• Published 12th Nov 2017
  • 571 Views, 4 Comments

Somepony Who Understands Me - WannaFlugelHorn

What do you do when no one understands you? Find somepony who does.

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As the sun rises, a dull light struggles it's way through the lone, clouded window of your room. It illuminates a cluster of dust, each speck floating still in the air. Opening your pale, blue eyes, you watch as more light inches it's way across the dusty floor as it trickles in through cracks in the gloomy, wooden structure that a you and your family call home. Family may not be the best word to use. When someone says 'family' most people think of love and happiness. So perhaps you should call them, 'a small group of ponies who just happened to be related.' Unlike most places, the light here didn't seem to make anything brighter, it just reminded you that it was time to get up and start slaving away in the heat again.

Peeling the covers away from your grayish pink coat, you step out of bed and slowly trudge down the stairs. Each step groans under your weight before squeaking back into place as you shift your weight. After you make your way down the steep decline, you head towards the kitchen. The rest of your 'family' was already seated. Nopony seems to even notice your presence, except for one of your sisters, Maud, who gives a short, firm nod before returning her focus to the food in front of her. Sitting down, you find you've been left the chair with uneven legs. You restlessly attempt to get comfortable on its hard surface as the chair continues bobbing against the floor. Finally steadying the chair, you consider breaking the silence by telling every pony the dream you had. Not the kind of dream where you hope for something, your parents and siblings didn't have any. The nightmare kind.

It was always the same dream. You and your sisters were all working out on the farm when a spotlight suddenly fell upon you. Your eyes began to burn as the strong light burrowed into them like parasites into its host. You shut your eyes tight, the light still working at your lids, and your ears picked up hoof steps. As the sound grew fainter, you began to worry, and squinted through the blinding veil surrounding you. Your sisters were now nowhere to be seen. They had left you. As you called out to them, the world around you grew darker and darker, yet strangely the spotlight shined on. You couldn't see anything through the sea of black, but it definitely felt like something could see you.

Panicked, you tried to run, only to find your legs anchored to the ground. Thorn covered branches had been winding around them, growing tighter and tighter. Blood dripped from the spots where the thorns were slicing you. You frantically started digging at the spot where the branches were protruding from the ground, but to no avail. You stood shakily in the darkness, trying to figure out what to do, when suddenly, three clusters of shapes appeared. They were foggy, but you could pick out their eyes. You started shouting at what appeared to be your sisters, but the eyes transformed from regular aqua, purple, and yellow eyes into glowing diamonds. As the creatures crept closer, you recognized them as Timber Wolfs. Terrified, you began yelling, screaming for your sisters. No one answered. You watched in horror as all three lunged at you.

Why were you so scared of being alone?

You thought again of bringing the dream up, but the mere though made you shiver. The situation would be no different. The spotlight would fall on you, but at the end, your family would simply look away again. Instead, you decide it would just be best to eat in silence.

Looking down at the food in front of you, you start at rock pancakes on your plate. Your family crunch down on theirs in a slow, rhythmical pattern, like paper being forced into a useless ball. You begin to feel nauseous. Unable to take the sound anymore, you leave the table and head outside to start your daily work at the South Field.

The ground was hard. You had traveled over to that field so many times that the dirt was packed beneath you. Your hooves ached from walking there the day before. And the day before that. And the day before that. Sharp stones cut your hooves as you walked, digging deep into your skin. You flinch, but this path was as clear of stones as it would get, so traveling any other way would be pointless. Soon your other sisters make the trek over. You barely notice. You were focusing on your section of the South Field. Noticing a rock you'd missed, you step over to it, only to bump into one of your sisters, Limestone Pie.

"Hey! Watch it!" Glaring at you with her yellow eyes, you back up and trip over a jagged rock, slicing your leg. Blood drips out, covering the rock with the crimson liquid.

"Ugh! Look what you did, Pinkie Pie, now that rock is ruined! It will take me all morning to clean your mess up!" Your eyes burn with tears as you limp towards the rock you were trying to pick up before. Your other sister, Marble Pie, glances at you, then your leg, then Limestone Pie, then back at your leg again. But she continues her walk anyway. You look over at Maud, who seems oblivious to the whole situation. You exhale and a shuddering sigh come out. You pick up the rock, and carry it over the small pile you had formed yesterday, leaving a small trail of blood in your wake.

As the sun starts to set, your parents call you in for dinner. Dinner wasn't much different than breakfast, but you hadn't eaten anything all day, so you consume the rock chops given to you as fast as you can, though the consistent blandness makes you gag, and head to your room. The room was bare except for the small, itchy bed in the corner and a rusty hook on the wall, which you can't remember using. You didn't have a dresser, a closet, or for Celestia's sake any toys. You really want some, to make your room more welcoming, even if you wouldn't have anytime to play with them. There wasn't much to do in there except sleep, but you can hardly get yourself under the covers. You know that today was no different than yesterday, and that tomorrow would be the same as well. You limp over to the window. Your leg still aches, but was now covered in a layer of a dark red crust. You start to hit your head against the fogged glass.

"Why. Why. Why." With each word you speak, you continue to bang your head against the dirty surface. "Why. Why. Why." You start put some force behind the bobs of your head. "Why! Why! Why!" Tears once again fill your eyes, but it wasn't from the pain. "Why! Why! W-Why!" Dizzy, you collapse onto your bed.
