• Published 5th Feb 2018
  • 1,184 Views, 76 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 5 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, the team deals with a trio of issues with some familiar allies, a new adversary, and a new friend from Equestria.

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Later that afternoon, the Equestria Girls — Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle — were gathered in City Park near the site of the interdimensional portal to Equestria. Joining them were their new friend from Equestria, Starlight Glimmer, and even their most recent adversary, Juniper Montage.

Juniper lowered her head as she sighed sadly and muttered, “Four months of community service…” She looked up at the surrounding older girls and slightly smiled as she added, “I suppose it could’ve been much worse.”

“Trust me, Juniper,” assured Sunset, “you don’t deserve a worse punishment because you recognized that what you did was wrong and you actually felt sorry for your actions.”

“How can you be so sure?” asked Juniper skeptically. “Didn’t you end up spending some time in jail?”

“Six months in LEGO Maximum Security Prison,” admitted Sunset shamefully as she rubbed the back of her head. “I prefer to think that it’s because I was simply the very first case of being a truly reformed villain. My original sentence was supposed to be for five years at that place, but I was let out early when I was able to prove to everyone that, yes, a former villain really can be reformed and go on to do good things.”

“Believe me, darling,” added Rarity as she turned her attention to Juniper, “there have since been quite a few examples of people who avoided a prison sentence due to expressing remorse in the aftermath of their heinous misdeeds. For example, the most recent adversary we faced prior to you, Juniper, was Gloriosa Daisy — a fellow member of the LEGO Team and the owner of Camp Everfree. Although she later apologized for what she did, she still made some rather poor choices, so she was given a one-year suspension from the LEGO Team.”

“And of course,” added Twilight, “when the Shadowbolts were disbanded, all former agents — myself included — were cleared of all potential charges, and all they had to do to earn it was to simply submit a full confessional of all the crimes they had committed while serving within that organization.”

Juniper raised an eyebrow and asked, “So they were all just allowed to get away with everything they’ve done? Why would the authorities do such a thing?”

“It was done to discourage any former agents from tryin’ to seek vengeance,” explained Applejack. “Their old leader, Abacus Cinch, not only wanted revenge at all costs, but even after she was beaten, she still refused to believe she had ever done anythin’ wrong. That’s why she’s the only one who ended up goin’ to jail after that incident.”

“And then there’s the Dazzlings,” added Rainbow Dash. “Not only did they obviously try to take over the whole Lego World, but they also tried to keep on fighting, even after they lost their magical powers. They sure weren’t sorry for what they did, so now they’re spending the rest of their rotten lives in jail.”

“So you see, Juniper?” added Fluttershy. “The key difference between a mild punishment and a long time in prison is to simply acknowledge that you did something terrible and to promise that you won’t do such awful things ever again.”

“Then I guess it’s a good thing I am sorry for what I did to you girls,” remarked Juniper with a smile, though also with a tone of sadness. She turned her gaze down at her feet as she sadly muttered, “I just wish I could’ve learned my lesson before I turned into a giant magical monster.”

“Who wouldn’t?” quipped Pinkie Pie.

The nine girls in the area couldn’t help but giggle at that remark.

As the laughter calmed down, Starlight sighed and said, “I’m so sad that I have to leave soon. I haven’t really had the chance to get to know all of you.”

Sunset suddenly felt her shoulder bag vibrating, so she pulled out her new magic journal, which was vibrating and glowing, and spoke up, “Oh, look! Princess Twilight wrote back!”

Shortly after the incident with Juniper Montage had been dealt with, Sunset had written a message to Princess Twilight explaining that Starlight Glimmer was visiting the Lego World and what she had accomplished.

“What did she say?” asked Starlight, both excited and nervous, as she and the other girls gathered around to hear the message.

Sunset opened the journal to the page with the new message and read aloud, “Dear Sunset Shimmer, some lessons are better learned in action, and you girls are great teachers. Starlight should stay for a few more days. Enjoy tonight’s movie premiere! Your friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

All the girls in the area immediately cheered at the wonderful news regarding Starlight’s stay in the Lego World.

“Hooray!” cheered Pinkie Pie with a leap of excitement. “You’ve now got more time to get to know all of us! This is so exciting!”

