• Member Since 9th Oct, 2016
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Imagine having an actual bio lol, couldn’t be me


This story is a sequel to Havoc: Godhood

My mortal life was like any other; live, eat, drink, sleep, and make sure the ever-looming fate of death doesn't get you earlier than it's supposed to. But I digress.

As anyone could guess (and know), my life would eventually meet its end at the hands of death, earlier than it was supposed to, in fact. But instead of Being whisked off into some afterlife as I expected, I was sent to a magical land, filled with colorful and talking ponies, among other species, who's personalities often featured great naivety and an amazing amount of gullibility.

I was also given many new powers as well. Powers in which, to the ponies' eyes, were very much godlike. Well, scratch that, they are godlike. As well as terrifying.

"Why would they find them terrifying?" you may ask, and I'll tell you this, would you like it if you saw thousands of people murdered in in a blink of an eye right in front of you? No? That's why my powers are terrifying. Because they kill more than they heal. They caused. . . havoc, if you will.

How did I cope with this new purpose of being a Goddess who thrived on the suffering of others? Well, by the time I'm writing this, I have gotten used to it a long time ago, probably about millions of years past. So instead, I'll start with when I broke out of that stone prison those ponies put me in. A lot of things had changed since I was imprisoned, and I was a little eager to find out what.

Oh, and don't worry, I'll also explain how I became a Goddess. That just comes a bit later.

Criticism on this story is welcomed here. I'd like to know of any mistakes and inconsistencies.

*This story is now cancelled, and is currently being rewritten as The Ancient Arcanist.

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 110 )

Pic looks a bit like Mercy from Overwatch, still a good cover though.

Story so far is good and interesting. I’m eager for the next chapter!:twilightsmile:

I must admit im looking forward to the next chapter

Cool concept and good execution one of the better ideas out there for a start to a story

What kind of idiot would anger a goddess of destruction with something as ridiculous as marriage? That fool deserved to die. Also I absolutely love the character! It gives me so many gloriously chaotic and destructive ideas for my own story that I am going to create!

... Silver lining, less idiots to deal with in the world.


Also is she possible styled after a character in Touhou?
The art style looks like she's from that game series

So a dangerous MC that goes by the whims of their nature, that happens to be at odds with the mindsets of every other being around them.

Is practically an "old lady", thinks at such a level that all actions/reactions of others are categorized as foolish, childish or stupid. Most likely nothing can appease her, and every character is now subject to her whims seeing as she's the oldest and thus the strongest thing around. Her ire can mean death, her lost patience can mean death, anything and everything could just lead to death. Even if she "reforms", it just means anything or anyone causing trouble in Equestria is just gonna die or leave a lovely crater to act as a grave marker for historical value.

A lot of people are gonna die, because simple character tropes dictate they likely will

Ooo! I remember seeing this a little over a week ago, got interesting in it's summary (and yes, the picture), and only saw 2 chapters then. No idea why, but I thought it was an old fiction that was given up on (I guess I never checked the date and assumed it was first posted a while ago?) That said, seeing it's first chapter was released pretty recently has peaked my interest for it again. Time to give it a read :yay:

I have to say, using the Canterlot wedding invasion as a means of freeing someone from stone is something I feel isn't used often enough. I mean really, most authors just use Discord to free the MC, so it's refreshing seeing a new way of them getting released for once.

You know, just because your powers can't directly kill them
doesn't mean that things affected by them can't kill the elements.

Like say, a collapsing roof
or a tree house fire
or timberwolves
or spontaneous lightning
or name an object you can throw at mach speeds

Celeste didn’t not think that through . Havkok can kill main6 but seems like she can kill everyone’s else

or just turning the air into pure oxygen then lighting a fire, it will cause everyone to die from air loss and also burn

Pro tip : Flaunting your shiny anti-villain weapon against anything other than a Disney villain (and even then...) is a bad idea.
Then again , the Elements aren't exactly subtles.
Still couldn't have hurt you to shoot them from the outside of a window while Celestia was distracting her conveniantly in from of the window with that pastry. (Or just shoot while she is distracted by the pastry)

Also , it's not a good idea to unecessarily anger the goddess of destruction. Even if she can't hurt the Elements (and , like some guys above me said , she CAN actually hurt them indirectly) , she can still hurt you and/or hurt everyone else. That pastry stunt was thus unecessarily foolhardy from Celestia.

You end up rooting for Zerstörung because everyone else got a bad case of idiot ball (or worse)... which I think is kind of the point , or at least the point of view of the author.

