• Published 9th Feb 2018
  • 456 Views, 3 Comments

Between the Stars and Stones - MintCakeWrites

As a favour to Applejack, Maud brings Braeburn along to the Grand Galloping Gala. Of course, it's strictly as a favour, and has no deeper meaning than that. A certain draconequus disagrees

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At the Gala

The carriage rocked from side to side as smooth pavement switched to cobblestone path. A nose pressed against the glass as one of the passengers looked out nervously. Uncomfortable in the tight tuxedo, he fussed at the golden coat beneath. He swallowed hard, readjusting his hat and bowtie for the tenth time in the last five minutes, ears drooping as he heard a chuckle.

“Cousin Braeburn, Ah ain’t seen you so nervous in all mah life. Relax, it’ll be good fun!” Applejack nudged the stallion, who nearly jumped out of his coat at the touch.

“I’m sorry cuz, this is a big deal for me and the folks back in Appleloosa. Huge opportunity for us to get our name out there, I can’t thank you enough!”

“Don’t thank me, direct all that thankin’ to her,” Applejack gestured to the other side of the carriage. On one side, a blur of pink and joy sat oohing and aahing at the sights of Canterlot Castle, despite having seen it all many, many times before. Sat next to Pinkie, was her older sister, as silent and cool as her pet, Boulder.

Maud looked up from petting the rock, nodding to Applejack and Braeburn. “It’s nothing to be worked up over. The party’s nice. Everyone is nice.”

“Still though, I’m mighty appreciative that you gave me the opportunity to be here, Miss, sorry, Doc Pie. I’m just not used to all this fancy in one place.”

“Oh don’t be silly!” Pinkie Pie squeed, “Sure it’s the biggest bestest party in all of Equestria, and sure there will be tons and tons of ponies there judging each other, and sure everypony will be expecting-”

“What Pinkie means is that everyone else is just as nervous,” Maud cut through her sister’s spiel, placing Boulder in a small pouch. “Just have a good time, that’s the most important thing.”

Applejack beamed to Braeburn, as his worries began to fade just a little. The cowpony fidgeted with his hat one more time, “Thanks Maud, and thanks again for lettin’ me be your plus one. Real kind of ya’ll. I sure hope yer evenin’ will go well too.”

“Thanks. I’m sure Discord and I will wow the crowds. Our stand-up routine will be a smash hit,” Maud paused for a moment, holding her ever deadpan expression. “It’ll be better when you see what Discord does for that one.”

The coach rolled to a stop, light spilling in from the Castle gardens. Braeburn stepped out first, coming around to help the others out of the vehicle. A whistle escaped as he looked over the sights of the Gala. Ponies of all colours and manners of dress milled in couples and groups, bowing and curtseying to one another in regal greeting. Birdsong mingled with the quiet sounds of an orchestra and distant conversation, the scent of freshly made delicacies filled the air as the cloudless sky overhead gave him a wonderful view of the dwindling sunset.

The sky transformed from the slow embers of the day in the deep otherworldly blue of the night, the stars peeking out to see if the daytime ruler had retired. Braeburn looked up as if he had never seen a night sky before, gazing in wonder at how the moon framed behind the castle perfectly. His wonder was interrupted when he heard the laughter of Applejack and Apple Bloom, the filly hopping out of the carriage behind. The other Crusaders, and their sisters, waved from inside the carriage.

“Ya’ll think the sky’s pretty, just wait until Rainbow does her stuff,” Applejack shook her head, pulling Braeburn away from the road. “Now then, first things first Braeburn, we gotta get you inside. Introduce yourself to the Princess. Just walk along with Maud, Ah’ll be right behind you with the others.”

Braeburn sped up to reach Maud, who had already reached the main doors. The two waited in a line of finely dressed ponies, a mix of colours and genders. While the delicate clothing was enough to take his breath away, Braeburn frowned at the mare in front of him, who had opted for a loud purple dress and a magician’s hat of all things. He was about to comment when an elevator descended from nowhere, released its cargo and vanished into the floor. The sole passenger affectionately petted the mare beside him and stepped before the princesses.

