• Published 18th Jan 2018
  • 16,669 Views, 422 Comments

Rise of the Harmony Kingdom - cornholio4

After the fallout in the Canterlot Wedding, Twilight ends up overthrowing the Storm King.

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Author's Note:

Based on the Canterlot Wedding AU fics where Twiligth runs away and ends up forming her own kingdom. Plus I never saw one where she runs away in shame without knowing she was sort of right.

Plus I want to address issues brought up in the accusation fic forum for the movie or the forum for the movie. About how easily conquered Equestria gets by having Twilight with Tempest's urging build her empire with a strong defence and military so it can be protected.

Klugetown an unsavoury town in the desert wasteland south of Equestria, one day the fearsome residents were going through their illicit day to day dealings. One such creature was a humanoid cat wearing a red coat by the name of Capper who was trying to pawn off some items he had acquired.

The day seemed simple enough before confusion filled the air as music was playing through the town. All the residents rushed to where the music was coming from and it took them to the entrance of the town.

Eyes were on a giant airship which had a purple star with small white stars on it. There were mutterings and shock as yeti like creatures with armor that had the emblem on them exited the airship. They all formed a side to side line as a black furred hedgehog creature called Grubber went down the ramp of the airship along with one of the creatures which was carrying a podium and microphone.

Grubber went up and coughed before speaking through the microphone "people of Klugetown, before you lived under the rule of the Storm King. Now I bring exciting news that the Storm King is no longer a problem and now you shall live under the prosperous rule of ...Queen Twilight!"

Then the mutterings increased as then down came a tall stern faced broken horned unicorn with the same armor as the creatures. "Now I turn it over to Commander Tempest." Grubber said through the microphone before leaving a list on the podium.

He walked down and allowed the unicorn called Tempest to take the stage, "ladies and gentlemen for lack of better terms, the Storm King has been taken care of and his former territories are now under the benevolent rule of Queen Twilight. Klugetown is the last of the territories to be annexed into... Into... the Harmony Kingdom..." Tempest said sounding like she was groaning through the word.

"She assures you that in time she will make sure to improve the lives of the citizens but she has given a list of the first set of mandatory laws that will be taken into effect immediately. First slavery is now abolished and any slave owners will have to set their slaves free, the currency of Storm Bucks will be changed, sale of body parts is now prohibited..." Tempest stated to indignant protests and mutterings.

"Just a minute here!" shouted an angry small pig like creature, "Who do you think you are coming here and to change things on how MY town is ran! We only have your word for it that the Storm King is gone!" the creature ranted.

"Who are you supposed to be, the mayor or something?" Tempest asked looking down quite bored at the creature.

"We have no need for politics here as we didn't need any under the Storm King! I'm Verko the boss of the city and every lowlife and pickpocket in this town answers to me! I have absolute loyalty of the residents of Klugetown!" the creature called Verko ranted and Tempest just sighed and powered up her horn.

Then Capper came and bowed before Tempest's podium, he sensed that things were not going to go well for Verko and he might as well adapt to the changes that would be happening here. Perhaps this way, he would not have to worry about the debt he still owed Verko.

"Commander Tempest, my name is Capper and let me be the first to pledge my allegiance and loyalty to her majesty, Queen Twilight!" Capper told the unicorn to the furious look on Verko's face for this betrayal.

Tempest fired up a blast of magic form her horn and shot it right at Verko pretty much frying him and knocking him out unconscious. Then residents then wisely began changing their tones at the sight of Tempest's smirk which dared more protests to begin. Tempest then heard the talking began:

"It was costing too much to feed my slaves anyway..."

"...I don't need anymore unicorn horns anyway..."

"Long live Queen Twilight!"

Tempest then looked down to her army and said "I guess I should make this official: on behalf of Queen Twilight, the town of Klugetown is now hereby annexed by the Harmony Kingdom!" She then faced Capper and asked "Until we can get the governments of the other lands sorted out, I am appointing you acting Mayor of Klugetown. My assistant Grubber will go over the regulations with you and please share with him any knowledge you may have."

Capper looked surprised but retook himself and responded "I won't let you or her majesty down!" Tempest sighed, she could tell quite clearly he was a kiss flank con artist who clearly wanted to be on the winning side but fear alone could ensure he does the job well.

"Disappointing, I was hoping more creatures would be more difficult but still now this means we have the Storm King's territories taken care off..." muttered Tempest as her thoughts turned her to a smile.

She had long ago lost hope in friendship and only allied with the Storm King in hopes of having her horn restored, but she had found a friend who had managed to convince her to join up with her.

She had explained that she didn't think there was a way for horns to grow back so the Storm King could just be using an empty promise to ensure her loyalty. It was promises of using her magical knowledge to train her to use her broken horn effectively as well as genuine respect and kindness shown that convinced her to switch sides.

Now she had to use a call potion to call back to her friend...

"Open up your eyes!"

Twilight Sparkle clad in the former Storm King's crown used her horn to remove the blindfold and marvel at the castle in front of her, built by a group of servants from the Hippogriffia Kingdom.

It was a gift from Queen Novo the ruler of the Hippogriffs, for helping protect her home and powerful Orb from the Storm King.

She sighed thinking of the events that lead to her running away from her former home of Equestria and finding her way at Mount Aris after a long journey in search of someplace to start anew. The disappointment and anger her friends, mentor and brother had shown to her.

She decided it was better if she could try to turn herself into a better pony, maybe she could make things up with them... especially Cadence.

It was shame that prevented her from coming back to Equestria after these 2 years. Perhaps she would be worthy of going back after she earned a little something during her adventure...

"Oh, it's almost ready! We just need to paint it and just like you asked we have the Storm King's statue in the hallway to start of the hall of enemies! I promise you that we got the swimming pool up and ready!" said a hyper voice of a yellow hippogriff her age.

The hippogriff was Princess Skystar the daughter of Queen Novo and reminded Twilight of Pinkie Pie, she then mentally battered herself. She hated comparing Skystar to Pinkie Pie and the same for Grubber and Spike. It was unfair to them as it felt like she was trying to replace her friends.

"I am hoping the Harmony Kingdom and Hippogriffia have the start of a beautiful new friendship between our nations!" Twilight told her with a smile which was returned.

She then found a potion call with a call awaiting her, she then used her magic to activate it and it showed Tempest's face. "Greetings Tempest, how was the annexing of Klugetown?" Twilight asked but Tempest's smirk gave her the answer.

"You now have all of the Storm King's former lands under your rule." Tempest stated and Twilight smiled having already been at work restructuring the governments and lands that used to belong to the Storm King. The citizens would not have to live in fear and she will do what she could to make them better. Tempest asked what the next step was.

"Celaeno told me that her crew gotten word that the Crystal Empire will be returning, I will give you the coordinates and have yourself and the Armada ready to meet me. Time we add a new tyrant to our list of defeated enemies." Twilight told Tempest to which she nodded.