• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,697 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 23

Fleur proclaimed, "That's all for today, your highnesses, we'll resume our lessons first thing tomorrow. But tonight you must look presentable for the king."

"Yes, your ladyship." they said.

"Very good. I shall take my leave then," she curtsied as they curtsied back, "good day." and left.

Once they were sure she was gone they sighed in relief. By then their husbands entered the room.

Spike started uneasily, "So… how did it go?"

Rarity replied, "Surprisingly, better than I imagined."

Rainbow accusingly pointed, "That's because you ended up being the star pupil!"

Capper's eyes widen in intrigue, "Really?"

Rarity nodded with a blush.

Soarin nudged his brother while muttering, "It's official, you chose the perfect wife."

Cheese gestured, "Yeah, considering he was able to beat us in our lessons today so it's natural for his wife to do the same with our wives!"

Pinkie muttered, "Not helping, sweetie…"

Rarity went to her husband and wrapped her arms around him lovingly, "You were able to shine as well, my darling?"

He wrapped his arms around her too, replying playfully, "That I did."

The other couples watched the exchange with Soarin and Rainbow exchanging gagging motions.

Capper and Rarity ignored the looks as they gazed at each other. Rarity touched his cheek, "Well it's like I told you on our date, you've met your match." Their foreheads touched. Capper then took hold of her waist and dipped her down with him softly saying.

"That I have my love…"

She giggled as they leaned in for a kiss.

Rainbow shouted, "Ugh! Go back to your room, you two!"

The couple faced the group and then faced each other with smirks, Capper proclaimed, "You know what that's a good idea!" and in one swoop he picked up his wife with her giggling lightheartedly and then he ran out of the room.

The rainbow-haired girl sputtered, "But-but-but I was just kidding!"

Discord slinked an arm around his wife and whispered, "You know… we should follow their lead…"

Fluttershy blushed furiously and moved away.

Flash questioned, "So Rarity really was the star pupil during your lessons?"

Twilight nodded, "She was a lady through and through, it shouldn't have surprised me given she always did have a love for finer things all her life."

Fluttershy agreed, "She did have dreams of living a better life then the one we lived in."

Applejack added, "She even acted fussy sometimes whenever she got dirtier than usual, she always valued hygiene and cleanliness."

Pinkie pointed, "She was a total natural!"

Rainbow gestured, "Hey, Fluttershy was a natural too when it came to balancing that book on our heads!"

Applejack said, "Out of all of us, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Twilight were able to keep the books on their heads the longest. But Dash and I dropped the book on the first step!"

Rainbow motioned, "Hey, can you blame us? We're not used to balancing books on our heads, we're not graceful and we'll never be!"

Soarin touched his wife's shoulders, "You'll have learn, honey, because our father expects you girls to be perfect princesses."

The boys nodded in agreement with Flash saying, "As you told him after the wedding, you're going to have to live up to the challenge you set up before yourselves."

Discord said, "If you think today was bad, just wait until you get into the more intense training."

The girls exchanged worried looks as Fluttershy quivered, "More intense training?!"

Flash said, "All the more reason why you got to get the hang of this before it gets to that."

Applejack declared while throwing her arms in the air, "Well that's just great!"

Twilight touched her sister's shoulder to calm her down and reasoned, "My husband is right," sharing a look with him before facing the girls, "we're going to need to work harder to show the king we are worthy of being here. True love brought us to this moment and we must get through it."

The girls felt unsure and looked at their own husbands. Just seeing their faces help melted the doubts away. For their loves they will do this, to become perfect princesses.

It was almost time for dinner and the princes lined up in their birth order with their wives right by their side. They were all dressed formally with the girls wearing jewelry and their hair was up and decorated. They all walked down the steps as they made their way to the dining hall.

The doors opened up and Fancy started announcing them in one-by-one, "Prince Discord and Princess…" he whispered, "What is your name, my dear?"


Fancy cleared his throat, "And Princess Fluttershy!"

Discord and Fluttershy bowed and took their seats close to the king.

"Prince Soarin and Princess…" again he asked for the name and got an answer, "Princess Rainbow Dash!"

The second couple also bowed before taking their seats next to Discord and Fluttershy.

