. She landed right next to the door of the castle, knocked three times and then waited for a response. She was greeted by Spike, a small purple dragon with green spikes on his back, he had been hatched by Twilight and thus had known her all his life. He now acted as her assistant with her princess duties. Though he was a friend to her first, always being a voice of reason when she became to obsessive.

“Hey there Rainbow Dash, what can we do for you today.” Spike asked with a polite, yet cute, high pitch voice.

“Hey Spike, I just need to talk to Twilight, is she busy?”

“Ha, you’re lucky, she’s actually not busy for once. I finally managed to convince her to take some time off to relax, all that work was really starting to get to her. Come on in, I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you.”

“Thanks Spike”

Twilight, despite her tendency to get overly stressed over little details, was still a kind, logical and intelligent pony who would always lend her ear to anypony with something they needed to say.

Spike, being the gentle dragon he was lead Rainbow straight to Twilight. She was in her library. Twilight had initially gotten up early to organise her books… Again. But Spike had convinced her to take a break from working and to how a relaxed day, thus Rainbow found her curled up, reading the latest instalment in the popular Daring Doo franchise, which Rainbow herself had intended to purchase. Spike left the two mares alone to continue with his daily chores.

“Hey Twilight” Rainbow said in a modest voice, feeling only slightly overwhelmed by the size of the library, its dark purple colour scheme that blended with Twilight’s own fur didn’t help.

“Oh, hello Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said cheerfully, putting down her book. “How can I help you today?”

“Well…I’ve got some questions Twilight, but first I need you to promise me that you won’t laugh and that if any pony asks, you’ll tell them I wasn’t here.”

“You’ve got nothing to worry about Rainbow.” Twilight said with a chuckle in her voice. “My door is always open to a friendship problem.”

“Well you see, the thing is Twilight, it’s not really a friendship problem, it’s more of a family one. It’s about Scootaloo and I.” Rainbow replied, unable to make full eye contact with Twilight

“Oh really? Did something come between the two of you? Look, I know fillies can be unreasonable sometimes, but she looks up to you so…”

Rainbow cut Twilight of before she could continue speaking, knowing that she had gotten the issue wrong.

“No no no, it’s not that Twilight.” Rainbow said in a much more impatient voice. “Scootaloo’s the same awesome little filly she’s always been and I’m proud to be there for her. It’s just that…”

Rainbow looked around to make sure that no pony, or dragon, could hear them. “Again, you tell NO pony about this.

Twilight just smirked and said, “my lips are sealed Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and finally looked Twilight directly in the eye.

“I got really scared for her earlier, and not just scary campfire tales scared, I mean totally terrified.”

Twilight’s face went from that of complete confidence to that of confusion, like that of a colt in a school who had just been told something they hadn’t understood.

“Well um, okay Rainbow, how so?”

“Look, I know that Scootaloo is a mature filly for her age, and that she’s rode down so many big hills before. But I was with her on this tiny one earlier today, and I just lost it. I felt my heart go into my hooves as she went down, it was terrible! I thought she could’ve gotten seriously hurt! I think I knew deep down that she was gonna be fine, but I just didn’t care. This isn’t like me Twilight, I usually encourage her to do what she does, I like seeing fillies her age push themselves, but not today. Egh, what is happening!”

Twilight listened to Rainbow’s account of what had happened closely, trying to infer on why Rainbow was feeling as she did. Suddenly, a thought entered Twilight’s mind that made the whole situation make sense.

“Oh, I think I understand Rainbow Dash.”

“What, what is it?” Rainbow asked enthusiastically.

“You’re were just acting how a good big sister should”.

“Really?” Rainbow replied, unable to comprehend Twilight’s logic

“Well I know that when I was a filly, Shining Armour was always there to keep me safe, but I’d be lying if I told you that he never went a little too far in his attempts. But that’s just what older siblings do. Ha, I even heard from Cadence that he still goes crazy whenever we have to safe Equestria. I know that you and Scootaloo aren’t biologically sisters, but she clearly loves you and you clearly love her, it’s only natural that you would want to keep her safe.”

“Yeah… But it wasn’t like me Twilight. I knew she was fine, but I still got really scared.”

“What else can I say Rainbow Dash, you’re just going to have to except that you love this filly very much and that you want her to be safe. You’re going to get these feelings, and you’re going to have to learn how to live with them. Look, I’m here for you Rainbow, but I’d recommend you go talk to either Rarity or Applejack, they have first-hand experience with younger siblings every day, maybe they can show you how to deal with this anxiety.”

Rainbow’s expression finally changed to one of confidence, Twilight’s words had finally gotten through.

“Thanks Twilight, you always know what to say”

Twilight gave the same confident yet humble smile she gave whenever she knew that she had helped somepony.

“Any time Rainbow Dash, you’re always welcome.”

The two hugged each other good bye before Rainbow flew off to visit Rarity. As she left, Spike walked up to talk to Twilight.

“You sure seem happy, what happened in there?”

“Oh, nothing Spike, It’s just nice to see Rainbow show her emotions sometimes. I learned a long time ago that ignoring them isn’t healthy.”

“Ha, I guess you’re right.”

“I don’t know what she’s going to do, but I’m sure it’s what both she and Scootaloo need right now. Now come on you little rascal. We are going out for pancakes, don’t expect me to stop working and to not expect to stop working yourself. You’ve been going at it too hard yourself young dragon! And whilst the help is appreciated, I will not have my number one assistant go without his reward.”

“Thanks Twilight, I don’t think I say this enough, but I love you.”

“Ah Spike, I love you to.”
The two shared an affectionate hug, before Twilight put Spike on her back and trotted off to Sugercube corner.