• Published 1st Dec 2017
  • 804 Views, 10 Comments

Sirens' origin - EnergeticRider

Sirens. Legendary sea creatures. Or are they?

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Meet the Sirens!

The day was coming to an end, but the sun was still far above the horizon. The water surface almost like a mirror with a light breeze pulling only smallest waves. Without looking around nopony would suspect that they were far into the ocean, only clouds above the shore barely visible to the west.

A tall ship just docked to the huge barge, anchored seemingly in the middle of nowhere. A minute later gangway dropped on the deck and dozen of ponies descended, forming a crowd before barge’s bridge. There, above the newcomers a yew-colored earth colt with a dark green mane pulled into a tail was meeting them.

“My fellow ponies!” started he after everypony was on board. “My name is Yew Draft. Or you can call me just Draft. And I’m glad that all of you decided to undertake a journey to see our unique and aspiring commune. This is the last stop before you could see the Delight in all its beauty and prosperity. And I humbly hope that after experiencing our way of life many of you would like to stay and make it a new home.”

“If everything is as good as you and your pamphlets say, who wouldn’t like to stay!” there was a voice in the crowd.

“But some ponies, who returned, told rather different things about life here.” another pony from the crowd voiced her concern.

“Well, everypony is entitled to have their own opinion,” parried the spokescolt. “Especially in our enlightened community. But you know like somepony just can’t embrace something, only searching for an excuse to complain. Anyway, very soon you will be able to see everything for yourselves. After all, wouldn’t it be more suspicious if nopony returned from us?”

A colt chuckled at his joke, but nopony has laughed. In awkward silence, they heard something made rather loud splashes overboard.

“And it looks like our escort has already arrived,” said Draft. “Let me introduce you one pony, without whose efforts and magic everything you will see in the next three days would be impossible. My business partner, best friend, and simply a sister – Wild Card!”

After the last word, a part of the barge side near the bridge moved and everypony saw how in the water graceful silhouettes were moving fast. One by one they approached the surface and jumped out showing themselves to the crowd. Of course newcomers already knew that they were seaponies – half-pony and half sea creature with gills, tail, and fins. But to see that marvel with own eyes was indeed breathtaking.

Meanwhile one of the seaponies jumped especially high and forward. She had a horn and used telekinetic power to hold a large pearl before her. When she was in midair the pearl glowed and before seaunicorn landed a shining aura shrouded her. Then aura was gone and everypony saw that mare standing on the deck was seahorse no more, but a white unicorn with a gorgeous cyan mane.

Wild Card made a short bow to the audience and smiled. Meanwhile, her brother descended from the bridge.

“My sister is one of the top students in School for the Gifted Unicorns and she studied magic under Star Swirl the Bearded himself. But even for her, it took half a year to make this Pearl of Transfiguration,” announced Draft after joining Wild Card. “With its power we have founded an absolutely new kind of settlement. Beyond the borders of Equestria. Beyond the ordinary and mundane life. Beyond even the wildest dreams of modern mages. Everypony, who is bold enough to reach for one’s aspirations can begin life anew with a new body of a seapony. Just make a step forward!”

There was some commotion as some ponies were too eager to try “new life”, but Draft quickly organized them into line. One by one twelve colts and mares came to Wild Card and as they jumped into the water Pearl’s power transformed each into a seapony. The last ones who turned into seaponies were Draft and Card themselves.

After that, it took a couple of minutes for newcomers to adjust for new bodies and abilities. Especially breathing underwater.

“Now, to the brave new world under the sea!” exclaimed Draft and everypony dived.

Wild Card was swimming ahead and her brother dragged behind to watch over new quests on their way to Delight. Three seamares of their escort kept themselves at the sides. As they descended the waters around were becoming darker and darker. The only remaining light was Wild Card’s horn.

And suddenly a glow started to show from below. At first, it was barely visible, but becoming more distinct every second. And then all of a sudden new ponies realized that under them there was a whole pattern of lights. Different in color and intensity, some of them even moved. Without noticing everypony was descending quicker and quicker. And in less than a minute fabulous Delight had spread before their eyes.

It was built on a vast plateau. Several huge cliffs were protruding through the whole city. Yes, it was a city. Maybe smaller than Canterlot or Manehatten, but nopony could have the heart to call it just a town. There were the whole roads, made distinct by lights and the cliffs were also illuminated. The moving lights were mounted on some sort of vessels that were made so they would hang in the water, not rising, but not going down either.

Following Wild Card everypony flew to the center of Delight. It was easy to notice as most lights were concentrated in that area. Rays of light, definitely magical, were piercing the blackness of the water. Most of them made a circle around the Central Plaza.

The Plaza was decorated with bushes of seaweed wrapped in luminescent garlands. Some seaponies were there, talking to each other and pointing up. A few waved their hooves to newcomers. Draft smiled – so far so good. The first impression was very important.

