• Published 9th Apr 2018
  • 1,308 Views, 4 Comments

A Dragon's Tail - edwinflores428

Spike's the Dragon Slayer's journey through not just Season 6 and 7, but also romance as well. Especially concerning a dragoness, a farmer and a fashionista.

  • ...

Burying the Hatchet

News of Melinda's pregnancy had spread throughout Ponyville quite quickly. Knowing the dragon hero of Equestria was going to be a Father brought excitement to many. Pinkie was ecstatic knowing one of her best friends was expecting to be mom so she immediately got to work on planning the baby shower for Melinda. However today was to be very peculiar as it will bring yet another familiar face to Ponyville.

Over at Twilight's castle, the main dining hall was being decorated as Twilight and Starlight were setting the decorations. Seems to be a special dinner tonight as Twilight brings a large cart of silverware and plates. "Now first lesson of the day, we very carefully set the table without using magic, so that— Yikes!" Twilight initial rambling was cut short as she ducked out of the way of the flying silverware as Starlight easily sets the table.

"Whoa! Impressive telekinesis, Starlight!" Spike complimented as a plate soared over his head. "You could give Erza a run for her money."

"Don't encourage her, Spike!" Twilight scolded. "She's supposed to do it without magic."

"Hey, Gramps, taught me that we should embrace and wield our magic as a part of who we are."

"That maybe, but Makarov isn't Starlight's teacher." Twilight rebuked.

"Ahem..." Starlight interrupted the bickering couple,"Uh the table is done....how was this supposed to teach me friendship again?" She asked as she nudged a fork in place.

"Well, if you hadn't used magic, you'd have heard me say, uh... this plate represents your head, this spoon is your heart, and the knives... are sharp! Always be careful with knives." Twilight rambled before letting out a disappointing sigh "The metaphors make more sense when you're actually setting the table."

"It's just silverware and plates Twilight, we're not exactly doing an exam here" Spike crossed his arms.

"Well how does learning friendship work in Magnolia?" Starlight asked curiously.

"Well it varies from person to person. Natsu often befriends someone through a fist fight. Gray believes anyone who doesn't run away from him when he loses his drawers can be a friend. Cana will judge someone on whether or not they buy her a drink. And Erza...well I don't like to talk about she makes friends." He finished with a shiver.

"Oh I'm sure she isn't that bad....right?" Starlight asked curiously.

"Let me put it this way Starlight..never...ever...EVER get between Erza and her cakes" Twilight stated remembering that massive brawl last year.

"Especially if they contain strawberries." Spike added.

"But we're getting off track." Twilight reminded her pupil.

"So this dinner is foooor....?" Starlight asked.

"Princess Celestia of course! I can't wait to show her how far you've come with your friendship lessons ever since I took you in as my student~!" Twilight clapped her hooves eagerly as Starlight counted the seats.

"So it's you, me, Spike, Melinda, Jake...why are there six seats then?" Starlight asked.

"Oh this will be your real friendship lesson. You're going to bring a friend all your own~" Twilight exclaimed.

"You mean like Applejack, Rainbow or Pinkie?" Starlight guessed.

"No, no, I mean a friend you've made on your own." Twilight specified"

"Wait whut..." Starlight pinned her ears back some as her legs shook with some anxiety. "H-ey, maybe I'll just force friendships by magically enslaving the entire population of Ponyville!" she lightly joked to ease off the stress.

"Starlight...." Twilight and Spike scolded her.

"Kidding! Kidding i swear" Starlight chuckled a little.

"Hey, you can do it." Spike encouraged her. "Try finding somepony with a common interest."

Starlight takes a deep breath, "R-right...common interest"

Once all the table's set Starlight heads out to the town, as it was a bustling afternoon as ponies go about their day.

"Common interests...common interests....and without using magic" Starlight groaned in slight annoyance. "Maybe something at Sugar Cube Corner can ease my mind" she trotted to the sweet shop to get some grub.

"Hey, Starlight!" Pinkie greeted the unicorn. "I was just getting started on prepping Melinda's baby shower. Quick question: should I go for pink balloons or blue ones. Oh wait, she might be having girls and boys! Should the balloons be purple then?!"

"Pinkie-" Starlight tried to interject only to be cut off by one of the pink ponies long dramatic gasps.

