• Published 8th Feb 2018
  • 1,752 Views, 37 Comments

Sometimes Monsters Need Love too - Jaycren

Where can a monster go after all is settled? What of those that where not Monsters by choice but by Birth, inheriting the debts owed to and by their Parents? What peace might they have after all is settled? Attend to my words and see.

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The three children of Ragnarok Loki floated in the void between all things, at last in death they were free. No longer were they bound by the burden of being consequences of fate, no more where their lives dictated by the debts, sins, burdens of those before. They were free to choose their way. Free to stay or move on, Free to pass from all knowledge of mortals or to perhaps be born as one, most importantly it would be their choice, no one else's. They thought and discussed for a time each enjoying the others company in their own way for the first time in millennia having the right to be siblings, a right the Aesir had long denied them. After an eon or a second of this a light within the void shone upon them, calling to each in turn.

"Jormungandr, the World Serpent, Come Forth"

"Fenrir, Wolf of the End, To My Side"

"Hel, Queen of the Underworld, Your Presence Is Required"

All of the three sibling drifted towards the voice fondly, because though it belonged to one that had served the hated, vile Aesir, the voice had never been their enemy. He was the oldest of the children of Loki, Sleipnir, the Odin's Steed. More importantly he was their beloved Elder Brother. When they had gathered the Odin's Steed spoke, his baritone rumbling across the void.

"You who never committed any crime to earn the ire of the gods, who unfairly inherited the debt our father owed and was owed, have been deemed worthy of a choice unavailable to any. You have earned the right to choose to accompany me to someplace else. A place that is made for second chances, a place where you will be given the opportunity, long denied you, to be judged for your actions, not the circumstances or portends of your birth. You will not be as you are now. Instead you will be changed to a form appropriate to the natural rules and laws that govern that place. As such you will gain the chance to determine your own future," Sleipner looked upon his brothers and sister. "Follow me to the place my Daughter's rule, come to the world of the Diarchs, come to Equestria.

Fenrir moved unseen and unknown, slightly out of phase with this wood of the Wyld, The cries of the prey within the only herald of his approach. But a scent teased his nostrils, a female in heat. Silently ghosting over the ground, not yet moving within the walls of the world, he drew himself to her. A strange sight, a grey striped female, with a white mohawk crowning her head, her face cast into shadow, but her body well on display even among the darkness of this Wyldwood. He sniffed, caution in his demeanor, why was such a female napping within this most dangerous of places. His spirit-form circled noting her toned muscles and strong broad frame, it was the body of one that was not unfamiliar with survival. He again scented the heat on this one, inhaling deeply, but making no approach. Fenrir was many things, beast, monster, predator, killer, but he was no a rapist, so he hung back, lest his arousal at this one lead to dishonorable action. He hovered, his spirit curious, as again he wondered about this situation, but when the woman before him gave a belch and scratched her bare stomach, he caught a wiff of fermented apples. The spirit chuckled, this one had drank enough to kill an Einherjar.

Then a howl. The Woman before him rolled to her feet instantly on guard, a hand went to her side for a weapon that wasn't there.

"Bad Luck, this is not good to be drunk and bladeless in this wood, after failing at looking for a good Buck" came her admission.

Fenrir chuckled, a proper Woman indeed, he admired the way her muscles rippled and moved, her power obvious, he watch as the wo….. no Mare's nostrils flared scenting the air. It appears Sleipnir's brood wasn't the only equines within this world. Again a howl, closer this time, and from the female a new smell, though tightly controlled, fear.
Fenrir turned towards the howl, giving a low rumbling growl. This female was his, no one else's, his to enjoy. He was the Lord of all Wolves, the Wyld God, and he would not share that which he claimed. Out of the forest a shadowed shape came, vines and wood forming a snarling wolf, stalking to the side of his mare. He snarled, this pup thought to take what was his, it was time the Fenrir Wolf introduced himself.

Zecora held herself still as she watched the Timberwolf circle, her eyes not leaving the predator. Sweat beaded and ran down her bare back and collected in the strap of her halter. Her heart beat thunderously, but her breath was slow and shallow.

She cursed herself for letting Rarity talk her into not bringing her blade, it's cold steel resting back at her house. "It would scare the Stallions off, darling," she heard the upper crust voice of her friend say.

"Bah, if my Dagger does scare obviously not capable of pleasing this mare," she thought ruefully.

Now she had to escape, weaponless from the Alpha Predator of the Everfree while Applejack's hard cider impaired her, last time she would drink from the Apple's private stock, even if it was a last attempt to ease her heat by deadening it with booze. Her hunt for manmeat had not gone well, they all were too scared of her to enjoy a little no strings fun.