“Discord, welcome,” Celestia inclined her head to the draconequus who returned the gesture. “And I see that you have brought a less jelly-like guest this time.”

“It is with great humility and grace, that I, the Great and Powrfll-” the unicorn began, only to glare at Discord’s talon wrapped around her mouth.

“Yes, yes, yes, you remember Trixie, your highness? I’ve invited her along to help with this evening’s entertainment. I’m certain it’ll rock your socks off,” Discord chuckled to himself, nudging Trixie’s flank as her eyes rolled.

Celestia continued in polite laughter, smiling along. “I’m looking forward to it.”

Twilight shot a look at Discord, who calmly shrugged. She continued, trying not to speak through gritted teeth. “A pleasure to see you both, Starlight’s in the ballroom.”

Trixie’s face lit up and began to move, only to be halted by Discord’s well-placed foot, “Of course, but we do have some business to attend to before we go mingling. And, my dear Celestia, I’d keep an eye on the two behind us. Their relationship could do with some much-needed work.”

Discord calmly lifted the protesting Trixie, carrying her off to a side hall. A mic stand and stool quickly followed them, each bowing to the confused ponies they passed. The Crusaders let a giggle slip free, looking to their sisters to check it was a correct response. Despite the stern looks from Applejack and Rarity, there was still a twinkle of mirth in their eyes. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, joined in the stifled giggles.

“Announcing Doctor Maudileena Daisy Pie and guest!” the herald cried, standing proud in his royal purple coat. Maud and Braeburn approached, the latter letting his nerves getting the better of him. Teeth chattering, he bowed to Princess Celestia a little too deeply.

“Good evening Doctor Pie, a pleasure to see you once again,” Celestia smiled as she watched Braeburn’s attempts to looks not nervous. “And you must be the representative from Appleloosa! A pleasure, Twilight’s friend has had a lot to say about you.”

“Aw, the pleasure’s all mine, Yer Highness. My name’s Braeburn, folks from Appleloosa wish to extend their gratitude for all the help you’ve sent over the years. Been real hard work, but you’ve always come through when we’ve needed it,” Braeburn gave a cheery smile, hesitating from the tuts and tsks from several better dressed ponies in the entrance hall.

With a flick of purple tail, the grumbles fell quiet. Twilight gave the courtiers a sidelong glare. “Don’t pay any attention to them, Braeburn. Go have fun, enjoy the party!”

“Thank you, Yer Highness. I will,” Braeburn gave another awkward bow and trotted towards the sounds of music and gentle conversation. Maud stuck close, her face as passive as ever.

A double doorway opened to the main ballroom, filled with hundreds of ponies from across Equestria. Dressed in a variety of fineries, including a few modelling for Coco Pommel’s latest line, the upper crust of Equestria stood in small groups discussing the various doings of the world. Most conversations employed the intricate politics of pretending to talk about something while saying nothing, leaving Braeburn confused and concerned.

“Don’t stress,” Maud warned, tapping Braeburn’s side. “They can smell it.”


“No, but you look uncomfortable. Try to act natural.”

As if on cue, two finely dressed examples of the upper class approached. Maud shifted her posture, engaging in polite but inane dialogue. The three ‘discussed’ hard hitting topics regarding gem science, Maud clearly bored from the simplicity of the talk. The topic flew far of Braeburn’s head, but he could see this was all for the upper class to pretend they were experts in a field.

She’s pulling the same face I would if somepony came up and started gabbing on about their first strawberry. All sounds so basic, Braeburn tried to keep the look of polite interest.

“And what about your silent friend? How do you feel about the current gemstone market? I’m sure you have an interest in the energy storage potential these stones have,” the mare turned a judging eye to Braeburn, the conversation having flowed on past his caring.

