• Published 29th Jan 2018
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Tales of the Green Hill Club: The Globe Family - markzilla6895

The Globe Family's journey into naturism

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Hazelhair & Smart Globe

A few days later

Sandymane and Pimpernel were still spending time at home sans clothing. Hazelhair and Smart Globe had begun getting used to it, but it was still a little awkward. The children had continued to playfully tease their mother, repeatedly remarking that the days ahead were predicted to be warm and that being naked would be so much more comfortable. They also talked about how they looked forward to being able to go around the garden in the same state, now that the fence she had been building around the garden was nearly complete.

Hazelhair tried to get their words out of her head while she got the gardening supplies out from her bag. Putting on her favorite sunhat, she inhaled deeply before stepping out into the backyard. Like her children said, the heat had increased to rather unforgivable levels. The hat shaded her head and eyes, but the rest of her body soon began to feel sticky and stifled. Even wearing a sleeveless shirt, a short skirt and open-toed sandals provided minor relief at best.

"Just focus," she told herself. "This garden won't finish by itself." She looked at one corner of the backyard, now covered in flowers. Through a mixture of sunflowers, tulips, snapdragons and rhododendrons, she had gradually been filling the garden with color. She had also sent orders for larger and more exotic additions like cypresses and cycad ferns.

"This place will be a paradise when I'm done with it," she said with a smile. "Like our own little Garden of Eden--"

Why did she have to say that? Through her own words, she ended up with visions of her children frolicking naked amongst all the plants in her head. She mentally slapped herself as she got on her knees to begin working. But the heat showed no signs of relenting, and the subject of nudity was equally stubborn about staying in her thoughts. When she accidentally tripped, her sandals fell off, and the feeling of the grass under her bare feet reminded her of how Pimpernel and Sandymane also no longer wore shoes or socks indoors, and probably wouldn't out in the garden either. She quickly looked around, hoping there was nobody that could see her. There was still a small gap in the fence that had yet to be filled, but if she was careful, she could avoid giving anyone a clear view through it.

'Am I really going to do this?'

Inhaling deeply again, she set her hat down and grasped the hem of her shirt, pulling it off. Then she unfastened her skirt, slid it down her legs and stepped out of it, leaving her in just her underwear. The sun did feel more lenient on her exposed skin, which encouraged her to go all the way. Steeling her nerves, she unhooked her bra and dropped it into the pile her other clothes had formed. Fighting the urge to try to hide her breasts, she then gripped her panties and slid them off too. Her exposed tan lines clashed with her brown skin as she stood in the middle of the yard for a few minutes, her head obviously swimming. Even with no one around to see her nudity, she couldn't help but blush. In an effort to break the tension, she made a nervous smile and said a quiet "Ta-da!" to herself. Confirming that she was indeed alone, she knelt back down to continue working.

It was certainly surreal being naked outdoors, even if she was only doing the same work she'd been doing over the last few days. But it undeniably made the heat more bearable, and she couldn't help but sigh happily as an occasional breeze washed over her exposed skin. Then she began to giggle to herself. She was remembering what it was like to be a child, adventurous and mischievous and always looking for a chance to do things behind her parents' back. What would her parents say if they could see her now? She ran her hands over her body, reminding herself of her exposure.

'I'm such a naughty girl!'

Unbeknownst to her, Sandymane and Pimpernel were watching the whole thing unfold from Sandymane's room.

"She's doing it!" Sandymane giggled. "We got through to her, bro!"

"Let's hope she'll commit to it full-time," Pimpernel grinned as they watched their mother continue her gardening in just her birthday suit.

Eventually Hazelhair's work for the day was finished, and it was the time she'd usually get back indoors and put her feet up. But rather than make her more eager to do that, being naked strangely made her want to stay out there, to enjoy the moment for as long as she could.

Mischief began to flare up in her again. Putting her sunhat back on, she began to playfully strut around the garden as if modelling on a catwalk. She paused near the willow tree and struck a pose.

