• Published 18th Jan 2018
  • 436 Views, 69 Comments

Vinyl's New Wheels - OctaScratchRock

Nopony can catch Vinyl Scratch as long as she's driving her new monster of a machine.

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Underground Racing, Underground

The GT-R easily took the lead, rocketing ahead while still only in first gear. Vinyl looked in her rear view as she shifted into second. The Corvette was quickly vanishing into the darkness behind her.

But the Wonderbolts knew this would happen. Just ahead of Vinyl lay a trap. As Vinyl turned the first corner, she was greeted by a Wonderbolt standing on the inside sidewalk of the turn, holding a handgun! Vinyl swerved out of the corner and suddenly found herself driving though the grass! The car rocked and bounced, and Vinyl felt the urge to throw up, partially from fear and partially from motion sickness. Suddenly, the car's ride smoothened. She looked straight out the windshield to see that she was now driving down a storm drain!

Most ponies would slam on the brakes and forfeit in this situation. But Vinyl, who was well aware that the car which made her invincible was on the line, pressed harder on the accelerator!

"I think I know this drain." she said. "If I remember correctly, there's a subway tunnel in it that leads straight to the town hall."

She drove at 120 kilometers per hour through a tunnel in the drain which led straight into the subway. Her car drove along the tracks, bumping along uncomfortably. Still, she wasn't going to lose the car that changed her life.

"I HAVE NISSAN'S ATTESA E-TS TRACTION SYSTEM!!!!!! I CAN GO ON!!!!!!!!" she shouted to herself as her car roared through the underground tunnels at over 170 Km/H.

Suddenly, she saw an incredibly bright light getting brighter and brighter ahead of her. It was a train! Vinyl's hope quickly turned to fear as the distant shape of a train got bigger and bigger. But all of a sudden, a strike of luck hit her when she noticed a subway station just ahead of her! Just before the train could hit her, she drove straight up onto the platform, missing a fatal collision by mere centimeters!

Ponies jumped out of the way as Vinyl's R32 drove through the station like a madman. The car drove straight up the stairs leading to the sidewalk above, and the sports car emerged from the subway entrance like a crow flying out of a bush! The car jumped onto the tarmac and zoomed off, leaving many nearby ponies with priceless faces.

Meanwhile, the Wonderbolt driver was very pleased knowing that Vinyl had been sent off her course, and had possibly crashed. However, any hope she had died when she saw Vinyl appear in her rear view mirror! Vinyl easily passed her; or TRIED to pass her, for the second Vinyl pulled alongside, the Wonderbolt driver cranked the steering wheel and side-slammed the R32! Vinyl tried to avoid a crash as she was pressed against the guardrail at the side of the road! Vinyl quickly tried thinking of what to do. The Wonderbolt driver had stopped thinking logically and was now fully aimed at wiping Vinyl and her R32 from the face of the planet. Suddenly, Vinyl slammed on the brakes! She slipped out of the Corvette's grasp and fell behind. The Wonderbolt driver was shocked and confused. Why did she slow down!? After a second of thinking, the Wonderbolt driver put her eyes back on the road. There, she saw the reason why Vinyl hit the brakes. A large sign reading "ROAD CLOSED" lay ahead. The Corvette's brakes were applied about a microsecond later, but it was far too late. The Corvette had no traction control, nor did it have enough time. The car went sailing over the edge of the unfinished highway and burst into a cloud of fire and smoke below.

Vinyl got out of her GT-R and looked over the edge. All she could see was a ball of flames at the bottom which used to be a Corvette. The night was now disturbingly quiet.

Vinyl didn't know if she should have been happy for her victory or sad for her opponent's death. Sure, she tried to kill her and all, but she was still a pony, and her life was still a life. Vinyl stood at the edge looking down at the burning debris of her opponent's car for quite some time, at least 20 minutes, before she finally started walking back towards her car.

"She was a pony." said Vinyl. "But nothing can come between me and my beloved R32. That's my final decision."

Vinyl drove off, trying to be proud of her victory. But something in her still made her feel slightly upset over that Wonderbolt's fatal crash, and that's the way she would forever feel about that night.