Well this is anticlimactic, if you can't kill what can beat you directly, fuck up the world around it. Detach the city from the mountain, put a little spin to it, I'm sure the rubble blender that comes from that would likely kill some of them. Heck, "pettiness" is not a thing when one's own survival's at stake, demoralizing or harming your enemy in any way is clearly okay, especially if modern decency or empathy is practically non-existent in you.

If havoc is your power's fuel, then spread it, go to places they cannot reach easily, wipe out nations, trick them into war with one another or conquer them and force them to death march into Equestria. If someone's gonna make "harmony" die, it's with an ever growing tide of despair that'll rock the core of a people's sensibilities for ages to come. Hold fast to beliefs of friendship or grow cold to better your survival.

But this is just a reader's rambles, this'll obviously never happen :rainbowlaugh:

Well that was very anticlimactic and a bit too much deus ex machina. If she can't kill them directly then she been carry out her threats preferably the virus that cannot be affected by magic or starter a massive war be it with another Nation or Civil War among themselves. :pinkiecrazy:

Turning the air into pure oxygen would already do it.
The fire is a bit of overkill.


"Hmm... I'll pay a visit to Celestia and Luna a visit,"

You may want to cut out one of the a visit.

So why hasn't she drooped a meteor on their heads like it was her first plan?

And with that love, she was able to defeat Celestia, the most powerful being in existence.

Let's allow her to dream for just a few more minutes :pinkiecrazy:

Unfortunately, I hadn't thought that through, as all of the ash made a head-on collision with me, my face taking the brunt of it.

I think i am starting to notice a theme here :applejackunsure:

But I was thinking about giving up my ways and starting a new life with those who imprisoned me in the first place!

Those two are dead though :moustache:

"Because they are the Elements of Harmony ," Celestia retorted, stepping in front of the group of six, looking back at me with a fire I hadn't seen since her parents, "and because of that, your powers have no effect on them."

Celestia, that only means that she can't use her powers on them... everyone else however :facehoof:

I like this change.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.....
You are rewriting the Story now?

I preferred how it was before, but oh well. This actually make the concept of the story better in my opinion, I rather enjoy some fics where the villain is successful.:pinkiecrazy: Don't know why though.:twilightblush:

Could I get a spoiler about her personality? I want to know if I can expect her to start killing ponies or go against Celestia, being some kind of defender or just a reasonable being (I mean someone you can talk to if she should do something bad that others don't like.

Is she friendly or is she only going to fulfill her own wishes? I ask because I remember displaced or just "something" in Equestria stories where they kind of raped Celestia and Luna and were just assholes.

However this time I just want to know if I have to expect slavery or whatever you use for your gore, death and whatever story.

If a part of the translation of the profanity tag was right, then there is going to be romance too?, it is a bit suggested in the translation.
Well my last comment on that would be I hope it is slow paced or a bit slower and it looks believable.

Comment posted by Histy deleted Mar 15th, 2018

okay...hhmmm first I should say that I have to admit, that in a way it looks interresting even if it is something I usually don't read .

I kind of noticed that many main chars in the "human are superior group" (at least those of which I have seen), are assholes in their own way.
It kind of sounds like she would be mean and maybe is going to kill some for fun.

I had read the part with what she is planning to do to them and if making some of them into whorse and stuff like that, then maybe that takes it a bit to far for me.
I mean I always wanted to read a story with some bad guy ruling like her, but not necessarily kill their slaves for no reason, having slaves and all that stuff.
I fell like I should give it a change, I just hope she isn't only cruel....I guess I just want a reason or the story to lead to something instead of pointless suffering if you know what i mean. do you speak german perhaps?, or is Zerstörung written like that in english too?, that would make it easier to explain what I mean.

I have read your comment, but I didn't took a long time to think about it in chase I missunderstood something.

Well I saw the chapters are short enough, so I probably could read them and take a look myself, but please try to answer what you can or what you are willing to answer.

after taking a look at the Luna chapter the story got me interessted.
I mean I kind of image her to rule a bit like Ains Owl goan in Overlord, kind of what he did in season two with the first species.

Long story short, I kind of hope that yes she is a bit crazy even if I hope to avoid making her look like a generic horror movie monster, but maybe she get's some kind of attachment figure and if it feels right even a friend in the future, maybe in the ending if you consider a sequel and this story shouldn't be to long. I guess this character moves really slowly in her relationships.

I forgot I had this chapter open, but I liked it.

Yay Chrysalis escaped.:pinkiehappy:
Well the story is still good so far.

Zerstörung's great staff slammed onto the hard floor, the sound echoing throughout the throne room. No later than a second, the stallion turned into a pile ash, joining the many others now littered across the floor.

Well....it is probably not sad to loose a few nobles, but yes maybe she takes it a bit to far.