A glow caught her attention, blue lines first formed a circle enclosing her, strange lettering appearing at the cardinal directions, as a shape began to form in front of her. It stood upon two legs, black fur covering it's well muscled frame. The thing's arms ended in five fingered clawed hands, the face turned away, unable for her to see. She blushed as she saw that this male before her was completely naked exposing the lean bulk of a warrior. A growl issued forth directed at the Timberwolf before her, his readying form allowing her to see exactly how well endowed he was. She almost drooled as his musk swept over her, as he moved to keep himself between the monster and her her heat causing her body to respond to this Alpha Male before her.

"This Mare is Mine," He snarled, "On other Prey you must dine," the rhyme startling her from her cider and heat induced distraction.

The Timber Wolf snarled, but her protector answered back "I am Fenrir, God of the Wood, you are just some young hood."
The answer shook her attacker, but it snarled again, and again this male answered, "This Mare I plan on making my mate, your possible Step-mother you almost ate"

To her surprise the massive Timberwolf flinched as it looked from the one before her and back to her, it gave of a small whine as it submitted to this one called Fenrir.

"You are a good pup, but you need to learn on what to sup, the night turns late, you must haste away to hunt more before the day," to Zecora's wonder the "Pup" barked and moved off into the night. The black figure turned and a face out of nightmare looked back, yellow eyes bore into her and his long tongue licked along his fang filled snout. Again she could smell his arousal, it was all too much for her heat and cider addled brain and for the second time tonight she knew sweet blackness.

Hel moved silently and invisible through the castle her ghostly step moving among those that made it home. She read the hearts of all, seeing their darkest deeds and most shameful desires. The Queen of the Underworld smirked, even in this place there were those who deserved punishment. She could not stop yet though, she wanted to find her nieces, and take their measure. Allowing her mind to reach forth, to sort through the hearts for those burdened by the sins and lies of leadership, she was drawn to an empty court with a single chair gilt in gold. Past the chair was a door, it offered no challenge to the Queen of the Unhallowed, as she passed through unseen and unfeeling. What she beheld were two sisters, one white and tired from the toils of the day and the other charcoal, eager for the tasks of night. She paused and smiled, these were good girls, touched by pain and loss but tempered by it. They had not fallen in love with power.
The two young ones paused, their giggles silenced as they sensed her presence and felt her touch as she examined their hearts.

"Tia, someone is here," the younger stated.

"Indeed, Lulu, but is she enemy or friend?" The older asked "I have never felt such coldness."

"To me Tia it feels like the cold crispness of Autumn, sad but with a promise of renewal once the winter is gone. I think we should invite her to join us instead of allowing her to stand in the entryway, she appears very tired and must have come a long way."

Hel and Tia considered Lulu, "You can see her?"

"You can see me?"

Lulu smirked, "Of course I AM the Princess of Dreams"

Hel chuckled, a smirk on her hooded face, it was time she met her family.

Celestia felt the air drop in temperature, as frost began to form, her breath steaming in the air, Luna giggling next to her like a filly. The coldness began to race back to a central point as shadows raced to intercept, it all coming together as a form began to emerge.

The very room drained of color as the evening birds sang forth "Alas, for the world, Death has come."

To her horror she beheld an Umbral Alicorn, her body split down the middle. One half, wondrously beautiful, the other rotten and corpse like. Luna clapped her hands as if at a particularly good magic trick. The Being before Celestia and her sister was dressed in a leather and metal studded Corset, and a leather dress banded in iron. Upon her hip was the largest sword breaker Celestia had ever had the misfortune of seeing. It looked well used and cared for.

The mare spoke "I am Hel, Queen of the Unhallowed Dead, and sister to your father Sleipner."

Luna rose up, "I am Princess Luna, ruler of the night, would you be so kind to join us, Auntie," Luna slapped the shocked Celestia getting the day princess to sputter and rise.

"I apologize, for my rudeness Aunt Hel, I was unaware father had any siblings and was caught off guard, I am Princess Celestia, ruler of the day," she recovered as she stepped aside to make room at the table, "Please do join us, and pray tell what brings you this evening."

"Splendid recovery young one, I have known those twice thine age that have fainted at the sight of me, you both bear the burdens of royalty well," Hel sat at the table as her two nieces joined her, the one cautious, the other eager.

"As for my reasons, your father thought I might like Equestria, a place for second chances, he said." Hel paused for a moment, "I am afraid I am a Queen in name only now, my kingdom shattered and fell as all things did on that day. As all bounds shattered on that day." Hel slumped on the chair, finally giving in to her exhaustion, tears streaming down her face, as all that she held inside forced its way out. White and charcoal arms, embraced her, the Princesses coats warm. Hel pulled them close and for a time all was right and good

Jormungdr circled this new world. Unlike his siblings he needed to think. Unknown to his younger siblings he had a wife and child here. There was more to Sleipners offer then seemed and Jormungdr was grateful for his older brother's discretion. The Sky breaker had worked hard to conceal his son so the young one would not be used or attacked by the Aesir. He knew first hand how their idea of mercy worked.

