• Published 9th Dec 2017
  • 899 Views, 31 Comments

Cardcaptors: Sun and Moon - Mirror Star

After 1000 years, 52 cards created by Celestia and Luna have been unleashed and it is up to a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle to find these cards before something terrible happens. But she's not the only one looking for these cards

  • ...

The Float

Somewhere in a forest, a pink pegasus is looking up at the sky when suddenly, one of the Celestia Cards, The Friendship, falls from the sky. She grabbed the card and flew to a nearby hut and went inside; there, a zebra is putting a powder in a cauldron.

The zebra asked"Was it there?"

The Pink pegasus said "Yes, Zecora. I have The Friendship with me; it fell in the exact spot as you predicted."

Zecora said "That means the rest of the cards have been released as well."

The pink pegasus said "Then I better start searching for them too; I'm sure the others will start searching too."

Zecora said "Cadance. If you run into "her" make sure she doesn't retrieve The Friendship; she's not ready for it, yet."

Cadance said before leaving "I understand."

Back in Twilight's room, Spike is running around screaming in terror after learning that all the Celestia cards and the Luna cards, except The Windy, are all gone. He eventually stopped after running out of breath from all the running and screaming.

Twilight said after giving Spike some water"Spike, I'm really sorry about this; I didn't mean to release all the cards like that."

Spike said after drinking the water "How did you do it anyway?"

Twilight asked"What do you mean?"

Spike asked"How did you break the seal?"

Twilight said with a confused look on her face "What seal?"

Spike explained "There was a magical seal placed on the page where the cards were suppose to be. The only ones who could break it are Celestia, Luna, or one of the 14 Pillars of Harmony, specifically you're not one of their blood relatives. But even if you were a blood relative of one of the Pillars, you need all 14 of them just to break the seal along with 14 gems, or elements, that each represent their special trait."

Moondancer said showing Spike the burgundy, blue, pink, and purple gems "You mean these gems?"

Spike asked "Where are the rest? Don't tell me, they blew away."

Moondancer said "No, only four of these were here when we got to the page."

Spike said looking at the gems "Bravery, Laughter, Kindness , and Magic. Hmm. That's odd. They agreed to keep all the elements in one place. What happened? Why would Ember.........hey, was there another dragon here before I woke up?"

Twilight said "No. You are the only dragon that appeared."

Minuette asked looking at Spike's back "By the way, if you are a dragon, where are your wings? Don't dragons usually have wings."

Spike said"They do and I have wings. Or at least I had them until The Watery and The Dark blew away. I need those cards along with The Windy to be at full strength. Ember needs The Firey, The Earthy, and The Light; they're Celestia cards."

Moondancer asked "Who's Ember?"

Spike explained "She's the other dragon guardian of the Celestia and Luna cards. While I keep track of the cards, she keeps track of the gems. We were both sealed in the book together to keep track of the cards and the weapons and make sure no evil force tries to take them."

Twilight asked "If that's true then how come you didn't notice she was gone until now?"

Spike said "Well, apart from being asleep, we were kept in to separate dimensions of the book. It was necessary for us to be separate so we could better defend the cards and the weapons. Also, Ember isn't much of a talker anyway."

Moondancer asked "Spike, how long have you been asleep in this book?"

Spike said before he interrupted himself "It's varied from time to time. You.........."

Twilight said "Spike, what's wrong?"

Spike said "I sense a Luna card revealing itself."

Somewhere, in the streets of Canterlot, Twilight Velvet and Night Light are walking back from the air docks after checking up on their air boat.

Velvet said "I'm really looking forward to a relaxing vacation."

Night Light said "I know you are hun."

Velvet said noticing a big hole where a mailbox used to be "Honey, wasn't there a mailbox there?"

Night Light said looking at the nearby café "I think so. And didn't that café over there have tables and chairs outside."

Velvet said "It did.

Night Light said looking around "You don't think there's a thief on the loose, do you? Velvet? Honey."

Velvet said as she is floating in the air "Up here."

Night Light asked "How did you get up there?"

Velvet said with an excited tone "I don't know."

Somewhere else, Twilight and the others are following Spike since he knows the location of the Luna card that has chosen to show itself.

Twilight asked "So, which card revealed itself?"

Spike said "I don't know yet. I may know when a Luna card or a Celestia card will show itself but that doesn't mean I know which one it is; I'm not a psychic."

Minuette stopping for a moment "Hey, wasn't the doughnut shop there?"

Moondancer said "Minuette, this is no time for doughnuts."

Minuette said pointing out the big hole on the ground "I know, but look. The Doughnut shop is gone."

Twilight said looking up "More like it's in the air. Look."

Spike said as he noticed other ponies in the air "Not only that, but ponies are in the air too."

Minuette pointed out to Twilight "Like your parents."

Spike said "This is the work of The Float card."

Twilight asked "How do we stop this?"

Spike said "We need a Cardcaptor to capture it."

Moondancer asked "What's a Cardcaptor?"

Spike said "In short, they are ponies who are supposed to capture the Celestia and Luna cards in the event they go crazy for any reason."

Twilight said "I don't think your going to find one at this very moment nor do I believe there is one in Canterlot."

Spike said "From the looks of things, your right. Then there is only one thing we can do. Moondancer, give me the Element of Magic."

Moondancer said giving Spike the purple gem from her pocket "Ok. Why?"

Spike said "Twilight, give me your hand."

