• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 3,351 Views, 100 Comments

Melody for my Dear - FerociousCreation

After a rescue from Big Macintosh, Fluttershy forms emotions for him; however things get in the way

  • ...

As the Rain Falls

It would have been a normal day in Ponyville, if it wasn't for the cloudy weather drifting over the small village. The weather patrol was out and about gathering clouds to create a downpour to make up for canceling last week's rainfall. The wind was a slight breeze but was steadily starting to pick up, causing everypony to hurry to their homes. At the marketplace, a yellow pegasus was making her final purchases from the errands she was running for the day.

"Okay, let me see…" Fluttershy said to herself. "I got birdseed, nuts, assorted fruit basket, leafy greens… oh, I believe I am forgetting something…" A rabbit emerged from her satchel and was holding a sheet of paper in its hand. It angrily unfolded it and held it in front of the shy pegasus' face. The young rabbit slapped his paw at the last listed item: carrots. "Oh, I'm so sorry Angel…," Fluttershy weakly smiled while her rabbit scowled at her. She trotted over to the carrot stall and said, "May I please have a bundle of carrots."

"Sorry mam but this stall is closed," Carrot Top said bluntly while scrambling to take down her stall.

"But I need some carrots for my rabbit."

"Like I said, we are closed…" Angel jumped off of the pegasus' back and thumped onto the stall table, pointing at the words "carrots" angrily on the list. Carrot Top looked at the rabbit with a bit of a glare but quickly surrendered. "Okay, fine." She pulled out one carrot and said, "Two bits."

"Umm, can I have a bit more, please?" said the shy pegasus. But one stern look from Carrot Top meant "no." Fluttershy didn't understand why the earth pony had to be so blunt but was not in the right mood to dispute. Fluttershy put the bits on the table and the rabbit snatched the carrot off of the stand with enough force to land right into the satchel.

As the pegasus starts to walk away from the stall, a voice came from behind, "Darn stall clerk being all mean to yea, Fluttershy?" With one quick glance, Fluttershy saw her friend Applejack. The orange pony's mane and tail were starting to get whipped around by the accelerating speed. Her hoof pinned down her cowpony hat to keep it from flying away.

"Oh, hello Applejack," said Fluttershy in response to her friend. "How was your day at the market?"

Applejack sighed and said, "Not good, Fluttershy. I had a great line of apples ready to sell today and the gosh darn weather patrol had to make today rain." Applejack looked back at her apple stall, where Big Macintosh was starting to take down the stall and put the pieces in the back of a hay wagon. "I need to skedaddle on home before the roads get all wet. It can be a real pain to pull the apple wagon through the mud."

"Eeyupp!" said Big Macintosh from a distance as he was listening to the two mares talking.

Applejack walked over to her stand and got the harness for the wagon to pull the apples back to her farm. Fluttershy noticed Big Macintosh was having a difficult time taking apart the stand. She approached him and asked, "Umm, would it be okay if I help you take down the stand Big Macintosh?"

Fluttershy's ears folded back a bit, not sure how he would react. But the friendly stallion replied with a "Eeyupp."

The two of them smiled at each other but the moment was interrupted when Applejack said to them, "You two have fun then. An' I'll see you back at home, Big Mac, yea hear?"

"Okay, goodbye Applejack!" the pegasus said as she and Big Macintosh waved their hooves.

The stallion went straight back to work to continue breaking down the stall. Fluttershy was going to start helping when she felt a tap on her head. She looked on her back and saw Angel holding the leaves of a carrot. "Oh, you want another carrot Angel?" The rabbit nodded its head and indicated he wanted another by waving his paw. But Fluttershy knew Carrot Top was not going to sell another carrot. In fact, Carrot Top had already finished taking down her stall and was already gone. Fluttershy disliked having to disappoint Angel but had to do so anyways. "I'm sorry, but umm… I don't think I can get you another ca…" The rabbit was not happy with the response and threw the leaves of the carrot in Fluttershy's face. "Umm, please don't behave like that, please?"

