• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 9,460 Views, 354 Comments

Deus Ex: Equestria - Jar of Dirt

A Deus Ex: Human Revolution crossover featuring Adam Jensen.

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Interlude: A Silly Placeholder Chapter

WIth a big boom, Adam Jensen appeared out of nowhere and landed flat on his face. He stood up and brushed the dirt off himself.

"I never asked for this."

He made his way to the town of Ponyville, where he was approached by Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

"Greetings, mysterious creature with a sexy voice! You come in times of great need. Discord, the spirit of chaos has been set free from his stone prison! Will you please help us defeat him."

Adam shrugged. "Sure. I'm used to fighting against sociopathic spiteful old men at this point. Where can I find him?"

At this point, a chariot swooped down from the sky and a beautiful white alicorn stepped out from it.

"Greetings, I am princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria. I implore you to help my people in our time of need."

Adam smirked confidently. "Anything for you, your radiance." The princess blushed profusely while half of Ponyville's female population fainted. "Lead the way."

As they arrived in Canterlot, they were confronted by Discord, who had turned the entire city into a giant cake.

"Hahaha!" He cackled evilly. "You will never defeat me, you little sissy ponies! I have your precious elements now!" Everyone let out a gasp as he raised the box containing the magical artifacts in plain view.

"You will never get away with this Discord!" Twilight yelled.

"I thought we were friends..." A brokenhearted Fluttershy sniffed.

"Hah! You thought wrong!" He smirked. "Now I am free from the influence of your silly friendship magic, and the world is mine to toy with!"

"Not so fast." Adam said. "I will stop you."

"Hah, I'd like to see you try, you oversized chrome monkey!"

"Ladies first, you failed jigsaw puzzle."

This made Discord very angry. He launched balls of magic in Adam's direction, but the latter dodged them all with ease. He then brought his stun gun out and twirled it expertly around his finger before zapping Discord, who dropped the Elements in his paralysis.

"No!" He wailed. "How could you possibly be more awesome than me!"

"Now girls!"

The elements fired their rainbow beam at Discord, who flew through the air and became but a white speck in the sky.

"Teach me your ways masteeeeeeeeer!..."

Everypony cheered as Adam was hailed the hero of the day.

"Oh Adam," Celestia swooned. "You bravery knows no bounds and I have fallen head over hooves for you! Please become my beloved and whisper sweet nothings into my ear with that sexy sexy voice of yours. I love you!"

"I love you too Celestia, for you are the only one who loves me for who I am and not for my usefulness to a cause. You look past the cold shell that is my body and found my beating heart," he confessed as he held her in a tight embrace.

Later that night, they proceeded to make hot, passionate interspecies love-


"Sister, what are you doing?"


Celestia jumped in fright at Luna's sudden arrival. "Luna, how many times have I reminded you to knock before entering?"

"I was just curious to the reason you decided to stay up so late at your desk."

Celestia shuffled nervously and shot her sister a sheepish smile. "Oh... Nothing important. Just some... Paperwork! Yes that's it, paperwork! The construction budget for Cloudsdale needed some revising, haha..."

Luna quirked an eyebrow at the sun princess' odd behavior but eventually let go of her curiosity. "I hope you don't stay up too late then sister. Have a good night."

"You too."

As Luna closed the door with a comforting click. Celestia let out a sigh of relief she didn't knew she had held in.

Too close. Now, about that piece I wrote...

Author's Note:

Yes, I know it's been ages since I updated this. Consider this a little teaser present while I start continuing in a more serious manner.

Comments ( 50 )


Gotta hand it to you, that's one of the funnier ways of pronouncing your continued alive-ness. Good to hear this is continuing after all.

And I don't think I've ever seen the clopfic writer to be revealed as the ever-dignified Princess of the Sun herself. Dodged a bullet there, Luna would never have let her hear the end of that (as is every younger siblings sacred right and duty).

Can't blame her though. That fucking voice. :rainbowwild:


Seems somepony hasn't had her tail chased in far too long, if you know what I mean! :trollestia:

Still, ad my voice to the chorus of: "Hurray! It lives!" :heart:

Dr.Frankenstein was awoken inside of my head.

Oh wow, it's the second "dead" fic I did a recent re-read of that updates today! :pinkiegasp: I must've gotten some strange passive powers of remote persuasion or something!

4421405 More like she hasn't had her tail raised, I'd say :moustache:


I'll admit it, I laughed. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm glad to hear that this story isn't dead & I loved this funny little update, but I'm curious as to whether it will still be continued in its original multiple-choice manner?

I played the game as a complete goody-two-shoes (which is how I always approach moral choice systems in games) so my vote would always be for the 'good' (peaceful, helpful, etc) option, so I wouldn't mind if the story was continued with Adam always in that mode & it went a little deeper into what his Transhuman nature might mean for Equestria & his future within it. If he allowed it, could the study of his implants mean the advancement of Equestria's own sciences, for instance?

It's the authors choice of course, but setting your own story course might make for smoother sailing than multiple hands on the tiller, so to speak.

Hm...I'll watch this. If it continues updating I think it'll end up in favorites. ;)

Soooo this means you're back?


Haven't read this yet, but it bugs me that no one is using JC Denton as a main character. Favorited simply for the fact that Deus Ex is a favorite of mine.

