• Published 2nd Feb 2018
  • 1,991 Views, 29 Comments

The Archer of Twilight - mattchilly

I am the archer Sharpshot and I was given not only a new life when I was Displaced but also a new past. Both of which I greatly prefer to my old one and I will do everything in my power to live up to the standards of my new life.

  • ...

Meeting the Royals

After three minutes I came across a large army camp that had basic barricades and canceled Track Humanoid as the Mini-Map was quickly filled with yellow dots. Repeating the process I’d did at the village earlier I quickly climbed a tree to get a better look. The area I was looking at had a large table covered in maps with an old man in dark blue robes with a large grey beard on one side and the woman I’d saved on the other. Much to my surprise I saw my four Bamboo arrows on a table between the two. “And no one pursued you?”

“No Starswirl, but I don’t know why considering all the trouble they went through to capture me.”

“Hmm. It’s highly possible that they’re planning to attack this camp Princess. I suggest we pack up and head back as quickly as we can.” Starswirl said.

“I agree Starswirl, but what do you think about these arrows? Right after the rope was cut these appeared and killed my captors.”

“I don’t know what to make of them Celestia. I’ve never seen their make.” Starswirl sighed. “I don’t even know what they’re made of.”

(So her name is Princess Celestia? I should probably introduce myself then.) I placed a beacon for Farore’s Wind just in case then activated Warp to teleport to the end of the table I said. “They are made of Bamboo.”

Instantly everyone around me was on guard. “Who are you?! How did you get past the scouts?!” Celestia asked grabbing a Warhammer that had been leaning on the table while the Starswirl’s hands lit up with a powerful arcane force.

“I am the one who save you. My name is Sharpshot.” I replied. “Did you really think that a hanging rope would really just snap like that did you Princess Celestia?”

“That is quite a claim to make.” Starswirl said.” “Especially do to none of our soldiers even sensed you.”

“That is because I was in a tree a fair distance away. One tall enough that I could see over the walls.” I said and Celestia’s eyes went wide.

“I saw a tree like that and thought it was going to be the last thing I’d ever see.” She gasped. “but it was a least two miles away! How did you?”

“I’ve been well trained by many people.” Was all the explanation I gave as one of Celestia’s soldiers walked up.

“Well trained or not you should show your face and show the Princess some respect!” He said trying to grab my arm. I intern Vanished and reappeared on the other side of the table with in the span of five seconds.

“Impossible.” Starswirl gasped. “There was no burst of magic, no distortions in the air.”

“I’ve been to many places and learned many useful abilities.” I said as the only form of explanation. “And from where I’m from respect and trust are earned not blindly given, but I heard you were having trouble with demons. Luckily for you I’ve had a lot of experience killing them and I’m willing to offer my services in dealing with them.”

Celestia and Starswirl looked at each other as out of the coroner of my eye I saw a soldier slowly but surely making his to pass by just behind Celestia. The moment he got behind Celestia he dropped something in his left hand which caused a flash of light with a sharp *Crack* and pulled a glowing purple dagger out of its hiding place and with a yell tried to stab Celestia in the back of her head. Ignoring the flash I quickly created a dagger with the Impale ability and threw it at the soldier’s hand. His battle cry changed to one of pain as my dagger cut his and clean off.

Three other soldiers jumped the man who was holding the bleeding stump on his arm. As they dragged him away he yelled. “You cannot win! The power of my Lord’s is Infinite!”

“The servants of Diablo thought much the same before he was defeated.” I said.

When the man was pulled away Starswirl turned to look at me. “Diablo?”

“One of three Demon Lord brothers known as the Prime Evils from a world called Sanctuary. He is the youngest of the three and his true name is Al’Diabalos the Lord of Terror.” I explained making everyone shudder at how nonchalant I was being about using his real name. “Along with the Archangel of Justice Tyrael and a few friends killed him after his servants revived him.”

“That is quite a tale.” A nearby soldier scoffed.

“Think what you wish.” I said without turning to look at him. “If you don’t believe me then nothing I saw will convince you so I won’t waste my time.”

The soldier was about to say something but a quick motion from Celestia cut him off. “In any case I must thank you for saving me.” She said.

“Think nothing of it.” I said. “Just doing my job as a Demon Hunter.”

“A HORD OF DEMONS ARE APRROCHING FROM THE EAST!” At that the solders sprang into action running here and there to fortify their defenses or gather their equipment.

“You just said you were a Demon Hunter and killed this Diablo.” Starswirl said turning to me. “Now’s your chance to prove it.”

Activating the Track Demons skill the eastern edge of the Mini-Map was completely full of yellow dots.

“I’m counting at least two hundred fifty demons closing in.” Navi said. “ETA 90 seconds.”

Nodding I grabbed my Blitzbolters I dashed to the eastern edge of the camp and made my way past the barricades.