Fancy continued while still asking for the princesses' names, "Prince Capper and Princess Rarity!"

The third couple did as the other duos did and sat next to Soarin and Rainbow Dash.

"Prince Flash Sentry and Princess Twilight Sparkle! Prince Cheese Sandwich and Princess Pinkie Pie! And Prince Spike and Princess Applejack!"

The others had taken their seats around the table with Spike and Applejack sitting close to the king like Discord and Fluttershy.

King Tirek spoke, "Before we begin eating, I must make an announcement. As we now have new princesses, they must be introduced into the royal court. As such a royal banquet will take place at the end of the week."

The couples were surprised by that and Capper dared to speak up, "Um, Father, isn't that a bit soon?"

The brothers voiced out agreements.

Flash quickly added, "Our wives have just only started their training to become proper princesses, the least we can do is give them more time."

The brothers agreed to this as well.

The girls felt grateful that their husbands spoke on their behalf but when Tirek spoke again they knew a losing battle when they saw it.

Tirek sat up and firmly replied, "Time is a luxury that royalty cannot have. If you'll recall, my sons, we've had events at much shorter notice than this before and this will be something your wives will have to get used to or did I not recall a certain promise was made that these young women have agreed to this no matter how hard it gets?"

The boys hung their heads and the girls squeezed their hands hoping to bring some comfort to them.

Tirek coldly stated, "We have an understanding then. You will do well to remember this. You may all be married now, but I am the one still in charge here as your king and your father." he eyed the girls as they tried their hardest not to scowl at him and shout out in anger, he told them, "And the same goes for you, young ladies, you maybe princesses but that does not mean you're above the law, above me, and since you married my sons that makes you my daughters-in-law which means I am now your father too. And you are to address me as that from now, is that understood?"

The order made the girls sick to their stomachs and it took all their strength to reply, "Yes… Father…"

The princes squeezed their wives' hands hoping it brought comfort like they did for them. The girls squeezed back and dared not to let go feeling they were going to need it for the rest of the evening.

Tirek merely said, "Good. Now my sons and daughters, we eat." he summoned the butlers on call and they began to serve the dishes needed for a royal meal.

The couples tried to eat but their appetites were almost none, the princes were troubled for not being able to get more time for their wives to train and the princesses were disgusted by the fact that Tirek wanted them to call him Father from now on.

When dinner was finally over with, Tirek dismissed the girls and the girls were more than happy to leave but they were concerned for their husbands but the look on their faces reassured them they'll be fine. Once the princesses were gone, the princes dropped their façade as they faced their father.

"I received your progress report this afternoon and it seems you're learning about policy now. Someone care to tell me why you're suddenly so interested in knowing about politics when neither of you seem interested before?"

Discord spoke on their behalf, "Well as you said before, Father, we are married now and as such we need to take on more responsibility for our wives."

Tirek frowned, "I see…" then he stroked his beard, "Very admirable… But as I am your father, I should be the one to teach you this…"

The boys exchanged concerned looks.

"From now on, each of you will be given private lessons. I shall call for one of you into my study once a week and from there you will obey whether lessons are given to you… Is that clear?"

The boys gulped and nodded their heads.

"Good. Because it would be ashamed that I would need to start teaching my new daughters lessons if their husbands cannot follow the simplest rule…"

Their eyes widen.

"But it won't come to that as long as you keep being the obedient sons that you are. I remember seeing the expression on your faces when you saw them at the wedding, you had no knowledge of their plot and that has been your saving grace in all this. But remember, one wrong step and your precious brides will be taught a lesson they'll never forget."

The princes clutched their fists and were biting down hard from yelling out. Tears almost escaped them but they refused to shed a tear in front of their cruel father.

Tirek took this as an agreement and waved them off, "You're free to go."

The princes walked out of hall at a fast pace and once they were out, they broke into a run and ran straight back to their rooms where their wives were waiting for them.

The girls saw how each of their husbands were distraught and quickly embraced them. The boys didn't tell them what their father said not wanting to frighten them and instead just stayed close to their wives' warmth. The girls didn't question their husbands and decided to keep them close to make them feel better. They stayed that way all night.