Twilight asked after grabbing Twilight's hand with the purple element "Spike, what are you doing?"

Spike said "Something that Ember and I can do in case of an emergency. I call upon the Element of Magic to bestow its power on this unicorn. Her name is Twilight Sparkle. I command you to bestow your power on Twilight Sparkle and make her the Cardcaptor of Magic. Release!"

The purple stone then transformed into a purple staff with a book on top of the staff that has her cutie mark on the cover of the book.

Twilight asked "What is this?"

Spike said "The Element of Magic turned into a weapon. Normally, Ember is supposed to do this but since she's not here I have to do it. So, Congratulations Twilight, you are a Cardcaptor."

Twilight asked "What!? Why me?"

Spike said "Because we need a cardcaptor now and you fit the bill at the moment since you are the one who broke the seal and managed to use The Windy without an element in the first place."

Minuette said "I don't suppose you can also make me and Moondancer Cardcaptors as well, can you?"

Spike said "No. You two don't fit with the Elements of Bravery, Laughter or Kindness."

Twilight said "So, what am I suppose to do?"

Spike said "You need to find The Float and seal it away. I'll help you of course."

"What should we do?"

"Just stay here; we'll take care of this."

"Twilight, are you sure?"

"Its my fault that this card is reeking havoc, so I need to be the one to stop it."

Twilight and Spike ran toward the direction where the Spike could sense The Float card. As they are running toward it, they notice all the stuff and ponies in the area. Twilight asked why The Float card is doing this and Spike explained that The Float card isn't trying to hurt anypony; it's a mischievous card that likes to make thing float in the air. Twilight and Spike then arrived at Canterlot Academy, where The Float card is located at the clock tower of the school.

Spike said pointing at the purple hot air balloon with a pink basket and white wings "There it is. Now seal it."

Twilight said "Wait, if I seal The Float now, then the spell will break and everypony in the air will plummet to the ground."

Spike said giving Twilight The Windy card"When that happens, use this."

Twilight said "The Windy."

Spike said "Use it and it will save everything and everypony from plummeting to the ground."

Twilight asked "How can you be sure?"

Spike said "Because this card and I are connected. It's very powerful and it will save everypony."

Twilight and Spike said as they are floating too"Ahh."

Spike urged Twilight"Do it now. Seal The Float card away."

Twilight shouted while pointing her staff at The Float "Return to your original form and be sealed, FLOAT."

As a result of Twilight pointing her staff at The Float, it turned into energy and into the form of a card. However, this did cause everything and everypony that was under The Float's influence to start falling. In order to save everypony, Twilight said: "Windy. Use your powerful wind and save everypony from falling. Release."

When Twilight tapped on The Windy card, it started to glow and a green pegasus pony came out of the card. It flew around Canterlot and created a huge gust of wind that stopped everything and everypony from plummeting to the ground and landed them safely.

Twilight said "That was a close one. It looks like everypony is ok."

Velvet shouted as she and Night Light ran toward her with Minuette and Moondancer"Twilight."

Twilight said giving them a hug"Mom, dad, are you alright?"

Velvet said "We're fine, honey. But that was rush. How we managed to float into the air like that was amazing; it was surprising and unexpected, but amazing."

Spike said "It may have been amazing then, but your lucky that The Float card isn't all that powerful."

Night Light said surprised to see Spike"A dragon! Wait, where are your wings?"

Minuette said "That's what I asked."

Moondancer said noticing the crowd "Uh oh, looks like ponies are coming over here to investigate what happened."

Twilight said "How are we going to explain this to them?"

Professor Raven said looking badly beaten "All of you come in here, now."

Twilight said "Professor Raven. What happened to you?"

Raven shouted to them "Just come in here now."

Moondacner said "Is that the Amnesiulet?"

Raven said as they all came in"Yes. Get behind me, all of you."

As the crowd of ponies came toward the school, Professor Raven held up the Amnesiulet and a mist appeared from it that covered all of Canterlot. Everypony stopped heading toward the school and simply went back to their homes or simply walking in different directions like nothing happened at all. Afterwards, Professor Raven fell to the ground, but Velvet and Night Light prevented her from falling to the ground.

Twilight asked "Professor, what happened to you; who did this?"

Raven said "Somepony who is after the Celestia and Luna cards. Twilight, you have to gather as many of the Celestia and Luna cards as you can and bring them to Manehattan."

Twilight asked "Manehattan? What's there?"

Raven said before fainting "Find Zecora in the Everfree Forest; she can tell you more."

Elsewhere, on a rooftop, the unicorn with a broke horn is watching Twilight and the others with the help of a magical telescope with a blue hedgehog standing next to her; she also notices that Twilight has The Windy and The Float.

The blue hedgehog asked "So, what are we going to do now, Tempest; aren't we going to steal the Luna cards from her?"

Tempest said "We can't, Grubber. Since her element touched those cards, they now belong to that unicorn Cardcaptor. Besides, now that all the Celestia and Luna cards, we need to start looking for them before they do."

Grubber said "I'm sure we can get to them before she does."

Tempest said walking away from the scene "We will, but I wasn't referring to that unicorn; I was referring to the other Cardcaptors that are out there. It won't be long before they find out that the cards have been set free."

Author's Note:

Celestia Card or Luna Card? Which type of card do you want to see next

If Luna, which of these cards:
The Illusion
The Jump
The Silent
The Bubbles

If Celestia, which of these cards:
The Shadow
The Sweet
The Sword
The Shield