• Published 24th Dec 2017
  • 1,123 Views, 5 Comments

Rainbow's End - Bronyxy

A story of loss and reunion for Hearth’s Warming. One stormy night, Rainbow is on weather watch and tackles a twister too strong for her, crashing miles from anywhere and unable to fly. She is presumed dead, but a grumpy old hermit helps her out.

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5 Reunion

Fortunately, the train continued through Ponyville and on to Canterlot, so they didn’t have to change trains, just pay a little extra for the privilege. It had been a fortnight since she had last set hoof in Ponyville and really wanted to check up on friends, but although the desire to get out was strong, she realised that they would all be at the funeral. Her funeral. It still sounded really odd, no matter how many times she rolled it round her tongue.

As they drew in to Canterlot station, they were amazed to see how many Rainbow Dashes there were; posters, memorabilia and cosplayers by the train load. Even the extravert mare was having difficulties processing this level of popularity; everywhere she turned, there being something to do with her. But then, it wasn’t every day you got to go to your own funeral.

She walked unnoticed among the crowds as just another cosplayer, thoroughly disguised in her conspicuousness. Everypony seemed to be wearing something that was unmistakably her. She looked around and caught sight of the enormous funeral pyre, situated to be in plain sight from the grand balcony of the Royal Castle. Well that made sense; all her friends and family would be in the castle, so that’s where she would have to go.

Still dragging the old stallion in her wake, the freshly enthused pegasus headed for the main entrance to the castle to find her way barred by two guards.
“Aw, come on guys, it’s me Rainbow Dash” she pleaded.
“Sorry Miss” said one of the guards “That’s a really good outfit, but you can’t be Rainbow Dash because she’s dead.”
“Look guys, really, it’s me! Please let me in!”
“Miss; that’s a fine job you’ve done, but it would be in very poor taste to upset her friends and family with your charade on today of all days. Now, please go away”

Dejectedly and with ears flat to her head, Rainbow turned away and saw Twilight come out onto the balcony. She waved her cyan forehooves and shouted to attract her attention. The Princess of Friendship turned and Rainbow saw her put a forehoof to her face as she appeared to cry. Nopony believed it was her. It was like she was worse than invisible; an apparition that was so like her, but wasn’t. She sat back on her haunches, not knowing what to do now.

Arriving at the castle was a light brown mare with spectacles and a two-tone grey mane.
“Leave this to me Rainbow” said the old stallion, using her name for the first time as he moved over to intercept the Mayor.
“Excuse me” he said “Ivory, isn’t it?” he enquired in a polite voice that Rainbow had not heard him use before. She stopped in her tracks and just stared at him. One of the guards pricked his ears up and called out:
“Are you OK Ma’am? Is this stallion bothering you?”
“Norm?” she asked tentatively.
His voice caught in his throat and tears began to form in his eyes; he merely nodded.
“Norm de Plume?”
He nodded once more and tried to speak, but only a croak came out.
“Ma’am, do you need help?” shouted the guard.
“No … no thank you” she replied, “I’m quite alright.”
The guard came off his aggressive looking posture, but kept a very close eye on events, ears staying pricked up and facing directly at the stranger.

“Ivory” he finally managed “I have somepony very special with me. You must meet her.”
The Mayor looked past Norm and saw the cyan mare walking towards her.
“Madam Mayor” she said “This guy has been my life saver – like literally. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to contact anypony, but I crash landed miles from anywhere, and your friend here saved me. I’m really sorry.”
Ivory Scroll pulled them both close to her and cried tears of happiness as the guard looked on, as attentive as ever.

“Come with me” she said choking back her emotion “Both of you.”
She said a few words to the guard and suddenly they were shown through into the castle, racing through the corridors and up the stairs until she emerged breathless into the ballroom that opened onto the balcony. The room was filled with all Rainbow’s closest friends and family, all turning in surprise to see why the usually so composed Mayor should crash with so little decorum into such a formal occasion. Then, from behind her walked Rainbow Dash.

First to rush forward was her father who gave a loud cheer and embraced her tightly, tears flowing down his muzzle. There were no dry eyes anywhere in the room as even Celestia and Discord shed tears of joy at the return of their friend. She endured an outpouring of affection, having to remind everypony present many times over that her wing really didn’t want to be squeezed right now as she was swamped in a barrage of hugs and kisses, all grateful to have back their friend and most importantly, their daughter.