After I left Celestia looked at Starswirl who had a small sad smile on his face. “Despite how cold he seems at least he’s prepared.” He then looked at Celestia who was giving him an odd look. “You felt the Holy power coming from his crossbows as well as I did. If you were paying attention to my lessons then you should know very few weapons like that exist and all are used to fight demons. Your warhammer and your Sister’s spear are such examples, but I’ve never heard of someone having two such weapons. His story may very well be true.” Celestia didn’t look fully convinced as she grabbed her hammer and along with Starswirl the pair made their way to join their soldiers readyto defend the camp.

Meanwhile I had stopped about half way between the camp and horde to examine what I was dealing with and growled at what I saw. Demonic Hounds, Floating Eyes, Felguards, Terrorguards, Fear Fiends, Terrorfiends, Infernals, Shivarra and Imps from the Burning Legion. From Sanctuary I saw Araddons a couple Bone Breakers, a Colossal Golgor, two Corrupted Angels and Demonic Hellflyers. “Navi keep a list of each and every kind of Demon or ally of the Demons I kill and if any have any unique properties. I want to know exactly what I’m dealing with.”

“Got it Sharpshot. I’ll watch your back.”

Raising my Blitzbolters to the sky a ring of red appeared on the ground in front of the oncoming horde and from my new memories I knew only the one casting the spell could see the landing area. “Rain of Vengeance.” I said and unleashed one hundred fifty bolts into the air without reloading. The bolts rained down on the demons in the landing area. The landing area wasn’t that big only having a radius of about three yards but that only made the attack deadlier as it was so concentrated the Demons in the landing area fell quickly but more took their place.

“Left Blitzbolter Fire Magic Arrows, 1 clip. Right Blitzbolter Ice Magic Arrows, 1 clip.” I muttered and a and blue glow enveloped the bolts. Getting into my preferred combat stance when using crossbows I said. “In the words of a fellow Demon Hunter. Heaven or Hell, let’s rock.” And charged. The Demons seemed to know that I was a threat and stopped their charge to surround me, but it didn’t matter as once the magic arrows ran out I put the Blitzbolters back as a dodged to swords by jumping over them summoned my Palutena Bow. On my left hand the Triforce appeared and glowed and the Palutena bow appeared in my hand.

Quickly splitting the two sides so they could be used as swords I started dispatching the enemies one by one. While this was going on Celestia and Starswirl watched as the Demon horde surrounded me and for a few moments they thought the Demons would turn back to the camp once I died but once three minutes passed they glanced at each other. “He’s really doing it. He’s slaughtering them isn’t he?” Celestia asked.

“It would appear so.” Starswirl agreed. “But tell me something Princess. Those are the Demon that started appearing a month or so ago, aren’t they?”

Celestia shook her head.

“Then it is as I feared, but even so this Sharpshot isn’t having any problems taking them down.”

“Does this mean him helping to kill a Demon Lord was also true?” Celestia asked as if there was one answer she was begging to hear.

“That… I’m still not sure about but at least this shows he’s not all talk.” Starswirl said but judging by Celestia’s face this wasn’t the answer she was hoping to hear. Meanwhile the soldiers around them started muttering to each other.

“How is this possible?”

“He’s killing them all… an entire horde!”

“The Goddesses must have heard our prayers! They’ve sent help!”

“If he can take down that many Demons alone he must have helped kill a Demon Lord!”

But it was one soldier that had Celestia and Starswirl look at each other and a silent conversation passed between them. “If it will help push these Demons back and protect my home then I want to learn his techniques.”If they could get him agree to teach their solders they might be able to turn the tides of this war in their favor, but before that they’d have to talk to Princess Luna and tell her about what had happened.

“You call your selves Demons?” I asked the tone of my voice never changing as I shot holy arrows through the heads two more Shivarra’s. “Your more like common beasts with how your fighting.”

“I WILL FEAST UPON YOUR FLESH AND PRESENT YOUR SKULL TO MY MASTER!” A Felguard yelled before an arrow priced it’s black heart.

“So this is the work of either a Demon Lord or a very powerful Warlock here. Good to know.”

“I’ll keep a folder with all known information on this ready for you to look over whenever you need to.”

“Thank you Navi.”

“Just doing my job as your partner, and if you want to talk to me without anyone knowing just ‘think in my direction’ or something. Sorry but the Creator’s instructions about this aren’t that clear.”

{Does this work?}

“Yup that’s perfect.”

{Please make one for specific people as well}

I assume you want the Princess and the Wizard in that second folder?”


“Will do.”

Once there were fifty Demons left I pointed one hand open palmed to the sky and a red orb appear. “Now you Demons burn in Din’s Holy Fire.” I brought my arms down just as the Demons realized what I meant. A large dome of fire spread out from where my hand touched the ground. The Demons screamed in pain as golden fire erupted from their bodies. Taking full advantage of this I started shooting more arrows at them quickly ending the last of the demonic horde.