“Well ma’am, can’t rightly say I know all that much ‘bout gemstones beyond them lookin’ pretty. Biggest market we have to worry ‘bout is produce export, folks are starvin’ for traditionally grown Appleloosan fruits. Gems don’t really come into it other than barterin’. Not meanin’ to say they don’t have their place, just that they don’t have much use to the workin’ pony.”

“Surely you can see the appeal in bolstering your output by using the stones for harvesting machinery?” the stallion interjected, an idle hoof playing with his moustache.

“Can honestly say that I can’t, sir. Appleloosa was built with our sweat an’ our own four hooves. Somepony comes along with some fancy machine makes all that for nothin’ in my eyes.”

An eyebrow was raised. “So you willingly reject the opportunity to vastly increase your profits and chance for expansion?”

“That’s a sure fancy way of sayin’ ya’ll want to be lazy. Farmin’ is about carin’ and bein’ involved in every step, no machine’s gonna do that the way an earth pony can. Gemstones or none.”

The mare huffed, “One does wonder what kind of ponies are let into the Gala these days.”

“The kind that actually do somethin’ with their own hooves,” Braeburn retorted beneath his breath, getting an odd look from Maud. The two earth ponies excused themselves and made their way to the side of the room, distancing themselves from the party.

“Act natural here sure ain’t natural. Natural would be back home workin’, buildin’ an’ farmin’. None of this hoity toity nonsense,” Braeburn stopped himself before spitting, suddenly aware of a particular grey stallion looking his way. “Even though these ponies are all hot air, I’m makin’ a fool of you and myself. Bringin’ shame on it all, I’m real sorry Maud.”

“Don’t worry, I agree. I’d much rather be back home examining the Celestite I found the other day. Its magical properties are far above what I’d expect,” Maud sighed, though even that sounded as if it lacked effort. “But I can’t say no to Princess Celestia or Pinkie Pie.”

“Celestite? Thought that’s the stuff mares get on their backside…” Braeburn frowned, only catching himself afterwards. His face turned an interesting shade of orange as his golden coat battled with the red of embarrassment.

“It’s a crystal occasionally found in geodes. I discovered an unusually large one the other day,” Maud continued without pause. “Though it might be what Princess Luna calls her sister after a cake binge.”

The crowd glared at the two ponies as Braeburn hooted with laughter. Maud shied away at first but recovered quickly. She studied the laughing stallion carefully, enjoying the rich sound as he wiped a tear away.

“I can see why yer tonight’s entertainment, I can’t wait to see you in action,” Braeburn beamed, a smile that reached far into his eyes. Maud paused for a moment, a frown almost making it to her face.

“I have to go prepare for the routine. You’ll be fine here,” Maud drawled, moving away from Braeburn suddenly. Before he could splutter a reply, he found himself very alone and very crowded.

Unlike the parties in Appleloosa, or even those held by the Apple family, this was beyond Braeburn’s understanding. Everything looked like it had been constructed carefully, tab A into slot B. Topic X to follow witty remark Y, garnished with champagne and sandwiches that were far too small. He found himself stood near groups, nodding along to any conversation he could without taking anything in. It was too much to bear.

He peeled away from the chattering upper class, hunting for his cousins or their friends. Unfortunately, none could be seen within the ballroom, and his common sense told him that it was better to stay put than break some unwritten code wandering around. Braeburn resigned to the punch table, sipping at the watery drink. He frowned as he drank, swearing he could taste soap within the punch.

“I hope you’re not planning to drink all my bath water, it’s rather rude of you.”

The cup made a wonderful noise as it smashed on the floor, cutting through the low hum of conversation. Braeburn looked up at the judging faces of the other party guests, only a few showing concern.

“Well, I was just about done anyway,” Discord muttered, putting himself back together after splintering as well. “Oh come now ponies, never seen a smashed glass before? Tch, bores the lot of them.”