“I’ll say!” agreed Rainbow Dash excitedly. “I could show you some awesome things about the Space Region, like how to fly spaceships and shoot laser pistols!”

“Better leave the firearms training to someone more responsible, like mahself,” argued Applejack. She then smiled and conceded, “Though Ah’ll let ya have the spaceship trainin’, seein’ as that’s more your specialty.”

Rarity suddenly gasped excitedly and remarked, “I could design a whole series of outfits just for you, to complement all the themed outfits I’ve already made for the rest of the team.”

“If you’re interested, I could even show you around my pet shop,” added Fluttershy with a smile.

“And I’m sure you’ll find some of my inventions to be quite fascinating,” added Twilight.

“Wow, that all sounds very exciting,” remarked Starlight contently. “I’ll definitely look forward to spending some time with each of you doing all those things.” She then glanced over at Juniper, who had stayed back and was looking away shamefully, and asked, “What about you, Juniper?”

“I wish I could hang out with you,” replied Juniper, “but I’m afraid I can’t. My community service work begins tomorrow, and I’ll be busy cleaning up some of the damages from our big fight.”

“Maybe I could help out?” offered Starlight. “I did break a few things for many of my builds, so I guess I should be partially responsible for that mess.”

“Really?!” asked Juniper in astonishment. “You’d do that for me?”

“Hey, that’s what friends are for,” replied Starlight.

Juniper smiled and tears started forming in her eyes as she said, “Thank you… thank you so much.”

Starlight returned the smile, then turned to Sunset and slyly asked, “So… think you can focus on the positives?”

Sunset shrugged and replied, “Whatever happens is gonna happen. I’ve just gotta live in the moment, right?” She finished her remark by lightly punching Starlight on the shoulder.

“Right!” confirmed Starlight. She then grinned and returned the gesture of lightly punching Sunset on the shoulder.

With that exchange, the group of girls couldn’t help but laugh together. After the horrific events earlier that day, they were all glad that everything worked out in the end, and new friendships were made. And now that Starlight Glimmer had been given permission to stay in the Lego World for a few days, she and her new friends were definitely looking forward to get to know each other through all kinds of fascinating activities.

Author's Note:

And that brings an end to yet another story in this series. But as hinted in this chapter, I will next be writing a group of short stories featuring Starlight Glimmer spending time with each of the seven Equestria Girls, so expect to see that in a few months. And for those of you who are wondering what else is next for this series, I'll post a blog about it next week.

Comments ( 6 )

Sad to see a story end, but great to see a chapter of the world wrapped up and completed. The various chapters next will be the equivalent of the ministory chapters while waiting between seasons?

This was a nice conclusion, to a very enjoyable story. ^_^

This was lovely. So, I saw something on deviantart complaining about all the "easy redemptions" and "sympathetic villains" we've been getting from MLP as of late, and it made me feel pretty mad. This epilogue feels like a fitting answer to those complaints. It makes a great case for why good redemptions don't have to be painful. I mean, okay, I'm willing to admit that a lot of the major antagonists that we've been getting as of late have pretty much gotten off easy considering what they did or were about to do, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that they should be forced to earn their redemption by going through the same kind of pain that Sunset went through in Rainbow Rocks. I mean that would be cynical. Thanks for restoring my faith in humanity's potential for good.

I'm curious as to how you'll tackle "Forgotten Friendship" in this universe. :trixieshiftright:

8993241 Yes, the upcoming bunch of short stories will be much like what I did between the first and second main stories and between the second and third main stories. I'll explain more in my blog next week.

8993507 Yeah, I've decided over this entire series on trying to find a more reasonable middle ground when it comes to villain redemptions. Those who truly felt sorry for what they did and wanted to make up for their mistakes should be given that chance, though they should still face at least some consequences for what they did, while the ones who refused to turn away from evil should deserve the harshest punishments. If you really think that my reasoning here makes a good argument for that subject, then by all means feel free to share it with them.

8993555 Yes, I definitely have some big plans there. I'll talk more about it in my upcoming blog post next week.

Here is a little secret that if you aren't paying attention to details. In mirror magic it is rumor that Princess Twilight actually planned on letting starlight go to the human world.

That friendship mission is a fake. There is one scene where the full map is shown. There is no cutie marks on it.

I guess that's where discord gets the idea for a fake mission from?

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