• Published 5th Feb 2018
  • 1,717 Views, 69 Comments

Partyquest - R5h

Pinkie has one month to throw a party that's out of this world. Which is exactly where she'll receive the training she needs.

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Putting the Log in Prologue

July 14

I have no idea how to write this.

I mean, it's a diary, right? So that means I should write it like a diary entry. Except most diaries aren't crazy interdimensional lodestones to my sisters' matching diary, right. Maybe I should write it like emails?

Or texts! Let's try texts!

lol goin on magic pony party quest #yolo

Let's not try texts.

Maybe email... but what would the subject line be?

Ooh, wait, what if someone reads this in the far future as a record of my epic journey?!?! They'd totally want to know what was going on! Okay, subject line: Pinkie Pie's Partypalooza Prologue!

Basically, I'm pretty good at parties. But pretty good isn't enough! I've got until the end of this summer, cuz that's when college starts: that's just one month to compose the bestestest party ever! And if what Sunset says is true, if I want to learn from the best, there's only one place to go: Equestria. So, I'm heading through the mirror to learn from the greatest party ponies around!

Twilight's coming too. She says she's superduper excited to research the magic, and to travel around the country, and she's so hyped she could explode! And I might be paraphrasing a bit there, but she's definitely into it.

Anyway, I'll be sending status reports and cute animal drawings through this interdimensional magic diary that Sunset set up (Sunny, if you're reading this, thx again!) and my family—specifically Marble and Limestone, and also my parents I guess—will read them! And go 'aww' at the cute animal pics.

Assuming the connection works. So that's what I'm testing now! Marble or Limestone, if you see this message, please please please say 'hi' or something! And if you don't... you probably won't see this part either, come to think of it, so whatever.

Bye! I'll be in touch! Hugs and kisses!

-Pinkie Pie


you could've just said
'test message, please respond'

what the hell

also Marble says hi, or she would
if the diary hadn't spooked her


Pinkie shut the diary, shoved it into her backpack, and beamed at Twilight. “Link confirmed!”

Twilight smiled back at her. A little less energetic, but to be fair, she seemed to be carrying the entire contents of a small apartment on her back: counting her supplies, she was taller than the pedestal they stood in front of, the one containing the portal. Her knees shook.

Pinkie cocked her head to the side, sending the geode on her neck swinging. “You all right, Twilight?”

“Fine!” Twilight panted, and the geode hanging from her neck jiggled with each heaved breath. “I've been exercising to prepare for this.” She wiped sweat from between her glasses and her headband. “Jogging is awful. But worth it! I've got muscles now—” she flexed, revealing an arm with the definition of a bent hotdog “—and I'm ready for the greatest research expedition in history!”

“Party expedition.”

“Fine, both.”

Pinkie shrugged. “You told Sunset to tell them we're coming, right?”

“Yeah, I did.” Twilight frowned. “I did do that, right? Yeah, I definitely did.”

“All right.” Pinkie did a dramatic finger point at the portal, and the wind chose that moment to ruffle her hair. How thoughtful of it. “Let our adventure... begin!

Twilight crouched into a squat and clambered forward.

“Twilight, you're supposed to stride confidently into the unknown.”

“I won't fit if I do that,” Twilight grunted.

“You're totally killing the moment!”

“I know.”

Pinkie smiled, rolled her eyes, and followed her friend through.