I spent a few minutes looting whatever might be useful. Once that was done I made my way back to the camp. “You going to tell them that’s the first real fight of being a Displaced?”

{You know?}

“Of course, but I’m not really sure what that means. Perhaps you can explain it once we have more time?”

{Fine by me.}

When I got close all the soldiers cheered. “Very impressive.” Celestia said.

I just sent a nod in her direction. “Just doing my job. No more, no less.”

“That might not be enough.” Starswirl said not looking happy. “With these new kinds of Demons appearing we might not have a chance.”

“So you’ve never had to deal with the Burning Legion or Diablo’s forces before?” I asked making everyone go quiet.

“Wait. Are you telling me you know what those Demons are?” Celestia asked wide eyed.

I nodded. “Half of those are from a group of Demons called the Burning Legion. I fought them on a world called Azeroth when they invaded, the others are from Sanctuary, but what they’re doing here I don’t know.”

Celestia then turned to the solders. “I want this camp packed up and ready to move within the hour! We’re going back to the castle.” All the solders saluted and ran off.

Starswirl then turned to look at me with a calculating eye. When he spoke this time it was with one who thought themselves my superior instead of the polite tone he had before. “Now Mr. Sharpshot we have a lot to talk about.”

“Not with that tone we don’t.” I said. “You want me to help then don’t go demanding help. Especially when I already offered it.”

Starswirl’s eyes went wide then narrowed. “I don’t like YOUR tone boy. You should respect those older and wiser then you.”

“Funny I was about to say the same thing… to you.” I said as Celestia stood there and watched the conversation wearing a neutral expression.

Starswirl scoffed. “You look to be in your… late twenties early thirties if I had to guess, meanwhile I’m in over a hundred. ”

“I am three thousand years old and I’ve been fighting the Burning Legion since I was twenty three.” I calmly said making Starswirl’s and Celestia’s eyes go wide and Starswirl took a step back in surprise.

“How…how…” he stuttered. “How is that possible?”

“That is none of your business. If I come to trust you then I MIGHT tell you.” I replied. “Till then we keep this to a purely professional relationship.”

“Will you at least allow me two question before that starts?” Celestia asked.

“That depends on the questions.” I replied looking at her.

“Why do you seem so… distant.” She inquired. “So far your voice hasn’t changed tone at all. It’s always had only the faintest shadow of emotion. It’s almost like your emotions have died.”

“That is not one I am going to answer. Your second?”

“That dome of fire at the end. Was that… one of the spells given by the Goddess of Power? Din’s Fire?” She asked not completely sure why she was even asking.

I studied her face for a moment before nodding. “…Yes it was.”

Starswirl stumbled back shaking his head. “No. That… that can’t be. Only a select few are given that spell and it hasn’t been seen in over two hundred years! The last wieldier of the spell was the Hero of Masks.”

{I guess something similar to Majora’s Mask happened here.}

“Most Likely”

“Do…” Starswirl gulped. “Do you have any of the other boons?”

“I suggest you show him at least one more. If you’re going to be working with them they should see a little of what you can do.”

“Celestial Firework.” I said and a ball of light flew into the air above our heads and exploded into the symbol of the Demon Hunters.

Starswirl fainted eyes blank while Celestia watch this happen an sighed. Then she turned to me. “Few have ever seen such spells used so most will assume you’re are a agent of the Goddesses sent to help us. I hope you’re prepared.”

“Not the first time something like that has happened and it won’t be the last.” I replied, thinking to a few of the random worlds I’d seen on my travels.

“After everything that’s happened you kinda are a servant of the Golden Goddesses and that’s not even counting what you’re guarding.”

{They don’t need to know that. Besides none of the pieces are reacting right now and I don’t want to kill any of them for trying to steal it once they learn about it.}

“True, but you might need to tell those in charge about it anyway.”

{That is a possibility.}

We started marching south west the moment the camp was fully packed with Starswirl being carried on a stretcher as he was still unconscious. The trip took three day’s during with there were a few skirmishes with bandits but not much else. When Starswirl woke up he started demanding answers but I ignored him and eventually Princess Celestia flat out ordered him to stop harassing me. When we finally arrived at the castle it was half an hour past nightfall and raining. Looking at one of the guards on duty Celestia said. “Let my sister know we’re back and that I need to see her in the war room.” The solder saluted and ran off. “Please fallow me Sharpshot.” When we arrived at the war room I saw it was rather standard with a long table with a map of the country with different areas outlined in red or white string.

“Looks like about half the country is under the control of the Demons. Perhaps that’s why we were sent here.”

