• Member Since 20th Jun, 2014
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Just an adventure/mystery fanfiction-writing brony from the state of Vermont who hopes that you enjoy his work.


Once, she was the Countess, the most famous lounge singer in Manehattan. Once, she spent her nights singing in the classiest bars and lounges, and her mornings dragging herself through hangovers and depression.

But that's all in her past. Now, she is Rara, tenant and helping hoof on Sweet Apple Acres, and the head of entertainment at the Apple Pie In Your Eye. Now, she has Applejack and the Apple Family to lean on for support. And now, she has a community and a family.

This is the life of Rara in Ponyville.

Part of the Noireverse, this story is intended to explore more of Coloratura's character within the series and universe. Rara is one of my favorite side characters in the Ponyville Noire stories, and there was a lot to her that unfortunately just wouldn't fit within the Ponyville Noire stories. I wrote this side story to give her and Applejack the spotlight for a while, as well as give some of the Noireverse's other side characters some more development.

I hope you enjoy!

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 39 )

This sounds really good. I can't wait for more.

Thanks for the interest in both of my stories! I hope that I do not disappoint!

“Many thanks, darling,”

Sure that isn't Rarity?

Rarity doesn't have "darling" trademarked. It seems like the kind of thing that AJ might say to a loved one.

Applejack usually says "sugarcube" in situations like that.

Ouch, poor Rara spraining her leg applebucking.

Well, when you hang around a pony as stubborn as Applejack...

Rara became enwrapped in the coupon section and didn’t notice the sign in her path until she bumped into it with a loud thump. She squeaked in pain and surprise as the impact echoed momentarily through her skull and wound up sitting on her rump, holding her forehead as the newspaper’s pages spilled onto the ground around her.

And this was her sober. Now imagine her doing this drunk.

This is great! I'm really looking forward to more! It's nice finding an unfinished story that isn't on hiatus...
Oh, and where is the cover picture from?

Thank you for the comment and the watch! I appreciate that people do seem to like this little sidestory, even if it's not my main project.

The cover art is from here: https://jhayarr23.deviantart.com/art/Love-Song-685431379

I would not mind it if Rara ended up getting some sane sage advice out of the least likely of ponies (and the last one anypony would ever expect).

Svengallop is going to looooooooooooooove this turn of events.

I'm glad things are somewhat going good for Rara. Hopefully Sassaflash will get her barrings straight and I hope Rara won't go off the deep end by drinking too much. Applejack won't like that.

Exactly what I was going for.

Ouch. I hope they make up.

But I don't think Rara has an ivory coat.

She says sugar cube a lot to a specific character in my story XD Not Applebloom lol

But you're right, she would say that in that type of situation. 😃

Now with Rarity saying "darling", she says that almost every time XD

“I lied to her, and I hit her,” Rara continued. “How is she going to forgive me for that?”

Finally, Applejack's brutal honesty is rubbing off on her.

That was such a sweet ending. I'm glad everybody made up. I'd love to see a sequel.

But the saga itself is definitely not over.

It took me longer than I thought to get around to reading this, but I will say I did like the story, I feel it could've been expanded on a lot more. Overall, the story was decent. Not great and not terrible. Decent

So this is one of those in media res type stories? Basically, showing how we got here? Because, yeah, I'm fully curious as to what made Rara kick the needle and the spoon.

“So while everypony was doing their free time activities, Rara and Applejack snuck on over to the back of the chow hall,” Apple Bloom narrated. “Rara climbed up on top of Applejack’s shoulders and she started trying to shimmy herself into the window. Just as she managed to squeeze partway through, though, Applejack slipped and landed on her face in the mud, and Rara got herself stuck! They made so much noise that a counselor came running, and found AJ covered in mud and Rara stuck in the window, with her hindquarters sticking out into the air!”

This was adorable. And oh dear god, the more and more you read of the Countess, the more and more you just want to give Rara a big old hug. I mean, you'd want to hug her normally but oh Jesus.

On the one hand, I can see Applejack's point. Rara's not a farm pony. But on the other, really girl? You keep treatin' Rara like a fragile doll about to break and she probably will. Self-fulfilling prophecy. Bam.

Also, I really wish we had more flashbacks to Rara's life as the Countess. I want to see more of that, and more of just how bad it was. Might give the story a bit more punch, if you know what I mean.

Oh no. Oh no, no Rara... don't do that.

Also, is it just me or does Pastor Sound remind one of Matt Murdock's friend and pastor Father Paul Lantom?

“And so what?” Coloratura snapped back, looking up for the first time. She took a step forward, stumbling slightly. “So what if I drink? So what if I piss ponies off? So what does it all matter?”

“I trusted you!” Applejack shouted.

“And you treat me like I’m a kid!” Coloratura shouted. “B-babying me around, keeping me from t-trying to help, stopping me from d-doing what I want...I’m an adult!”

“An adult who sneaks around behind my back!” Applejack shouted back. “How do you expect me to trust you in my home when you—”

And the worst part is, Rara isn't entirely wrong. Goddamnit AJ... Ya done fucked up.

Well, she was meant to be a voice of wise counsel, so there is a parallel. I'm not planning on her dying, though.

As for why Rara dropped the drugs, she ultimately decided she'd had enough one day and left. Ran from Manehattan all the way to Ponyville and hauled herself up to AJ's doorstep.

Yep, definitely got some Father Paul Lantom vibes from Sound, and I know that knowing you that was probably fairly intentional. Thing is though, as much as Rara screwed up, I can't help but keep on agreeing with her. AJ's not really all that sympathetic in this story. She's trying to do right, but she's treating Rara as if she's going to break at any moment which doesn't help.

Huh, so AJ's mare enough to admit when she's wrong. Good on her. Not a bad story, but not as good as it could have been I think.

Fair 'nough. This was mainly to give Rara some more characterization in Noire. It's not one of my better works, but I'm proud of it.

Problem with that is, there's too much tell and not enough show. That's basic writing, and really that wasn't something you should skip over.

That's fair, but you really should have shown AJ getting told off by her family she was being an idjit or something. The apology feels very much after the fact and to save face.

Oh. Oh, okay. Yeah, this definitely fits and addresses some of my concerns, especially with the backstory bit and it doesn't make AJ's apology feel after the fact, makes it feel more real and less to save face.

Svengallop... no dimension.

Just on this first chapter alone I am reminded of the song "Chandelier" by Sia. If you (or anyone else reading this comment) are not familiar here's a music video.

He would wouldn't he. I can imagine him promising to take her to specialists, the finest help money can buy, but when push comes to shove, he just wants to control her again.

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