• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.



This story is a sequel to Conversion Earth Pony

With Equus and Earth-2 (ponies' name for the second universe they've encountered with a planet named Earth) now fused at the hip, Princess Celestia has a rather awkward conversion with her brand new telephone installed in the castle. Why do they think Equestria (and not any of the other countries on Equus) are out to conquer Earth?

Part of the Not Just Ponies Verse. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheConversionBureauNotJustPonies

Edited by Kendell2 and Ardashir

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 51 )

I wonder how often Celestia has to deal with calls like these. Just this one is tedious (though Discord loving the Old Spice Commercials makes so much sense XD). So did Equestria pop up in the pacific or the Atlantic?

I can't tell if Discord and Celestia are dating or not from this, it could go either way with him :rainbowlaugh:

A PETA dude with the deers... no way that will do wrong XD

Discord is not Satan, thank you very much.

He's less of a monster and more a dick when and if it amuses him nowadays. He was a complete lunatic, OK, he IS a complete lunatic, but he has friends that try to prevent him from doing something that might prove, problematic. Usually.

The Dayarch blinked as an eagle claw reached out of a portal and did a 'come on, get on with it' motion, then gave a sigh. "Also, Discord wishes for me to inform you that as soon as a proper exchange rate is decided, he will be buying a stock in the 'Old Spice Company'... Why? He saw their commercials and said 'truly these people are geniuses, I don't even use deodorant but I'll buy in bulk!'...Yes, you can quote him on that, and also tell the Prime Minister of Japan that he adores their...'entire popular culture.' And the writer of...'Neon Genesis Evangelion' that he 'gets BOTH endings totally and understands exactly what he was going for.' He already bought the entire DVD box set of the series and the movies."

Somehow I'm completely and utterly unsurprised. From what I understand, both endings of Evangelion are confusing and chaotic. Which for Discord, is an average Tuesday at 3:26 with mild sunny weather over Ponyville with rainfall the next week.

"...Though your culture does seem to have a strange fascination with cats, if the internet is any indication...

They're adorable. When they're not trying to claw your face off.

"I, Prince Bramble of the Deer Kingdom, would like to thank you for choosing to join our people, we hope you find your new bodies to your liking... what human nation did you say you belonged to again?"


I snickered. OK, well played. You amused me.

Oh god poor Branmble.

...I want/need to see/read an Old Spice commercial starring Discord.

Would fit his personalities.


I'm not so sure, they and Bramble's family have about the same world view IMHO.

I can see it now.

Discord: Hello, fillies, I'm Discord. Look at your stallion. Now back to me. Now back to him, now back to me! Sadly, he's not me. But if he stopped using mare scented body wash and switched to Old Spice, he could smell like he's me.

Look down, look back. You're in a chaotic wonderland with me, the draconequus your stallion could smell like.

What's in your hand. Back at me. I have it. It's two tickets to that show on Bridleway you love. Look again, the tickets are now an alicorn princess!

Anything is possible when your stallion smells like the Spirit of Chaos and not a filly. I'm on a pony.

Twilight: Discord what the hay is going on?!


I wonder how often Celestia has to deal with calls like these. Just this one is tedious

Welcome to the glory of being a leader.

(though Discord loving the Old Spice Commercials makes so much sense XD).

My editors should be proud. :-)

So did Equestria pop up in the pacific or the Atlantic?

I was going to let other writers decide that. What do you think?

I can't tell if Discord and Celestia are dating or not from this, it could go either way with him :rainbow laugh:

Fluttershy would be jealous.

A PETA dude with the deers... no way that will do wrong XD

They'll fit right in.


I'm happy this was able to get a positive reaction out of you.

Hmm... Pacific is bigger and has more space for the realm of Equestria. It does target Hawaii early as it expands and the west coast, also the Pacific islands and Asia. Atlantic hits powerhouses harder, with the capital of the USA on the East Coast as well as more of Canada... AND Europe. Plus has more legends to it about weird seas and lost realms :rainbowlaugh:

"Also, Discord wishes for me to inform you that as soon as a proper exchange rate is decided, he will be buying a stock in the 'Old Spice Company'... Why? He saw their commercials and said 'truly these people are geniuses, I don't even use deodorant but I'll buy in bulk!'...Yes, you can quote him on that

I feel like, if this were real, Old Spice would start putting "Endorsed by the Lord of Chaos!" stickers on every one of their products.

"I, Prince Bramble of the Deer Kingdom, would like to thank you for choosing to join our people, we hope you find your new bodies to your liking... what human nation did you say you belonged to again?"


...Son of a bitch.


I feel like, if this were real, Old Spice would start putting "Endorsed by the Lord of Chaos!" stickers on every one of their products.


...Son of a bitch.