"That's right, people," she said to an invisible audience. "This outfit is the next stylish thing, and the best part is you're already wearing one."

As she continued to fool around, she didn't notice that Pimpernel had snuck outside and was making his way towards her, using the plants as cover. So she was absolutely taken by surprise when he hugged her from behind, pressing their bodies together. Too shocked to speak, she just looked down at his grinning face with wide eyes, before seeing Sandymane also step out to join them.

"Hey, Mom," the girl smirked.

Here Hazelhair was, stark naked in her garden with her equally naked children. She couldn't help it. She started giggling, which quickly turned into all-out laughter. Pimpernel laughed too, and soon he and his mother fell over and were rolling around on the grass, tickling each other. Sandymane just shook her head and smiled, happy to see her brother and mother bonding so deeply, albeit in a rather ridiculous way.

"I'm so glad you listened to us!" Pimpernel said between laughs.

"I have to admit, it is more fun than I thought!" His mother replied.

Eventually they ran out of energy, and Hazelhair hugged her beloved son close to her as they lay together in their garden. Sandymane sat down next to them and cheekily ruffled her mother's hair.

"Welcome to the club, madam. Hope you enjoy the benefits." Hazelhair chuckled at her daughter's remark as the sun started to set and the stars were starting to become visible to their eyes.

"My goodness," said Hazelhair. "Have I really been out here that long?"

"Time flies when you're naked!" grinned Pimpernel, and his mother scoffed and rubbed his arm.

"You know," Sandymane remarked, "I remember when we all used to sit together and look at the stars, when I was little and you were just a baby, Pimpernel. To think, it took us all stripping off to make it happen again."

"We're just missing your father," Hazelhair sighed before chuckling. "He's sure going to be in for a surprise."

"Reckon we can convert him too?" asked Pimpernel.

"I don't know," his mother replied. "He's always been a bit on the sheepish side, ever since he was in school. I think I was the first girl he was ever brave enough to even talk to."

"Well, we'll be there to support him," Sandymane smiled as they heard his car pull up in the driveway.

Worn out from a long day working at the library that had generously employed him, Smart Globe entered the house with the intention of simply collapsing on the sofa and watching some television. Of course, he was more than a little surprised when he ran into his naked wife.

Hazelhair simply smiled and pecked him on the cheek. "Hello, darling. Hope today wasn't too taxing for you."

"H-Hazel!" He stammered as she followed him to the living room. "D-Did something happen to you?"

Hazelhair shrugged and smiled. "Well, it was uncomfortably warm today, and I couldn't stop thinking about what the kids said to me, and... well, here I am." She chuckled at the look on his face. "Come on, I'm your wife. You've seen everything I have to offer."

"In the bedroom or bathroom, yes..." Smart replied, reaching the sofa and settling into it to calm down. Hazelhair took her usual spot next to him, placing an arm around his neck.

"Well," she said casually, deliberately making sure her breast touched Smart's arm, "I think I'll be joining the kids in being nude around the house from now on. We were even nude in the garden today." She couldn't help but laugh when he actually spat out the coffee he was drinking upon hearing that part. "Relax, we weren't seen."

"So... you're serious about this?" Smart asked.

"Yep," Hazelhair smirked. "We're a nudist family now. Unless, of course, you don't want to join the fun?" she added with a playful pout.

"I'll... think about it," he answered after a few minutes.

Later that night

Hazelhair tried not to laugh again as she watched her husband undress while she sat, still naked, on the bed waiting for him.

"You'd save a lot of time if you weren't wearing anything in the first place," she remarked. Smart Globe paused, wearing just his underwear now.

"You really want me to join you," he sighed.

"It would be very nice," his wife replied with an endearing smile, crossing her legs and putting her hands together in a mock-pleading motion. A second later, Smart Globe's boxers dropped to the floor and his nude backside was fully exposed to his wife. Turning around, he climbed into bed while Hazelhair gave him a quick hug.

