• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 13,650 Views, 132 Comments

A Game of Riddles - RomeoDKat

A human, named Marcus, is challenged by a sphinx to a game of riddles. If he wins, then he may leave. But if he loses, then the sphinx decides his fate.

  • ...

A Game of Riddles

Sand, rocks, and dunes were all that Marcus could see for miles on end. This wouldn’t have been an alarming fact for the young man, if he had lived anywhere remotely close to a desert. But, as far as he knew, there wasn’t a single desert in Virginia, just mountains and forests.

He was fairly tall, thin young man with short brown hair and beige skin. He wore a black t-shirt, white shorts, and tennis shoes. Just five minutes ago, he had been tiredly shuffling around his apartment making sure he had everything he needed for his classes that day. Needless to say, finding himself falling through a hole that suddenly appeared in the floor and face planting on the hot desert sand definitely woke him up.

He got up on his knees as he spat sand out of his mouth. As he looked around, panic began to set in. “What the hell happened!?” he wondered out loud as he looked around. “How did I get here? Where even is here?” He then cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled out, “Hey, is anybody out there?” only to be met with silence. Of course, there isn’t anybody out here. He thought as he began to look around again. Alright Marcus, calm down. Panicking is going to do you more harm than good right now. Now, let’s see if I can find anything out here. Eventually, he noticed a rock formation out in the distance. Maybe I can find some shelter over there until the sun goes down, then I can start looking for someone out here. Hopefully the walk over there won’t be too bad.

It turned out that the walk over to the rocks was borderline unbearable. His footwear was ill suited for the desert, he had taken his shirt off about an hour into his journey, and he was beginning to feel a sunburn forming. However, after a couple of hours, he finally made it to the rock formation and, much to his relief, there was a cave on the side of it. Oh, good, maybe I can rest in here until dark. He hurried into the cave and sat down inside of it. “Thank god, it’s nice and cool in here.” He said out loud as relief began to take over. As he sat in the cave, he looked further in and noticed that there was a light. Huh, I didn’t see that as I entered. Maybe there’s somebody here. He cupped his hands around his mouth as he yelled, “Hello, is anybody here? I need to some help!” No answer. Maybe, no one’s here, but where would they be if they’re not here? He looked around the desert for a while before shrugging his shoulders and thinking, I guess there’s no harm in going further into the cave. Maybe there’s somebody’s still here and didn’t hear me.

So, Marcus cautiously began to walk further into the cave to see what was inside. After about a couple minutes of walking, he finally reached the source of the light and his eyes widened in amazement at what he saw. Lining the sides of the wall were a number of torches to light up the space. Littered on the floor was very large piles of gold, jewels, and other treasures. Holy shit, why the hell is all of this in here? He wondered as he looked around until he noticed something on the left side of the space that all but answered the question for him.

It was a very large bed that seemed large enough to hold three elephants comfortably that was occupied by only one creature. On each corner of the bed was a post that held a white curtain that prevented Marcus from getting a clear view of what was resting on the bed. However, the torchlight was more than enough to let Marcus know that whatever was sleeping in the bed was very large. Marcus could only stare at it with fear, the only thing keeping him from outright screaming was that it was breathing deeply. Good, it’s still asleep, whatever it is. I need to get out of here before it decides to wake up. He thought as he began to sneak towards the exit, until he noticed something else he didn’t notice before. Two different sized pools of water. That’s when he realized how thirsty he was.

Shit. He cursed to himself as he looked over at the sleeping creature again. Okay, if I can get over there without waking it up, then maybe I can get away with some water. Worst case scenario, I accidently wake this thing up and it kills me for invading into its territory. At least I won’t be dying of thirst. So, carefully, he snuck around the piles of treasure, trying not to accidently kick any of it in fear that the sudden noise would wake the creature up. After about five minutes, he managed to reach the closer and largest of the two pools. Alright, I made it. He thought as he began to kneel down and cupped his hands to begin drinking, but stopped when he finally realized something. The creature’s deep breathing had grown quiet. He sighed as he looked at the bed and said, “It’s awake, isn’t it?”

