• Published 13th Feb 2018
  • 1,125 Views, 20 Comments

To Serenade A Filly - Broman

When a thunder storm rages across the land, Cadence sings a lullaby to help a young filly.

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Cadence gave a small yawn as she rested herself comfortably on the couch. The only source of light was the fireplace, which gave a nice warm glow throughout the room. This allowed enough light to be able to read one of her favorite novels by sir J.R. Coltien. It was a long read but she had plenty of time this night.

She was babysitting Twilight for the night, her parents were out of town for some business trip. Shining Armor was also here and she wanted to spend some time with him, however, he had already went to bed earlier. He said to her that he had some early morning training with the royal guard cadets so he would need all the sleep he can get. Twilight, was also sent to bed about thirty minutes ago, and the sun had already set outside. It seemed nothing at this moment that would ruin this night.

That is until a flash of light appeared at the window and the sound of thunder coming right after.

Cadence jumped slightly from the noise and she looked outside to see the rain coming down. The pegasus had planned a big storm to make up for last weeks weather so they had no choice but to give everything a good soak. Cadence gave a heavy sigh and returned to her book. She continued to read while hearing the rain strike the roof of the home.

Another flash and the thunder rolled again, this time it was much closer.

Then an all to familiar shriek had filled the house and Cadence dropped her book from the cry of fear. She looked up to the stairs and the pitter patter of hooves was coming down the hallway. A tiny purple unicorn was running down the stairs at a quick pace, holding onto a blanket and stuffed doll with her magic. She screeched to a halt at the end of the stairs then made a hop off the stairs, skipped across the living room, and jumped onto the couch.

Cadence looked down at the frightened filly that nestled into her side.

“Twily?” Cadence asked in a calm voice, feeling her shake considerably.

“C...Cadence,” she stutterted, her body shuddering and rubbing her cheek into her body. “I’m scared.” she said in a high pitch voice and she held tight to her blanket and her doll smarty pants. Cadence couldn’t help but give a comforting smile and wrapping one of her hooves over her.

“Hey it’s okay. It will only last for the night.” she explained, her words were calm and soothing. She brushed her mane, seeing the tiny unicorn look up to her with pleading eyes.

“It’s just so scary. I known they are just to be Cumulonimbus clouds made up of water vapor and high currents, but it's more scary than it says in the books.” she explained. Cadence merely chuckled, still surprised that she even knows such things at such a young age. She sniffled again when there was another rolling thunder outside and she nervously looked out the window. "It’s so scary Cadence. My coat is standing on end because of this.” she said, trying to huddle herself closer to her sitter.

“It’s okay Twily. Everything’s alright.” she explained. Twilight looked up at her with hopeful eyes before turning to the stairs.

“I tried going to Shining Armor help but he was just fast asleep. I don’t understand how he can sleep through this. There’s a storm raging outside and he sleeps like a log.” she explained. Cadence gave another chuckle before looking up the stairs.

“Most ponies can sleep soundly at night because they know that there safe, Twilight. Your inside, safe and warm, and away from the rain outside.” she replied, giving her a small pat on the back of her head.

“It’s still scary though, she explained. Cadence stood up from the couch and offered a hoof to her.

“C,mon Twilight. Let's get you back to bed.”

Twilight looked at her hoof and back to her sitter, and reached out to grab it. But not a moment second later the room was Illuminated and thunder was heard nearby. She squealed in fear and she hopped up to Cadence and wrapped her body around her neck, her back hooves dangling in the air. Cadence took all her will not give out a slight snicker in seeing the little filly dangle from the crest of her neck. Using her magic she hovered Twilight up and onto her back, her blanket dangled off the side and dragged on the floor as she moved.