Hmm... It's a good idea, and I think you can go places with it. The only bit that kinda nags at me is that the conversation between Celestia and Adam felt artificial, pardon the pun. It's a rather common mistake in writing, when two characters are conversing, and their mannerisms and dialogue aren't different enough from each other to make the reader feel like they're two separate entities. I would certainly like to see more of each character's thought processes as this is going on - it would help to establish the separation of their identities. Beyond that, I do like the element of choice, though I showed up too late to make my own vote. It's rather innovative, in keeping with the nature of Deus Ex, and I applaud that :twilightsmile:

Overall? So far, I give it a 6.5/10. Not too bad, but there's room for improvement.

it's alive?! i thought this story got deleted!? holy oats in a hand basket!:pinkiegasp::rainbowderp::eeyup::rainbowwild::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::ajsmug::scootangel::pinkiecrazy:

I am a massive fan of crossovers, so this needed to be instant faved. I shall wait for the next chapter. :pinkiehappy:

xD that was good


lol, Celestia writing a ship-fic.

Short but enormously funny! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Hope this is an indication of renewed interest in the fic, would be awesome to get a few full chapters.


A human in Equestria fic that starts without Rainbow Dash randomly trying to kill him? THIS IS MADNESS!

Damn, and I was about to envy Celestia-

-I MEAN, Adam. Envy Adam, because he was going to make hot, passionate love to THE Princess Celestia and-
Oh, who am I kidding. I'll take that cyborg whispering sweet nothings in my ear over poni poni any day.

Anyway, good to see an update! Short 'n sweet. Though, I wonder what else Celestia writes about...

Comment posted by The Seagull Milker deleted May 21st, 2014

Celestia has one weird fetish... I wonder what Luna thinks of it she must have seen that dream.... I am also glad this updated I only discovered it a couple of days ago and I thought it was dead! Turns out its not! And that has made me very happy lets party! stream1.gifsoup.com/view6/3625606/adam-jensen-dance-o.gif

I would have preferred it if that conversation with Celestia was written more like a 'Social Battle' just like in the game where Jensen is 'reading' her.

Maybe that's what happened. It certainly appears that Adam 'won' the conversation with how taken Celestia appears to have been with him.

YEARS DOOD!! Its been YEARS! :raritydespair:

I was not expecting that! I can't wait for the next serious chapter.

4421496 *Is about to say something*
Don't even think about it!

I'm giving this a favorite because I enjoyed dues ex and I hope to see more from you

Celestia. Immortal Sun Princess. Master of the written arts.

When's the next chapter coming out?

4639313 We wait........for 6...year....and no update.

Jar of Dirt, you appear to have created something of pure gold which was studded with diamonds.

I enjoyed the choice you presented at the beginning and it was interesting to see how many people wanted diplomacy or stealth. Mr. Jar of Dirt, I believe revealing that the Hydra would not have approached if the readers had picked combat or stealth was a very wise move and I enjoyed seeing Twilight and Fluttershy's interactions with Adam very much. The action was very well written, I never felt lost during the fight scene.

Since Adam has a fluctuating personality depending on any given person's playstyle, I have to say that I have enjoyed your interperatation of him. A calm and collected man who seems to know precisely what to say for any given situation. The CASIE mod is a lifesaver, I relied on it much for my playthroughs. :twilightsmile:

You know, this fiction has made me wonder what would happen if they were to start swapping stories, as is sure to happen when this brilliant work of fiction is updated.

What would Adam say, when he finds out about the Changlings? Or when he actually sees Celestia and Luna perform their divine duties at sun rise or sun set?

What would the elements say, when they hear about Adam's tale, like when Eli Van Bruggan murdered his inside man by commandeering his body and forcing him to shoot himself? What would Twilight Sparkle, one of the most studious mares in Equestria, say when she learns about Eliza Cassan and how she was made to change, alter and present all information in the world to suit the whims of the Illuminati? Or how would Rainbow Dash, the very ponification of Loyalty react on learning about how many betrayals that Adam has had to endure? Or Applejack about the conspiracies that rule Adam's world?

Do such conspiracies exist in Equestria? CAN they exist? Can any pony hope to reach the heights of evil that Hugh Darrow so easily claimed as his perch? How would the elements react in such a case? How would Adam act if this were NOT the case?

Naturally, these questions will be answered, I'm just musing.

For now, kind Jar of Dirt, please accept this review and musings and I sincerely look forward to the next installment of Deus Ex: Equestria.

When I starting reading this chapter honestly I experienced the biggest WTF moment I ever have since I discovered this site.

But otherwise I am enjoying this, and I honestly can't wait for future chapters.

So.... Jensen/Celestia? Huh... I'd ship it...

I've just started playing this game. It's a bit of fun, if not a bit confusing when you're walking around the city. I like the animation the implants do, at least the one that prevents fall damage (I've yet to get any others so I don't know if any of them have special animations).

We need more.
Also I'd like to inform you of the announcement of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

oh my god this is so beautiful i lost the capability to use capitalization and punctuation

you failed jigsaw puzzle


I haven't read this fic, just this chapter. But this is a glorious line.

i would love to see celestia and jensen making out hell wont be suprised if the had kids you no what you should put romance tag on here if yah did that well i say please make more oh and 1 2 3 GO! i never ask for this

Oh great. It looks like the official sequel is gonna come out before this story updates.

Well, at least the Self-Destruct ending turns out to be canon.

Is this story dead or what?

As dead as most of the other good fics that don't get finished on this site.

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