• Published 12th Dec 2017
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The Story of the Doctor - DoctorPony

This is the story of the Doctor and his adventures in Equestria

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The Beginning

I woke up and I didn't remember my name or anything. I had woke up near Ponyville, I didn't know my name so I made myself one on the top of my head and I came up with Doctor.

When I woke up I was wearing a jacket with long pants were black and the shoes were yellow. I was in a clearing, I didn't know I where was. I walked into the forest a few minutes or until I found myself looking at what only I could describe as a hole but a tree was in it and went down and got closer to the tree.

It was beautiful more than anything I had ever seen, I got close to the tree when something came out it a little thing,it had a blue flare and it the ground, but we can get to that, inside the forest I only saw little cute animals like Bunnies and other cute little creatures and I that's what drew my likeness of animals like cats and dogs so let's get back into the story.

I went into the Town and I hid in one of the dark spots. I saw ponies all around me some had wings, horns and some didn't which I know now they're called Earth ponies, Pegasai and unicorns, I was afraid that if they saw they might do something to me so I kept hiding.

But one day I snapped my fingers and anything I wanted or thought of appeared, I didn't understand it at first but then I heard from outside the princess was coming down for something I don't remember what it was but everyone was excited about it.

The day princess came down I had done a few things one got a cup of coffee and few other things, but I guess the princess was looking around and I guess she saw me at the corner of her eye and because when I looked out I saw her standing there.

I saw kindness her eyes also what is this type of expression, when I snapped my fingers accidentally and I made a deck of cards appear out of thin air, I don't remember what she did but I moment somehow memory's started flashing in my mind and like I already knew what everything was I felt like they weren't mine.

When she saw what I had done, she thought it was magic and send me to a magic school.

In that magic school I did my first use of magic in front of the class, which was getting a cup of coffee by snapping my fingers, the other kids were afraid of me, some of the bully's at the school thought they could make me hurt another pony and thought that I didn't care who'd I hurt but that's not true I would never ever hurt anybody even if it's a pony.

In my class there was a total of 23 kids and one pony that was very smart was Twilight Sparkle, she would answer almost every question given, but let's talk about the first time that the class saw me doing magic I know it's s cup of coffee let me tell you about that day.

On that day we were doing our normal morning thing, I snapped my fingers and I was holding a cup of coffee in my hand, the other children were amazed of what I could do basically I can summon anything I can think of and then the ponies started asking me questions of how I did it I tried answering they're questions the best I could I hope I did at least.

But I loved technology so one day I decided to make the first computer in Equestria, so then I found a way to get on the Internet which was a little hard but then I had a Youtube channel called DoctorTale and a computer so in my free time I would play games and other stuff like go outside and walk around or just relax.

But my favourite subject was science and music, well science because of the experiments like elephant toothpaste and other cool experiments and music because of the sounds and how some music tells a story that is screaming right at your face.

Of course my last favourite subject my primary one was magic and snap whatever I want when I am not doing anything I usually go to a place with animals and with cats, Cats are my favourite things they are so cute with their little noses.

I actually bought one and I named it Karder he loves when I boop his nose and rub under his chin and most of all belly rubs, he is the cutest thing I have ever seen, I love him with all my heart and soul, every time I came back from the school he is on my bed or in his little box which I bought for him at the pet store.

Some days he just does his own thing and I do mine like me playing a video game and doing homework which is all magic based which I can do under 10 seconds so I'm good to go.

At the school, some times Princess Celestia asks how I'm doing and reply with I'm good or amazing. In Chemistry, I accidentally made a potion that turns me in into a pony and the back, but now I figured out I can just do that with a snap of my fingers.

Karder is the 2 thing that makes me happy with his cute little face and his little ears and his purring he always keeps me up all night so without Karder I don't know what I would do, the number one thing that makes me happy is seeing somepony happy, even if it's just a small thing sometimes the small things may seem little to you but huge to other even if it's acknowledging their existence examples saying hello to them or even going to someone when their alone or in a bad time.

But not all of it wasn't all that good through and one day my life changed and it became hell itself.

Author's Note:

This story is my biggest project yet and will explain everything to you all about my character and will give you a story that was never told.