• Published 16th Dec 2017
  • 899 Views, 3 Comments

Celestial Secret - Barix123

Celestia has a meeting with the members of her secret society.

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The Meeting

“It is good to have you back, old friend,” Celestia said as she walked down the hall with Starswirl. “A lot has changed since you left. If I am to be honest, I am looking forward to introducing you to the others.”

“I can’t wait, Princess. Even though a thousand years has passed, I hope with all my heart that, with your blessing, I can resume my role of arch mage amongst your inner circle.” He looked up at her with bated breath, noticing how the muscles along her jaw tightened.

Celestia stayed silent as she pushed open the large, majestic doors to her bedchamber.

Starswirl paused in the doorway. “Uh, Princess? I get the feeling there’s something you’re not telling me.”

“All will be revealed in time. For now, have a seat. We’ll be heading to the meeting hall in a few moments.”

Starswirl sat at the table as Celestia began making tea. As the water was heating up, she gathered a large tray and placed several items on it. There were nine tea cups, an assortment of tea bags, a few plates of biscuits and cookies, and a coaster for the soon to be added kettle of hot water. While the water heated up, Celestia levitated a bracelet over to Starswirl.

“Here. You’re going to need this for where we’re going.”

“Aren’t we going to the meeting place? Unless it’s changed since I was indisposed, then it’s in the old castle. Right?” Weary, but still trusting of Celestia, Starswirl secured the bracelet to his hoof.

“Yes, it is. You see, magic and technology have advanced far beyond what you knew, so I’ve implemented a much safer and faster method of gathering the agency together.” The kettle started to produce a high pitch whistle. Celestia levitated it over to the coaster then sat next to Starswirl. She lowered the sun which marked the last of her duties for the day. “Are you ready?”

He winced. “This won’t hurt, will it?”

“Oh you. Only a tingle for your first time.”


“Executing phase shift.”

Starswirl’s bracelet and Celestia’s regalia glowed a dull gold as everything around them shifted into unrecognizable colors and shapes. That didn’t last long, though, as everything took the form of a room he knew very well. This room housed a fairly large center table that was surrounded by a number of ponies. He recognized several of them, but held his tongue when Celestia stepped forward.

“Greetings everypony. I trust you all found places nopony will try to look for you or created excuses for privacy sake?”

“Pssh. My cloud home is already pretty remote. I’ll be fine,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I was lucky to find a hotel in time. This meeting caught me off guard so I wasn’t prepared,” said a somewhat angry looking pony with a trenchcoat, a hat, and a mean-looking cat for a cutie mark.

“I can’t speak for the others in this room, but my home is protected by a forest of gloom,” Zecora said.

“Glad to see everypony made it with little complications. Tea?” Celestia began to pass out the cups while pouring the hot water in each as she also offered biscuits and cookies. The only two ponies that didn’t get a cup were a tall, thin pony in a suit and Mare Do Well as their faces were completely covered. “I have a few things to discuss with everypony but first I’d like to introduce you to the old arch mage of Equestria and the agency, Starswirl the Bearded.”

“Hello everypony. It’s good to be back. I’ve been with the agency since its founding but was trapped in another dimension for the majority of the time. I look forward to getting to know, well, all of the new faces here.”

“Why wait? Let’s go around the room so you may get better acquainted with everypony. Rainbow Dash, would you care to start?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Rainbow smirked. She always liked going first, even if that had everything to do with being seated next to Starswirl on the table. “We’ve met before but I’m Rainbow Dash. I’m what you call a super saiyan. Basically it means I’m good at pretty much everything combat related and I’m the fastest flyer in Equestria. Former Element of Loyalty and current Element of Courage.”

“With an ego to match.” Applejack said. “We also met before. Ah’m Applejack, code name, Super Mare. In short, I’m invulnerable to almost anythin, ah have super strength, super speed, and ah can fly. Yes, even without wings. Dash and I are pretty much Equestria’s last resort in case everything else fails. Since our powers aren’t magic based, nopony knows how to get rid of ‘em which’ll help in magic-pocalypses or the like.” With her speech done, she turned to the next pony on the table.

“Hey. I’m A.K. Yearling. Code name Daring Do. I’m an archeologist. It’s a somewhat new trade so I’ll sum it up like this. I’m decent at just about everything and great at history, ancient artifacts, and critical thinking.” Before she could pass the conversation on to the next pony, Celestia gave her a certain look and knew what the princess wanted her to say. “Uh, also I’m probation. Besides revealing myself to the other Elements of Harmony and having my first set of adventures accidentally leaked by an unidentified source, I’ve been a little… complacent. As such I’m not allowed to get special privileges for a while,” Daring finished by hanging her head in shame.