A deep, feminine giggle coming from bed caught his attention. “Why yes, she is.” The creature said as it began to stand up. “But then, it’s hard to get some sleep when someone decides to yell into your cave.” Then a large, maroon paw appeared from the other side of the curtain and opened up to reveal what was “sleeping” on the bed. It appeared to be a sphinx, only instead of having the features of a human woman, she had equine features. She was easily twice the size of an elephant. Her fur and wings maroon with a gray underbelly and tail fluff. The jewelry, headdress, and makeup she wore were reminiscent of something a pharaoh would wear. “Now this is interesting.” She said as she approached Marcus, a sly smile plastered on her face. “I have received many trespassers over the years, but never have I seen one quite as unique as you. So, tell me, who and what are you?”

Marcus gulped before nervously replying, “My name is Marcus and I’m a human. And I wa-”

“A human you say.” She interrupted with a raised eyebrow. “Why, I’ve never seen a human before. Very interesting.” Her sly smile increasing as she spoke.

“Um, yeah, as I was saying,” he nervously continued, taking note of her large teeth. “I just got lost in the desert and thought that this cave would make a good shelter. That’s when I saw a light inside and tried to see if I could find anything or anyone to help me. I didn’t know that this cave belonged to a…well…”

“A beautiful and powerful sphinx.” She arrogantly offered as her wing flared out.

“Um, yes.” He fearfully replied. “Please, all I was planning on taking was some of your water.” He pleaded, pointing towards the pool. “So, why don’t you let me go and I’ll just go along my way. I promise not to tell anybody that you’re here”

“Hmm, I afraid that there is something that I should inform you about all that.” She began to say. “First off, that’s my bathing water. My drinking water is the smaller pool.” She informed, making Marcus somewhat glad that stopped him from drinking from it. “Second, I’m afraid I can’t let you go. After all, I can’t guarantee that you’ll tell somepony about me and there are certain ponies out there that I’d rather not find me. Besides, I can’t let something so rare slip away from my paws.”

He gulped as he got on his knees and begged. “Please, just let me go. I didn’t mean to disturb you, but please let me go. I promise that I won’t bother you again.”

The sphinx smirked down at him, amused by his groveling. After a few moments of silence, she said, “Very well, let’s determine your fate with a game.”

“Oh, thank you!” He said happily. Then he realized what she just said as he cautiously asked, “Um, what type of game?”

“Why, a game of riddles, of course.” She said with a wide smile. “We each have one chance to answer a riddle correctly. First one to get an answer wrong loses. If you win, you may leave unharmed. But if I win, then I may do with you as I wish.” She said wickedly.

Marcus felt relieved, but nervous at the same time. Great, I don’t’ even know any decent riddles, and she’s probably got an almost encyclopedic knowledge of them. But, at least she’s giving me a chance to escape and won’t straight up kill me if I win, if she keeps her word. He then looked up at her with a determined look and said, “Alright, I accept your challenge.”

“Good,” The sphinx replied, “then I’ll allow you to go first.”

“Okay,” he said as he began to think of one. Let’s see, she said she was a sphinx, but she doesn’t have the features of a human and she admitted that she’s never seen a human before. He smirked victoriously when he thought of his riddle. Oh, lady, you have no idea how much irony you’re about to be hit with. “Okay, sphinx,” he said in a taunting tone, causing the sphinx to raise an eyebrow. “This creature walks on four legs in the morning. Two legs in the afternoon. And three legs in the evening. What is it?” He stared up at her with a victorious grin, waiting for her to fumble with the riddle.

“Man,” the sphinx answered without hesitation, “who crawls on four limbs when he is an infant, two legs when he is an adult, and walks with the assistance of a cane when he is an old man.”

Marcus just stared at the sphinx, his victorious smirk having long since turned to a look of disbelief. Eventually, he replied with a fairly high pitched, “How?! You said that you’ve never seen a human before.”

“You’re right, I did say that, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve never heard or knew of your kind before.” She replied, her smile unwavering. Before Marcus could retort, the sphinx wickedly said, “Now, I believe it’s my turn.” She circled around him as she said, “This old one runs forever, but never moves at all. He has no lungs nor throat, but still a mighty roar it calls. What is it?”

Marcus paced around as he thought. Okay, she said it has no lungs and throat, so it can’t be an animal, and she said in runs forever so it can’t be a plant. So, it has to be an inanimate object of some kind. But, the only inanimate object that actually runs at all by itself is a river, but it can’t “roar” unless- His eyes widened in realization as he looked up at her and answered, “It’s a waterfall.”