"Thanks, sweetie," she smiled, kissing his cheek.

"How about we surprise the kids about this tomorrow?" He offered.

"Sounds fun," his wife grinned. "In the meantime, I've got a surprise for you tonight..." Before Smart could ask what she meant, she suddenly climbed on top of him, a sly, seductive expression on her face. "Come on, big boy," she said. "Let's celebrate the start of our new lifestyle."

A few minutes later

Pimpernel awoke to the sound of a bed squeaking.

"Ugggh," he groaned. "That's gonna keep me up all night unless I stop what's causing it..."

He reluctantly slid out of bed and stepped out into the hallway to find the source of the noise. It seemed to be coming from his parents' bedroom. But as he approached the closed door, Sandymane suddenly rushed over to stop him from opening it.

"You don't wanna go in there right now, trust me," she whispered.

"What do you mean?" Pimpernel asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's... a grownup thing. I know this is a cliché, but you'll understand when you're older. Let's go back to bed."

"That squeaking's gonna keep me up all night though..."

"Hmmmm," Sandymane thought for a moment. "How about you stay in my room tonight?"

"Really?" Pimpernel asked in astonishment. "You wouldn't mind?"

Sandymane smiled and placed a comforting hand on her brother's shoulder. "It's okay, bro. I won't mind."

"Even after all those times I've annoyed you in the past?"

"Things are different now. Call me crazy, but I think being naked all the time has made us much closer. It's like we've nothing to hide from each other anymore, y'know? You can share my room tonight, and any other night you need to, okay?"

Pimpernel hugged her. "I love you, sis." She patted his head as they headed to her room.

The next morning

Pimpernel woke up to feel soft, feminine flesh pressed against him. When Sandymane kissed him on the cheek, he remembered how she had let him share her room, and how they had fallen asleep snuggled against each other in her bed.

"Morning, Pimpy," his sister smiled, before turning away to reach for her glasses.

"Morning, Sandy," he smiled back as he climbed out of the bed and began to stretch.

"Let's go see if Mom and Dad have prepared breakfast," Sandymane said, taking her brother's hand and leading him out of her room and down the stairs. In the kitchen, Smart Globe was cooking them breakfast. He was currently wearing a red bathrobe while Hazelhair was sitting at the table, enjoying some coffee. She was as naked as her children, of course, as they would be expecting that.

"Hello, you two," she smiled as they entered the room. "Hope you slept well."

Sandymane blushed slightly at the reminder of why Pimpernel had been woken up.

"We slept fine," Pimpernel smiled.

"Well, I think working on the garden is going to be much more fun now," Hazelhair smirked.

"You should add in a pond too," her son replied.

"Yeah, in case you want a swim, huh?" Sandymane smirked.

"Of course!" He grinned as Smart Globe turned around, dropping his robe in the process.

"OH MY FAUST!" Sandymane yelped, turning away. Sure enough, their father had neglected to get dressed this morning. He brought the food over to the table before sitting down.

Pimpernel started to grin. "Does this mean you're joining us, Dad?"

Smart Globe sighed. "Yes, son, we're ALL nudists now. Your mother managed to talk me into it last night." He was surprised by his son hugging him tightly.

"You're gonna love it, Dad, trust me."

As Sandymane sat down to breakfast, she refused to look at her naked father until Hazelhair noticed.

"Honestly, Sandymane, you're as bad as he was when he first saw you."

"Really?" Sandymane blushed as her brother sat on the opposite side of the table.

"Yes. I can understand your awkwardness, but you're going to be seeing your father's unclothed body on a regular basis now. Might as well look at him and get accustomed to it."

"So you think we could do some naked family excursions?" Pimpernel asked as they ate breakfast.

"You mean to... nudist resorts?" Smart asked.

"Sure," said Pimpernel, treating the idea very casually.

