• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 1,050 Views, 26 Comments

Laughing Stock - epicdonus1123 BOT

A story of being different.

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Wishing Upon a Star

Chapter 1

"Dear Celestia, if you can hear me, I wish that anypony could get me, besides my parents. So far, they are the only ponies, in town, that haven't made fun of me. I just wish that I can ran away forever. No stopping, just keep on running forever. If you can hear me, please let other ponies respect me." wished little Laughing Stock as his mother came into the room. Laughing Stock's mom, Weatherbell, noticed her saddened colt on the windowsill, but she didn't want to interfere. Laughing Stock would do this often, and Weatherbell would watch as he would wish these possibilities. Every time he did this, his wishes would get bigger and bigger, the bigger he grew. She could remember when he found out about his little issue.


"Mommy, why do I wook wike this?" He was only four at the time, but his English was getting better.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?"

"Why don't I have a mane wike you, or a tail?" Weatherbell always knew that this day would come, the day when Laughing would start getting curious. She just didn't expect it to happen this quickly.

"Um...well sweetheart, I didn't want to tell you this."

"Tell me what, mama?"

"It's better if you didn't know."

"I want to know mama!" Laughing Stock was throwing a fit, knocking toys over and yelling at his "mama". "Mama!! Tell me mama, I want to know!" He eventually banged on the door very hard, scaring Weatherbell into thinking that he was going to break it.

"Okay! I'll tell you! Just promise me that you won't be mad, promise?"

"I promise mama." That's when it went downhill, the moment when she opened her mouth.

"It's because that you have a rare disease called cancer, but the good thing is that the disease didn't take away your beauty!" Weatherbell wiped her face off of sweaty tears, that just kept on coming. Laughing Stock stared at her, and cried.

"You named me because I am sick!"

"No we didn't, we named you because you are a bundle of joy!" Weatherball stated. The young colt just cried and screamed his way to his bed. He covered himself in the blankets, and forced himself asleep. Weatherbell turned off the lights, and closed the door.


The horrors of that night scarred her brain for the rest of her life. Poor Laughing Stock, it wasn't his fault that he is like this. Of everypony inn Equestria, the disease had to land on Laughing Stock. Weatherbell thought. Ponyville is just a new place for these big city ponies, so quiet and small. Everything was so roomy and clustered together, where everything gets spread like fireflies. Weatherbell leaned in closer, causing the floor to creak, and Laughing to turn around.

"Mom? What are you doing?" he whispered.

"Oh, I came up here to tell you to go to bed. School's tomorrow, after all."

"But Mom, I don't wanna go to school tomorrow, because ponies make fun of me!" Laughing announced.

"That won't happen, because Cheerilee is there. Cheerilee and I go way back, but that's a story I'll tell you later on."

"Mom, do I-"

"Yes, you do. Now goodnight, sweetheart." Laughing got up, and ran towards his mother. He gave her a squeeze, and knocked himself out. Weatherbell whispered goodnight, and closed the door. All night long, Laughing kept dreaming about the horrible ponies that he was going to meet, and how badly they will make fun of him. It was like a tormented dream, but it was not a nightmare. The next morning, he awoke to the delectable aroma of coffee. It felt like his nose was carrying him all the way there.

"Hi Laughing, how did you sleep last night." Weatherbell asked.

"Good Mom, I slept good last night."

"Want something to eat?"

"No thanks."

"Well sweetheart, school is in half an hour. I hope that you have a wonderful time there!"

"I probably won't."

"Nonsense! Like I said last night, Cheerilee isn't going to let irreverence walk on top of you! She's going to watch over you like an eagle!"

"What does 'irreverence' mean?"

"It means disrespect, sweetie."

"Okay, but-"

"Buts are for sitting, you know that Laughing Stock." Weatherbell insisted that he go and sit down on the couch. He dare not defy his mother, so he went and sat down. The moments that he sat there were very emotionally silent, for nothing was important for them to talk about. He knew that the possibilities of his mother being wrong is slim to none. Still, there is still a chance for her to be wrong. He just ought to give it a try, and trust his mother's instincts. The clock struck eight o'clock, time for school.

"Bye Mom, it's for school."

"Well, have a good day sweetheart!" He grabbed his bag, and walked out the door. The school wasn't that much of a distance away. Laughing Stock walked down town, passing by the bakery for breakfast. He knew hat he should've ate when he had the chance, but now he is really hungry. He opened the door to see Pinkie Pie, and another stallion that he hasn't met yet. He had a sprinkled doughnut on his flank, reddish-greyish glasses on his face, a brown coat, and a dark brown mane and tail. The stallion was mumbling to Pinkie Pie about something. Little Laughing Stock walked up to him, and greeted him. At first, the stallion didn't notice him.

"Excuse me, sir and Pinkie. Can I have a cupcake?" he whispered. Pinkie Pie cocked her head, and smiled at the colt.

"Of course Laughing, coming right up!" she exclaimed as she dashed into the kitchen. The stallion turned around to see Laughing sitting there, comfused.

"Hello there, is your name Laughing?"

"Stock. It is Laughing Stock, sir."

"No need for 'sir', the name's Bronze."

"But you hav-"

"Yes I know that I have a doughnut on my flank, but hey. Not everypony's name goes with their special talent, just look at Pinkie." Bronze interrupted.

"Okay, but when did you come to Ponyville?"

"Yesterday, for I worked alongside Doughnut Joe in Canterlot. He got a bit reckless, so I left and came here." responded the doughnut pony.

"Wow, you lived in Canterlot and moved here?"

"Yes I did." Pinkie ran out with a green cupcake in her right hoof. She kept juggling it, so it must've just been made. She sat it on a table for Laughing.

"Thank you Pinkie Pie!"

"No problem Laughing Stock, anything for a friend!" He smiled, and chowed down on the delectable dessert. In a matter of seconds, he picked up the wrapper, and threw it away.

"Goodbye Pinkie Pie and Bronze, see you later!"

"Bye Laughing!" hollered Pinkie.

"Bye little Laughing Stock, take care!" Bronze said. The cupcake lifted Laughing's spirits to a point of enlightenment, where every problem washed away, for a moment. Laughing got to the school, and saw a pegasus enter in. He was trying to remember her name, but it fell short. Scooter, Scoots These were the best that he could remember of her name. He gave up on the pegasus's name, and walked in the classroom. Cheerilee looked at Laughing Stock, and gave a welcoming smile.

"Laughing, you made it! Welcome to school!" Her cheering nature is most likely the reason for her name. Laughing thought.