• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 9,530 Views, 426 Comments

The Empath and the Sociopath - Justice3442

Sunset moves into her new duplex, but her roommate seems like she's a bit on the 'strange side'. Or more accurately, the 'completely psychotic and probably into all the crimes, all of them', side.

  • ...

Sunset recounts last night’s events to her friends.

“Ooooooo!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as realization hit. “So that’s why you’re so tired!” she punctuated this statement by shoveling a massive jiggling spoonful of green jello into her mouth.

“…That’s your take away from my story?!” Sunset Shimmer cried out across from Pinkie.

Pinkie nodded her head emphatically. “I’m always sleepy the day after I either wake up in the middle of the night and decide it’s time to make food and watch a movie, or my sister Limestone does that to me!”

Sunset’s forehead crinkled in confusion. “How often does either of those things happen?”

Pinkie shrugged. “Oh like, twice a month… depending on if one of us wants to watch an Air Bud movie or Friday the 13th movie in the middle of the night…” Pinkie leaned over to a rather perplexed looking Fluttershy and whispered, “There’s pretty much the same number of movies in each franchise… unless you count the Santa Paws specials, but I only watch those around Christmas as well as Gremlins and the Crypt Keeper holiday special…”

“Could we maybe focus a little,” Applejack requested from the other side of Pinkie.

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she turned to her right to look at Sunset. “Like how Sunset’s new roommate sounds like she’s all the bad things we thought she was?”

“I’m surprised you weren’t scared!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

Sunset shook her head. “I was too tired to be scared. Plus I kinda figured she’d try to scare me. She’s got that ‘fear me’ vibe…”

Pinkie nodded. “Just like the hockey mask-wearing killer Ace Spawn and Halloween Hound!”

Applejack looked at Sunset in disbelief. “But did you think she’d pull a gun on you?!”

Sunset took a bite of her hamburger, chewed and swallowed. “Technically, she handed a gun to me.” She shook her head. “It’s not like she threatened me at any point in the evening…”

Sitting to Sunset’s right, Rarity spoke up, “Darling, she practically threatened to kill you!” she insisted as she stabbed a pair of chopsticks into her rice bowl. Pinkie gasped and stared at Rarity’s display, then shared a knowing wink and giggled with her.

Sunset’s turquoise eyes made a rotation around her eye sockets. “She maybe implied she had something to do with my room’s previous tenant being shuffled off from the mortal coil. Big difference.”

“How’d ya figure?” Applejack said.

“Plausible deniability,” Sunset answered. “I mean, telling an authority figure, law enforcement officer, or a court of law that I ‘felt threatened’ is a big difference from actually being threatened!” Sunset took another bite of her hamburger then swallowed. “That’s just common knowledge.”

The other girls present all exchanged somewhat befuddled looks.

“Er… I don’t think it is,” Fluttershy contested.

“Anywho,” Applejack said, “we’ve got to do something!”

“… No, we don’t,” Sunset countered.

“Sunset, dear, no need to be proud,” Rarity replied as put a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “If your roommate is giving you trouble, we’re here to support you!”

“Uh, thanks, but really… It’s fine,” Sunset insisted. “Maybe being woken up in the middle of the night to watch a movie after a gun was waved around in your face isn’t normal…”

“It’s not,” Applejack stressed.

“Eh,” Pinkie uttered with a shrug.

Sunset continued, “… but Chrysi seems like maybe she’d just rather have my company now that I showed her she can’t just scare me with her ‘mysterious side’’,” Sunset said with air quotes.

“That seems to be involved in crime!” Rainbow Dash insisted.

“Look, the less I know, the less I have to explain to anyone who wants to prosecute Chrysi for whatever illicit stuff she’s into,” Sunset said. “If Chrysi isn’t going to pry into my life that much, I don’t see why I should bug her about hers…” Sunset frowned. “Er… bother her about hers.”

Practically shaking on the cafeteria seat, Fluttershy asked, “but aren’t you afraid you’re going to get shot by being around her?”

Sunset shrugged. “You know, with how weird my life is, being shot might be a welcome change of pace…” Sunset frowned heavily. “Unless it was like… a magic gun or something… that’d suck,” With that, Sunset went back to eating her hamburger.

A somewhat awkward silence fell over the table.

“So you really don’t want us to do anythin’?” Applejack said.

Sunset nodded. “Yep. Really.”

“Are you sure…?” Rainbow Dash said as she leaned in front of Sunset and blinked forcefully a couple of times.

“... What are you doing?”