The sphinx scoffed in frustration before replying, “That is correct, human. It’s your turn now.”

“R-right.” Marcus answered, trying to hide is nervousness. Damn, I was really betting on her failing that first riddle. C’mon Marcus, think of something. “The more there is, the less you see. What is it?” He asked without really thinking. No, you idiot, she’s going to answer that in a matter of seconds.

Sure enough, the sphinx smiled before confidently answering, “Hah, too easy. It’s darkness.”

Damnit, I knew that she’d get it right. He thought. But, then again, she doesn’t necessarily know that. He then made a sympathetic look as he could and said, “I’m sorry, miss, that’s the incorrect answer. I’m afraid you-“

Before he could finish speaking, the sphinx slammed a paw right next to him, causing him to stumble back a little bit. She then jabbed her snout at him with enough force to knock him onto the ground. He looked up to see a very angry sphinx glaring down at him, causing him to cower where he sat. “Listen, human,” she growled. "Did I lie to you when you guessed my riddle correctly?” He shook his head. “Good, so tell me. Did I answer you’re riddle correctly or did I not?”

Marcus gulped before saying, “Y-you got it right. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”

“See that it doesn’t,” she growled as he stood up. “Because if you lie again, I’ll find myself having an early lunch. Am I understood?”

“Y-yes, ma’am.” He answered.

“Good, now I believe it’s my turn.” She said as she sat down. “An old pony wanted to leave all of his money to one of his three sons, but he didn’t know which one to give it to. He gave each of them a few coins and told them to buy something that would be able to fill their entire living room. The first son bought some straw, but there wasn’t enough to fill the room. The second son bought some sticks, but there still wasn’t enough. The third son bought two things and they were enough to fill the room, so he inherited his father’s fortune. What were the two things he bought?”

As Marcus stood back up, he tried to think about the riddle. So, straw and sticks aren’t able to fill the room. What do those two items have in common. …Damn, what two solid objects can fill an entire room. Wait, does that mean that the thing that can fill the room isn’t a solid object. So, what non-solid things can fill a room. Water? Gas? Light?...Wait, light! That has to be it. Which means that there are only two items that he could have bought to fill the room with light. “A candle and a match.” He answered, causing the sphinx to frown. “He bought a candle and a match to light it with, and the light of the candle was enough to fill the room.”

“…Correct.” The sphinx reluctantly answered through gritted teeth. “It’s your turn now.”

“What belongs to you, but others use it more?” He asked, deciding that throwing an easy riddle out to keep her from getting angrier would be the best course of action, for now.

“Your name.” She answered confidently.


She scoffed before mockingly saying, “You must be getting desperate if you’re just throwing simple riddles around. Maybe you should just give up now.” Marcus just stared up at her with determination and fear. She scoffed before saying, “An adamant, but foolish endeavor. Very well, we’ll continue this game.” She sat down as she said, “A king has no sons, no daughters, and no wife. For this reason, he must decide who will take the throne after he dies. To do this, he decides that he will give all of the children in the kingdom a single seed. He told them that the child who grows the largest, most beautiful plant will earn his throne, as the plant represented the kingdom. At the end of the contest, all of the children came to the palace with a pot carrying their enormous and beautiful plants in hand. But, after looking at all of the children’s pots, the king decided to pick a little girl with an empty pot as the next queen. So, why did he choose this little girl over all of the other children with their beautiful plants?” She asked with a wicked grin that just screamed, ‘I have you now!’

Marcus paced around and messaged a temple as he thought about the riddle. Okay, so he picked a girl with an empty pot over children who had actual plants with them. But why though?! Maybe her plant was so big that it couldn’t fit in the pot. Okay, so why didn’t she just lead him to it? Wait, what if it’s not something involving the plants? Maybe she had a smoking hot mom and the king wanted her instead of her daughter…No, Marcus, think more like an actual good fictional king, not like King Henry VIII. C’mon, why did he pick a girl without a plant when he said the biggest, most beautiful plant would win.

“You’re running out of time.” The sphinx taunted. Her smile widened as she slowly got into a pouncing position.

