• Published 8th Dec 2011
  • 1,393 Views, 15 Comments

Forever free - Pumpkin-dreams

Fluttershy finds something different in the Everfree forest. New, edited versions.

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Forever trapped

As she turned away from Ember Hoof, Fluttershy knew what her choice was dooming her to. She would spend the rest of her life in a self made prison, restrained and limited by her nervous nature. Wouldn't feel that burning exhilaration or bouts of wild freedom ever again. She didn't look back.


She stood next to her five friends, facing down the deity of chaos. The road to this moment had been trying for all of them, Discord had twisted their thoughts against each other. Fluttershy was still ashamed of how cruel she had acted, even if it wasn't her fault. It was only Twilight who managed to purify Discord's influence on them, even though the other ponies had given her no end of trouble. But any good friendship would be hard at some point, and like anything good, it deserved to be fought for.

The temptation Ember had offered her was almost enough to take that lesson away, but without the haze of adrenaline the colt emanated, she knew what had to be done. Even if she could not find freedom from her mind, she could at least be free in her heart. With a smile on her face, Fluttershy stepped through the memory into the darkness of her body.


Twilight was running through the Everfree, searching for her pegasus friend. Fluttershy hadn't been around in more than a week, but nopony had noticed until yesterday. Stupid! How could they not notice one of their friends was gone?! Fluttershy could be hurt, or lost, alone and scared!

Some instinct pulled her west, through a tangle of thorny brambles and into a familiar clearing. She had gone here some time ago with Zecora and Fluttershy, and the landscape hadn't changed since then. The granite slab remained in the center of the bare earth, though that shock of pink was new...

"Fluttershy!" the unicorn shouted, galloping to the sleeping mare. Fluttershy was on her side, resting peacefully as Twilight shook her awake.

"T-twilight?" she murmured sleepily, rubbing a fetlock over her eyes. The response was a hug that crushed the breathe from her.

"Oh thank Celestia you're okay!" Twilight exclaimed, nuzzling her friend. The memories of her last week came back to the pegasus, and she returned the gesture.

"Come on, the others will be happy to know you're back." Twilight said, starting off for the border of the Everfree. Fluttershy trotted after, not looking back to see the whisper of a colt, alone once more.

The two reunited friends made a good pace through the gloomy forest, but Fluttershy was obviously distracted. "Is something on your mind, Fluttershy?" Twilight eventually asked.

She almost lost her nerve under the amiable scrutiny, but gulped down her reservations for a moment. This was too important to let drop.

"If I could be free, from everything, to do as I want, but it meant abandoning you, and Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow and Pinkie..." Her blue-green eyes met Twilight's purple ones, the unicorn a little surprised at the firmness in the timid pegasus. "I would rather be trapped forever."

Twilight mulled on this as they kept walking, uncertain of what made Fluttershy say it. When Fluttershy leaned in to give her a quick nuzzle, she turned to see the mare smiling in spite of the frightful wood. Feeling her own grin working it's way across her muzzle, Twilight knew how to respond. "So would I, Fluttershy."

A ball of exuberant pink crashed into the yellow mare, Pinkie wrapping herself around Fluttershy. "Yay! You're safe Fluttershy, really truly totally safe!" she cheered into the other mares' coat. Following behind was everypony else, smiles breaking on their faces when they saw their lost friend returned.

"Where were ya, Fluttershy? We were plumb worried about'cha!" Applejack gently scolded.

"That doesn't matter anymore, I'm here now." Fluttershy answered, and the joyful gleam in her eyes stopped any further questions.

"This calls for a party! With streamers and cupcakes and a big banner saying "Hooray Fluttershy's back!" and CAKE! A huge, ginormous, humongous cake with chocolate and strawberries and icing!" Pinkie declared.

"That sounds lovely." Rarity told her, looking almost like her usual prim self. But Fluttershy could see the last stubborn marks of running makeup and cringed guiltily. "It's okay, darling, you're safe, that's all that matters." the unicorn whispered to reassure her.

The group walked back to Ponyville, laughing at Pinkies eccentrics. Fluttershy was amazed she had ever thought of leaving her friends, the warmth they gave her was better than any rush Ember had offered.


Zecora sat next to the grave, sighing. "You play a foul game, but that pony is not yours to claim."

The wind was her only answer, whistling shrilly through the slender trees. But the zebra knew the spirit could hear her. The colt who had chosen to be free and alone, yet longed for someone to share in his revelries. Forever free, forever waiting, forever cold.