• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
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The Psychopath

My very first (self-published) book can be found on Amazon Kindle for 5 or 12 paperback! If you love dragons, give it a look! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSM7QQ2M


  • TLovie Dovie
    A man obsessed with his masculinity becomes a tiny, female dragon that is designed around hearts to an extreme. He tries to live through this 'horror' while working with an extremely important association of dragons.
    The Psychopath · 51k words  ·  121  22 · 4.8k views

Warning: Do not read unless you've read Lovie Dovie. Unless you don't care about spoilers, then feel free to read away.
This is a prequel. Not a sequel.

The Red Sun: A group and then a single entity. During its discovery and confrontation, it alluded to a troubled past with their parents having been victims of their love for it. Like a coin, it had two sides, but both rejected it and the coin had to stay upon its side, never straying too close to either.

In its attempt to belong and find a family once more, its flight brings it to someone that the dragons of old would never have considered a caring being.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

Aaaah. Seems like this will be yet another story I worked hard on that gets, at most after six months, two hundred views.

Yeah, that makes sense. His happy life was ripped violently and cruelly from him in a manner that says both ponies and dragons being kind is an exception, not the norm. How he went from all that to starting a war is easy to see, even if its insane.

For the sequel it really highlights that both ponies and dragons have serious deeply rooted issues with speciesism. Both sides overrode all the diplomatic work made by both side's leaders, who now have to deal with their subjects acting against the wishes of the crown. Plus theres the one who uncovered the plot in the first place (Oliver) who is neither dragon nor pony, and to boot comes from a species that would frown on both sides' actions.

Also in hindsight the dragon/pony couple being murdered for being in love would make Princess Cadence absolutely LIVID.

Yay! I depicted it properly!

No thoughts on the shadow, though?

Well things seem to imply the possibility of it being cannibalistic in some manner, having both fresh food and traps that would have killed a dragon.

There wasn't any meat, and what traps?

Hu. I was right. Only 70 views total.

Huh. Was I thinking of something else then? Hmmm....

You might've read something after this and accidentally crossed the two in your head.

Excellent! Finally a sequel to Lovie Dovie and it's a backstory about Red Sun at that.
Can't wait for the next one man.

What did you think about it, though? Nobody seems to want to read this :/

Not bad, short but sweet. (well that's putting it lightly, considering the surprisingly dark end part with his mother. Reminds me of Castlevania on Netflix.) And I presume it will get darker in the next story.

Maybe. I don't like exaggerating on dark aspects. I like to make it random :>.

What about the shadow? It was in the first story, too.

Glad you liked it, though.

Ah yeah I noticed that too. I liked their first little interaction, it gradually got to the point where the shadow was talking about teaching Red Sun and changing him into who we saw in the original story.


Don't forget that it only taught the Red Sun. It never decided what he should do with that knowledge.

I'm pretty sure you have the sequel order backwards, this story should be the sequel of Lovie Dovie, not vice versa.


This is a prequel. Not a sequel.

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