• Published 12th Jan 2018
  • 1,950 Views, 34 Comments

Pony Punching Simulator - LukeTheMercenary

You are given the oppurtunity to go to Equestria. What's the first thing you do? How about punching your least favorite pony square in the face?

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Flash Sentry

You wake up lying on the ground. There are noises all around you. The sound of hooves clopping, and idle chatter make you force open your eyes. Upon seeing that you are surrounded by ponies, and in an elegant neighborhood...you realize that you are no longer at home, you are in Canterlot. You spring up from your spot, causing some nearby ponies to jump back in fright. You pay no mind, though...as you have only one thought on your brain.

"I am going to punch Flash Sentry in his face." You say out loud.

You saw the Equestria Girls movie. Ever since you saw the guy, you wanted nothing more than to punt him several times in his noggin. Likely because he had an interest in Twilight Sparkle.

With your objective in your mind, you stomp your way to Canterlot Castle. You knew that Flash was a royal guard, so he would likely be in there. However, when you reach the castle, you see that the drawbridge is guarded by two royal guards.

Damn! I gotta think of something... You think to yourself. You examine the guards. One is a unicorn, and the other is an earth pony. An idea pops into your head. You sneak behind a nearby shrub and pick up a smooth stone. Aiming with all your heart, you heave it at the unicorn's head. It clinks against the unicorn's helmet, and he faces your direction. Before he notices you, you throw another rock at his head. It collides with his muzzle, and he stumbles back. He bumps into his partner, and the two fall into the water below.

Feeling satisfied, you walk across the drawbridge and open the big double doors. You are greeted with purple halls adorned with tapestries and beautiful stained glass windows. The castle was truly a sight to behold.

"Hey, what was that?" You heard a voice say.

You jumped behind a pillar, and saw a royal guard, a pegasus, fly slowly down the hall.

"Hm. Must've been nothing," he said.

You breathed a sigh of relief. The last thing you wanted to do was to mess this up. You've gotten this close to doing the one thing that a lot of Twilight lovers, and shippers would kill to do. After you continue down the hall, you reach a set of spiraling stairs. After climbing the stairs, you reach a long hall with doors lining the sides. Upon opening the doors, you notice that they have small beds and closets. Armor like helmets and chest plates lay upon the beds, or sit on the dressers.

These are living quarters. Likely for the guards. Perfect. If Flash is anywhere, he would be in here. You think to yourself.

The doors have cutie marks carved into them. All you have to do is to locate the right room. You walk down the hall, and find a room that has a picture of a shield with a lightning bolt over it. Bingo. You think.You twist the knob of the door slowly, and pull it open. You are met instantly with none other than Flash himself. He makes eye contact with you. No time to think!

You raised your fist, and swung a punch at his face with all your strength. Your knuckles collided with his jaw, and you even hurt your own hand a little...but you didn't care about the pain, this was too satisfying. Flash held his hoof to his jaw, but before he could do anything else...you send a final blow to his snout. Your punch was enough to make Flash dly back two feet, and fall to the ground with a thud. He was out cold.

"Stay away from Twilight," You say to him, knowing he can't hear you.

I'd better get out of here before he wakes up. You think to yourself...and with that, you sneak out of the castle undetected...and get ready for your new life in this new world.

Author's Note:

If you like this story, please make a suggestion! Which pony would you like to punch next?