• Published 21st Jul 2012
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Bronze, Thunder, and Rain - epicdonus1123 BOT

  • ...

A Day of Sweets, Part 2

Chapter 7

I must've made it look like I got fired, because mares and stallions came up and were sympathizing me. It was an awkward state; I was just taking a break. Eventually, I told them the truth.

"You poor thing!"

"You must be awfully sad!"

"I can't believe th-"

"Enough! Ah was not fired, Ah'm just takin' a break!" I shrieked. The worrisome ponies sneered at me, and they walked away. Guiltily, I walked down towards my house. There, I used my horn to open the door. Rain Dancer, then, came running up to me.

"Bronze, yer 'ome!" she yelled.

"Nice t' see ya, Rain." I calmly said back.

"Ah've been waitin' all day lon' fer ya 'nd Thunder!" she stated.

"Ah see th't yer voice has gotten m're country." I observed.

"I's weird, 'cause 'n class, Ah started t' talk like th's!"

"Same fer me a' work. Anyway, h'w was school?"

"I' stunk! Ponies were makin' fun 'f me!"

"They were!?"


"That isn' awfully nice! Wasn' Cheerilee watchin' over ya?"

"She showed me t' th' class 'nd that was i'!"

"She didn' make sure ya were okay?"


"That doesn' sound like Cheerilee. Somethin' dreadfully wrong 's goin' on 'n Ponyville."

"Yer right! Ya 'nd me 're talkin' like th's, Miss Cheerilee isn' watchin' ponies, 'nd Ah noticed that th' ponies here have been actin' strange!"

"W' gotta get t' th' bottom 'f th's!" I exclaimed as Thunder ran in.

"Guys! Guys!"

"Que?" Rain pondered.

"Guys, while workin', m' voice got m're country!" he stated.

'Ya think th't w' haven' noticed th't?" I inquired.


"So, ya fo'nd a job too?"

"Ya, Ah'm workin' fer Rainbow Dash. Where d' ya work?"

"Sugarcube, 'n case th't ya missed th' mark." I pointed towards my flank; I looked to see if Thunder had his cutie mark.

"Wow, a doughnut!" Rain examined my flank like the doughnut was going to move.

"Pretty cool cutie mark." Thunder agreed.

"Thanks ya'll! Wait, Thunder, why d' ya have th't costume 'n?" I never noticed, but Thunder had a Wonderbolts suit on.

"Que, th's?"

"N' th' other costume ya have 'n." Being sarcastic is always fun, don't you agree?


"Did ya steal i'?"


"Then h'w did ya get i'?"

"Th't's kinda personal."

"What's s' personal th't ya have t' keep i' from ya brother 'nd sister?" This is getting really irritating.


"Thunder, w' 're ya family. Th't means th't ya c'n tell us anything, capisce?"

"Yeah Ah know, i's just 'cause Ah..."

"O't with i'."

"Ah joined th' Wonderbolts." Hahahahaha, too much; that's just way too funny!

"Hahaha!" I started to giggle like a schoolgirl, again.

"I's not funny! Ah really did join 'em!"

"Yeah, sure!" Rain was chuckling along with me. Eventually, the giggling and chuckling became snickering. We couldn't help it; he just sounded, and looked, so ridiculous!"

"H'w come Ah can't join th' Wonderbolts?"

"'Cause yer a pegacorn! C'n pegacorns even bec'me Wonderbolts?" I asked, while Thunder just started to get more frustrated.

"Yes, they c'n! They c'n become Wonderbolts!"

"Oh yeah?"


"Then bring 'em 'ere tomorrow!" Rain exclaimed.

"Ah will!"

"Okay, break i' up ya two." I decided to break up the fight.

"M'kay." Rain seemed to agreeable today.

"Fine." Thunder said.

"Well, Ah need t' go back t' work. See ya later, guys." It was an awfully short break, but I got a job to fulfill.

"Me too. Adios ya guys."

"Ah'll wait fer ya guys t' get 'ome, m'kay?"