"I've got it! Pink and blue- marbled!" The party pony devised.

"okay slow down there Pinkie" Starlight let out a light chuckle at Pinkie's energy. "I could use something to fill my gullet to ease my mind. Maybe a cupcake perhaps?

"Oh! Alrighty then~!" Pinkie let go for the balloon she was inflating which whizzed around the bakery before landing on Starlight's horn. "So what're you looking for? Fruity? Chocolate?"

"Fruity sounds good~" Starlight lightly ducked under the whizzing balloon, "Hey do you need help with that Pinkie?" She asked as her horn glowed catching the whizzing balloon with her telepathy.

"Thanks. Guess I kinda have my hooves full." Pinkie grinned sheepishly. "So what's up with you?"

"Oh, Twilight wants me to make a friend to bring to dinner." Starlight explained.

"oooh what's she serving~!?" Pinkie asked.

"Well the thing is, she wants me to make an entirely new friend on my own" she lets out an annoyed sigh "without magic "

“Oh, is that all. Making friends isn't so hard. You just need to spend some time around some new faces."

"You make it sound so easy Pinkie, but you have years of experience!" Starlight exclaimed.

"Well then maybe I can help." Pinkie suggested.

"No. Twilight didn't have anypony help her become friends with you and the others. I have to do it myself." Starlight declined.

"Aww that's lame, even for Twilight. Everypony needs help at some point Starlight" Pinkie lightly booped Starlight's snout as she passed her the cupcake.

"Heh, thanks for the pep talk Pinkie. I'll think about what you said. Maybe Applejack can help out" Starlight pondered as she paid for the cupcake.

"Oh! Don't forget your baby shower gift for Melinda~!"

"I won't." Starlight replied as she left and made her way to Sweet Apple Acres to get some advice from Applejack.

"Lookin' for a new friend, huh?" Applejack asked when starlight explained her situation. "Well ain't that nice."

"i was wondering if you have any tips or tricks?" Starlight asked as Big Macintosh stood next to her sister.

"All I can say be honest with yourself really" Applejack bluntly stated.

"Eeyup" Big Mac nodded.

"I guess that makes sense." Starlight agreed. "But I just don't know where to start. How should I introduce myself? And how can I make a friend by this evening? Doesn't that seem a bit short?!"

"Whoa, steady girl." Applejack chuckled. "You're Twilight's pupil all right; always overthinking everything. You need to relax; go with the flow. Just take a walk around town and see where it takes ya."

"eeyup" Big Mac nodded.

"Is that all you can say?" Starlight ask Big Mac.

"Nnnope" Big Mac shook his head.

"Not much of a talker are you? Oh I know!" Starlight horn glows as she casts a spell onto Big Mac.

"Wait Starlight maybe that's not a good idea!" Applejack cried out.

Big Mac gasps a bit before immediately starts running his mouth "Eeyup-yup-yup-yup-yup-yup-yup-yup-y-y-y-y-you did something! Whoa! What's happening? I feel really weird! I'm talkin' so much! And I'm so articulate! Enunciating with such precise pronunciation! Annie Apple awoke and accidentally ate an auburn azalea!" He let out a scream before galloping off. "Make it stop! Make it stop!!"

Applejack then growls and glares daggers at Starlight.

"Ok, that wasn't quite what I expected. But hey, he has a great vocabulary now, right?" Applejack hardened her glare. "I'll go change him back." She sighed in defeat.

Later, after repairing her flub of a friendship attempt with Big Mac. Starlight dejectedly trots down main street. "Uggh why did I do that with Big Mac?" she mentally berated herself.

"Hey, what's got you down?" She looked up to see Rainbow Dash hovering overhead.

"Oh, hi, Rainbow. I'm trying to make a new friend for Twilight's lesson but so far I've had no luck. The last friend I tried to make I ended up turning into a walking dictionary." Rainbow gave her a disturbed look. "Not an actual one, I mean." She added.

"So you need some help?" she asked as she landed in front of her.

"Yes please!!!" Starlight exclaimed.

"The only thing you want a new friend draped in is coolness." The pegasus advised.

"Like you?" Rainbow chuckled bashfully at the compliment.

"Yeah, but you already know me, so..." She gasped in realization. "I know! Spitfire!"

"Who?" Starlight asked much to Rainbow's shock.