A small crew of small Discords ran around the pile of glass, working together to carry it all away as conversation returned to the ballroom. Braeburn sucked in air, having narrowly avoided shrieking like a schoolfilly when Discord appeared in his drink. He glared at Discord, remembering the previous encounter the two had shared.

“What?” Discord attempted an innocent look.

“My pa always said to forgive and forget, but yer a hard one to forgive. Last time I saw you, yer were helping that Tirek feller with takin’ over Equestria. So apologies if I don’t come across as your biggest fan.”

Discord frowned, twirling a paw around. “Well now, I forget that there are other ponies beyond Ponyville and Canterlot at times. I can’t help it if my previous escapades have brought harm to you.”

Braeburn snorted, glaring at Discord as his aloof demeanour began to crack. The draconequus seemed to remember something, holding a single claw up.

“But, as Fluttershy has told me time and time again, that’s no excuse to behave in such a manner. For what it’s worth, I am truly sorry for what I have done in the past. And I have changed, just ask her.”

With a wave of his claw, a doorknob appeared out of thin air. It swung open to reveal a very surprised Trixie, who appeared to have just finished in the washroom, screaming and slamming the door shut. Braeburn, following the lessons his mother drilled in to him, immediately averted his eyes. A moment later, the impossible door reopened and an irate illusionist stormed out.

“Ooops,” Discord began, only to be throttled by Trixie. Braeburn felt the embarrassment abate, chuckling at the sight.

“Heh, maybe harmless, but yer still causin’ trouble for others.”

“Harmless?!” Trixie shrieked. “That’s the sixth time you’ve done this this week!”

“And it’s funny every time,” Discord wiped away a tear, squirming out of Trixie’s grasp. “But back to the point.”

“What point?” Trixie hissed.

“That despite my previous actions, I have changed a great deal. I mean, we did work together to save Equestria,” Discord smirked at Trixie, conjuring a photograph of the two receiving medals. “See? Rescuing the changeling race as well as Fluttershy and all her friends, and excellent day’s work if I do say so myself. That and Miss can’t-cast-to-save-her-life has graciously taken me on as help for some of her more interesting shows.”

“Well, I can see you can do somethin’ decent. Don’t mean that fully pardons your previous actions mind, leopards can’t go changing their spots,” Braeburn frowned, pouring himself a replacement drink. He frowned at Trixie’s sudden nervous laughter, as well as Discord’s smirk.

“Perhaps not, but I haven’t a spot on me. More importantly, just what are you going to do about your partner?”

“My partner?”

“Come now my apple loving friend, your other half, your core, your bedrock.”

Braeburn coughed on his drink as it slid down the wrong hole. He took a while to catch his breath, waving away help from Trixie. “You mean Maud? Did mention somethin’ earlier about us needin’ to work on a relationship. Quite frankly, we don’t have one.”

“Oh, that’s a shame,” Discord sighed, rolling around in mid-air. “Only, I’ve heard it through the grapevine that she invited you for a reason other than a favour for Applejack.”

Both ponies studied Discord carefully, Braeburn speaking first. “Speak straight, what’re you implyin’?”

“I’m certain I don’t have to spell it out for you, you’re big enough to make an educated guess,” Discord gave a smile that felt uncomfortably sinister to Braeburn as he strolled back into the partying crowd.

Trixie sped away from the cowpony, muttering something about talking to Starlight about the whole situation. Again, Braeburn found himself stood alone. Only now, he was confused as well. It had been a long time since he had any sort of interest in a mare in that way, and Maud was a lovely one at that. Intelligent, funny, hardworking, everything he’d look for in a companion.

Is it more than just a favour? Braeburn frowned, wandering back into the crowd and their banal conversations.

“I mean, honestly, if it wasn’t for their King saving the Princesses, we’d have nothing to do with those ghastly changelings. What do they bring to Equestria, really?” a white stallion snorted, standing out by cutting through the social expectations and Braeburn’s thought process.

First real opinion I’ve heard all night, and it’s this kind of opinion. Just my luck.