Then a song began without being noticed at first. But soon it became very clear. New ponies started to turn their heads in search for it’s source.

Only after second verse guest ponies realized that it were those three mares, who escorted them. They had rather charming voices. Though if one looked thoroughly, would notice that purple one looked somewhat cranky, not really into the song. And yellow mare was tired. Only the blue one was actually enjoying the singing.

Meanwhile, everypony descended to the Plaza. Draft floated to his sister and slightly shoved her as her attention was at the newcomers.

“They really improved their singing after the last time,” he said.

“You wouldn’t believe what it cost me,” grumbled Wild Card.

“But results are great. That’s what important,” Draft’s tone became serious. “Damn! Only a dozen now. And it’s after a month of waiting. Remember, we need to persuade this dozen no matter what.”

“Sh-h!” Wild Card interrupted him. “Song is almost over. Get ready to lead them straight to cantina.”

There were a few more refrains. But Draft was already leading newcomers to the dining hall – a large tent, supported by large natural rocks. As all other “buildings” it was wrapped in luminescent garlands. Inside there was already prepared a welcoming feast of most delicious and exotic “fruits of the sea”. Only Wild Card stayed at the plaza with the dazzling singers.

“Are we done?” yellow seamare asked and sighed.

“If you don’t want the bonus, Adagio,” replied Wild Card.

“No, I don’t,” Adagio looked towards cantina where the guest ponies went. “I am so tired.”

“And I don’t want to entertain those suckers not a bit more!” said the purple mare. “Even for twice pay, you promised. Especially that red jerk, who tried to put his hooves on me during the whole time we were in the dark!”

“You are so picky Aria,” laughed the blue mare. “Then I will accompany them and have all your jewels and gold sand.”

“You can only have your own share, Sonata,” answered Wild Card almost too hastily, but then checked herself. “But if you manage to get some tips from our guest they are all yours.”

Sonata made a dreamy smile.

“After deduction of the tax, of course,” Wild Card made Sonata’s smile to darken a bit, but not gone completely.

“Ugh,” Aria made a wry face. “By all means! I better go to sleep.”

“Me too,” added Adagio. “I don’t understand how you even have so much energy left! You pendant must not be working.” she turned to Wild Card. “You said that you checked your inventions right before we went up.”

“Yes, I’ve checked,” answered mare with a hint of annoyance in her voice. “All are in order. In fact, you could notice that Sonata’s charm had the most power output. As I’ve said before, they work on emotions. Your emotions. And you should allow yourself be attuned to the flow of charms’ power, not being distracted by mental processes.”

“What did Card lady said?” Sonata turned to Aria.

“She said that your stone works best because you are so dumb,” threw Aria. “You know what? I’ve changed my mind. I will go to that greasy spoon. Maybe that red jerk will pay for my meal there. I’m sick of the ordinary seaweed.”

“Well,” Adagio made an effort to shake off her weariness. “It looks like I also not that tired. And the more jewels I get, the quicker I get out of this hole below the sea,” she stretched again.

“Wonderful!” Wild Card made a happy face. “Remember, that you need to convince these ponies that life here is marvelous.”

“Yeah-yeah, we know.” Adagio brushed Card aside and all three went into the cantina.

There, guest ponies were already feasting on the best seafood, workers of Delight could provide.

“I’ve heard that a lot of creatures in the ocean look like plants,” one of the ponies was talking to a hostess. “Are these really not animals?”

“It’s weed mostly.” cautiously answered mare. “It’s just have flavoring – that’s how we make them so tasty. Just take a bite. Sure, we get some condiment...”

“Don’t you worry ma’am,” Draft appeared out of nowhere and interrupted hostess’ explaination. “We are not so unorthodox as to become carnivores. And don’t you eat cakes on land from time to time?”

“Well, yes. But what have cakes to do with meat?”

“Not meat exactly. But do you know that to make a dough they use chicken eggs? So basically you eat chickens.”

“Oh. Uew,” mare made a face. “I think that I lost my appetite altogether. Where is a bathroom here? Come to think of it, how do you use a bathroom underwater?”

“Our hostess will help you,” answered Draft and threw a glance at her.

After a brief moment of hesitation, the hostess took concerned veggie mare’s hoof and lead her to one of the doorways at the far side of the cantina. Meanwhile, Draft’s gloomy glance followed them. He should’ve foreseen that reaction. Each mistake means one chance lost. Gotta keep it together. He spotted the red colt, who seemed to enjoy the food. And a company of Aria Blaze.

“Mr. Draft!” exclaimed colt upon noticing Draft. “Nice dishes you have here.”

“Yes,” Draft came to the red newcomer. “Mr. Fountain, is it?”

