• Published 1st Dec 2017
  • 609 Views, 12 Comments

When Ponies Come To Badlands. - Lucy_Marigold

Waking up in an unknown place the group of nine ponies must work their way out of this mess.

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Chapter 4 - I Don't Need Your Help!

Author's Note:

Whoever can tell me the number of times Rarity says "Darling" gets an award! Anyway, I sorta enjoyed this chapter. Yes, Luna gets pissed as much as a teenage girl who has to do homework (Can you guess who it's based on? *cough* me *cough*) Cya when i write the next chapter!

Luna got out of Respawn while hearing the last bit of Intel they need to grab be delivered to their base. Twilight appeared after her. Both mares groaned with pain.

“What happened to you?”

“Spy. Backstab.. I think.”

“I bleed out due to a knife wound caused by my own knife.”

“Ouch. What do you remember?” Twilight said as she sat down on the bench.

“Last I remember is telling Demo to get out there with the Intel. She would remember more than I do.” Luna cringed at the memory. I shouldn’t have told her to go. God, what would Celestia think? Twilight looked up at her friend.

“You alright?” Luna nodded leaving Resupply and Twilight while heading towards the base. She needed a shower after this.

Walking inside she passed Derpy, who was baking sour cream muffins in the mess hall.

“Heya Spook! Want one? I just made ‘em!” Derpy said a grin on her face. Luna shook her head and kept going down the hall to the shower room. She entered the room and opened her locker. Taking off the sweaty balaclava and bloody and dirt covered suit, she stepped into the shower. A moan of relief came from her once the hot water streamed down her body and in her mane. She poured the BLU brand shampoo into her mane and tail. The smell of burnt metal, blood, sweat, dirt and gun power washed off and went down the drain. She sang to herself as steam filled the large room. Luna stopped when she heard the door opening.

“Who's there?”

“Calm down Spy. it's me.”

“Pyro. Thank god.. how are you?” Celestial walked in, her suit and gas mask was off and she carried her own bottle of shampoo. Her mane was covered in blood and slightly burnt on the tips. Her coat was cleaner than Luna due to the fact that she had been wear a rubber suit the whole time. She turned the shower head, which was near Luna’s, on before she grabbed her bottle as washed herself.

“I'm fine.”

“About what happened durin-”

“I don't want to talk about that.” Celestial said bluntly.

“Fine. Don't talk about your problems. It will go so great for you. It went amazing for me! I totally didn't try to murder a whole world full of ponies because I was jealous of my sister and didn’t tell her.” Luna spat at Celestia before Luna grabbed her shampoo and left the shower block. Luna opened her locker with a huff of rage while she pulled out a towel and dried her hair. She held her balaclava with her hooves. Time to hide my emotions again. She shoved the woolen mask over her face before putting a fresh suit on. She looked in the mirror that hung her locker that was left there by the last Spy. What have I become? She shoved her locker closed with rage. Twilight wandered in and saw Luna.

“Spook? What’s wrong?”

“Piss off Bushman.”

“I think you need a word with our resident honesty coach.” Twilight turned and left the room without another word. Luna sat there pondering everything that had happened. She could still feel the phantom pains in her side.

Fluttershy patted the small dove she had found in the Infirmary. “I’m gonna name you... Archimedes!” Fluttershy said with a large smile on her face. Derpy and Rarity stared at the mare.

“Darling... You going to finish your meal?”

“Oh sorry.” Fluttershy stuffed her muffin into her mouth. The dove sat on her shoulder cooing quietly as the mare ate. “Zhat vas good.”

“Darling... You’re picking up an accent.”

“Am I? Deary me..”

“Shut it, Labourer! Actually, do some work around here!” Derpy shouted at Rarity. Rarity would tell the mare about what was wrong with the sentence she just spoke but she decided to ignore it. Picking up her blueprints, Rarity left the room without another word and leaving Fluttershy to deal with the mare whose own sanity was slowly slipping away. Rarity walked down the hall, her mind wandering in other lands when she bumped into Twilight who was carrying a large stack of books in her hooves.

“Why don’t you use magic?” Rarity said as she let her blueprints fall into her magic.

“Busy. Move.” Twilight said, her mind was in other places as well. Rarity sighed and moved over for the mare to pass. They all had to cope in their own way. Rainbow Dash was insulting everyone more often, Celestia acting more insane, Derpy more insane the Celestia, Applejack had come accustomed to drinking large amounts, Pinkie was less random and more focused on the job. She was trying to get her head around Respawn while Fluttershy had grown closer to a dove and had gained a sort of accent. Twilight was being more isolated and so was Luna. Rarity was starting to worry about her friend. She felt as if all their sanity was slipping. As they, themselves, were turning into what the REDs before them were. Rarity shook the thought from her mind and wandered down the hall towards her own room.

Luna sat looking out at the stars atop the bridge in the middle of the battlefield. No sounds of gunfire could be heard due to the ceasefire that happened between battles. Luna’s mane flowed from under her mask while her suit covered her body from the cold.


“What is thy doing here?”

Luna looked up and saw the RED Spy decloak and sit down next to her.

“To talk.”

“Why? You're the enemy, non?” Luna shook her head. Where had that last word come from?

“Zhat is the question. Cigarette?”

“No. I’m fine I have my own.” She used her magic and took a cigarette and her lighter. She lit both her’s and the RED’s. “What do you really want?”

“Eh. I always used to meet up with zhe BLU Spy. Your zhe BLU Spy now.” He pointed at her chest and talked through puffs of smoke. “I’m guessing you want to know why your teammates are acting weird.”

Luna just nodded as she puffed out more smoke. The sound of an owl hooting could be heard nearby.

“It is normal. It’s their way of coping. Trust me. Everyone goes through zhe same thing. Anyway. I must go before zhe RED Soldier finds zhat I'm gone. Au revoir!” The Spy lept off the roof and headed towards his own base leaving the mare alone in the hot, silent night.