"M'kay, bye!" Thunder and I said in unison. I magically...oh my gosh, I forgot to mention that I could use magic! Whatever, I'll tell them that sometime tomorrow. Anyways, I magically opened the door and stepped through it. Thunder trailed behind me; he, then, opened up his wings. Outside, he started to run. He ran and ran until his wings caught air. In air, he flew away to what appeared to be Cloudsdale. I just walked back to Sugarcuba Corner to continue making the delectable pastries. On the way there, I saw a peculiarly familiar pegasus delivering mail.

Derby, Dercy, Darby...hmmm. Out of all the pegasus in the sky, it was this one that I to stumble over. Then, I overheard Rainbow Dash call her name.

"...careful Derpy." Oh wow, I just had to forget Derpy's name. I got to keep that in mind. I stopped standing there; I continued my hike to Sugarcube Corner. After a few minutes of boring walking, I finally made it to Sugarcube. When I stepped inside, however, the place was almost empty. Pinkie Pie came out, and ran to me.

"Hiya Bronze, nice to see you again!!"

"Hi boss, where's erypony?"

"Oh, I got them their orders!"

"All 'f 'em?"


"But h'w?"

"It was easy! I just baked seven batches at one time!"

"W' have trays th't c'n carry eighty-four cupcakes?"


"H'w come ya never told me?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise, silly!"

"M'kay, s' what d' w' do now?"

"We make cupcakes!" Ooo, that gave me goosebumps.

"Are ya sure y...ya wan' t' make cupcakes?"


"Adios muchacho!" I ran out of the kitchen in an instant. Cup Cake, out of nowhere, got in my way; we crashed and fell down.

"Oh dear, what's got you in a knot?"

"Pinkie's a psych'path!" I exclaimed.

"What do you mean; Pinkie wouldn't even hurt a fly."

"Oh yeah? I warned ya; she's goin' t' bake ya int' a cupcake, or m're!"

"How absurd! Pinkie Pie isn't going to bake me into cupcakes!"

"Yuh-huh!" I, then, started to think, Pinkie's going to bake Cup Cake into cupcakes! Thinking about that made my stomach turn. I stood up, and almost ran out the door; Cup Cake grabbed my collar.

"Hold right there, mister! Pinkie!" Pinkie Pie bounced out the door with a batch of cupcakes on her head.

"Yes ma'am!?"

"Tell Bronze that you're not going to bake me into cupcakes." Pinkie nodded and looked at me.

"Hiya Bronze! I'm not going to bake Mrs. Cake into cupcakes!" She smiled as big as a mile.

"Ah don' believe ya."

"You don't; how come?"

"Ya know what, just forget th' whole thing. Ah just was thinkin' about somethin' completely inaccurate."

"What are you talking about?" Pinkie winked at me.

"Ah don' know."

"Whatever that was about, Bronze, I want you to take orders."

"Right away, ma'am." Running towards the front desk, my curly mane started to get in my eyes. I used my horn to get it out; I also used my horn to grab a pen and some paper. Ponies would come and order, and I'd write it down. That's all I did, all day long. I would wait, write, tape, and wait; It was a very dull job. Around seven p.m, Cup and Carrot Cake called me and Pinkie.

"Bronze!! Pinkie Pie!!" We both ran up to them.

"Yes ma'am and sir!?" Pinkie did a weird salute.

"Hiya, bosses." I calmly said.

"We want to congratulate you on a hard day's work!" Cup Cake stated. Carrot Cake walked over to two envelopes; he turned back and gave them to us. I shook the bag to hear little noises.

Cling, cling, cling, cling, cling. Whatever is in here, it's made of metal.

"Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Cake!"

"Thank ya!" I tore my package open to find bits in there.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cake, today isn't even payday!" Pinkie noted.

"We know; it's just that you guys did such a good job, and we had extra money left over, we decided to give you it today!" Carrot Cake declared.

"Thanks a million!" I looked in their eyes; they're so tender. I used my horn to carry the money in the air. Pinkie said goodbye, and she ran upstairs. I walked out the door with my first payment.