"Surely you'll let me take time to get used to this at home first, son?"

"Yeah, Pimpernel, don't rush us into things," said Sandymane. "Remember that we all needed a chance to get used to being naked in our own house."

"What about walks in the forest?" Pimpernel asked.

"...I'm sure we could do that," Hazelhair agreed.

"So long as we can be sure nobody will be around to, err... see us," remarked Smart nervously. "And I'm sure we'll be able to find an affordable nudist resort."

"Great!" Pimpernel smiled.

"We're spoiling you, bro, you know that?" said Sandymane. "But hey, I guess we've already gone this far, so..."

"Maybe there are nudists right in this neighborhood," Pimpernel joked.

"Well, if there are, they've done a good job of keeping it hidden from us," said Smart.

"Oh, that reminds me," said Hazelhair. "I'll be finishing the fence today, so we'll all be free to go around the garden as naked as we want. But once that's done, I'd appreciate it if someone helped me with the other gardening jobs on my list."

"Err, so long as we don't have to do anything that's too... gritty," said Sandymane. She was generally an "indoors" girl, and didn't like the idea of getting soil all over her.

"You can water the plants," Hazelhair smiled. "You won't get dirty doing that - a bit wet, maybe."

"I can do that," Sandymane shrugged.

"I'll help with the grubby stuff," offered Pimpernel with another grin. Like a lot of young boys, he didn't really mind getting dirty and even found it rather fun.

"And I'll start by helping you finish the fence," said Smart Globe, earning himself a kiss on the cheek from his wife.

"Thanks, hon."

Later, in the garden

With both the parents working together, it wasn't long before the Globe family's backyard fence was finally finished.

"Now we can be naked around home all the time!" Pimpernel cheered.

"We can indeed," chuckled Hazelhair, ruffling his hair. "Now, let's do this gardening together as one big happy nudist family, shall we?"

And so Pimpernel got busy digging holes in which to plant some cycad ferns that had arrived in the post before he and Sandymane awoke that morning. Smart Globe had to don a bathrobe to open the front door and bring them in, but Hazelhair had made him promise to remove it afterwards and wear nothing else for the rest of the day. Meanwhile Sandymane got busy around the other plants with a watering can, while their parents set up some hanging baskets filled with flowers around the back door.

At the same time, in the backyard next door, Fleur Dis Lee was currently doing some nude sunbathing when she heard the chatter from the Globe family.

"They must be having fun," she muttered to herself.

The chatter suddenly turned to shrieks and laughter, combined with the sound of a water hose.

"Mom, cut it out!" cried Sandymane. But she giggled as she said it, clearly having as much fun being sprayed as Pimpernel. Hazelhair smirked as she turned the hose onto the new flowers Pimpernel planted.

"He's the one who was crawling around in the soil, not me!" said Sandymane as her little brother continued to laugh. "He's the one that was getting dirty! Why spray both of us?"

"Honey, when it comes to gardening, one can never be sure," Hazelhair replied casually, her eyes still twinkling with mischief. Sandymane was taken aback by this new side of her mother making itself known.

"Mom's really loosened up, huh?" Pimpernel whispered to her.

"I'll say," Sandymane replied. "I guess stripping off really made her remember how to have fun. And all because you inspired us all by going around the house naked, eh, bro?"

"Don't give me all the credit!" Pimpernel grinned. "YOU were the one who stole my clothes and towels."

"Oh, so I'm the one who transformed our family's lives?" his sister joked. "You flatter me. But you have a point, to be honest. To think this all came from one little prank."

"Well, I'm glad it happened. Otherwise, we'd be the same boring old textile family, and you and I... well, we wouldn't have gotten closer, y'know?"

With a kind smile, Sandymane stooped down to hug him again. "I know. I promise to make up for all those times I was grumpy and mean, okay? From now on, I'll hang out with you whenever you want."

"Thanks, sis!" He smiled as he hugged her back.