As this was going on, Big Macintosh noticed Fluttershy having a bit of an issue with her angry friend. He then walked over to the wagon and pulled out a large sack and walked over to the pink haired pegasus. Big Macintosh then set it on the ground and after loosening the tie around the sack, it revealed a large assorted amount of produce. There were celery, lettuce heads, potatoes, and carrots. Angel and Fluttershy saw the generosity from the red colored stallion, and the rabbit jumped into the sack. It was about to take a bite, when Fluttershy said in a nice tone, "Now now Angel, let's show some manners." The rabbit crossed its arms as the pegasus said, "Do you mind if we borrow some carrots from you?"

"Nnnope!" smiled the red stallion.

"Oh, thank you Big Mac." They both smiled and they continued to take down the stand. As they were, Angel was still inside of the sack, feasting on the carrots, for he was quite hungry. With the two ponies working together, taking down the stall was no problem and the task was finished in no time. When the two finished, they realized that it was getting dark out, and with the clouds blocking the sun, light was becoming more absent by the minute. "Well, I must be on my way home," said the shy pegasus.

"Eeyupp," responded Big Macintosh.

"Again, thank you for the-" A crack from a lightning bolt broke through the air, and Fluttershy shrieked and hid under the wagon.

Rain soon started to fall from the sky as the red stallion put on the harness for the wagon. He was about to start walking to the farm when he forgot that Fluttershy was taking refuge under the wagon. The look on the pegasus' face worried him and he wanted to make sure she got home. He looked down at her and said, "Mind if I escort ya home?"

The pegasus looked up and said, "Oh no. If you do, you might catch a cold, or get the wheels caught in the mud. Besides, my house is away from the farm, so you will be making twi-" Another flash of lightning followed by the thunder caused her to whimper and cover her eyes with her hooves. Angel looked at her and shook his head in disappointment from Fluttershy's cowardliness.

Big Macintosh reached his hoof under the wagon and said, "Don't you worry, I don't mind the extra work." The shy pegasus took Big Macintosh's hoof and helped her from underneath the wagon. Rain was starting to get onto her and Angel, so the rabbit quickly pulled out an umbrella and covered him and Fluttershy.

"Are you sure? I mean, it is dark and cold out… and scary."


Fluttershy was now sure that he will not change his mind, so she allows him to follow her home. "Okay just stay close please…" she said with a shy tone.

Big Macintosh nodded and the two of them started on their way to Fluttershy's home.


Darkness was quickly engulfing the light. Luckily, there were lampposts at the roads, or there would be no vision of the road. The two ponies walked on the road to Fluttershy's home, trying to make haste because of the rain. The shy mare was walking close to Big Macintosh, scared she might lose sight of him in the dark rainy night.

"Umm, Big Mac?" said Fluttershy in a quiet tone.


"T-thank you for the offer to w-walk me home," she spoke as she shivered from the cold air. Big Macintosh nodded with a smile as a response to the mare.

Fluttershy smiled for a while, feeling a bit of comfort for having Big Macintosh being so brave for her, though it was just a way of helping out a fellow mare after all. She then started to look around at the forest, surrounding the road as they walked on. The trees had a dark-green color on them from the light that the lanterns were making.

A pair of bright eyes leers out from a hole in a tree, causing Fluttershy to shriek and hide behind Big Macintosh. Then a light "hoo" sound came from the tree. The now slightly relaxed pegasus comes out from behind the stallion and walks towards the tree ad says, "It is cold and rainy out tonight Mrs. Owl. Stay inside tonight and I will bring some yummy food for you in the morning." The owl from the tree replied with another "hoo" and the yellow pegasus smiled with joy. She then looked back at Big Macintosh, who had stopped because of Fluttershy's action towards the owl. "Oh, I'm so sorry Big Mac…" she said with her ears folded back. "Did I keep you waiting?"

"Nnope," replied the stallion.

"Oh, okay…"

They then continued on their way to Fluttershy's house, as Big Macintosh was thinking to himself. I don't understand why she can get so paranoid over making somepony angry, he thought. The stallion looked at the scared pegasus and said, "Fluttershy, no need to be afraid. I'll make sure you get home safely."

"Oh, thank you," she lightly smiled, but she was still frightened of the darkness that surrounded them.

Moments pass, when a large and thick tree becomes visible from a good distance away. "Oh, look Angel! We are almost home." The rabbit was still sitting on her back holding up the umbrella, unhappy with the task he was given. Big Macintosh was relieved to know that they are almost to her house. He did not realize that her home was further than he expected.

A flash of lightning dashed through the air, making the pegasus more frightened and started to walk a bit quicker. Another flash of lightning bolted through the air, making Fluttershy freeze in her tracks in fear. Big Macintosh was right behind her, when yet another bolt of lightning ripped through the sky, and pierced right through the large tree. From both Fluttershy and Big Macinosh's surprise, the tree began to fall in the pegasus' direction. She started to run, but was quickly tripped by a tree root and fell to the ground, making Angel to fall off her back.

Time had seem to have frozen for Big Macintosh, for he had to make a quick decision. If I kick the trunk of the tree, I could snap it, but risk having the upper part of the tree fall on top of Fluttershy. Using the wagon to stop the fall of the tree won't do any help, because the tree would most likely crush the wagon, along with Fluttershy.

The tree began accelerating, falling faster towards the pegasus, frozen in fear, unable to move. She held onto Angel closely, while he tried to squirm his way out of her arms. Fluttershy then closed her eyes, ready for the tree to crush her with its weight.


A soft pattering from the rain tapped on the window from the home of Applejack. A filly was sitting in front of the fireplace, looking into the flames that flickered in the fire. She was a yellow colored earth pony with a large pink bow in her mane. Her dark pink hair glowed from the light of the fire. The eyes of the young pony were half closed as she stared at the flames.

A voice came from behind, "Applebloom, it's time for bed." The filly wanted to respond, but was still silent as she continued to stare back at the fireplace. "Now come on. You need your sleep."

Applebloom looked behind her and spoke, "Big sis, you worried about Big Mac?"

She saw her older sister standing on the stairway. Applejack was not wearing her hat because she just finished washing her hair and still had her hair in a ponytail. She then smiled and said, "Now don't you worry none, lil' sis. He'll be fine, I know it." Applejack then walked down the stairs and sat next to Applebloom, putting an arm around her little sister.

Despite the comfort from her old sister, Applebloom looked up with a nervous look on her face and said, "But still, you and Big Mac worry me. I know I should believe in my older brother, but sometimes you or Big Mac don't come home till mornin', or even longer. Remember the time when you had that sleep over at Twilight's place?"

"Yeah, what about it sis?"

"Well, you never told me or Granny that you will be home till mornin'. You have no idea what thoughts were going through my head when you didn't come home that day. Even Sweetie Bell was worried about her big sis and she was all alone in that big shop of hers."

"I told you I was sorry for that Applebloom and I won't do it again."

"Then please go see if he is on his way." The little filly gave Applejack a puppy dog stare, with a sad look on her face.

Applejack then let out a long sigh and said, "Alright lil' sis." A bright smile came from Applebloom and she hugged her sister. Applejack then got up and ran up the stairs. A few moments later, she came down the stairs wearing her hat. Before opening the door, the older sister turned and said, "I'll have Big Mac wake ya when he gets back so you don't have to worry,yea hear?" Before Applebloom could reply, the older pony was already out the door and headed towards town.

A smile was on the filly's face as she saw her sister run out into the rain to go check on her big brother. An old voice came from upstairs and said, "Scoot your caboose little filly, it's time to get some shut eye!"

"Okay Granny Smith." Before walking up the stairs, Applebloom looked out the dark window and thought to herself, maybe I worry too much. Maybe, but…


The splinters of the tree cracked louder as the tree continued breaking in two. Fluttershy held her eyes tighter, ready for her final moments, and heard a loud thump. At first she thought the tree fell on top of her, but then felt some leaves from the tree brush on her face. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that the tree had stopped falling and that Big Macintosh had his back legs holding the tree from falling. He was holding the tree trunk from the middle and the tree was about to split apart from the now splintered tree trunk.

"Go, now," he said as he grunted, struggling to hold the tree up with his hind legs. Fluttershy scrambled to get up and moved from underneath the tree. While she was safe, the red earth pony was struggling to hold the trunk up. If only the tree had splintered off, thought Big Macintosh. He could not push the tree trunk away because it was still attached to the trunk.

The scared pegasus looked at him in worry and said, "What about you? Will you need help?"

"N… nope," he grunted once again, as he started to lose strength and his back legs started to bend in slowly. Fluttershy was about to run but then thought to herself about how he saved her and now it was her turn to return the favor. She quickly ran over to the wagon and quickly put on the harness from the wagon and pulled it to where she fell down. Big Macintosh then slowly lowered the tree and settled it on top of the wagon. He then stumbled and fell forward after laying the tree on the wagon. With his legs sprawled out, Fluttershy took off the harness and helped Big Macintosh up to his feet. They both started to laugh in relief from the danger that has just passed them. Angel was sitting a good distance away from the two of them, breathing rapidly from the danger that just occurred just moments ago. Fluttershy and Big Macintosh started to walk from under the tree, when the wagon started to give way to the weight of the tree. The red stallion saw this and shoved Fluttershy from underneath the tree just before it fell, crushing the wagon full of apples, and spilling apples all over the road. A large broken tree branch has pierced Big Macintosh's right hind leg when the large plant fell; however, the rest of his body was not under the tree.

The red stallion yelled in pain as the yellow pegasus shrieked, both looking at where the branch penetrated Big Macintosh's leg. "Are you okay Big Mac?!"

"Nope," he replied with a grunt in pain. Big Macintosh was gritting his teeth and his eyes were clenched shut from the pain in his leg. He looked at where the tree branch pierced, seeing blood slowly seep out from the wound.

"Oh, what do I do," thought Fluttershy in a panic. She looked around her quickly to try and find somepony to help her, but in the weather that they were in, help cannot be quickly obtained. The pegasus wanted to go and find help, but she can't just leave the one that saved her life not once, but twice in the same day.

She then realized that Angel was with her and figured he could help. She ran over to Angel and said, "Angel, I need you to hurry! Can you please run on home and get the saw? It is the only way to get Big Macintosh free." Her voice was in a panic and wanted to get Big Macintosh to the hospital.

Despite the danger that Big Macintosh was in, Angel was still resistant. He was not happy that Fluttershy put him in danger. Fluttershy was desperate for help. She then said, "If you help, I will make sure you get all the carrots you want for next week." Angel's ears twitched from Fluttershy's request and pondered about it. The pegasus began to panic and wanted to save her friend. She raised her voice in a scared tone, "Please, hurry! I don't know how much time we have." The white rabbit looked into her eyes that were starting to form tears.

Angel then nodded his head and ran up the road towards Fluttershy's house. The pegasus then turned around and quickly trotted over to Big Macintosh and said quietly, "A… are you okay?"

"N… nope," he grunted with a worried tone in his voice. "Are you umm… going to saw off my leg?"

"Oh no," she said with a shocked look on her face. "The branch looks like it could be sawed off, so I figured doing that will free you."

"Well, then I am better for now," he chuckled followed by a grunt of pain. A look of worry fell upon the red stallion's face. He was shivering from the cold rain and Fluttershy realized how cold it was. She walked over to him and sat next to him. The stallion looked at Fluttershy and was going to say something but hesitated and looked down. Not only Fluttershy was worried, but she was confused and cold as well. Rain was falling down on both of them and the wind was starting to pick up, causing the air to become colder. The yellow pegasus scooted closer to Big Macintosh until her back leg accidentally touched his wounded leg and he grunted in pain, clenching his eyes shut.

Fluttershy jumped up and quickly said, "Oh, I'm sorry!" However, the stallion smiled and he motioned his head for her to sit next to him again. She slowly walked over to him and sat down next to him, but avoided touching his leg, so left a gap between them.

She looked at Big Macintosh while he looked forward as he said, "Would you mind lying next to me?" He looked back at her and continued, "It is quite cold and I'm sure you are cold too."

Both of the two ponies had a flustered look on their face while Big Macintosh still had a worried look on his face. "Oh, but are you sure? I… I don't want to hurt your leg."

"Eeyup," he smiled.

"Oh, okay." She slowly lay next to Big Macintosh and scooted up against him. As her side touched his, Fluttershy felt his shivering body; however, his shivering slowly came to a calm shaking. The pegasus looked at the red stallion who was still looking forward, thoughts on his mind. "What is on your mind," said Fluttershy looking at Big Macintosh's hazel eyes.

He didn't look at her but replied, "Just… what would happen to the farm if somehow I…"

"Please… don't say it… You won't, I promise."

Big Macintosh then looked at Fluttershy with a bright smile, "Yeah, I am worrying too much."

"But I worry too much as well," she said as they smiled at each other. The red stallion winced in pain again from the wound that was in his leg. Fluttershy then gently laid her head gently on Big Macintosh's shoulder. This time he was looking at Fluttershy and she was staring straight out into the darkness.

Such a nice mare he thought to himself. Wonder how she became to be who she is today. After he looked at the yellow pegasus, he too stared out into the darkness, waiting for the white rabbit to make his return with the saw. Time seemed to have frozen in the dark and rainy evening the two ponies were in. After what seemed to be an eternity, Fluttershy lifted her head up and looked at the stallion. He had a tired look on his face, which made the pegasus wonder.

"Are you getting sleepy?"

"Nope," he replied in a quieter tone than usual.

"You look like you are, but why would you look tired in this cold weather?"

Big Macintosh's head began to bob a bit. "I think… it's 'cause of the wound… I'm feeling a bit dizzy."

The pegasus started to panic again and stood up. "Oh no, this can't be good." She began to walk back and forth, pondering what to do. "I don't know if Angel made it home… maybe I should go see if he made it back home… or go get somepony to help."

Just before Fluttershy what about to make a decision, Big Macintosh said, "No need to worry. I am sure that your rabbit is on its way right now."

"Oh but are you sure?"


"Okay then, I'll stay."

She then lay next to Big Macintosh again and scoots close to him. I also need the company, he thought to himself. They both looked at each other and looked forward, without another word or emotion. Time once again has seemed to have frozen. The only thing that showed any motion was the rain falling down onto the two ponies. How long has it been, thought the red stallion. He closed his eyes, listening for a sound of any kind; a splash, a hoof, anything.


The stallion's ears perked up as he heard the voice. He looked at Fluttershy and asked her, "You here that?"

"What?" She too looked up and around them.

"Macintosh… where are you…"

"Sis? Yea hear me!?"

Soon the sound of splashing came to ear and grew louder and louder. The voice was close and a loud shout came from behind the tree, "Mac, you hear me?!"

"Yeah," said Big Macintosh calmly as he looked behind himself.

"Applejack," shouted Fluttershy as she ran behind the tree. She saw the blond haired pony with her cowboy hat drenched from the rain and hugged her. "I'm so glad you are here."

"What in tarnation is goin' on Fluttershy," replied Applejack in confusion.

"It's Big Mac! He is stuck," she replied with a panicky tone in her voice.


"Under the tree sis," replied the stallion.

"What?!" Applejack ran around the tree followed by Fluttershy, to see her brother trapped by the branch that pierced his leg. "How did this happen? What's goin' on? Where are the apples? When…"

"Ya know there are many questions to ask, sis, but I'm in a bit of need," said Big Macintosh in a bit of a quiet tone.

"You don't seem to be worried none Big Mac."

"I've been bleedin' for a while and I'm feelin' a little dizzy."

Fluttershy whimpered a bit as he spoke about his loss of blood. Applejack then said, "Have you sent anypony to get help?"

"Yes, Angel went to go get a saw from by home to cut-" Fluttershy was cut off by Applejack.

"You ain't cuttin' off my brother's leg!"

"No sis," Big Macintosh chuckled. "The branch is long enough to be cut without sawing off my leg."

Applejack looked at the branch that penetrated his leg. It did look like it was easy enough to saw off, but time was running out, so she thought of another way to free him from the tree. "Hey, Fluttershy?"


"Can you nuzzle my brother?"

"What," replied the pegasus with a light blush on her face. She looked at Big Macintosh, who too had a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, can you do that?"

"Umm… okay…"

"Thanks sugar cube. This won't take long."

Fluttershy faced Big Macintosh and sat in front of him. The two ponies looked at each other, as Fluttershy brought her face close to Big Macintosh. Her face red, she touched the stallion's nose with hers and closed her eyes tight from embarrassment. After a short while, she slowly opened her eyes and was met with Big Macintosh's hazel eyes.

The look on his face was no embarrassment, but was slightly smiling. "Why are you embarrassed?"

Her ears folded down and said, "I just… haven't done this with another stallion before…"

"Me either… Well I would not have done this with another stallion but…" Fluttershy giggled at what Big Macintosh said after he realized he misunderstood her statement. They smiled as Big Macintosh continued, "Anyways, I have not done this with any mare before." A shy tone could be heard from his voice. "And… you are AAAHHHHGGGG!!!" Fluttershy shrieked and jumped back from Big Macintosh's spontaneous scream in agony. The two ponies looked back to see that Applejack had broken the tree branch by bucking it with her back legs, freeing her brother. Sadly, there was more serious damage was done to the stallion's leg. When she kicked the branch, a slightly more freash cut was made, making a bigger gash in the wound. More blood started to slowly ooze out of his leg and made Fluttershy shriek even more. "A bit of a warnin' would have been nice sis!"

"I could have, but then you would have been more hesitant," replied Applejack. She walked over to her bother and tried helping him up. "Can you stand?"

He tried standing a bit on his own, but the weight he put on his leg was too great and therefore and he fell to the ground in agony. Both mares were in worry and felt sorry for the pain that Big Macintosh was enduring.

"Fluttershy," said Applejack with a worried look on her face. "Help Big Mac onto my back and we will run him to the hospital."

"Oh, okay." The two mares then helped him up a second time and got him onto Applejack's back. He grunted in pain as he went onto her.

"Hold on big brother, this will all be over soon."

"Ee… eeyup," said Big Macintosh with a grunt in pain.

"I'm coming too Applejack. I just want to make sure you get there too," said Fluttershy with determination.

"Alright, let's get a move on," said Applejack as she took off, Fluttershy following from behind. The pegasus was trailing a bit behind because of the rain falling in her face, but was determined to keep up. It wasn't before long when the three ponies made it out of the forest path and had the town in sight.

"I can see the hospital from here," said Fluttershy in relief.

"Yea hear that Big Mac? We're almost there!"

"Eeyup," said the stallion calmly but still in pain.


Rain continued to fall outside of the hospital walls. The air was calm inside of the hospital, with the lights brightly lit inside. The two mares sat outside of a hospital room waiting for news to come about Big Macintosh. Fluttershy was telling Applejack what had just occurred moments before her arrival.

"And so, he pushed me out of the way just before the tree crushed the apple wagon."

"I sure am surprised that Big Mac reacted so quickly to save you."

"I know, but I am so sorry about the apple wagon…"

"Oh hush sugar cube. If you hadn't acted, who knows what could'a happen."

"I try not to think about it…" Fluttershy looked down in worry that something wasn't right. What did she forget?

The door to the hospital room slowly opened as the doctor and two mare nurses walked out of the room. The doctor had a bit of brown curly hair with a scalpel for a cutie mark and the nurses had blood red hair, white colored bodies, and a red cross for a cutie mark.

A nervous look fell on Fluttershy, but Applejack was confident the news was going to be a good one. "So what's the news doc?"

He spread stretched his wings and the light brown pegasus said, "Your brother is now in good condition."

"Thank heavens," said Applejack as Fluttershy sighed in relief.

"Oh umm, can we see him," said the yellow pegasus from behind Applejack.

"But of course." The two nurses and doctor moved out of the way and the two mares looked into the room to see the red stallion asleep in the hospital bed. His wounded leg was not visible and was under the green blanket that Big Macintosh slept under.

Applejack and Fluttershy smiled and were about to walk in, but was blocked by the two nurses who walked into the doorway. "I am sorry, but the patient needs his rest," spoke one of the nurses calmly.

"Oh okay," replied Fluttershy shyly and walked backwards.

Applejack looked at the doctor and spoke, "What's the word on my brother's leg?"