"Only the Wonderbolt-iest pony in the Wonderbolts! Come on, I'll introduce you!" She said before zipping off, only to return shortly after when she realized Starlight hadn't moved. "You comin' or what?"

"I guess my first question would be, What's a Wonderbolt?" She asked. Rainbow gasped.

"You've never heard of the Wonderbolts?!" She squawked in disbelief. "Where have you been?!"

"Brainwashing villages into cults, I guess..."

"Oh yeah. Right." Rainbow remembered, the air now filled with an awkward silence.

Starlight lightly coughed to ease the awkwardness, "I'll just uh.... go find somepony else" She trotted backwards away from Rainbow Dash in her stunned stupor.

She then heads over to the Rarity's boutique to try at least get her advice too.

"The trick to finding a new friend is to render yourself radiant. First impressions count a great deal, you know." the unicorn fashionista said.

"I'm glad you all got past my first impression." Stralight replied gratefully to which Rarity smiled.

"Well, everypony deserves a second chance. Ooh! Now, I have a top-notch idea. I'm thinking pastel silk here and here with a crinoline underneath."

"You really think a new outfit will help me meet ponies?" Starlight asked.

"Oh, with the right outfit, you can do anything, darling!" Rarity assured.

"When will it be ready?"

"Three weeks." Rarity estimated.

"But the dinner's tomorrow." Starlight stressed. Rarity's smile quickly fell at the revelation before she replaced it with a nervous grin.

"Well then, how about a hat from the..." She cleared her throat uncomfortably. "...clearance bin?" She offered a rather old hat, which emphasized its age as it began to fall apart at the seams.

"Ugh! Maybe not." Starlight declined the shabby accessory.

Starlight then wandered off,"Uggh none of the other's advice is working, how did it get so hard to make friends!? " She mentally berated herself. Deciding the stress was getting to her, she headed off to the spa to unwind. The unicorn soon found herself relaxing in one of the chairs, a towel on her head and cucumbers on her eyes. She then sighed in relaxation as she leaned back on the chairs, unaware that behind her, a fellow certain light blue unicorn was doing the same.

"Gosh I needed this, this whole day was a mess?" she muttered.

"You said it sister" the blue unicorn replied.

"You ever have one of those days?" Starlight asked with slight disdain.

"For me, they're all one of those days." The unicorn droned which made Starlight giggle. "I'm gonna start coming here every time I visit Ponyville."

"I'm not from here either." Starlight said. "I've been trying to make friends, but it's not easy." She sighed sadly as her doubts started to gather.

"They're not saying it, but I think everypony knows about my past. I may have been a tiny bit... completely and utterly evil?"

"Ponies judge me on my past too." The blue unicorn said which peaked Starlight's curiosity.

"Finally, a pony I can relate to." She beamed enthusiastically.

Meanwhile back over at the castle. Twilight was finishing up setting to the table as Spike watches amusingly.

"Who knew setting the table could be so much fun~?" Twilight clapped her hooves.

"Yeah, for you." Spike joked as Twilight gave him a playful glare.

"Still as snarky as ever Spike" Twilight rolled her eyes, "Now, with this Celestia will surely be proud of how far Starlight she has come~!"

At that moment the doors burst open to reveal the aforementioned unicorn, a large ecstatic smile on her face.

"Twilight, guess what? I made a new friend!" She beamed.

"That's fantastic news! I knew you could do it!" Twilight grinned back proudly. "So who are they?"

"She's great!"

"Great!" Twilight parroted.

"She's powerful!" Starlight added.

"Powerful?" Twilight repeated. That adjective sounded vaguely familiar.

"She's—" before Starlight could say her name the blue unicorn appeared from behind her, wearing a signature star spangled wizard hat.

"Hello... princess!" She greeted as she raised her grinning head to Twilight who gasped in shock.

"Trixie?!" Yes, it was none other than the arrogant magician herself.

"You know each other?" Starlight asked, surprised.

"You could say that." Twilight grimaced.

"We've had our differences." Trixie agreed. "What matters is Twilight gave me a second chance, and I appreciate it." She added.

"So, um, what brings you to Ponyville?" Twilight asked awkwardly. Trixie flipped her mane dramatically as she delivered her answer with a pose.

