• Published 21st Mar 2018
  • 667 Views, 19 Comments

The Life Of Daisy - WannaFlugelHorn

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Fertilizer Duty

"Okay, on three," Rose said, looking up at her friends, each of them fidgeting nervously. Daisy was barely able to give a quick nod. Lily forced a small squeak from her mouth, unable to look away from the cup in the center of the small table at which they were sitting.

"One . . ."

Daisy leaned forward.

"T-two . . ."

Lily bit her lip at an attempt to prevent it from quivering.


Rose shut her eyes tight before jamming her hoof into the cup, which was already stuffed with two shaking forelegs. At first all Rose felt was fur, but then, for a brief moment, it met with something smooth and thin. She took hold of the piece of hay and quickly yanked it out. Her friends did the same with other strands. Rose slowly opened her eyes, scanning her bit of hay, and let out a relived sigh.

"Did you cheat, Rose?" Daisy snickered, teasing her friend. Sweat was building on her forehead, and would no doubt start to trickle down her face soon.

"Rose never looses!" chuckled Lily, weakly.

"Well," Rose started, finally able to relax her shoulders and slump against the back of her chair, "Which one of you got it?"

"Um . . . you check first, Lily," suggested Daisy.

Lily took a deep breath before she shakily opened up her hooves to show her sample of hay.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Lily whispered. There was a short pause before a small snort came from Lily and an eruption of laughs from Rose as she clutched her chest dramatically with one hoof, and pounded the table with the other. Daisy groaned, putting her head down. Then, with a sigh, the pink Earth Pony lay her piece of hay onto the table. About half way up the golden thread was a small knot.

"That takes talent!" taunted Rose. "Losing three times in a row like that!"

She knew her friends jokes and laughs were only to try and lighten the mood, but she couldn't bring herself to smile. Losing meant she would once again be given the worst fate ever known to pony kind. If agony, suffering, and anguish were all combined, it wouldn't even be possible for the product to be compared to what Daisy would have to do. She shook uneasily, waiting for one of her friends to say those two words summoned from Tartarus itself, making her sentence final. Daisy would be forced to undertake the horrific torture of . . .

"Fertilizer duty!" Lily giggled.

"Can we draw again?" Daisy pleaded. "It's ridiculous that I have to do this for the third week in a row!" Daisy's friends simply laughed as they got up from their seats and slid their chairs back under the table. Lily walked away to continue her daily work of cataloging inventory and arrangement orders, while Rose went of to Daisy and put a hoof on her shoulder.

"Hey, we all agreed this was fair," stated Rose. "But, if you can manage not to die before delivering the fertilizer back to the shop," Daisy cringed at the very sound of the smelly stuff, "We could handle taking you out for some ice cream afterwards."

"Well, actually, I had my eye on a pair of saddlebags that I spotted in the market yesterday," Daisy said as she attempted to persuade her friends towards a more generous offer. She remembered exactly what they looked like. They had fashionable silver clasps that were cool to the touch, and yellow fabric that was soft against the skin, but strong enough to carry everything she needed. The stitching was almost invisible unless you looked closely, and an impressive leather strap connected both bags, one on each side, together. How Daisy wanted them. In fact, if she got them, perhaps it would push her to hate Fertilizer Duty slightly less than dentist appointments, considering the job would give her a good reason to wear them.

"Maybe you guys could get me those instead . . ."

"Don't push it, Daisy," Lily warned her, jokingly, looking up from both a calendar and a spiral notebook. She took a red pencil in her mouth before making her changes. She had surprisingly neat penmanship despite the fact that she was writing with her mouth

"Alright, fine," Daisy huffed. She stomped dramatically to the door and flung it open before tossing her not-so-glamours saddlebags over her back. She looked back at her friends one more time, a disappointed and pleading expression on her face, hoping to strike pity in them, but it was of no use. She though for a moment, trying to think of one more way to make the best of her situation. Suddenly, she got an idea.

"Expect for me to get the largest size of vanilla oats ice cream available covered with, sprinkles, whipped cream, cookie bites, and cherries, all coated in a dark chocolate shell when you take me out." With that, the door closed with a loud bang, giving her friends no time to interject at her amazingly expensive request.