The stallion continued to make further comments on the race, drawing more attention to himself. Some of the crowd looked uncomfortable, others agreed with him whole heartedly. Braeburn stood aghast at the comments, each one riling him up a little more.

“Now hold on!” he barked, cutting the stallion off. “I know the changelin’s have done us wrong in the past, but that was under a mad mare. That old Queen of theirs didn’t know any better, they ain’t like that now what with the new King in charge.”

“Oh? And are you an expert on the nature of their species?” the talker sneered at the cowpony, daring him to continue. “It’s in the name, they change to suit their needs.”

“Nope, an’ I ain’t claimin’ to be one neither. That said, I do know that they can change for the better. Heck, just look at the entertainment for tonight, the gosh-darn spirit of chaos! Anyone can change and find a place in Equestria, just look at my hometown for one,” Braeburn moved into the parting circle, the guests looking on in earnest. “Appleloosa used to be at near enough war with the Buffalo, but we both changed to work together. Now we’re stronger than ever!”

“I was wondering what that smell was, but your story explains it all,” the small group chuckled, Braeburn immediately checking to see if he did, indeed, smell. “Discord is kept under lock and key by Princess Celestia. Whatever your little town went through, it’s hardly the same scale as the changelings. Speaking of, I’ve never even heard of Appleloosa, though it seems they’re in dire need of some civilisation.”

“Don’t you go-”

“I mean, puh-lease! I’m not quite sure who you’re fooling with the whole pony-with-no-name get up, but frontier chic was sooo last decade,” the white unicorn laughed, bringing burning embarrassment to Braeburn’s cheeks. As his cronies joined in, Braeburn raced from the scene, melding into the crowd as the laughter ringed out.

The laughter was cut short went a rock sailed through the air, hitting the mocking stallion right between the eyes. He gave a brief sound before keeling over, eyes spinning. Several onlookers gasped, and a few approached to check up on him. Another approached, but stopped to collect the stone instead.

“Bad Boulder,” Maud sternly told her pet. “We don’t hit other ponies.”

Lesson learned, Boulder was returned to his pouch. Maud looked around for her companion, giving a very un-Maud Pie snort of concern and annoyance when she couldn’t spot him. The crowd had returned to festivities, though a few remained cautious about other flying stones. The stallion had been set on one of Rarity’s fainting couches, for once being used for something other than dramatic effect.

“I must say, that was an excellent throw.”

Maud looked up to greet the mad eyes of Discord, the rest of him standing beside her, “I should buy him a leash.”

“Indeed, just like that cowpony friend of yours,” Discord smirked at the passive face of Maud. He slid beneath her, coiling back around to watch the mild panic dissipate.

“He has an out of control pet as well?”

Discord mimicked the deadpan look he was receiving, “No. However, I do think some action is required. You should go after him.”

“I don’t think I can help much. I should find Applejack, she knows him better,” Maud began to move, only to find a mirror placed before her.

“I think you’ve found the best pony for the job already.”

Maud looked at her reflection, then to Discord’s. “I don’t get it.”

The reflection began to play with Maud’s double, flicking her ears and drawing a moustache on her. “Well, you didn’t hear it from me, but he certainly had some lovely things to say about you. Something about feeling at ease with talking to you. Maybe he took the invite as something a little more than just a favour.”

Maud looked back at her defaced reflection, unsure of what to do with the new information. Most ponies were put off by her cold manner, some even going as far as to say it was easier to talk to a brick wall. She had new friends in Ponyville thanks to Starlight and Pinkie, but she had never thought about a companion in that sense. Much like her friends, Braeburn was outspoken and unafraid to show who he was, just like a shining diamond buried in a cave.

“I might be late, start without me,” Maud raced after the cowpony, running towards the balcony. The mirror disappeared with a snap of a claw, Discord smiling to himself as he moved to the stage.

Dum-de-dum, love is in bloom…

“Hey, are you ok?”