"The Grrrreat and Powerful Trrrrixie has come to perform a new stage show of grand illusion! I am calling it 'The Humble and Penitent Trixie's Equestrian Apology Tour'!"

"That's kind of a mouthful." Starlight hushed.

"It's a working title." Trixie whispered to her in reply.

"Um, Starlight, a quick word please?" Twilight asked her pupil with a forced grin as she ushered her off to the side leaving Trixie with Spike. The illusionist cocked her head as she looked up at the large dragon curiously.

"You look familiar. Have we met?" she asked.

"It's me, Spike."

"Twilight's little pet dragon?!" Trixie gaped at his new form. "How'd you get so big?!"

"Hey I'm her assistant, not her pet!" Spike growled. "And it's a long story."

The memories instantly flood back of her previous time in Ponyville when she wore the alicorn amulet. All the bossing around, caging up Mayor Mare and of course all the abuse she did to Spike. And now just by being in the same room as him, she could practically feel the raw massive magical power emanating from the grown drake."Uhh heh heh n-no hard feelings from last time?"

Spike merely crossed his arms as he raised his brow, "You're gonna have to earn my trust if you want my answer."

"Fair enough." Trixie grinned nervously.

"Well if you'll excuse me I need to check up on the missus." Spike said as he left the room.

"Oh, ok." Trixie replied before after a short pause she squawked. "Wait you got married too?!" All the while Twilight was currently discussing the matter of the magician's arrival with Starlight.

"Look, Trixie and I had...history together. One of which placed the whole town in a magical dome." Twilight said.

"Yes and you forgave her right?" Starlight rebuked.

"Well yeah but..."

"But nothing, you told me to make a friend on my own and I did so." Starlight stood her ground.

"Of course. It's just... She wasn't the nicest pony." Twilight moped.

"So? I was a maniacal control freak who treated individuality like it was a crime. I was anything but nice yet here I am: your pupil." Twilight felt a lump form in her throat. Starlight had a valid argument as she concluded her defense.

"And besides, you did say anypony, and I just assumed that you'd trust me to make my own friends the way Princess Celestia trusted you." Checkmate. Twilight sighed.

"You're right. I trust you. Just be back in time for the dinner." Starlight smiled thankfully at her teacher.

"Thanks, Twilight! You won't regret it!" She said giving her a quick hug before she and Trixie left the castle unaware of Twilight's doubtful look.

"I hope not." She sighed.

She merely stood there for a few minutes before trotting after her, "I'm....sure Starlight wouldn't mind me keeping a close eye on them" As she trots out, she was blissfully unaware of Spike's disapproving glare as he looked out the window from his room.

"Hey Jake" Spike called out to his exceed comrade and almost at an instant, the feline is at his side.

"Yeah boss?" He saluted despite still wearing an apron from cooking a fish meal in the kitchen, his breath still smelled of fresh tuna.

"I need you to keep an eye on Twilight....I think she's about to do something really stupid again" Spike said as he looked out the window and watches Twilight make a bush disguise. "If she does so, report it to me immediately"

"Aye, Sir." The exceed replied as he silently tailed after the alicorn.

"And be as steathily as possible!" he called out before he flew out.

Meanwhile in Ponyville Starlight and Trixie were chatting together as they went about the town together, unaware of Twilight tailing after them in her silly bush disguise.

"This is just a precaution" Twilight silently told herself as she hid in the bushes

"I should find her some back up friends just in case" she added as she scanned the crowd.

"Backup friends? This can only end badly" Jake shook his head with concern as he fluttered after the alicorn.

As Twilight watched, Starlight casually makes small talk with Trixie. However the light blue unicorn easily overhears some hushed gossip and uneasy looks from surrounding ponies making her sigh a bit sadly.

"You okay Trixie?" Starlight asked.

"Oh! Yes I'm fine." Trixie gave a rushed reply though a doubtful frown from her fellow unicorn brought about another sigh. "I guess I'm just remembering my past mistakes."

"Believe me I know how it feels" Starlight replied as she wrapped her hoof around her shoulder.

"Ponies can SAY they forgive you, but I can tell they still have some grudge in them. I know it's going to take a lot more than saying 'I'm sorry' to earn their forgiveness" Trixie replied.

"Well, if you just keep being as you are with me, I bet you'll earn their forgiveness sooner than you think. I'm sure they're gonna love that apology show of yours." Trixie smiled at Starlight's encouragement.