Oh, you bitch! He angrily thought before frantically coming up with the answer. Wait, he gave it to the children as a seed, not as a plant. So, it has to be something involving that. But, the only way that the seed couldn’t grow into a plant would be if she didn’t take care of it. Unless- His eyes widened as he almost quietly said, “The seeds were fake.” He turned to find a surprised sphinx gaping at him. “The seeds he gave out where fake and she was the only one who didn’t lie to the king about being unable to grow a plant.”

The sphinx looked like she was about to roar in rage, until her frown turned to a smirk as she said, “Tssk, I thought that one would have gotten you. I’m almost starting to like you…almost. Now, go ahead, ask your next riddle, as pathetic as it’s going to be.”

Marcus frowned nervously up at her as he thought. She’s right, I can’t think of a riddle that’s going to cause her to hesitate. And her riddles have been progressively harder for me to solve. That means that it’s very likely for me to get the next riddle wrong. C’mon, dude, think! …Gah, this is impossible. How did Bilbo Baggins get passed this?! His eyes then widened in realization. Of course, that’s it! It’s a question that she can’t possibly get right. But I can’t just ask it, I gotta bait her first. So, with a plan in mind, he turned his back on the sphinx as he said, “Let’s see here…how did that riddle go again?”

The sphinx chuckled before she tauntingly asked, “What’s the matter? Are you having trouble trying to figure out another pitiful riddle?”

Wait for it. “Oh, no this is actually a pretty hard riddle. I’m just trying to remember how it goes.” He said, still not looking at her.

She scoffed and said, “Please, there’s no riddle you can’t ask that I can’t answer. So, stop wasting my time and ask your pathetic question, human.”

Got her. He smirked before turning around and confidently asking, “Okay, so answer me this. What’s in my pocket?”

The sphinx’s eyes went wide with shock before exclaiming, “W-what?! That’s not a riddle! Ask another.”

“Sorry, but I seem to recall you saying, ‘ask your pathetic question, human.’” He explained, mimicking her voice. “I did ask you a question. Therefore, you have to answer it.”

“You tricked me! I take back what I said about you earlier.” She said through gritted teeth. She then formed a grin as she said, “I actually have grown to like you, you clever little human.”

“Thanks, I guess,” Marcus replied, “but I’m afraid that you still have to answer. And remember, you only have one guess.” He said with an evil smirk that put all of the sphinx’s previous ones to shame. Go on, just answer something. I guarantee that you’ll get it wrong.

“A wallet, a set of keys, and an expired coupon.” The sphinx answered with no hesitation.

There was silence between the two. The sphinx was looking down at Marcus with a smug grin, waiting for his response. Marcus was still looking up at the sphinx with the same look he had earlier, because every single gear in his head had decided to stop working. Then, one tiny gear began to turn just so he could think of one word. How?! More gears started to turn as he began to process what she just answered. How is that even possible?! How?! …No, forget it, you know damn well she’s not going to explain a damn thing. However, she is wrong about one thing.

“You were right about the wallet and the keys,” he said before pulling the coupon out of his pocket, “but I’m afraid that you were wrong about the coupon. For you see, this coupon expires in…okay, I want to put on record that I didn’t lie. I actually thought that this coupon was still valid.”

“I’ll let it by.” She said dismissively before smiling at him, “because now it’s my turn. So, tell me, what. . .” she dragged out, causing Marcus’s anticipation and fear to skyrocket. “. . .is in my pocket?”

Marcus just stared up at the sphinx. Then he chuckled. Then he laughed. “You’re joking, right?!” He happily exclaimed. “The answer’s nothing, because you don’t have any pockets!”

“Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” The sphinx said as she reached a paw towards her hips, while sporting a wicked smile that put Marcus’s to shame.

Marcus’s confident smile dropped when he realized what she was doing. No, you idiot! Why would she ask what was in her pocket if she didn’t have any?1 “Wait, I want to change my answer!” He pleaded out.

“Too late!” The sphinx gleefully exclaimed as she pulled her paw away from her “pocket” and presented Marcus with the item she pulled from it. The item was a book with the back of it facing Marcus.

No. He reluctantly took the book. No. He turned the book around so that he could see the cover. It read, ‘Book of Riddles: In and Out of Equestria’. No,no,no! He opened the first page and read the first riddle.

What walks on four legs in the morning.

Two legs in the afternoon.

And three legs in the evening.

Ans: Man, because infants crawl on all four limbs, adults walk on two legs, and the elderly often use a cane to help them walk.