Braeburn’s ears flicked up, his head coming up from the stone. Maud stood nearby, her face as devoid of emotion as always. The summer air was warm, but he still felt a shiver move across him. Braeburn found himself only paying attention to her eyes, seeing whispers of concern and worry somewhere within. She was something completely different to any pony he had met before, all tiny movements and body language that told of a greater intelligence and emotive capability. His cheeks flushed again, and his head turned rapidly.

“Y-yeah. Just needin’ some fresh air.”

“Yeah, it does get stuffy. Especially with all the hot air high society is blowing,” Maud took a spot next to Braeburn, looking over the castle gardens. Below, they watched friends and family chat and play, away from the stresses of the needless frivolities that came with the upper classes of Equestria. That said, they both noticed one particular white unicorn was in her element inside, lapping up the attention with her new lines.

“Don’t know how you do it,” Braeburn began, breaking the silence between them. “Go out there in front of ponies you don’t know and make all that idle chit chat. Drives me insane not bein’ me. Then, when I am, it’s all mockin’ an’ laughin’.”

Maud cautiously placed a hoof on Braeburn’s shoulder, giving a tender if uncertain pat. “It’s not easy. I’m actually quite envious of you.”

“Envious? What you got to be envious of?”

“I’m sure you’ve noticed, I’m not the most outspoken pony around. Especially compared to my sister,” below the pair, the sounds of Pinkie’s own partying style carried into the night sky. “But you stay true to yourself. The way you defended the changelings back there, I don’t think I could do that. Even when you’re nervous, you’re still Braeburn.”

“Heh, suppose you’ve got somethin’ there. Ain’t much point in pretendin’ to be made o’ gold when I ain’t. Guess that’ll make me a bit of fool’s gold,” Braeburn gave an uncertain smile, finding it turning true when he saw Maud’s slight flick at the corner of her mouth.

“Maybe I’ll keep to the stand up,” she replied, moving closer and looking up at the sky. Braeburn followed her gaze, starting up at the twinkling holes in the black night. Stars winked in and out of visibility, forming small patterns and images in the sky.

“Heh, ain’t done this since I was a youngin’,” Braeburn chuckled. “Ya’ll know any of their names?”

“No,” Maud replied flatly. “I spend most of my time looking at the ground.”

“That ain’t a half bad idea. Spend too much time with my head in the clouds, or so Cousin Applejack’s told me,” Braeburn rubbed at his nose, pointing into the sky. “See that cluster there? The buffalo call that the Northern Fire, the one in the middle is what we settler ponies call the North Star.”

Braeburn continued into his spiel, absorbed in his tales of how he came to learn about the Buffalo traditions after they became part of Appleloosa traditions too. Maud listened intently, feeling a little unsure. She had heard many an expert give a talk about their field of expertise, but this was from somepony who had only just come onto this knowledge. Instead of years of experience, Braeburn spoke like a foal would about what they had just learned at school that day.

She sat down and let the barrage of words wash over her, not paying attention to what Braeburn was saying but rather the passion with which he spoke. Much like Pinkie and Starlight, he spoke with a twinkle in his eye. An endless eagerness to just talk. Not impress or show off, just talk. A kind of honesty that outshone all the falseness in the room behind.

It troubled Maud just how interesting it all was, and how right Discord was. Unlike many other ponies, especially stallions, Braeburn seemed to flow with conversation. He bounced happily off Maud’s silent ways, not letting any awkwardness grow between them, filling in gaps without overstepping. He was so different from her other friends, but that made him all the more intriguing.

“… but listen to me, runnin’ my gums. Must be bored outta yer mind there, Maud,” Braeburn’s cheeks flushed, noticing how the mare had been staring at him. “Uh, you ok?”

She remained silent for a while, slowly choosing the right way to say what she needed to. “I’m not great with words, or with expressing myself, so I’m sorry if this doesn’t come out right.”

Braeburn felt his heart skip a beat. Maybe Discord was right… better make this count.