“Adventures? You mean those Daring Do novels I’ve seen in bookstores?” He turned to the princess. “Why don’t you take them off the shelves if it reveals information about us?”

“The books turned out to be a big hit with readers and quickly gained momentum with all of Equestria. Even at the time of release it would’ve been more of a hassle to take them down then to continue. Instead we use the profits to fund part of the agency. It was the best solution we could come up with.”

“On a somewhat lighter note, I’m Bon Bon, code name Sweetie Drops. I’m an agent that specializes in infiltration, espionage, assassination, hoof to hoof combat, and I can speak five languages.” Starswirl waited for the rest but only got the next pony’s introduction as a response.

“Good evening to you, pony of olden magic. I may be a zebra but there is no need to panic. As a Zebra member that came in, I am most useful as a shaman. Potions, curses, and the mystic arts are my specialty. One day I hope to befriend you in this agency. Call me Zecora in name and in code. Now let’s move on in our humble abode.” Zecora motioned for the next pony to continue.

This brown pony grumbled and swore under his breath before making his introduction. “I’m Grumpy, no other name or code. I investigate Equestria for signs of corruption, investigate, then dispose of the threat. If I need backup, I call higher and it gets dealt with. That’s all.”

The next pony, who wore a full white body mask and a suit simply waved at Starswirl.

“Hi Slender.” Starswirl licked his lips. “I didn’t think you were still around. Still keeping the population under control?” The creature simply nodded in agreement then turned to the next pony.

“Hey. I’m Vinyl Scratch. Before I say what I am you must know that thestrals have evolved quite a bit since your day, old timer.”

“Thestrals?” Starswirl rubbed his chin in thought of what eluded his mind. “Do you mean-”

“Yes,” she removed her shades to reveal a set of blood red eyes, “I’m a thestral, or bat pony as we were once called. Now a days we guard the ponies of the day from other things that go bump in the night. Rouge thestrals, timberwolves, were-creatures, banshees, you name it. Most thestrals are common ponies who lead normal lives aside from the occasional blood bag. Just give us a chance. We didn’t get a spot in this agency for nothing.” Vinyl gave Starswirl a toothy grin but he still held some caution towards the night mare.

As for the last pony, she… he… they just stood there tapping their hoof against the table. Celestia realized her mistake. “Oh sorry about that. I forgot that morse code has only been invented in the past few hundred years. This is Mare Do Well, Equestria’s mysterious hero. As another precaution, only I know who or what they really are. This earth pony, pegasus, unicorn, or alicorn performs small miracles around Equestria, generally helping its citizens, and providing backup for the others should they need it.”

“He, she, it? So which is it?”

“Good luck, Starswirl.” Applejack chimed in. “Mare Do Well is a closely guarded secret, even from us. The idea behind Mare Do Well is a last stand sort of deal in case we’re infiltrated and compromised. If there’s one left standing then we have a chance of coming back from the brink of disaster.”

“That does sound like a good idea. I’m surprised we didn’t have something like that back then.” Starswirl added.

“We’ve had plenty of time to improve. Now with introductions out of the way, it’s time we get down to business.” Celestia turned her attention to Daring. “Miss Do, did you retrieve the chest?”

“Yes princess.” The archaeologist produced a seven-sided chest and pushed it over to Celestia. “I’m about halfway done with the book on this adventure… also, uh… ”

“What is it this time?”

“A pony found out my secret. His name is Quibble Pants.”

Rainbow scoffed. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about him,” she said.

Celestia slammed her hoof against the table making both ponies jump from their seats. “Again Daring? How many ponies does this make?” Daring began counting but Celestia stopped her. “Forget it. I’ll just have to make another government position and put him in there so he doesn’t talk. And you,” She pointed to Rainbow who shrank from her gaze. “You should know better. I’m putting you on temporary suspension from the Wonderbolts and I don’t want to hear another word about this.”

Rainbow made several facial movements ranging from anger to sadness to depression before resigning herself to simply crossing her forelegs. Celestia turned her attention to Grumpy.

“Princess, I haven’t been able to complete my investigation on Manehatten’s mayor, but preliminary results look promising. No corruption thus far.”

“Good work. Zecora, report on Twilight Sparkle.”

“Princess, my findings are vast I assure you, but there is still much I have to do.”

“Can you elaborate?”

“Twilight Sparkle shows promise in all aspects, but needs to work on certain subjects. Magic and friendship are in no short supply although she fails to be sly. If you truly wish for her to be one with the agency, she must focus on her talents and stop using them so wastefully.”