“Uh… Winking?” Rainbow Dash asked yet declared at the same time.

“No you’re not,” Sunset said. “You’re just… Blinking with force.”

“Oh! I got it!” Rainbow Dash tilted her head to the right and made an exaggerated wink with her left eye.

“Why are you winking?!” Sunset exclaimed. “Apparently no one at the table but me disagrees with you!”

“We really don’t,” Fluttershy murmured.

“I. TOTES. GOT. IT!” Rainbow Dash said as she continued her heavy winking.

Really! Stop winking at me!” Sunset said. “If Chrysi lays off trying to give me the willies and just wants to be friends with me, then I’ll do the same.”

“Ohhh!” Rarity said as a sudden realization struck. “I see! You want to befriend her and show her there’s another way!”

“Like Twilight forced us to do with you!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Applejack glared across the table at Rainbow Dash.

“Er… Like Twilight asked us to do with you!” Rainbow Dash corrected.

“What?! No!” Sunset replied. “I’m not going to try to take Chrysi as like some sort of friendship student! That sounds kinda weird and maybe a little obnoxious…” she frowned heavily. “Plus like… that might actually give her cause to shoot me, and while I don’t plan to go out of my way to be nice to her, I’m not inclined to tick her off either…”

“Ooo!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Do you think that word would make her mad?”

“Uh… Oh!” Sunset said. “‘Tick?’ I don’t know…” Sunset chuckled to herself. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask if asking if the phrase ‘tick you off’ ticks you off!”



“OW!” Sunset exclaimed as she raised a hand up to her nose. “I was wrong! That did hurt.”

Chrysi retracted her fast, an angry glare on her face. “I trust that answers the question.”

“Yes,” Sunset said as she rubbed her nose. It was a nice hit, but clearly designed to inflict pain and not a lot of injury, “I can see the phrase really puts a bee in your bonnet.” Sunset instantly flinched and smiled to herself as Chrysi’s heavy fist caught her on the shoulder with a ‘POW!’ Okay, that would probably leave a bruise, but maybe she earned it. Still, she wasn’t one to shy away from a little experiment even if there was a little danger involved. “Ouch! Okay!” Sunset said as she fought to keep a grin off her face. “No need to be such a slug-bug about it!”

The next blow came from Chrysi’s impressively sized platform boot and caught Sunset in the shin causing Sunset to suck in air through clenched teeth as pain flickered through her leg letting her know that she had maybe ventured too far past the line Chrysi had drawn for her.

Stomping her feet on the floor, Chrysi let out a string of words in a language Sunset couldn’t identify, did an about-face and began to storm off.

“Ow… ow…” Sunset uttered as she hopped on one leg. “Chrysi! Wait!” Sunset called out. “Let me make it up to you!”

Chrysi made no move to stop until Sunset began rustling through a paper bag. Stopping at the foot of the metal stairwell, Chrysi turned to see Sunset holding up a cylinder-hexagonal bottle with a wide base and the word ‘IMPERIA’ printing vertically across it.

Sunset studied Chrysi’s face carefully. First, the infuriated woman seemed to calm down as she examined the bottle. This was followed by a look of curiosity as if she wondered how Sunset, a high-schooler, precured a bottle of liquor. However, she followed this up with a pleased smile as she strolled forward and grabbed the bottle.

“You’re forgiven,” Chrysi said. “This time,” she hissed out in a warning tone as her eyelids dropped slightly.

“Heh, I got it,” Sunset replied as she used the hand from her uninjured arm to rub her shin.

Chrysi smirked. “You sure do like playing with fire, my dear roommate.”

Sunset glanced up. “Hah… Was that a hair pun?” she shook her head. “Sorry… Not my weakness,” she said with a smirk.

Chrysi nodded. “I suppose it’s agreeable you’re not on too much of a high horse about it. But enough Foaling around.

Sunset did her best to keep surprise from her face, but Chrysi’s widening smirk let her know that Sunset wasn’t the only one doing a little testing of the waters.

Chrysi shook her head. “A horse for a mascot…” she said simply. “Hopefully you Wonder Colts are okay being saddled with that.” With that, she turned towards the kitchen and announced, “I’ll get a couple of glasses.”

Sunset felt the quickened beat of her heart galloping in her chest. She took a few slow breaths in an attempt to get it back to a regular canter. One thing was for certain, having Chrysi as a roommate would be anything but boring.

Author's Note:

Kinda got inspired after posting this one and wrote a sort of bonus chapter with Pinkie and Limestone.