“You bitch!” Marcus exclaimed as he closed the book.

“Hey, I’m not even remotely related to a dog.” She yelled angrily. She took a couple of deep breaths before she smiled again and said, “No matter, I have won our game. Which means that I can do whatever I want with you. Now then,” She started to say to herself as she began to circle around Marcus, “what to do with you. Oh, there are so many decisions to make.” She licked her lips as she studies him, causing him to feel much more nervous about his situation. She then stopped, looking like she had finally realized something. “Oh, of course, why didn’t I think of this sooner?!” She then looked over at him with half lidded eyes. “I know exactly what to do with you.” She said in an almost teasing tone, causing Marcus to gulp.

“Oh, yes!” The sphinx happily moaned out as she stretched her paws out. “Oh, that’s the spot. Oh, please don’t stop!”

“So, has this itch really been bothering you?” An uncomfortable Marcus asked while scratching the small of her back, who was lying on her side on her massive bed.

“You have no idea.” She moaned out. “I didn’t have any way of dealing with that spot until you showed up.”

“Yeah, you’re welcome.” He sarcastically said as he looked around the torch-lit cave. She’s done rather well for herself. She’s got piles of gold and food all over the place. Although, I would imagine that all of this is probably stolen. He then noticed two different pools of water, one noticeably larger than the other. Realizing that he was thirsty, he turned to the sphinx and said, “Hey, miss- “A loud growl from the sphinx reminded him of what she had told him when they first came in. “I mean, master, may I have some water?”

She sighed before lifting a paw and waving him off. “Go ahead, drink. You’ve done what I’ve asked of you. Just remember that the larger pool is for bathing.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” He said in a sarcastic tone, causing her to growl again. “I mean, thank you master.” He quickly walked to the smaller pool and began to drink out of it. So, I’m a sphinx’s servant who has to answer her every beck and call. I can think of worse fates Like being her lunch or being her own personal “toy.” He shivered at that last thought.

“Human,” he heard the sphinx call, “are you done drinking?”

Marcus took one last gulp of water before answering, “Yes, master.”

“Good.” She replied. She then turned over to her other side so that she could face him and asked, “Can you come over here for a moment?”

“Sure.” He said as he walked over to her. When he was on the edge of the bed, he asked, “What is it?”

“I’m going to take a nap again.” She simply replied before yawning.

“Okay,” Marcus said, feeling confused. “I don’t see what that has to do about me.” It was at that moment that she suddenly she reached her paws out to him and began to drag him to her. “Woah, okay then!” He yelled out as was embraced by the sphinx. She rolled over until she was on her back and lightly hugged Marcus. Then, her eyes closed as she drifted off to sleep.

As she lightly snored, Marcus shifted around until he was more comfortable in her grasp. I would be complaining about being her own personal teddy bear right now, but she’s actually really warm and soft. Maybe taking a nap wouldn’t be such a bad idea. As he laid there, he thought to himself. You know, if I had known that this was going to be what this sphinx had in mind for me. I probably would have just failed that first riddle on purpose. “But still,” he wondered out loud, “how did she manage to answer my last question?”

“Easy, I guessed.” The sphinx suddenly answered.

“Ah, makes sense.” He said as he began to drift off to sleep. Then, he suddenly woke up as he yelled out, “Wait, what?!”

Comments ( 132 )

Pretty funny One-shot :pinkiehappy:
Happy New Year :twilightsmile:

Happy New Year to you too! Glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

I would love to see this continued and not as a One Shot.

Well, this sadly was planned as a one-shot. But, I'm not opposed to the idea of making a sequel if there's enough of a demand for it.

Happy New Year.

You know... I second the notion of creating sequel. A slice of life or an adventure would fit.

I'd likely read it. Good luck, if you decide to write one.

Lovely story to end the year.

That last remark from the sphinx was priceless

Good jobb i liked it.

He smirked before turning around and confidently asking, “Okay, so answer me this. What’s in my pocket?”

"The One Ring," the Sphinx answered, then choked. "WHAT THE BUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT?!"

The human then claimed the Ring as his own... "ASH NAZG DURBATULUK..."

And so Equestria fell under another Dark Lord... after all of the other humans who became Dark Lords in Equestria because of various plot-convenient reasons.


