• Published 15th Jan 2018
  • 849 Views, 7 Comments

To Be More Than Strong - Crono411

The Royal Guards of Canterlot have proven to be a let down time and time again. Perhaps what they need is a new trainer, possibly the only guard to hold his ground during the changeling invasion, if only he weren't so stubborn.

  • ...

To Be More Than Strong

“Time for sparring,” Shining Armor shouted. “Pair up and get started.”

I grabbed one of the wooden training swords in my magic. I could feel my matched opponent enter the five foot radius of my spell behind me. I turned to face one of the newer recruits. He opened with the basics. Thrust, swipe, and downward strike. In turn I parried, blocked, and side stepped. He took a defensive stance. I repeated his attacks, each strike I could see him struggle to keep the weapon in his levitation spell. Beads of sweat already forming on his brow.

You can’t be serious. The royal guards need to up their standards, didn't they learn anything from the invasion?

I sighed and took a permanent defensive stance and let the other guard attempt all the attacks he wanted. He wouldn’t be giving me the challenge I wanted. My thoughts wandered to better fights, training with my father, times with Swift Wing and the others, the changeling invasion... Even with all fifteen of my spell stones that was the first time I had ever been pushed to my limits. My senses could barely keep up with the hordes of enemies passing through my radius spells. I remember the rush of adrenaline, the burn of being struck, the ecstasy of-

“Dual Wield!” Shining Armor yelled.

Huh. Somehow the new cadet ended up on his back, cowering from the practice sword held against his neck... wrapped in my grey aura. I dropped the spell and the wooden stick fell to the ground.

I stood at attention. “Sorry sir!”

Shining Armor sighed. “Just… go start your patrol.”

I saluted and turned to face my day of wandering the castle.


I closed my eyes and marched down the outdoor stone walkway connecting two parts of the castle. The morning breeze funneled between the marble pillars flowing through my coat. Each step echoed against the stone. This was my favorite part of the castle grounds.

My eyes snapped open as something passed through my 10 foot radius from the door right ahead of me. It was most likely Celestia sneaking off from her official duties again, but nonetheless I gripped my swords in magic.

A purple aura wrapped around the handles and Twilight Sparkle emerged. I released my magic hold and stood at attention to one side of the hall. Instead of trotting past she stopped in front of me, a clipboard and quill levitating off to her side.

“Hi,” she said “I'm Twilight Spa-”

“I'm almost certain every guard knows who you are ma'am,” I said

“Yes well.” Twilight blushed. “I'm uh, here to double check on all the guards freed after the changeling attack. Could I have your name?”

“It's Dual Wield ma’am, but I won't be on the list.”

“I thought my brother pulled in every guard for the wedding?”

“He did. I was never captured.”

Twilight's face worked. “But- Were- How?”

“I engaged with the changeling invaders and fended them off until the shield came back up.”

“That means you were fighting for at least an hour!”

I nodded, a slight smirk breaking through as I remembered the fight.

“Dual Wield right, wait here.” In a flash of purple magic Twilight disappeared, only to return in the same manner moments later with a tan folder in hoof. Great, my personnel file. I stood stoic as she read through the pages inside, “Dual Wield, rated the best unicorn combatant and would be top of the class if not for his stubborn attitude and lack of empathy towards his fellow soldiers. Offered a promotion to be a trainer twice and declined both times.”” Twilight started to mumble as she read on.

“I can't train what I do,” I offered.

“How did you do it?” she asked as she continued scanning the pages. “Fight off the changelings for so long that is.”

“I have...” I reached for the enchanted pebbles inside my breastplate but hesitated. Why don’t I have fun with this. “I'll demonstrate for you, if you can convince Swift Wing, Sword Breaker, and Dirty Trick to be a part of it.”

“Sure,” Twilight said with a shrug.

“I'll be at the training ground at 1700.” I continued my patrol as she read on.

“Why so late, it won't take me that long.”

Poor naive girl.


At 1730 Twilight Sparkle stomped into the training ground with my three favorite sparring partners.

She glared at me through her disheveled mane. “Full compensation for a day at the spa, convincing Shining to let one of them have a week off, and pushing through a magical enhancement request that I had to beg Celestia for, just to get them all here.”

“A full week this time?” I asked Dirty Trick.

“I wasn't recovered in the three days I got last time,” the all around brown unicorn whined.