He had been summoned eons ago to this place, before the rise of Sleipner's daughters, summoned by a mare of uncommon beauty and intelligence,who had figured out how to summon him, the spirit of unfettered knowledge to a world that had never known his presence. Summoned him only because she had thought him handsome and had been determined to be his wife. He had fallen in love with her on the spot. However, as he had been summoned, he could not stay, but they had lain together and produced a child, a child that lived to this day. The world's only Draconicques. He knew that as soon as he breached this realm his son would know that he had arrived.

"Will he forgive me?" he uttered to the void. "I left him alone for so long."

He had been imprisoned, but not for the first time he wondered could he have turned away? Could he have changed his actions? The world serpent shook his head.

"No use crying over spilled blood now. Maybe I can make a determination if I just do as my little sister and younger brother did." The mighty sky breaker harumphed. "Look at me, I killed Thor! I drew blood on Odin when I was only 12. I survived the crushing depths of the sea and it's predators, and here I am shaking at talking to a child, my own child at that! Bah! I will look upon the young man and decide from there."

Immediately he shifted his perspective to gaze upon his son and what he saw surprised him.

Discord sat with Fluttershy, his antics with the teacup and plates bringing notes of musical laughter from his friend. He loved her and she seemed fond of him. She allowed him to indulge his chaotic nature and supported him. But then a chill ran down the Lord of Chaos's spine. He sighed. Fluttershy immediately noticed her companions shift in mood.

"Something wrong, Discord?'

Discord smirked of course she picked up on his mood. "Fluttershy how much have I talked about my parents?"

"Never Discord, why bring this up now?" Fluttershy laid a hoof on her friend. Despite the Draconicqeus being centuries older he was still immature by most standards.

"Because I can feel my father's presence just outside of the world. He is the Spirit of Unfettered Knowledge as I am the Spirit of Chaos. He is on a magnitude more powerful then me as I am to those ants trying to steal from our picnic. The gods where he came from so feared him that they locked him away, only to be let out permanently on the end of days or temporarily when he was summoned by a mortal for a purpose. My mother somehow summoned him to Equestria and the price of his knowledge was to "lay" with her. After he left, she had me. Eventually she fell to insanity and I was on my own so I left. The rest you know."

Discord again glanced around. He took note of the disturbances that showed his father's arrival. He watch the very fabric of the world strain from the weight of his father's coils. He wondered how long his father would stay. He doubted Ragnarok had come. So it meant at best a hi and goodbye situation. He sighed again, but this time it was Fluttershy that spoke up. A stern look on her face.

"Well I don't know who those Gods where, but that is horrid, to keep a family apart like that." Flutter took on an even sterner look. "But, even so not to even once try to see your son is bad to. Especially when you never now when you might get another opportunity. He sounds like a big coward."

Discord sputtered. 'Fluttershy shhhhh! He is the Spirit of Unfettered Knowledge, he heard that!" He glanced at the coils around him, they had kept moving just outside of his or anyponies visual range.

"I really don't want..." Fluttershy put her hoof in his mouth to make the neurotic Draconicques stop talking.

"Gather up the plates Discord we are going inside. I want a snuggle on the couch. It has been a long day and I need my favorite pillow." On reflex Discord snapped his fingers and caused all of the plates to march into his Flutterbuddies house.

"But what about my Dad?" Discord began but shut his mouth with a look from Fluttershy.

"He is the Spirit of Unfettered Knowledge, correct?"


He knows all about doors, right?"

"Well Yeah, of course." Discord still had no idea where she was going with her questions or why she was so suddenly assertive, "Kinda, Hot though" He thought.

"He knows about the customs concerning them?"

"Definitely." He glance at the coils, they had stopped moving, Jormungdr was Listening.

Fluttershy grabbed his beard and brought his face to hers. He saw only affection.

"Then he can knock when he wants to enter." She kissed him on the cheek and then blushed a bit before uttering a quiet, "Please?" out into the world.

Discord chuckled and picked up his friend and carried her inside. He had a snuggle to get to His world ending, all knowing dad could wait. The door shut behind the too and on the other side of the wall of the worlds Jormungdr sat stunned. Them he smiled, he chuckled, and then he roared with laughter. He shouldn't have worried. His son had found someone who understood him just as he did all those centuries before.

He pondered. These things had to be done right. So Jormungdr shifted his perspective again and he was in a white padded room. The mare before him was strapped into a straight jacket, on his arrival she sniffed the air, like a dog whose master had finally come home. He snapped his fingers and pulled the mare that he loved across to him. She left behind a straight Jacket and a very stunned Hospital Staff. He brought his hand to her check and kissed her lips for the first time in millennia. As the Kiss deepened her eyes cleared and again she looked out upon him.

He smiled. "Come, Penelope, your wandering husband, your Odysseus has come home. We have a door to knock on."