So long as you keep it away from volcanos and sickly looking hobbits

Funny and cute

8639711 What about healthy-looking hobbits selling dubious nutritional supplements? :unsuresweetie:


I really enjoyed this story. I even added it to my library as a favorite.

But, if I may ask:

Can the cussing that’s in this story be taken out?

It’s not just that I don’t like cussing, but, I know for a fact that there are better words and phrases to use than the terrible words put here.

One correction:

“I mean, master, may I have some water.” Needs to end with a question mark.

My Muse pictured a slightly different answer to one of the riddles.

... The third son bought two things and they were enough to fill the room, so he inherited his father’s fortune. What were the two things he bought?”

Marcus started laughing. "The third son is a complete asshole."

The sphinx furrowed her brow and opened and closed her mouth a couple of times before saying, "That's not an ans--"

Marcus smirked as he interrupted. "A flint and steel. The third son set both the straw and sticks on fire, filling the room with fire and smoke."

She cocked her head for a moment and her eyes unfocused. After a few moments, she smiled and looked down at the human. "Hmmm. I was looking for 'a candle and match to fill the room with light,' but I like your answer better. Full credit."


Did you know "pants" was once considered a cuss word? Cuss words are "bad"because people wanted them to be "bad" and the only reason people continue to think they are is because they were taught to think so


A pity she didn't get an Old English nerd in her cave. That would have been epic. (Where do you think Tolkien got his inspiration from?)

Wrætlic hongað - bi weres þeo
frean under sceate - foran is þyrel
bið stiþ ⁊ heard - stede hafað godne
þonne se esne - his agen hrægl
ofer cneo hefeð - wile þæt cuþe hol
mid his hangellan - heafde gretan
þæt he efe lang ær - oft gefylde

If I recall, Cuchulainn impressed his girlfriend with a riddle game and got her to marry him, even though he had previously knocked up Aoife (and by some accounts, Scathach too) which came back to bite him.

I got the girl with the pot riddle

I had a story about it when i was little.

Ha, jokes on you, somebody already seconded the motion. Muhahahaha...you know, now that I think about it, I guess we can have to people second the motion.

Ah, thank you.

Sequel! This was amazing. :yay:

8639815 Alondro takes a dubious nutritional supplement... 2 weeks later he needs a liver transplant. :pinkiesick:

WHY DOES HE NEVER LISTEN TO- wait, now who the heck am I? :applejackconfused:

(You're the narrator.)

Oh, I don't recall volunteering for the job. Who does that make you then?



I feel like there needs to be some paragraph and word editing.

I'm sure private messages to the author would be appreciated.

Yes they would, actually. All constructive criticism and grammar corrections that were missed by either me or my friend/editor is welcomed.

Edits for only the first three paragraphs, because marking them up is a pain:

Sand, rocks, and dunes were all that Marcus could see for miles on end. This wouldn’t have been an alarming fact for the young man, if he had lived anywhere remotely close to a desert. However/But As far as he knew, there wasn’t a single desert in Virginia, just mountains and forests.

He was a fairly tall, thin young man with short brown hair and beige skin. He was wearing wore a black t-shirt, white shorts, and tennis shoes. Just five minutes ago, he was had been tiredly shuffling around his apartment making sure he had everything he needed for his classes that day. Needless to say, finding himself falling through a hole that suddenly appeared in the floor, and face planting on the hot desert sand, definitely woke him up.

He got up on his knees as he spat sand out of his mouth. As he looked around, panic began to set in. “What the hell happened!?” He he (lower case because it is the same sentence) wondered out loud as he looked around. “How did I get here? Where even is here?” He then cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled out, “Hey, is anybody out there?” only to be met with silence. Of course, there isn’t wasn't anybody out here. He thought as he began to look around again. Alright Marcus, calm down. Panicking is going to do you more harm than good right now. Now, let’s see if I can find anything out here. Eventually, he noticed a rock formation out in the distance. Maybe I can find some shelter over there until the sun goes down, then I can start looking for someone out here. Hopefully the walk over there won’t be too bad.

And one particular later one that stood out:
beckon call beck and call

Huh, never thought about the lower case 'he.' Show you what school teaches you about writing...or rather what they don't teach you. Thanks for the inputs.