"So that's what it's called?" I asked. The closest thing that came to my mind was the word plakous, though I don't know why, "I wouldn't say I'm interested, it is food after all."

not sure what the definition is of being interessted, but I thought about it yesterday and maybe if she takes a long enough look an starts to think about it, that could already mean they kind of won.

"Because they are the Elements of Harmony," Celestia retorted, stepping in front of the group of six, looking back at me with a fire I hadn't seen since her parents, "and because of that, your powers have no effect on them."

While I like that they didn't die, that is some kind of weak execuse for an defense. I somehow wasn't happy that this was what rescured them.

"Think what you will, but this is far from over," I stated, using my power I had to teleport myself to an unknown location.

she could have probably just hit one of them in the face with her stuff or whatever she had.

Well with all the power she had, the rason why she had to run away was kind of dissapointing. I mean they made her look like she would be far stronger than the elements even if she kidn of gave them the chance to beat her the first time it happened.

"Alright, it all started when Mother Faust created the universe..."

I'm just going to ignore that, sometimes I just dislike the idea of making Lauren Faust an Alicorn just because she made the show and stuff but I always try to accept it that others seems to like it or just "have" to take an idea as a rule when some started it.
With that I mostly mean that in some other stories some ideas are just used over and over again and it's difficult to see some new ideas or universes that work differently sometimes.
I don't hate it to much, I just get abit irritated sometimes since I'm not exactly a person who is more or less whorshipping anyone like that.
I always prefer it when Lauren get's a more normal role in a story like just some pony or something like that.
It seems as if I always remember the talk I had when it annoyed me the first time and as if I actually aren't really annoyed for the idea to be used again.

sendak huh, that name sounds familiar... dunno if he's still alive at this point but he definitely left an impact, for what he ended up causing it does make sense for him to have been aligned with such a goddess.

How do you pronounce Zerstörung?

i feel like this is a crossover with something i just cant get rid of that feeling (havent read the story so far so i cant say)

You know, I think I'm liking this new path, even if I'm no longer in it.

I hate it. Before I at least had some importance. Now I'm nothing but an old memory.

Oh shut up, your always just negative.

It's a trait I'm proud of.

Even more so than Zerstörung was before?

...I won't comment on that.


Can I... may I take these two off of your hands? I might have an idea or two for them... *smirks*

Story related, can't say much more than that mainly because, a) the story has not been published... yet... b) only one other person, who is my editor, know anything about this story, and c) there is someone in there with many powers, giving these two their own bodies won't be difficult, but pulling them from a... 'dying' universe will be different.

I don't know if anyone likes us taking over the author's note.

I don't care if they do or do not, because I'm staying here no matter what.

Even if the author decides to end our existence completely?

He wouldn't dare. He can go down to the deepest realms of the Underworld for all I care.

I think he calls it Hell.

I don't care. My point still stands.

*raises an eyebrow* Are you sure you want to remain in the Author's Notes? I mean, it can get quite boring in there.


...Oh, right, characters in there that either A) no longer exist in the story or B) are there just for fun are not able to hear the commentators unless they want to... if they know how to... but they can hear the commentators created characters.




*points to what is typed*

*reads what is typed* *nods*

Right away.


Inhale my-

Nope! *grabs and throws Freddy Fuckboy out of the comment section*

*raises eyebrow* *shrugs*

Anyways... are you sure you want to remain in the Author's Notes? I mean, it can get quite boring in there, I should know.

You know what... that actually sounds like a good idea. The thing I'd be unsure about is doing this kind of RP thing (that's how I'm seeing this) right in the middle of the comments section. It's going to look weird in there.

Probably the best way to do it is with people asking questions to them in the comments section, which will then be answered in the author's note in the next chapter.

I don't know if I should do it or not. Hey, Zerstörung's dark side, what do you think about this idea?

It's a stupid idea. Almost as stupid as yourself.

Jeez, you don't have to be like that.

Edit: I just thought that I could create a story about this concept. Currently thinking about how to put ponies in it.

... Someone kinda already did this... I think? Hold on...

*goes through internet history*

*rolls eyes* You don't need to look through that messy old thing, I've got the link right here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/395794/1/spike-understands-everything/that-is-not-true-spike-said

*blinks* O... K...? Thanks Soul.

*chuckles* No problem boss, by the way should I see if Agent 001-?

*eyes widen* Not here, not now, later, K?

*facehoof* Right, sorry boss.

Anyways, where were we? Oh yeah the link... up there you should read it.

Author's Note:

Cliffhanger (I think)! Dun dun dun!

I hate you more than ever right now.

Yeah! I want to know how Cadence is going to be tortured!




Aren't you supposed to be the good one ? :trixieshiftright:

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