Of all the group Fountain worried him the most. Other ponies were open book to Yew Draft. He knew that even that lady he messed up with could be easily turned around. In ten minutes she will forget all her food reservations. But that red one, there was something under. Behaving like a simpleminded ruffian on the face of it, he had shown more knowledge about Delight than anyone would expect.

“It was definitely not the food that drew all those ponies from here.”

“What are you talking about?” Draft asked in a surprised tone, but he perfectly knew what that was about.

“Ponies that have returned from here,” answered Fountain while moving on a bench a bit closer to Aria. “I’ve met a couple of them. But I heard there were far more.”

“Oh, how many?”

“I don’t know for sure. For the sound of it, returnees make like double of you populace.”

“Pfff! That would be ridiculous. You know that rumors always exaggerate.” Draft’s laugh sounded completely genuine. “Ponies here would notice if our city would shrink three times. Right, Aria?”

“Yes,” answered mare in absent voice, clearly paying more attention at brushing off another Fountain’s hoof from inappropriate place. “You know, how ponies come and go. All those returnees probably were just guests like you. Nopony who settled here ever wanted to leave. At least ones I know of.”

“And I suspect, you three know a lot of ponies her,” Fountain winked at Aria. “Such graceful ponies with such a charming voices.”

Aria nearly choked on her snack. Fountain patted her on the back. Meanwhile, Sonata started singing, but she was at the other end of the dining hall and three ponies couldn’t make the words.

“Yes, really charming voices. You really know, how to organize a good welcome committee, Mr. Draft.”

“Indeed, I know,” answered Draft. “In fact, Sirens give performance quite regularly. So if you decide to stay in our city...”

Fountain belched.

“Sorry,” he said casually. “Sirens?”

“You know mythical voices that lure ponies into the ocean,” explained Draft. “We thought that name fits our stars well.”

“Ah, I see,” said red colt and put his hoof into Aria’s mane.

“What are you doing?!” said Siren in an icy voice.

“Just admiring your hair slide. What is it made of?”

Only at that moment, Draft noticed that Aria’s hair slide was one of those whalebone carvings they used to make. And now he was really wishing that Fountain’s claim had indeed been just an excuse to get together with a pretty mare.

“Are you well up in jewelry, Mr. Fountain?” Draft looked him straight into the eye.

“You can say that,” answered Fountain and then quickly added. “Don’t worry! I’m not one of those nature protecting zealots.”

“This whalebone we took from their last resting place. We never hunted those leviathans.” said Draft firmly, already suspecting that Fountain knows all about it.

“Hunting or robbing the final resting place. For stooges in Equestria ruling council, who passed whalebone ban it’s all the same. But,” Fountain tilted his head. “One small thing can make a big difference.”

“Aria, could you check upon your sister?” asked Draft, making glance in the direction of Sonata who now was dancing above the table.

“Ugh. Fine!” answered Aria.

She raised from the bench and before anypony could say a word took the whole plate with salad and swam away.

“If you want to buy whalebone, you should know that it’s illegal,” said Draft, when seamare was far enough.

“My friends can make it legal,” answered Fountain. “But I want to be sure that we will become exclusive buyers of all your stock.”

“Ah, I see. You want to buy everything cheap, before everypony else get their hooves on the market.”

“I see, they weren’t exaggerating. You are quick.”

“Maybe we live on the bottom of the sea, but we know, what happens in Equestria all the same.”


“It’s magic,” laughed Draft, then became serious again. “We heard all about your friends...”


“I and Wild Card. After all, it was she, who discovered magical properties of the whalebone. And when the ban was passed that ruined all her hopes to become more than just a star student. And I dedicated my life to exploration. This was to be my legacy. So before all things you should know that we won’t give away our greatest wealth!”

Fountain looked at Draft closely. Then ate some dessert. At last he said:

“Your sister probably was devastated. I imagine, you too. Having your dreams of independent colony so close and then just lose it all. Ponies, I’ve talked to said that your gold and gem mines were almost depleted in about a year ago.”
“Ocean provides more things than one could think. We don’t need much.”

“But your citizen need. Let’s be honest with us, Mr. Draft. Your cheap tricks, like those Siren band, won’t work forever. I, on the other hand, can help you to achieve that glory you nearly missed.”

Draft hemmed. He knew a shady business when he saw one. But now he and Wild Card had no choice but to go along with this proposition. This was the chance that they were hoping for. But if Fountain thinks he and his associates just suck Delight, Draft’s dream, easily, they are making a grave mistake.

“It’s a deal then,” answered Delight’s leader at last. “We will work with you. And you help our city become the underwater marvel it was planned to be.”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

The song that Sirens were singing is based on "Somewhere beyond the sea", but with some lyrics changed accordingly. Here is a link to lyrics, since site rules don't allow to put it directly in the story.
And here is original song: