• Member Since 17th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Steel Quill

A pony with too much time on his hooves and too much plot to work with, in more ways than one. Porn Pope (TM). Also on FA!

Comments ( 32 )

Hmm, Chrysalis, the success story.

Ooooh, Moonie works for her? Nice.

Keep up the good work.

'advisor and consult to help' - consultant

Is that really what Chrysalis looks like in-story?

8665874 Thank you very much! The story updates weekly, so expect the next chapter next Wednesday!

8665995 Yes, that is what she looks like in story (at least physically speaking, that dress comes into play later). The story was inspired by Sunnysundown, who made the picture.

Just found this story and loving it. Finally a pragmatic Chrysalis who is as sexy as she is smart. Hopefully we see more in the future.

Thank you very much! I have several more chapters planned for the future, so there will be plenty more to come! :twilightsmile:

Wow, she has quite some anger problems.

For a moment I though I put on Shyamalan's The Devil... Which would be weird, since this is a website, not my TV.


Well, Equestria IS based on the US, so disintegrating infrastructure fits.

This has been really good so far!

The business talk and economics concepts strike me as being a bit dry, but it's necessary given the setting I suppose and plus I find it rather interesting!

I thoroughly enjoy Chrysalis's characterization and role in society as a highly intelligent, top-of-the-class businesswoman, but I also appreciate how she has flaws like her temper for instance. Same goes with Mr. Moore in that he's usually calm but can be outsmarted and isn't impervious to Chrysalis and her personality and tactics. I think they play very well off of each other, and with that being said what I'm really excited to see is how the story develops further with Chrysalis and Moore's relationship. I know it may be a bit too soon for any romantic moments, but boy it doesn't keep the anticipation from building!

I have good hopes for this story, and so far it's looking super promising so I'm definitely on the lookout for the next chapter! Thank you for you writing this so far!

Thank you very much! :twilightsmile: It really makes the effort feel worth it, hearing you enjoy all of this. I'll be updating it with the next chapter come tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled!


At least they haven't strangled each other yet!

Hahah, I love the interplay between these two.

I like the progression of their relationship, quite realistic. I can start to see them becoming a really cute couple.

On an unrelated note, Boards of Directors don't work under the CEO, they're (theoretically) representatives of the shareholders charged with overseeing the company's operations on their behalf. The CEO is hired and fired by them. You're describing something more like an executive advisory committee.

See, I tried to get that down right to make it work properly for this scene, but it got kinda confusing trying to keep things in the proper hierarchy like that, yet also keep Chrysalis in her role as the true head of the company. So I kinda changed it up from the standard idea to fit the scenario I wanted to present here. It was more important to me that I keep Chrysalis in her "I'm at the top" spot than trying to keep this as lined up with reality as best I could. I fear if I had, it would've felt odd especially with how I've designed her character here.

I'm glad you're enjoying the story though! Thank you for the comment! :twilightsmile:

Nuuuuuuu, that'll be the last chapter? D:

Business politics!


Next chapter: Chrysalis must keep her wits about her when she comes face-to-face with the one and only Seto Kaiba in a battle for Equestria's gaming landscape.

Ha! Now that’d be a funny chapter to write!

...wonder what kind of deck Chrysalis would use to duel...

Wind Ups because they're the most irritating archetype in the universe and perfect for those sadists who want to crush you and troll you simultaneously.

Awwwwwwww it's almost over?!

Man. This is like one of my favorite Chrysalis fics ever. You've just done her character so well and it's the first I've seen in a setting like this so it's a fantastic breath of fresh air too. Moore's character has been great too and I loved their whole dynamic with each other. The relationship between them has been so wonderfully done and, yes, feels quite natural!

I look forward to the next chapter, even if it will be the last of the story. :heart:

Yes, I'm afraid so. I could only make this go for so long, before I feared the premise may start to lose appeal or drag on too long for folks to enjoy it. :twilightsheepish: I've had a lot of fun writing this though, it was a really fun twist on being creative with Chrysalis beyond the usual "evil bug queen" role she's usually in. I'm glad you've enjoyed it so much! Be sure to watch for the final chapter next Wednesday!

I liked that. Really interesting character dynamics and at the end everything felt natural and earned.

Thank you very much! I was hoping it would come across that way. :twilightsmile:

Nice. Fun to see Chryssie being so competitive and possessive in every single aspect of her life.

Great story and great ending.

A very hot conclusion, indeed.

This chapter reminds me that I'll never survive in the business world, let alone politics. Deceit and betrayal are commonplace in both.

8722042 I'd think she'd use an advanced version of Weevil Underwood's deck.

It was a nice read, the characterization is very well done on Chrysalis' part. Though i think the story couldve shown her in a moment of weakness or perhaps what happens when she does meet another business person who is indeed her equal or even outclasses her, a moment where she realizes even when at the top life can knock you down some pegs, and truly needed Moore by her side, because even that little coupe the board staged wasnt much of a threat considering all the countermeasures she had in place. Not that she wouldnt just go back to being high and mighty right after, its who she is.

Then again the purpose of this story was to lead up to this hot steamy romp so Im probably thinking too hard. Top marks.

Thank you very much for the critique! I did realize, post-publishing, that that was the one thing I didn't really show too well with Chrysalis. It would have improved things had I included such, but I just couldn't see a way to write it in and make things work without changing multiple chapters as a consequence. But, it's a lesson learned. Thank you for reading! :twilightsmile:

Just finished this story and man was it good.
Loved everything in it.

It was a good build up and i enjoyed the business dealings.

Chrysalis was in top form and very sexy loved her relationship with moore and definitely want to see where it gose at the office so many fun things to had lots of rooms and under the table fun to had.

I kind if liked moondance and thoraxs litte relationship even though it was in tte background it's a cute detail.

“Yes ma’am. The negotiations went better than expected. We’re poised to lay claim to Frostfire Industries and add it to our roster,” Moondancer replied.

Somebody's been snorting The Phantom Menace.

Actually, I think she would benefit more from either Inzektors or Steelswarms.

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