• Published 17th Feb 2018
  • 352 Views, 9 Comments

The Town Of Salem - Lucy_Marigold

(RE-WRITE NOW AVAILABLE!) Long ago in a town that sat near a forest. When darkness fell upon the town, something devious happened as others lurked around. There were only 15 remaining residents yet death can be lurking around any corner.

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Day 1

A corpse of pony hung on a tree outside the town, it’s wings limp and crows picked at the rotting flesh. The soft sound of hooves moving towards the centre of the town around 15 houses, their lights all on as sunset neared. One mare lifted her head from the ground.

“Afternoon” She said, a blank look on her face. The multicoloured residents looks up at the sound of the mare’s voice.

“Hello Ludwig. Nice to see you survived.” A black coloured stallion said toward the white mare.

“Oh nice to see you too Black Ink,” Said another stallion with a bitter tone. “Anyone want to address the elephant in the room.” his blue and red hair covering his eyes.

“Which is, Mai?” A light blue pegasus mare said while she flew over her normal spot.

“What do you think Feather Doe? Oh maybe it's the fact that someponies here want to kill us?” Mai said as he adjusted his hat. The other sat there in silence. “Is no pony gonna say anything? Bloody great.” The stallion grumbled as he sat back down.

“I think we should all get along.” Another mare said, her pale gold hair tucked under her bonnet.

“Oh shut it Goldie.” Another Unicorn said, His coat a dark gray.

“Hello Brother.” Mai said with a slightly more cheerful tone.

“I suggest a role call!’ Chirped another mare, her bright pink hair bounced around her on her bright blue coat.

“That’s a great idea, Bubbly” Ludwig said as she pulled out a scroll.

“But you can see we’re all here.” Mai replied.

“Then what’s your idea?” A pegasus replied, her pale pink hair snaked across her mint green coat.

“Oh, I don’t know Vine Flower, How about we just go to bloody bed!” Mai shouted at the younger mare.

“Mai. Calm down for once please,” Ludwig calmly replied to Mai’s outburst before she unrolled the paracment. “Black Ink?”

“Here.” The black stallion opposite Ludwig murmured

“Goldie?” Ludwig scanned the area looking for the mare.

“H-Here.” stammered the white and pale gold pegasus.

“Misty?” A gray earth pony looked up. She sat on the ground while a brown book lay in front of her.

“Hmm? Wha? Oh s-sorry I was reading.” She stuttered.

“Great, who else isn’t paying attention!” Mai snapped before everyone turned and glared at him. “What?! It’s an honest question!”

“Swift Lighting? Vine Flower?”

The pegasus mare from before raised her mint green hoof while the stallion next to her nodded, his blue bangs bobbing up and down as he moved his head.

“Shadow Nexus, Mouse Pad, Absential, Bubbly Wind?”

Another black stallion raised his hoof, next to him sat a light gray stallion. He too nodded his head. The dark grey stallion from before raised his hoof.

“I’m here! Duh!” Bubbly said with a cheerful tone as she jumped up and down on the spot.

“We know Bubbly. Now let Ludwig finish.” Absential said, he’s multi coloured mane falling over his eyes.

“Danke Absential. Anyway, Cider, Dove Wings, Phoenix, Feather Doe and Mai?”

A slightly drunk unicorn mare lay on the ground, a gun and bottle lay next to her as she raised her hoof. A pure white pegasus who was sitting up in a nearby tree nodded as she fluttered down from her perch.

“I’m here.” The voice came from a fiery red earth pony sat nearby said tree reading a book. Feather Doe landed next to Ludwig, a grin plastered across her face.

“I’m here. Calm down, alright?” Mai grumbled, a grumpy look across his face. Shadows started to embrace the town as the residents looked at each other once last time before night fell.

Author's Note:

A slightly dark beginning finished off with a taste of Mai's anger and hatred of other. I wonder what role he could be?