"You know, a good magician is only as good as their assistant. And I haven't had much luck in finding one as of late." Starlight smirked as she read between the lines.

"Well I dabble in magic here and there." She played along.

Trixie then let out a sigh, "How foolish Trixie was to take on Twilight in the past"

"What is it?" Starlight asked in concern.

"I heard what Twilight said about me, and she's right. I wasn't very nice. So I'd understand if you didn't want to be friends." Trixie dejectedly said as the approached the wagon.

"Are you kidding? You're the first pony I've met who has any idea how I feel!" Starlight exclaimed.

"Can you keep a secret?" Trixie asked

"What are friends for?" Starlight replied.

Trixie then leaned in close to her in a hushed tone "The things I've done? I did them because I was jealous of Twilight. She's just the best at everything, and I wanted to beat her at something!

Starlight nodded in agreement "Your secret's safe with me."

Trixie smiled in relief "Thanks. Want to help me unpack my wagon?"

Meanwhile Twilight was still watching the pair from afar and still didn't seem convinced by Starlight's decision. Her glare of suspicion was hard upon the light blue alicorn as she tip-toes her way closer to overhear their conversation and to gain her student's attention.

"Psst..psst!" Twilight whispered in a hushed tone garnering a slightly annoyed expression from Starlight.

"Would you excuse me for a moment Trixie?" Starlight asked.

"Sure, I'll get ready the wagon ready, it's just around the corner here~" Trixie trotted off to her wagon as Starlight trotted up to the disguise.

"So how's it going with your new friend?" Twilight asked.

"Amazing. You wouldn't believe how much we have in common." Starlight began ecstatically. "Not, just the mistakes we made in the past, of course." she added sheepishly. This didn't sit well with Twilight as she was still unconvinced that Trixe was right for Starlight.

"Well you know, if it isn't working out for any reason, I could introduce you to my friend here." She gestured to her right where Starlight saw only a bush.

"Nice to meet you." She replied sarcastically, beginning to grow irritated by her mentor's interference.

"No, no! You can come out now!" Twilight spoke louder as the sound of dubstep filled the air before the DJ pony, Vinyl Scratch emerged.

"You like music, right? Vinyl'd be the perfect friend for tonight's incredibly important dinner with Celestia. You know, if you decide to make a last-minute change. Heh" Twilight suggested awkwardly. It was at that point Jake decided he'd seen enought as he flew off back to the castle while Starlight continued to glower at Twilight.

"So back at your castle when you said "I trust you", you meant "I don't trust you".

Twilight, growing nervous, replied "Who can really say who said what? I know I can't! Can you?" she asked Vinyl only to find she'd left the scene. "Starlight, I'm just trying to look out for you." The pink unicorn sighed.

"I appreciate it, but you're wrong about Trixie. She's just like me. We have a real connection."

"That's kind of what I'm afraid of. Oh! What about her?" She spotted Derpy who waved to the princess causing her to bump into a nearby sign.

"Please, Twilight! I know you're trying to help, but I need to make friends on my own if I'm going to become a better pony."

"But do you really think Trixie's the one to help you with that?" Starlight stared at her mentor in shock before she glared at her.

"Wow. Trixie was right. You're not really giving her a second chance. I wonder what that says about how you feel about me." Twilight, having grown desperate now, looked around frantically before she noticed Cranky passing by who snorted at the uncomfortable situation she was having with Starlight.

"Oh! Now he'd be perfect!" Starlight groaned in frustration at Twilight's stubborness but before she could reply, the alicorn was plucked off the ground by a large purple hand.

"Spike?!" Twilight yelped at the sudden arrival of the dragon who glared at her as he tucked Twilight under his arm.

"Starlight, I'm sorry for the trouble Twilight's giving you. Carry on with your day and we'll see you and Trixie at dinner." Starlight sighed with relief of someone supporting her decision as she smiled at the drake.

"Thanks, Spike, I appreciate that."

"But-" Twilight tried to protest only for Spike to cover her mouth with a finger.

"Come on, you, I think we need to have a little chat." He suggested as he stomped back to the castle with Twilight unwillingly in tow, leaving Starlight alone.

"Is it me, or did Spike grow bigger?" Cranky asked as Starlight rolled her eyes.