{Looks like it but it could also be under the control of those allied with Demons. We’ll just have to ask the Princesses.}

“I came as soon as I could. What’s the matter sister?” Looking to the door I saw a woman just a little shorter than Celestia wearing dark blue and brow armor that showed a lot of her midnight blue skin but was probably easy to move in, an intricate helmet of various shades of blue, dark blue leg guards, and had a small shield and an odd spear on her back.

{That looks like something that the Amazons of Sanctuary would wear… I wonder what’s happened on Azeroth and Sanctuary since I left.}

“Luna this is Sharpshot. He might be able to help us.” Princess Celestia then started to explain what happened during her mission which had a few different objectives. Spying behind enemy lines, trying to take back a few areas for resources, and to hopefully fallow a lead to the Demons origin.

“Thank you for saving my sister Sharpshot.” Princess Luna said with a quick nod of her head. “If she was killed like that I’m not sure I could have held this campaign against the Demons together.”

“You would have found a way Lulu.” Princess Celestia said putting a hand on Princess Luna’s shoulder.

“Still to find one who looks so young yet to truly be so old and wise. I truly believe that the Golden Goddesses sent you.”

I simply gave a small nod. Then looked back at the map. “How long have the Demons been here?”

“Two years. At first it was only an Imp or to here or there but it soon spiraled out of control.” Luna sighed before shaking her head. “So Sharpshot please tell us more about your skills so we can decide where your skills will be most useful.”

“Now or never Sharpshot.”

{Agreed Navi}

“How much of what I say will be spread around?” I asked.

“Only what we deem necessary.” Celestia said.

“I am a mastered the ways of the Hunter, Rogue and Demon Hunter which means I can track just about any kind of creature and tame any kind of beast. My arrows can fly much farther then what is deemed ‘normal’ and can pierce almost all forms of armor. The shadows are my allies so I can get in even the strongest of fortresses assassinate a target or steal valuable information or items and get out without being noticed. I have a wide variety of tools and skill to let me kill or capture just about any foe.” At this I held up my right hand revealing the Triforce which started to glow slightly and my Palutena Bow appeared in my hand. “I am the chosen Guardian of the Triforce and with this position comes the blessings of the Golden Goddesses and any who wish to steal its power will fall before me.”

As I spoke Celestia and Luna nodded deep in thought but when I mentioned what I was guarding their eyes went wide in shock. “It…it can’t be.” Celestia gasped before she and Luna dropped to a knee.

“How may we assist you oh Champion of the Goddesses.” They said in unison.

“Congratulations! You fucked it up!”

{Gee thanks Navi.}

Author's Note:

Celestia’s armor is basically the armor Uther Lightbringer uses,
and here’s Luna’s

Abilities Used:

  • Farore’s Wind, Spell: Can set a beacon that you can return to with a wind based teleportation or can teleport short distances at will.
  • Vanish: You are able to activate Stealth in the middle of combat fading from view and few enemies can continue to detect your presence.
  • Impale: Costs 20 ‘Hatred’. Create a magical knife or dagger that deals 375% damage. Can be used with real weapons in which case it deals 750% damage
  • Track Demons: All nearby Demons appear on Mini-Map.
  • Rain of Vengeance: Costs 30 ‘Hatred’. Fire at least 50 arrows into the air that deal 1500% damage based on the weapon used in the landing area over 5 seconds. This needs a bow of some kind to be used.
  • Din’s Fire, Spell: Creates a large dome of holy fire around self or can shoot an exploding fireball
  • Celestial Firework: summon a firework. Color, size, and image are decided upon by caster.

And because I forgot to do add this in the last chapter. Ammunition:

  • Bamboo: Is quicker but more fragile than Nordassil arrows, arrow head is made from a classified Lunarian metal that can only be made and identified by Lunarian’s. For anyone who’s not Lunarian the metal just seems to be normal steel but in truth it’s much stronger. Just like Eirin’s arrows this has a pink bow tied near the arrowhead, has no other special properties
  • Fire Enchantment: Bless your arrows with an aura of fiery power. This will burn your target, light torches and burn cobwebs but not much else.
  • Ice: Enchantment: Bless your arrows with an aura of frozen power. Use this to freeze enemies and water turning them into blocks of ice or create a frozen platform for a set amount of time but not much else.

Total Kills:

Demon worshiping humans: 79

Burning Legion Total: 125

  • Demonic Hounds: 15
  • Floating Eyes: 10
  • Felguards: 16
  • Terrorguards: 15
  • Fear Fiends: 13
  • Terrorfiends: 15
  • Infernals: 20
  • Shivarra: 16
  • Imps: 5

Diablo’s Minions Total: 125

  • Araddons: 25
  • Bone Breakers: 47
  • Colossal Golgor: 1
  • Corrupted Angels: 2
  • Demonic Hellflyers: 50