I felt it fit. :-) Thank you for the comment!

I wonder if the downvotes here are coming from people who much prefer the, other, kind of TCB fics. And think that these are ruinning the series.

Heh. That would be irony. I hope you've enjoyed these stories. I PLANNED to write one about a self-deluded now foal pegasus whose totally bought into the PER way of thinking, and does the motion capture for a high production value video game about freeing ponies from human shape evil robots, but I felt physically ill trying to get into the mind set.

I am likeing them. Might have liked them more if there wasn't such an ocean of other TCB fics that feel like "Fuck what the original author had in mind and lets degrade it."

With that in mind, kind of glad that the idea you had didn't go anywhere.


I VERY LIKELY won't write another one. I am getting OUT of the fanfic biz as soon as my master work is done. I REALLY REALLY REALLY HOPE that what I've published so far will inspire others to write their own stories with this version of the setting.

Why did you feel so ill?

I don't know. A friend suggests that maybe it was too close to all the 'evil alien invasion, humanity kicks their asses' pony stories already out there.

Got it. Why does that sicken you so much?

Uh, because it's been done to death?

Also, from a philosophical stand point, it reminds me of Stand Alone Complex of Ghost In the Shell. Instead of there being copycats with no true original, it's subversions with no true original. (The original story was never even finished.)

"I, Prince Bramble of the Deer Kingdom, would like to thank you for choosing to join our people, we hope you find your new bodies to your liking... what human nation did you say you belonged to again?"


Oh gosh, not those people. :facehoof:

Well, this was actually fun to read.

Thanks. I've been DYING to use this joke!

Got it. How was Stand Alone Complex like that?


Because they take goofs by the author as intentional anti-huamnity.

You mean with the Conversion Bureau, or with Stand Alone Complex of Ghost in the Shell?

I'm saying how the fandom reacted.

Got it. What sort of goofs did Stand Alone Complex have?

None that aren't political in nature, and that question reminds me of Fay in the Cowboy Bebop movie when she kept asking about the vase that a sample of the virus came in thinking it was incredibly important.

I used the TERM 'Stand Alone Complex' which was used in the anime 'Stand Alone Complex' which is explained by the characters to mean copycats without an original. The Conversion verse is subversions, take-that's, etc, without an original.

Celestia finally gave a sigh. "Look, can you please tell people this: if I intended you any harm at all, why would I even need to do anything? If I really wanted to conquer Earth, all I would have to do is sit back and let the Veil wipe you out without any interference from me.

THANK YOU! It never stops baffling me how almost no Conversion Bureau story points this out.

You're welcome. The setting isn't even about fetish fuel of people turning into ponies at this point. The transformation is an interchangeable excuse for humanity to fight back against the alien invaders.

Even the ones that aren't about Equestria invading don't really point this out. I think this is the first TCB fic where I've even seen this argument.

Oh my god, I can't believe I've never thought about it before.

Do the converted stay a part of their countries? If not, that doesn’t make sense.

A change in DNA does not change who you are a legal citizen of I imagine.

Ah. So basically everything stays the same except people are now not humans and there a few new countries.

Question: How does Celestia feel about the whole “human wars” thing?

I imagine she'd tried her old age tactic of negation to keep wars from spilling over into Equestria.

I mean how would she react to wars between former humans, and them only.

Thus the above. I imagine Celestia play peacemaker as a means of making friends.

I don’t think it would work though

It's completely impractical. So many people of different cultures, languages, religions, brought into Equestria at the same time? I'm willing to permit some emigrations, that simply would not end well.

It would be a logistics nightmare, and Equestria's own culture would drown in the resulting mix. And to be frank we just don't have that much knee room.

So ... Princess Celestia wants to Make Equestria Great Again.

Well, this is a pleasant subversion. I wonde-
Oh those poor cervine bastards...

I figured they were a match made in heaven. :-)

"Also, Discord wishes for me to inform you that as soon as a proper exchange rate is decided, he will be buying a stock in the 'Old Spice Company'... Why? He saw their commercials and said 'truly these people are geniuses, I don't even use deodorant but I'll buy in bulk!'...Yes, you can quote him on that..."

Why stop there? Have him appear alongside Isaiah Mustafa and Terry Crews in the Old Spice Commercials. I think his powers would make them even more exotic and exciting.

HEH! Thanks for the comment!

I imagine Celestia would happy about that letter.

As to your question, it depends where on the timeline it was sent.


It's from the high and mighty attitude the deer had in the IDW comic story arc and we were supposed to agree with them.

Worried it ruins the premise of the story. Humanity having to face a species change, and how that would affect our culture.

... I liked this Discord

LMAO Discord just hanging around Celestia's office was the best part, but the entire thing was great.

I really like this take on the Conversion.

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