“I see. Applejack, Rainbow Dash. I need you two to increase your efforts on Twilight.”

“Sure thing.”

“Can do, princess.”

“If anything, I thought Twilight would already be a member. Don’t you need magically-enhanced members now more than ever?”

“That’s part of the reason I’ve called you back in, Starswirl. It’s time we find a new arch mage for Equestria and the agency.”

“Oh great. Another newbie joins our band of misfits.” Grumpy groaned.

“If anything we need this,” Sweetie retorted. “We’re desperately shy of magic users. All we have is an ancient wizard who’s going to kick the bucket soon.” She turned her attention to said wizard. “No offense.”

“None taken.”

“The pony I have in mind is already a prodigy without specialized training. She’s able to come up with new spells given the right motivation and has proven to keep up with magical experts such as Twilight Sparkle. I propose to initiate Starlight Glimmer as the new Arch Mage in Training.” Celestia pursed her lips, wondering how each member would react.

The room erupted into a flurry of commotion. It seemed that most were against the idea but that might have just been the louder ones that spoke up. With one powerful hoof slam, Celestia quieted the room. She took a deep breath to calm herself before continuing.

“Same rules apply. Ponies who know her get two votes and you must provide a valid reason for your choice whether you agree or disagree for your vote to count. Starswirl, mind starting us off?”

“Of course. From what I’ve seen so far, she has exceptional talent. With my mentoring I have no doubt she’ll become a powerful arch mage. I vote yes.”

“Heck no!” Rainbow began shouting out. “She’s arrogant and socially awkward. If I’m the pony saying that, then you know there’s something wrong. Plus it wasn’t too long ago that she brainwashed us just to finish her friendship homework. I vote no.”

Applejack spoke next. “Starlight’s made some decent strides towards becoming a better pony. Helpin’ to defeat Queen Chrysalis is proof enough fer me. I vote yes.”

Daring Do opened her mouth to speak but was quickly shot down. “Miss Do, as part of your probation you don’t get a vote.” The mare just continued to sulk in her chair. “Sweetie Drops, please continue the voting.”

“From what little I’ve seen, she’s kept others like Trixie and Discord under wraps. If we’re going to trust anypony with our secrets, I’d look no further than a pony who can some control over a lord of chaos. I vote yes.”

“Cold, manipulative, cynical, estranged and full of aggression. All terms I would use on the pony in question. If were up to me, I would banish this pony. All this and more leads me to disagree.”

“I’ve only read about her in the paper so I’ll go off that.” Grumpy recalled what he read. “She helped save Equestria from changelings, reformed said changelings, and is Princess Twilights personal protege. Plus we need another unicorn. I vote yes.”

Slender simply nodded. With another yes vote, Vinyl Scratch began next.

“I may live in the same town as her but all I’ve seen from her are the bad sides. For example, she once put her anger into a glass jar that broke and infected the ponies around her. Who does that? I vote no.”

Mare Do Well began tapping her hoof in rapid succession. Celestia took note of all the short and long pauses before smiling. “Oh, is that right? I didn’t know. That’s a good reason to vote yes if I’ve ever heard one. So the count is six to three in favor of Starlight. Adding the secondary votes from Zecora, Rainbow Dash and Applejack brings the total up, seven to five. Starswirl, I want you to bring her in for training.”

“Very well, princess. Should I tell her about us or wait for now.”

“You may tell her under a controlled environment with Applejack and Rainbow Dash present. If nopony has anything else they would like to add,” the room stood silent, “then the meeting is adjourned. Executing phase shift.”


“Starlight Glimmer.” Starswirl walked up to the purple unicorn who had been in the castle library studying. “Might I have a word with you?”

“A moment with the great Starswirl the Bearded? Of course.” She looked over his shoulder to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash on either side behind him. “What’s going on?”

“That’s what we’re here to discuss.”

Comments ( 3 )

I like this story, really I do. That said I was reading along and hit this.
things that go bump in the night. Rouge thestrals, timberwolves,
Now don't get the idea that you are the only one doing this. More times than not the same thing happens. It's Rogue you want.
If your face is pale instead of pink put Rouge on quick as a wink.
If off the rails your mind has gone then this is what you've done, you went Rogue.
On another note wonder how many will get the Grumpy Cat reference

Mare-do-well is Kenny.

I missed the "GRUMPY CAT" reference. Mare-do-well, could be Luna, or Cadence...but her "SIZE", might give a clue. I thought the club, might be a pretend club....like an after school activity club, but it seems quite serious.

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