She made her way up the stairs and towards her bedroom, the only sound that was made was her own hooves and the rattle of the rain upon the roof. Twilight hung ever so tightly on her back, her little hooves held firmly upon her neck. Passing by Shining Armor’s bedroom she observed that the door was open, most likely from Twilight from earlier, and she saw the large stallion on the bed. He was breathing heavily in deep slumber, his mane was a little frazzled by how his head rested on the pillow and he had his hooves wrapped tightly around the blankets.

If only I was held like that. She imagined, though she instantly blushed at the thought and continued on her way, putting the dreamy notion for another time. She soon entered Twilight’s bedroom and settled the frightened filly onto her bed.

“Don’t leave, please.” Twilight begged, her eyes like dinner plates as Cadence settled the blanket over her body.

“Oh can those eyes get any bigger?” Cadence asked a loud before looking back at Twilight. She gave a big smile, knowing full well how it was impossible to not say no. "Scoot over,” she said, getting onto the bed and settling herself next to her. Twilight beamed at this and her body scooched over to allow her onto the bed. Once settled Cadence remained close by her side as Twilight wrapped herself tightly up against her. After a few minutes of silence passed between them, Twilight stirred and looked up at her.

“Cadence? Were you ever scared of thunderstorms when you were little?” She asked.

Cadence blinked in surprise and looked back at the tiny filly. She brought a hoof to her muzzle and pondered for a moment before looking back down at her.

“Yes Twilight. I was.” she replied and Twilight gasped in surprise.

“You were scared of thunderstorms?” she asked, her mouth agape, “But you are the most amazing sitter ever, not afraid to check for monsters under the bed, to chasing away spiders in their webs, or even the snakes in the gardens.” she explained.

Cadence giggled at the filly, particularly at the snake part when in reality it was a make believe garden hose.

“Well Twilight, I was scared just as you are now. I would be so frightened that I would go run to my mother, hop in her lap, and cradle myself into her fur just so I felt safe.” she explained and rubbed her hoof over Twilight’s belly. Twilight giggled in delight before she looked up at her, her eyes filled with new wonder about her sitter.

“What happened next?” she asked, her eyes filled with much curiosity.

“Well, I remember my mother would cradle me up, just like this,” she said, pulling Twilight closer until her head rested on her chest, “She would stroke my mane,” she brushed her hoof through Twilight’s mane, the tiny unicorn cooed from the touch, “And she would sing a lullaby.” she explained.

“You would sing a lullaby?” Twilight faced lit up and Cadence nodded.

“Yes, this lullaby is from an old kingdom, one that had existed long ago but has been missing for a nearly a thousand years.”

“Is that kingdom about King Sombra’s enslavement of the ponies of the crystal empire and his domain of the frozen north?” she asked in high elation.

“How do you know that?” Cadence asked in surprise, curling a brow to the little filly.

“From the chronicles of old Kingdoms, by Colt Starmind. He is very literate of the arts of ancient history from a thousand years prior, even to the times before Celestia. He even helped make an anthology and piece together multiple titles for when the tribes came to be and how they founded Equestria.”

I’m surprised how much Princess Celestia lets her read history. She thought but gave a nod of affirmation.

“That’s quite good, Twilight. You’re doing well in Celestia’s studies,” Twilight blushed from her praise and Cadence adjusted her so that she would sing a lullaby. She began to hum, a gentle low hum and it verbreated through her. Twilight could feel her body shake from her humming and she nestled herself closer into her chest.

After a minute of her humming, she began to sing.

“Oh little one I hear your cry,
I am here by your side,
Listen to my lullaby,
Let my song be like the tide.”

Twilight listened and her smile grew tenfold. She huddled close and the rolling thunder outside didn’t bother her. Cadence sung slow, each word filling the room in a humble tone.

“Oh little one I’m here right now,
I know the shadow is near,
But let my words settle your mind,
Don’t worry child I am here.”

Twilight’s eyes began to grow heavy. She attempted to keep herself awake, but the soothing song was sweet and soothing in her ears. Cadence noticed this and kept going.