Once the stream of individual reunions had taken place, Rainbow recounted what had happened with the storm, how she met Norm, how he had patched her up and how much she had come to like him. No matter how opposite they may have been, they would always be firm friends.

At the allotted hour, Celestia led the party out onto the balcony to address the crowd.
“Ponies of Equestria, thank you for coming today to honour Rainbow Dash who went missing in the storm of two weeks ago. Today was going to be an opportunity to remember her as she had been; the Bearer of the Element of Loyalty, the Wonderbolt, the weather pony, the prankster and above all the friend, as we said goodbye to her. But this is not going to happen any more, for I am delighted to say that Rainbow Dash has been returned to us!”

Nopony knew what to make of this and gave a muted response, unsure of what was happening and then she walked out, Celestia ushering her to stand in front, her cyan blue colour highlighted to the crowd against the pure white of her own coat and outstretched wings.

The crowd erupted into cheers at the sight of her, the applause ringing for a good ten minutes as the thousands of ponies who had come to attend the funeral shouted themselves hoarse, clapping their hooves and stomping their approval.

As the adulation died down, she spoke:
“Hey guys, it’s great to be back!”
The crowd erupted again and Rainbow turned to face Celestia, who just smiled back at her.
“Thanks for believing in me and for putting on such a great party! I hope you can all join in and we can have some fun together!”
“Rainbow is right” said Celestia “We will make this into a celebration and share our joy that Rainbow Dash is back with us!”

The solemn mood under which the ceremony had been created and in which the crowd had arrived had been turned into a party at a single stroke, and all set about enjoying themselves with their star guest, happy that the iconic pegasus was back among them.

With the rapturous applause echoing all around them, Ivory and Norm shared a look that neither had seen in many a year.
“So” he asked tentatively “Did you ever marry?”
“No” she replied “Always far too busy with work. You have no idea how much organising it takes to make Ponyville run smoothly.”
“No I don’t, but I hope you might tell me, say over dinner perhaps?”
“I should like that very much. We have a lot to catch up on.”

Just then, Rainbow came back in and saw the two of them together.
“Hey thanks – Norm, was it?”
“That’s right young ‘un” he said “Norm de Plume; I used to be a writer. Ivory and I, well we used to have something special goin’.”
“And you have brought us back together after all these years” said the Mayor “I am so grateful; I never knew where he had gone, but I do know we want to make up for lost time.”

“Tell me Madam Mayor” asked Rainbow “Did you used to have a pink mane?”
“Why yes” replied Ivory “Back in the day. Why do you ask?”
Rainbow looked at Norm, not wanting to be the one to betray the secret.
“I just happened to have a picture of you out, you know, just for cleanin’, when young Rainbow came a callin’, that’s all” he said, blushing brightly. At this, the Mayor leaned forward and gave him a surprisingly bold kiss and Rainbow turned away to give them some privacy. There was clearly some history there, and she felt it appropriate that it could be allowed to rekindle without her interruption.

“So, Rainbow” chipped in Twilight bubbling with enthusiasm “Oh I do I hope you like what we’ve done! I read so many books and did a lot of research trying to get it right, but if we’ve got it wrong or could have done anything better, please tell me all about it! I’m so interested in pegasi traditions!”

“Oh Twi, you’re such an egghead!” giggled Rainbow as she held her friend tight once more “I couldn’t have better friends.”

Comments ( 5 )

at least rainbow aint salty about her friends writing her off, you would think that at least pinkie would believe her to be alive with her pinkie sense and all.

Like everypony else, Pinkie was really worried for her friend and was doing what she could, but Rainbow had ended up too far away for her Pinkie Sense to work.  They were all overjoyed to meet up again at the end and had the best party that even Pinkie had ever seen!

We were planning to go to a place called Rainbow’s End tomorrow... weird. :derpyderp1:

Hope you don't get caught in a storm like this one - Happy Hearth's Warming!

Ehh, I’ll try not to. :twilightsheepish:
And Happy late Hearth’s Warming.

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