“Kind of lame getting Celestia's pupil to round us up this time,” Swift Wing said as she pulled out a spear from the weapons rack and tucked it under her black wing.

“So who's going first?” Twilight asked.

Sword Breaker tilted her head, some of her blonde mane fell from her helmet. “Are you mad, we all go at once.”

“What? But- but beside Dirty Trick coming in at second you’re all rated the best combatants in your race.”

“Yeah,” Swift Wing sighed, “we're unlucky that way.”

“We ready?” Sword Breaker grasped her signature war hammer in her mouth.

“Are you sure it's safe to be using real weapons!” Twilight said in a panic.

“We've had him use wooden ones before but he just hits harder with those,” Dirty Trick said.

Twilight sat there with her mouth hung open.

“Time for a demonstration,” I said and unsheathed my two blades, keeping them close to either side.

The others wasted no time and moved in. My ten foot radius tingled in three different places as they all moved in at the same time. Swift Wing was the fastest passing through my one foot radius first. I deflected her spear with one blade, the clang of metal on metal sent a chill up my spine. I sent my other blade in for a strike, blunt side first. It hit nothing but air as the pegasus disengaged with a flap of her wings.

Sword Breaker passed through the one foot radius in full swing. Blocking wasn't an option with her. Earth pony strength combined with her war hammer destroyed any weapon, armor, or pony on the receiving end.

I jumped back but before I landed something with incredible speed shot through my 10 foot radius from below me. Dirty Trick’s pole arm sprung from the earth directly beneath my underbelly. I levitated one of my swords between my back leg and the pole arm and used it as leverage to backflip out of the way.

Mid flip Swift Wing flew in again. I used my other sword to parry and landed safely.

“Oh come on!” Dirty Trick yelled. “How is that even possible.”

They've gotten much better. My heart raced and my breath started to burn as adrenaline coursed through my veins. My turn. I sent one blade at Swift Wing and another at Sword Breaker. They both managed to dodge and my blades disappeared past their view.

I turned my gaze to the unicorn.

Dirty Trick’s eyes went wide as he remembered the last time I pulled this move. The blunt end of my blade rushed in from behind him to connect with the back of his head. Two pole arms sprang from the earth, blocking my blade.

“Not this time.” He blew a raspberry

“You know dual means two,” I said

His confusion only lasted a moment as my second blade dropped from the sky and cracked against the top of his head. His eyes rolled up and the unicorn fell unconscious.

My one foot radius tingled from the side of my head and I ducked, barely dodging the massive war hammer. I reeled in my swords.

“You talk too much.” Sword Breaker mumbled past the weapon in her mouth.

She was by far the most dangerous, no smack talk, no messing around, and silent for such a massive pony. If it weren't for my radius spell she would have sent me to the hospital a few times over.

Another tingle at my foot radius let me know Swift Wing was flying in from the left. I jumped to the right and angled to face her. but was shocked to only see her spear drop to the ground. Another tingle indicated something passing from my right. I turned to see I was jumping directly into Swift Wing’s buck. Her hooves collided with my side and a burning sensation tore along my insides as I fell, but at the same time one of my swords struck the back of her neck.

Swift Wing staggered a few time before falling unconscious.

Before I could get up Sword Breaker had her hammer brought up over me. She stopped before bringing it down.

“Your stupid sword is under me isn't it?” She mumbled.

I glanced down to the blade inches away from her underbelly and shrugged. She spit out the hammer, picked up Swift Wing and Dirty Trick, and headed for the infirmary.

I got up and relished at the pain in my side. Turns out Swift Wing was the one to worry about. I never expected any of them to understand my spell but I'm certain she had an understanding of it.

“How did you manage that?” Twilight's voice came as a surprise. “It was like you had eyes on the back of your head, and the sky, and underground.”

Swift Wing basically knows, so I might as well come clean. I pulled out the two pebbles from my armor and set them down.

“Rocks? How could rocks possible-”

“Enchanted rocks,” I explained. “With a spell that lets me know when something gets passed a certain radius near them, and what direction. This one is ten feet and this one is one foot. I have thirteen more and with each one I add I can better predict any attack. The day of the changeling attack I had all fifteen and those stupid creatures just bee line for you after five feet. It became a matter of endurance over skill.”

“That's a very unique spell,” Twilight said.