He folded his wings back and said, "Well, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that the branch did not break or shatter any bone in his leg. The bad news is the flesh for the leg to grow back may take a few months. The hole in his leg was quite a large on, but not too big. We will need to perform a bit of surgery to heal the leg back to full health."

Applejack chuckled as the doctor finished, "He is going to hate being stuck in a hospital bed all the time."

"Not to worry. After we make sure the leg will make a full recovery, we will allow him to use a wheel chair."

"Even that will drive him to the apple core, doc."

"Yes, but anyways, we will allow you to visit him at any time during the day-"

"DOCTOR!" A blue colored pony with a pink mane ran in their direction.

"What is it nurse," replied the doctor in concern.

"There is something outside of the hospital!"

The two nurses beside the doctor giggled a bit as the doctor replied, "I know you are afraid of storms, but there is nothing to be afraid of. It is probably a patient outside."

Despite the confusion Applejack and Fluttershy were in, the nurse ran to the window down the hall and pointed to something standing in the rain. "It is a monster, killer thing! See for yourself!"Everypony walked away from the hospital room and walked over to the window to see what the nurse was panicking about. Outside, a small dark figure was standing in front of the hospital, wielding a saw in its hand. "There it is! I told you."

They all looked at the figure when a flash of lightening bolted somewhere in the sky. Fluttershy shrieked and was about to hide, when the flash of lightening revealed that the figure was a rabbit. "Oh no, Angel!"

Fluttershy ran down the hall as the frightened nurse yelled, "No, don't go outside!" However, the pegasus did not respond and ran out of sight.

Moments later, the ponies looked outside of the window to see Fluttershy approach the rabbit. Fluttershy spoke to the rabbit in a shy tone, "Oh good, you got the saw." Angel's face would have been an angry face, but he was too cold to be mad. "Oh, I am so sorry Angel. Let's get you inside." She picked up the soggy rabbit, placed him on her back, and walked into the hospital doors.


Shivering in a towel, Angel was chattering his teeth, eating carrots quickly down as if he was a wood chipper. The yellow pegasus sat in the waiting room with Angel in her arms, holding carrots on one hoof and feeding them to him. "You did something very brave today Angel," smiled Fluttershy. The rabbit was still shivering but lifted his head and smiled in pride of what he did.

As she continued to feed the rabbit, the two white nurses in the hallway were teasing the frightened nurse about what she was scared about. "It was just a little rabbit," giggled one of the nurses.

"Well you don't see a rabbit wielding a saw every night shift, now do we," retaliated the pink maned pony.

While the three nurses argued, the doctor was talking to Applejack. "…And that is what's going to happen during the time your brother stays here at the hospital."

"Thanks doc."

The two of them looked at Fluttershy and the doctor said to Applejack, "Your brother did a brave thing to save your friend."

"Not just my brother, but Fluttershy saved him too. I owe it to her that she thought quickly to get him from under the tree."

A pause in the conversation occurred as they continued to look at Fluttershy feeding the rabbit. The doctor looked at the cowpony and said, "Your friend seems worried about Big Macintosh."

"Oh she is just like that for everypony," smiled Applejack.

However, the doctor did not think that was the case. "I have studied all anatomy of ponies and I can tell certain things are different when things are not so obvious."

Applejack was a bit confused. "Come again doc?"

"It may be just me, but I think your friend might have a crush on your brother. She may have a caring personality, but love can be formed in the blink of an eye." The mare looked back at Fluttershy in silence, thinking about what the doctor had said. "Well, you and your friend should take a hospital bed and wait till morning for the rain to settle." The pegasus doctor then walked away from the cowpony and the nurses stopped their arguing and followed the doctor.

Applejack then walked over to Fluttershy, who had now fallen asleep in the chair with Angel. The rabbit was half chewing on a carrot when he fell asleep. She stood in front of the pegasus still pondering about what the doctor just told her.

"I don't know if the doctor was right or not…" said Applejack very quietly to herself. "…But if he was right about you liking my big brother, I'm not sure if I would be happy about that…" The earth pony then walked out of the waiting room and walked down the hallway to find an empty room for her to sleep in.