• Published 6th Mar 2018
  • 10,109 Views, 87 Comments

1001 Cuddly Nights - CategoricalGrant

Princess Luna comes to cuddle and snuggle with you whenever you have trouble sleeping. These are stories of the nights you spend with her.

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Night 2: Rescue

Groaning, you scrunch up your face and flip over onto your side. It had been a long night thus far, and despite a crippling need for sleep, you were no closer to unconsciousness than you were an hour ago.

Feeling somewhat cold from your close proximity to the biting wind and oppressive snowfall just outside your window, you bring in your limbs towards the center of your body and pull your comforter up over your head. After a few moments, your shivers subside and you allow yourself yet another sigh.

Suddenly, there is a gentle rapping at your door. It doesn’t startle you too much, given that you’re awake and alert. “Hellooo?” a soft voice calls through your door.

Now rather excited, you sit up quickly. “Yes? Uh, wh-who is it?”

Your door opens slowly and an indigo pony muzzle pops through the grasp. “It’s the princess of good dreams and cuddles! Can I come in?”

Princess Luna had visited you once last week. She was, if she was to be believed at least, a magical pony princess from another world with control over the moon, stars, and dream magic. While working on new magic with a powerful pony wizard- Lord Swirlystar, or something like that- she crossed into your world.

Her dream magic seemed to lead her toward you; like usual, you were struggling to go to sleep. Evidently, you were also a source of powerful magic which allowed Luna an easy route back to her world and filled Luna with a sense of, as she put it, ‘regeneration’.

After you woke up well-rested in the morning, you had been sure that your experience talking and cuddling with an adorable pony princess had been a dream. Or, you did, until you read the note that she had placed on your desk promising to be back whenever you needed help sleeping. It was, as she explained, her duty to help others achieve peaceful sleep.

You didn’t think too much of her explanation, since you were still in disbelief and didn’t expect to ever see her again. And yet, here she was again, an excited smile playing on her lips.

You sit up and yawn. “Welcome back, Luna! Come on in and turn on the lights for me.”

Princess Luna’s blue aura surrounds the lightswitch and the lights snap on quickly. The door swings open the rest of the way and Luna trots into the room joyously. “How have you been!? I could feel your sleep frustration from all the way back in Equestria.”

“Tired. I’m tired,” you groan. “And sleep eludes me.” Your arms wrap around yourself in an attempt to ward off the cold air in your apartment.

“You look cold, too,” Luna cooes. “My recommendation is that you find somepony to snuggle with. That should help you warm up and get to sleep.”

Despite your severe lethargy, you’re able to crack a smile. “O-oh no. There’s no pony who could possibly fit that description, though! Especially not one that will give me pleasant dreams and is super soft.”

Princess Luna lets out a faux gasp and places an adorned hoof over her mouth. “W-wait a second, I fit those descriptors!” Kicking her silver shoes off and removing her crown and headpiece, she places a single hoof up onto your bed. A fiendish smile graces her features as she asks, “Could I come and hold you?”

“Well, I suppose so,” you sigh, rolling on your side. “Just be gentle, please.”

The sheets rumble over your body and your mattress sags gently as Luna climbs aboard it and slinks under the covers. You can feel her warmth on your back as she scoots slowly towards you. Eventually, you feel her smooth, soft coat make contact with you, and she snakes a hoof around your midsection. When it reaches the mattress, she squeezes you tightly against her and snickers. “No...No...No! You need tight cuddles to warm you up!” she purrs, rubbing her muzzle against the crook of your neck.

The motion causes the fine hairs of her coat to rub back and forth across your neck, delivering a deep tingling sensation on your skin. You shiver gently in delight, the warmth of her body penetrating into the cavity under the covers and her touch delivering tantalizing impressions on different points of your body.

“You’re so tense,” she whispers softly, her previously playful tone now gone. “Just relax.”

You realize that Luna’s entry under the covers has indeed caused your muscles to tense up, and with some effort you follow her instructions, lengthening your limbs fully and releasing tension.

Immediately, Princess Luna modifies her strategy, loosening her hold on you but shifting her body downward to complement your form better. She now presses more closely against you, a hoof inserted between your knees and her tummy against your lower back.

The comfort and warmth begin slowly assaulting the fortress of your mind, and you can feel sleep slowly approaching. “Luna? Your Highness? Could you get the lights?”

“Of course!” a tinkling noise briefly emanates from behind your head and the lights click off. “I do my best work under cover of darkness, anyway.” As if to accentuate her point, Princess Luna’s wing wraps itself around you under the covers, her silky feathers conforming tightly to your body as if controlled by a vacuum.

The hoof on your midsection moves itself up to your chest and begins rubbing in very gentle circles; the other moves its way to the top of your head and rubs your scalp in an intricate pattern.

You smile and can’t help but arch your neck backward gently under the pleasurable assault. You let out a blissful sigh. “How is it that you know exactly what to do to cuddle a person to sleep?” you ask the darkness, the ever-present feeling of Luna’s soft touch ensuring a response.

Princess Luna hums deeply from her chest, the reverberations shivering through your back and into your torso. She gives you a brief, affectionate squeeze and moves her head forward, which slides her muzzle deeper into the groove of your neck. “I’m just very skilled at my job,” she tells you. “Sleep, night, dreams, and the like. Cuddling is no different.”

When Luna is finished speaking, you notice that her muzzle’s new position means that you can feel the air from her breaths; cool, fresh inhalations, followed by warm and inviting exhalations, wash across your neck and jaw.

The gentle, hypnotizing rhythm pushes you deeper into a state of relaxation and you know that soon you’ll slip away. “Princess Luna?”

“Yes, dear?” she asks, her hooves still rubbing you in a gentle, comforting cycle.

“Thanks a bunch…”

Princess Luna doesn’t reply verbally, instead opting to nuzzle you.

“I-I’m gonna go to bed now,” you slur.

“See you soon, friend,” she wishes you in a farewell.