“And that's exactly why I declined the promotion. I can't teach this spell, only ponies like you would have a chance of learning it and it takes years to apply it in combat.”

Twilight scowled. “To borrow a saying from my friend Applejack, that's a load of horse apples.”

“Excuse me?”

“How many times have you sparred with those three?”

I thought back. “This makes four.”

“I have never seen three ponies, much less of different races, work in such synchronization with one another. I doubt they started that way.”


“It's not like that spell is the only thing you can teach. Both Sword Breaker and Dirty Trick sensed your attack without a spell. Swift Wing was testing the limits of your spells during the fight. Do you believe they would have learned those things without you?”

Twilight stared me down awaiting a response.

“I'm sorry but it's just not for me.” I bowed and turned for the barracks.

Twilight groaned in frustration. “Wait, how about a bet.”

I paused without turning to face her.

“If I can find a pony to beat you one on one you have to accept the promotion.”

I scoffed. “If I win you convince the captain to stop pushing to position on me.”

“Deal, be back here at sunrise.”


Sunlight breached the horizon spilling forth a pleasant warmth. Uneven hoofsteps broke the the morning silence. Twilight came into view with a confident smile and bags under her eyes.

Was she up all night?

“Hope you brought all of your silly pebbles,” she said.

“In fact I did.” I watched for a reaction but Twilight wasn't phased, maybe this would be interesting. “Who did you find?”

“BRACE THYSELF DUAL WIELD!” My eyes went wide as Luna’s canterlot voice echoed out.

You can't be serious! The Princess of the night flew down from the castle roof and landed hard enough to shake the ground.

“And I thought convincing your three friends was hard,” Twilight said.

I frowned. “This is all fun in theory, but I took an oath to protect the princesses. A fight is out of the question.”

“Did you not take thine oath when only my sister reined?” Luna asked.

“Affirmative, but she made us retake it to include you on your return,” I explained.

“Funny,” Twilight said. “There's no record of you renewing your oath.”

“What?” I turned to see Twilight holding a contract in her magic. A spark emitted from her horn and the contract burst into flame.

“Do you have any idea how many laws you just broke?” I asked.

Twilight shrugged. “I don't think it's illegal to notice a simply oversight error. I'm sure it will be corrected by this evening.”

I couldn't contain the smile forming on my face.

“If Twilight's tales of your skill hold true you should be an amusing opponent,” Luna said. “Now draw thine weapons.”

I turned to face the princess and my heart skipped a beat. Wrapped in her starry aura were six masterfully crafted weapons.

“Luna’s royal arsenal,” Twilight explained. “Over a thousand years ago peace was made through trials of combat, a little contradictory if you ask me, but it's said Celestia always chose Luna to represent them. One of her demands for winning was to have a weapon special to that land be crafted for her. A battle axe, scimitar, broadsword, javelin, scythe, and whip. I'm excited to see if the stories of her mastering each one are true.”

I glanced to the purple unicorn, taking in her ragged breathing and her eyes that strained to stay open. She did all this just so I would take the stupid trainer position. “Why?” is all I asked.

Twilight seemed to understand. “When I rounded up your friends they had much to say about you, not all good, but the one thing they all agreed on is how they're only as good as they are now because of you. I think that's what you can do for all of the royal guard.”

I laughed. “You know, when you say that, even I start to believe it.” I unsheathed my swords. “That being said I'm not holding back.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Do you think it will matter?”

I stared down the Princess who simply smirked back. “I seriously doubt it.”

Comments ( 7 )

hmm. interesting. I like the idea that someone in the guard could hold their own. Especially considering 6 civilians were basically taking on an entire platoon of changelings.

Yes indeed. There are three things that make a good fighter. Training, experience, and equipment(armor, weapons, etc.*coughenchantedrockscough*).
To say he is a good fighter would be saying the sky is blue. It's painfully obvious

This is awesome. I would love to see Luna and Dual fight. Any chance of a sequel or any continuation?

I tried writing a bit of the fight but my writing skill does not seem to be at the necessary level. It gets clunky with all the weapons and his ability to sense them. It either slows down the combat to a crawl or I end up getting to vauge and feel like I'm writing it lazily.

I might write a little epilogue that summarizes the outcome in a comidiac manner.

Ehhh... I'm not really sure what the story was going for at all.

Hey there! Thank you for your submission I have reviewed your fic here.


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