"Starlight you coming or what?" Trixie called out.

"Coming!" Starlight trots off to where the light blue unicorn is setting up for her tricks. " I was thinking. You said Twilight is better than you at everything, but that's not true. You're better at magic."

Trixie merely scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Only when I'm wearing a soul-sucking evil amulet, so I don't think that counts. Funny story. Don't need to get into it" She rubbed her own chest and neck as if she could still feel the tingle of the alicorn amulet's power.

"I meant stage magic~" Starlight smiled.

"Well, of course! Great? Yes. Powerful? Obviously. But I'm not the best. As great and powerful as I am, there's one trick I've never been able to do – the Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive!" Trixie exclaimed as she pulled out an old book with an old timey pictures, in said pictures was a unicorn with quite the poofy hair doing many tricks from escaping chains to being shot out of a cannon but the last one made Starlight's eyes widen in surprise. "Only one magician has ever pulled it off – my hero, Hoofdini! You are supposed to blast yourself into the open mouth of a hungry manticore! After the manticore chews you up and swallows you, you magically step out of a box on the other side of the stage! Completely unharmed~"

"That sounds very..." Starlight started.

"dangerous?" Trixie bluntly replied

"I was going to say cool" which earned Starlight a smile from Trixie.

"I knew I liked you for a reason. I don't know how he did it! If I tried it, I'd get chewed up and swallowed by that manticore." Trixie explained. As the two unicorns chatted and discussed stage magic tricks, Spike took Twilight back to the Castle of Friednship.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Spike glowered down at Twilight after setting her down on the ground. "Why are you trying to push fake friends on Starlight?"

"What no! Of course not, I just want to be sure Trixie isn't going to try anything!" Twilight rebuked, but as she looked up to her grown up son into his emerald eyes she can't help but feel intimidated. It was almost the same feeling of when she was just a little filly when she was studying under Princess Celestia.

"Like what? You really think she's gonna try and enslave the town again? Think of a few names; Luna, Discord and of course Starlight. All of them committed crimes that could've destroyed Equestria and yet they all redeemed themselves. The worst Trixie did was imprison Ponyville under the influence of the Alicorn Amulet."


"But nothing Twilight, I thought you were better than this or have you changed this past year while I was gone?" Spike glowered.

"A lot did happen this past year Spike.... things are different than they were a year ago." Twilight replied.

"Then explain."

Twilight flinches from the demanding tone from Spike, as she sighed. "I don't trust her....I can't trust her not yet"

"Then trust Starlight." Spike answered gently as he knelt down to her height. "Because that's who this is all about. And I know you're just worried about her. But Celestia trusted you to make your own choices, good and bad. So why don't you do the same for Starlight? Maybe a friend is exactly what Trixie needs to stay on the road to redemption. After all, it worked for Discord when he met Fluttershy." Twilight stared into Spike's emerald green eyes as his words sunk in before she gave an exhausted sigh and smiled.

"...When did my little dragon get so wise?"

"I think it happened between competing in the Grand Magic Games in Fiore and when I got Melinda pregnant."

"heh... you changed more than just you height and strength Spike" she smiled as she looked back to Starlight and Trixie as they discussed ideas.. "I just hope Trixie isn't using Starlight "

Spike lets out his own sigh, "look, how about to settle your suspicious we go check out Trixie's show later tonight?"

"That...would put me at ease." she sighed.

"That's better" he lightly pats her head before ruffling her mane, "now still want to go set up that dinner with Celestia?" He asked grinning.

Twilight smiled in agreement before setting off to get to work. As she did, Spike made his way to the his and Melinda's room where he found her curled up in her nest.

"You did well, dear." She smiled at him having heard everything.

"thanks love~" spike climbed into the nest with her gently nuzzling her cheek before kissing her lips. "It isn't every day that i get to scold Twilight"

"Indeed... but what do you feel about Trixie?" she asked curiously. "From what Twi told me, she did some pretty nasty things to you during that Alicorn Amulet debacle"

Spike frowned as he recalled the unicorn's past misdeeds.

"It's true, she did hold the entire town under a dome, made most of us her slaves and stole Pinkie's mouth."

"Stole her mouth?" Melinda repeated, surprised by the oddness of it.