Not bad, but this means I have to keep waiting for people to treat that one like an actual riddle. It literally works on the same principle as 'What part of a chicken gets wettest in a rainstorm?" Answer: The Outside.
So, treating 'What have I got in my pockets?' as an actual riddle, the answer would be "The Insides".

Ok, not bad, but i seriously thought she was going to f*** him.

Also, heres a good riddle.

A box without hinges, key or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.

What is it??

Answer: Egg

“A beautiful and powerful sphinx.” She arrogantly offered as her wing flared out.

If you win, you may leave unharmed. But if I win, then I may do with you as I wish.” She said wickedly.

The human's eyebrows raised in surprise before he tilted his head and gave her an amused look.

"If that's some sort of sexual entendre, we can skip the riddle game," he shrugged. "I don't know about powerful, but you're right about the beautiful part."

The Sphinx's face turned red and she pawed the ground nervously.

I know that it isn't only me that thinks this...

This would do really well as a full fledged story.

It was written really well (apart from a few minor grammar mistakes), it flowed nicely and the characters worked well together.

I'm following you and up voting this.

Congrats, dear author. :moustache:

I love the part where the Sphinx gets Marcus to come over to her so that she could hold and cuddle him like a teddy bear. It’s really cute, and it made me smile and laugh as well. They should sleep together more often.

Oh, and please make a sequel soon. I would really like to see how the relationship Marcus and Sphinx now have continually develop between them.

what has four wheels and flies?
Answer:a garbage truck
I bet he would've won If he used that one.

Is she reading his mind?
In that case the only way to win is to ask the question, answer for which he doesn't know but that answer could be easily checked. Like restore RSA private key from public key (he needs to remember that public key of course).

“You were right about the wallet and the keys,” he said before pulling the coupon out of his pocket, “but I’m afraid that you were wrong about the coupon. For you see, this coupon expires in…okay, I want to put on record that I didn’t lie. I actually thought that this coupon was still valid.”

You. You're going to write more stories like this, and you are going to like it!

Here's my favorite riddle that I just had to memorize

You are locked in a room where there are two doors, one of them leads to death and one of them is your way out. There are two knights on either side of the room, one always tells the truth, and one always lies, you can only ask one question to only one of the knights, what is it?

:twistnerd: I'll let you guys think about this for a while


You are locked in a room where there are two doors, one of them leads to death and one of them is your way out. There are two knights on either side of the room, one always tells the truth, and one always lies, you can only ask one question to only one of the knights, what is it?

Miss Haley Starshine has provided us with the definitive answer to that question.

I have an equestrian riddle:
"The softest of beds or the hardest of stone.
Seizing the day, or the wind, for our own."

How did she know? :pinkiegasp:

ask what the other would say the correct door is and choose the other

Well, you still can't figure it out just by asking a question. And what if you deal physical harm to one of them and neither says anything, then you still can't answer it. Though even if you punched one and got a response, there's a low chance they're just gonna say what did or didn't happen to them. You'd have to ask if they were punched, and that would be your one question. I suppose some variation of the situation depicted in the comic could lead to the answer, but I can't think of anything right now.

If not a sequel, then, please at least change this from a one-shot to a story with multiple chapters.

that's weird that he only had that much in his pocket. mine are usually loaded with a ton of stuff i'll need. wallet, phone, keys, ID, ruler, tape, pencils, lighter, pocket knife, pocket sized sewing kit, and a few rubber bands at minimum.

8641936You would ask one of the knights if the other knight would say that the door (I dunno point to one of them) leads to the way out.
if the one you ask is telling the truth then he would know the other always lies (and the other way around) so whatever answer is given, the other is true.

there are a whole bunch of different variations of this problem. I remember one being on an island with natives that don't speak any language you know, one only says 'yes' in his language one only says 'no' in that language and the third randomly says yes or no in that language....I don't even know how to begin solving that one.

That's a very clever solution! :pinkiegasp:


The 4th Doctor did it long before the Labyrinth chick. Still one of my favorite serials.

I gotta find a book like that. Excellent story! And happy new year!

>:( u got it right.

I'm bored so i'm going to point out that if you clicked his link it leads to a web comic and a character named haley shot one of the 'knights' in the foot causing humor and the answer and had nothing to do with labyrinth. Though I didn't know they did this riddle in doctor who either so..the more yo know (shooting star)

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