• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 25 minutes ago

An Intricate Disguise

Selling out has never felt so dirty.

Comments ( 35 )

That pic... Man that is olllllllllld.

~Skeeter The Lurker

A story like this needs to be enjoyed with a cold Bud Lite.

Dilly Dilly!

Sir Famous, you are a true friend of the crown.

The recolor looks a little weird to me. It was originally Rainbow Dash, so it doesn't carry over very well.

I'm not sure if I already asked you this, but what does RGRE stand for?

Reverse Gender Role Equestria.

It stands for reversed gender roles equestria. I could be wrong though...

Reverse gender role eQuestria in that universe the mair act like men in the stallions act like women can use it to explain why majority of the characters in a Questria are mairs

Cracking a cold one open with the boys? Count me in!

Finally read this when I was not at work...

Eight of eight. Now focus and finish the incompletes.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Our intrepid hero forgot about the magical ability women have if being able to cum and keep going. He should've made her writhe at least twice before giving it to her, it makes it all the more satisfying.

Hold up a sec.

Look at the interview just after dude refrained from complaining. Rarity says he is "masculine" and that it is hot.
Are you sure about that? Seems like a typo.

If this is RGRE, and Rarity tells dude he is "masculine", the rest of the paragraphs around it makes me think you meant for Rarity to tell him he was feminine because it is within the context of RGRE. Rarity wouldn't be using the HUMAN definition of "masculine." She would be using the PONY definition of masculine.

So why isn't Rarity describing dude's (humanly masculine) attributes as "feminine" and that it is hot?

What does RGRE mean?

This was great!
I find the human in a swapped gender role universe very funny.
Those anyone know of other fics with this plot?

8673044 Thanks for the compliment! There's a group containing RGRE stories right here, enjoy!

Also I may release another tonight but don't hold me to it.

I wasn't even aware of the RGRE universe until I read one of your brilliant comedies! You've only got yourself to blame.

I'm a sucker for when someone of a lower spectrum doesn't appear so to those above them. The interaction between Zane and Rarity was better than the sex itself. You also have a knack for making the improbable incredibly believable, as well as kinky as fuck.

Good work and good prose, but at this point, should we be expecting anything different from you?

You cheeky bastard.

But yes, yes it is.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Excuse us while we tend to... girl business...

Noticed you favouriting and commenting on a lot of my stories. Cheers for the support!

I'm finally getting around to reading your stories.

Took me long enough lol

Still reading this, but I have a comment, more of a linguistics opinion really.

If the gender stereotypes and roles are reversed in this Equestria, wouldn't our human be considered 'feminine' from their point of view, rather than masculine?

EDIT: So I finished the story. It wasn't for me, TBH.

Not a fan of stories where people get treated like being dominated = proper way of treating someone. BDSM itself has its place between two consenting adults, but I can't say I appreciate the mindset where someone feels like such is the 'natural order of things', like the main character seems to think so. I mean, he was mentally calling her his sex doll and shit, not to mention bandying around the term 'slut', which is pretty much an automatic negative point IMO. I mean, wanting sex is normal and healthy, what's with the name calling? It annoys me because it's friggen hypocritical.

So yeah, not poorly written, I'm just not a fan of the mindset (at least of the MC, as I don't know if the author really shares it or not).

Also, at one point a typo or grammatical error basically resulted in your saying Rarity had a penis.

What does RGRE stand for? This is the first time I've seen it.

when I saw the story mentioned at the side I thought it was a bigger romance story since it sounded nice. If you consider to make a big story out of it then I will try this one too. If it is only going to be this one porn/clopfic then I'm sadly not interessted this time. I was more looking for something focused on the romance

'Reverse Gender Roles Equestria'

This deffenetly needs a chapter two.

Quick question... what's RGRE?

R: Reversed
G: Gender
R: Roles
E: Equestria
Basically, Stallions do all the ladylike shit, like giggle and look pretty, while mares do all the hard work and asskicking.

Had he finally found a mare reminiscent of the females where he came from?

When she realizes she's finally found a colt like she'd only been fantasizing about? This can only end one way. ;]

(and I already know it will - it says so in the description - but still)

Actually - often played with to extremes, in my opinion.

Colts tend to be bitchy and outright mean, and in many stories you'd fold them under the "camp gay" umbrella term. I've read stories where they hide behind females, only to start arguments/fights which they cannot possibly win, and then 'run back to momma' to get their fill of drama.

Mares, on the other hand, have this weird mixture of bold and reserved, because they have a clear understanding of their dire situation there - gender distribution often being upwards of 5:1 (typically, Ponyville being an extreme case that's often twice that). As such, if you hurt a colt in any way, you could end up being ostracized to fuck, not even getting invited when there's an opportunity for some no-strings-attached fun.

Of course, the details are very much up to the author, but that's what I usually see.

They're usually most fun to me personally when there's an otherworldly creature mixed in - like a human - that happens to come from a much more male-centric kind of society. Xenophilia is one such case, and it's fun seeing them explore the various differences together.

It's just that the stallions I'm used to meeting aren't this, well, masculine...

On that (the previous) note... shouldn't that be feminine? I mean, it's quite feminine for RGRE females to burp, wolf-whistle and swear, right?

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