"However, the amulet did cause her pride and wrath to go out of control making her want more than just to one up Twilight's magic." Spike explained.

"But my point is, despite what she did, nopony got hurt and nopony was ever in any real danger. And compared to what the other villains we've faced did her actions werent that severe. So if Twilight could forgive Luna, Discord and even take Starlight under her wing, all of whom tried to alter the state of Equestria as we know it, she can forgive Trixie."

"Hmm I suppose so Spike" she rested her head on his shoulder. "though it worries me sometimes...."

"and what's that Melinda?" he asked

"Who's to say Twilight won't do this again?" she asked looking up to him.

"You mean try to control somepony' situation for them?" Melinda nodded to which spike frowned.

"I can't say for sure. Twilight has always been one for organisation and a bit of a perfectionist. But her heart's always in the right place. She just needs to learn to loosen her grip on certain situations." Melinda smiled at her mate as she proudly kissed his cheek.

"You've grown so wise."

"Well spending a few years around guys like Makarov and Gildarts will do that to ya" Spike grinned.

Later that night, as the sun sets and a crowd of ponies gather around in front of the stage. All were awaiting the stage magician to begin the show.

"So this is the Humble and Penitent Trixie's Equestrian Apology Tour?" Pinkie Pie asked curiously to Applejack.

"Ain't that a mouthful of molasses." Applejack replied.

"It's a working title!" Trixie yelled out peeking from the curtains as she returned to the back stage.

"So you remember the routine, Starlight?" She asked the unicorn.

"Yep. After the Manticore swallows you I teleport you out of its belly and into the box you'll then free yourself from."

"Right, this'll show Twilight who's better at..." Trixie stared.

"Better at what?" a familiar voice called out making the two unicorns turn.

"Twilight? What are you doing here?" Starlight asked.

“Looking for you!” The alicorn said angrily. “Princess Celestia has already arrived at the castle and neither of you showed up!”

"Neither of us?" Starlight blinked.

"She wanted to invite both you and Trixie to the dinner." Spike replied with slight annoyance at Twilight's anger.

"Why were you late, Starlight? Did you just decided to skip our dinner without telling me? Are you aware that, at this very moment, Princess Celestia is waiting for you at a table with exquisite silverware placement?!

"Yes, but—" Starlight tried to explain only to be interrupted by a still miffed Twilight.

"This is exactly why I didn't want you to make friends with Trixie."

"Twilight..." Spike grumbled.

"No Spike listen! I overheard exactly what i heard...Starlight! Can't you see she's using you?" Twilight replied with overworry.

"But she- " Starlight started but only to be cut off by Trixie who steps up.

"A-ha! You still don't trust me! But guess what, princess? It doesn't matter if you want to give me a second chance or not. Starlight had to choose between you and me, and she chose me! Your pupil chose me, so ha! I win!" She beamed in pride and victory.

"Win?" Starlight blinked in surprise. "That sounds like you just made friends with me to beat Twilight."

"Exactly~!" Trixie grinned as Starlight's face twisted to that of absolute shock as a sharp pain hits her heart. Trixie immediately realized what she just said and tried to rectify. "Wait! I mean, no! I got caught up in the moment. I like you. Beating Twilight is just a bonus." that made the feeling get even worse. "Saying that didn't help, did it?"" she squeaked out.

"I should've known. Nopony else in Ponyville wanted to be my friend. Why would you? " Starlight sobbed with tears flowing from her eyes as she bolted away.

"Wait, it's not like that! I am your friend!!" Trixie called out to her feeling her own heart started to break and crack as tears welled up.

"Well, you won. I hope you're happy!" Twilight said as Trixie sighed with growing misery.

"Looks like the Great and Powerful Trixie is back to a solo show." She sniffled with tears in her eyes as she turned back to her wagon.

"Trixie?" Twilight said, surprised by her reaction.

"...Which is exactly the way she likes it! Thank you, Princess Twilight, for getting rid of that annoying pony who wanted to be my first friend! I am not sad at all! I definitely don't feel as if my heart is breaking into a million pieces!"

Spike was face palming this entire incident as the air was still tense and emotions were running high once Trixie slammed the door shut with her magic, "Twilight..."

"Spike I..."

"You fucked up" He bluntly said."Well...both you and Trixie did anyways"

"Look. You go after Starlight, I'll keep an eye on Trixie. You may have had your differences in the past but a friend like Starlight is what a pony like Trixie needs."