As Maud continued to hesitate, she felt a hoof touch her lips. Looking over at Braeburn, she felt a burst of warmth. It was quickly followed by a tickle of confusion as she heard him humming, tapping a hoof to an imaginary beat.

And then he started to sing.

In another balcony, above the display, the spirit of chaos lounged in a floating deckchair. A piece of popcorn made its way into his mouth, unpopping back into a kernel as Discord crunched on it. He appreciated the display below, humming along. There was a special breed of chaos that ponies seemed to form, musical numbers could produce some of the most wonderful magic he had ever seen. More so when they defied all logical with beautiful scores to accompany the otherwise lonesome vocalists.

“So, how are our lovebirds doing?” Celestia had a coy smile on her face as she approached.

The draconequus sent his seating away to stand next to her. Discord gave the princess a mock bow, placing his paw on his chest and letting the upper half of his body swing down like a trapdoor. Complete with squeaky hinge.

“Well, I’m not one for all this ‘lovey dovey’ stuff, but it seems to me most have hit it off quite well. Especially those two,” he gestured to Braeburn and Maud in their dance, ignoring the many other pairs of ponies that had begun to appear across the gardens.

“Oh my, and what are they up to now?”

“Well, if you listen closely my dear Celestia, you’ll hear the sounds of our apple loving friend performing his refrain in their musical number,” Discord helpfully provided a boom mic with headphones. Braeburn’s voice twanged into the night air, holding a note surprisingly well for a pony with no training in singing.

With the sound ringing in the night, the two earth ponies came close together. As if on cue, the sound of a sonic rainboom echoed across the night sky, Rainbow Dash jetting along in a flash flood of colour. In her wake, a plethora of magically created fireworks were set off. Trixie reared on her hindlegs before the crowd, sending off a ceaseless display of shapes and colours from her horn.

Braeburn and Maud took a moment to watch the display. Maud quietly nuzzled against her companion, Braeburn stiffened for a moment before relaxing. A beat passed before he planted a small kiss on her forehead. Watching over the two’s tender moment, Celestia stifled a giggle and held up her hoof. A quick bump from Discord and the two chuckled at the thought.

Matchmaking was certainly an excellent way to spend an evening.

Comments ( 3 )

“Discord, welcome,” Celestia inclined her head to the draconequus who returned the gesture. “And I see that you have brought a less jelly-like guest this time.”

Yeah no smooze lol

“My pa always said to forgive and forget, but yer a hard one to forgive. Last time I saw you, yer were helping that Tirek feller with takin’ over Equestria. So apologies if I don’t come across as your biggest fan.”

Ohh yeah that was still not cool what you did there Discord

This is a pretty nice story so the grand Galloping Gala is here and it looks like that main 6 including Pinkie Pie's sister Maud and Applejack's cousin Braeburn came along which he was pretty nervous going to a fancy party like this and I don't blame him to be honest with you I'll be pretty nervous too so once they got there it looks like Discord and Trixie for hire for the entertainment and Maud pie was also doing a comedy act along with him which that's pretty cool but that also leaves Braeburn alone with a couple of unknown ponies he doesn't even know and Applejack's friends or somewhere else and it doesn't help that those snooty ponies are acting so high-and-mighty thinking that the changelings are nothing by the bad guys no matter what but Braeburn defended them that they can change for the better and yet these ponies doesn't understand and they even made fun of him as well and that is not cool and out of embarrassments he just ran off and Maud pie did not like what just happened and Discord told her to go talk with him and she does know what to do she was never been in this situation before but at the same time she cares about him so she ran out there to find him and once he found him in the garden they chatted with each other how much appreciate it he defended the changelings and it took a lot of bravery and being yourself especially and a party like that to stand up to something they believe in and she really liked about him so throughout the night they just basically just hang out and it looks like Discord and Celestia was watching how they been doing and they're right matchmaking is pretty interesting and so do I and this is a pretty nice shipping between those two and very cute one as well I like it keep up the good work

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