"I'm....I'm so sorry" She winced in shame from Spike's stern tone as she galloped away to go after Starlight.

Meanwhile, back at the show, Trixie made her way onto the stage with a more somber look about her. Spike, knowing why she was in lesser spirits, watched from the crowd in case anything should go wrong for the magician.

"Come one, come all. Come and see the Pathetic and Friendless Trixie's "Way-To-Go-Dum-Dum-You-Really-Messed-It-Up-This-Time Repentance Tour." She said noticeably unenthusiastically which didn't go unnoticed By the onlookers who were more used to her over the top performing.

"It's a working title! Behold, your fears come true. A pony-eating manticore." In a puff of smoke the fearsome beast appeared before the audience who gasped in fright, Fluttershy trembling at the sound of the manticore' roar.

"For tonight, the Great and Powerful Trixie will be performing the Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive." Trixie declared, her voice still soulless and unaffected by her audience's shock.

"Now, now, save your gasps for when I defy the beast's jaws of doom and appear inside that black box." She said before her voice grew sadder. "I was supposed to perform this trick with my great and powerful assistant, who was also my great and powerful friend!"

Speaking of which, Starlight herself was crying to herself as she sat beneath a tree as Twilight cautiously approached her.

"You were right Twilight....." Starlight somberly replied as she wiped the tears away. "I should've listened to you...as always"

"No Starlight....this time I was wrong....horribly horribly wrong" Twilight admitted as the guilt ate at her heart. "Starlight, when I first came to Ponyville, Princess Celestia gave me room to make my own decisions and my own friends. I need to give you the same freedom. I shouldn't have tried to pick and choose your friends for you. Just like me, you have to make your own decisions and your own friends."

"But... what if Trixie really was using me just to one-up you?" Starlight worried as Trixie scrambled into the cannon.

"From what I've seen, she's the real thing." Twilight said as the cannon's fuse ignited.

"But it's not my place to judge. It's all up to you." Starlight looked down at the stage in thought until she heard Trixie call out to her.

"Starlight? If you're out there and you still want to be friends, let's be great and powerful together!" Her voice echoed inside the cannon. "Please?" She added before she was fired from the cannon and soared screaming into the manticore's open maw.

Fluttershy fainted as the beast seemingly swallowed the unicorn until the nearby black box opened to reveal the rather disoriented magician.

"taaa daaaa" Trixie, disoriented, stumbled out, her mane and coat covered by saliva before falling over onto her side before the crowd erupts in cheering for the trick well done.

And after shaking both the daze and drool from her head Trixie looked to see Starlight standing off stage and smiling at her. The magician beamed befor she addressed the crowd.

"And now, I'm proud to introduce my great and powerful assistant! And best friend: Starlight Glimmer!" Starlight stepped out to join her friend as the audience applauded her.

"Trixie!" The unicorns looked to see Twilight approaching her.

"What do you want?" Trixie asked defensively before the princess answered.

"I was wrong. I'm sorry. And I have to hand it to you. I could never have pulled off a trick like that."

"Glad to see you finally get it, Twilight." Spike added.

"Aaaand?" Starlight added smirked.

"Aaand I promise to give you and Trixie the space you need to grow your friendship." Twilight admitted.

"Aaaaand?" Starlight asked again with her smirk widening.

"And I also promise to not give Trixie so much attitude, I forgave her and will give her the second chance that I failed to fulfill as a princess." She added, with a tinge of begrudge.

"Thanks." Starlight smiled before turning to Trixie. "Onto the next act?"


Meanwhile back at the castle, Celestia, in the silent and somewhat awkward company of Derpy, Vinyl and Cranky, were gathered in the dining room.

Having grown bored of waiting for Starlight (though the princess realized from the start the two ponies and one donkey weren't her 'new friends' as Twilight said) Celestia and instead taken more interest in talking to Melinda on the topic on her pregnancy.

"So...any chance you might name one after me?" She asked the pregnant dragon hopefully who forced a smile not knowing how to answer the question.

'Please get home soon, Spike she thought.

Author's Note:

First off an apology for such a long delay between chapters, real life hit both of us hard due to our new jobs, life events and lack of drive. But we will finish this story!

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