“Oh little one my sweetest gem,
Close your weary tired eyes,
The storm clouds won’t hinder you now,
Your bright dreams will let you rise.”

Twilight had closed her eyes, her breathing slowed as she was in deep slumber. Cadence smiled brightly,finish the end of lullaby.

“Oh little one my little dear,
The Shadow Sombra will not seize thee,
His pride and greed shall not overcome,
For child I know that you’ll be free.

I know my child, my dreaming child,
I know that you will be free.”

Her last words hung in the air before she closed her mouth, ending her lullaby. She looked down and saw Twilight was out like a light. Her breathing was calm and she didn’t stir when the storm outside raged on. Cadence waited for a few more minutes, brushing her hair and lulling the small filly into peaceful dreams. Once she knew she was fast asleep she settled her back on the bed, covering her with the blanket and putting Smarty Pants next to her side. Once done she lowered her muzzle and nuzzled the top of her head.

“Sweet dreams, Twilight.” she whispered. She then headed for the door and exited the room.

She walked down the hall, her hoofsteps echoing on the wooden floor. Her thoughts lingered on the lullaby that she had sung. She had heard many times when she was growing up, and she still remembers them by heart. She sighed, her heart a flutter from being able to hear that song in her mind.

She went down to the main room, picking up her small book and picked a blanket out of the closet nearby. She settled on the couch, resting comfortably on her side, and lifted the blanket over herself. Once situated she brought the book that she was reading earlier, quite content to read the rest of the night away.

It was not a moment later when she heard a beeping sound from the microwave in the kitchen.

Looking up from her book she turned to the open kitchen and saw a white stallion bringing out a small glass of milk out of the microwave and stopped just outside the perimeter of the kitchen.

“Shining Armor? What are you doing up?” she asked, seeing him hold the glass of milk in his aura. He looked at the glass for a moment before turning back to her with a sheepish smile.

“Well I heard Twilight scream earlier and I thought it be best to give her a warm glass of milk to help her sleep.” he rubbed a hoof on the back of his head and Cadence couldn't help but giggle at his little act, “I know It’s silly. I should be back in bed and getting well rested before I’m put through grueling training, but hey, that’s what a BBBFF is for.”

“Well I don’t think it’s silly.” She replied, “You are the sweetest stallion who cares and loves his little sister very dearly.” Shining Armor beamed at her remark and looked up the stairs.

“I know the same feeling when I got scared from storms. I always tried to hide under a bed or crawl under the couch just to feel safe.” he replied, and she gave a soft chuckle.

“I know the same feeling. I would curl myself up in a blanket and hoped it would go away.” she replied. Shining Armor blew a raspberry and gave a cheeky grin.

“Cadence, you? I never imagine you being scared of a little thunder.” he replied. Outside, as if on cue, a distant sound of thunder rolled across the land.

Then the most splendid idea that was both stupid and brilliant came to mind.

“Well, Shining Armor,” she said, giving off a wry smile, “There is space for us on the couch. If you don’t mind, I can use a big white blanket right now.”

Shining Armor curled an eyebrow at her, seeing the couch open and inviting. "Are you suggesting that I hold you close and keep you safe and warm?” he asked.

“Yes. You haven’t help me since the time you preened my wings. Besides, I think it would help us both get some nice sleep.” she countered.

Shining looked back at her with a cheeky smile and he eyed the glass of warm milk.

“Alright,” he brought the milk closer to his own lips, “this might make me a little late but it will be worth it.” he downed the warm milk with a few gulps and soon settled the empty glass on the counter. He then opened up his arms to her and his smile never wavered.

As if on cue the light in the room flared and thunder boomed at its loudest. Cadence, using the opportunity, gave a sharp squeal before using her magic to pull Shining Armor with her magic. He flung forward to her and she settled him on the couch beside her. He acted quickly by wrapping his arms around her body, and the two giggled to one another. Once they settled into comfortable positions the two would drift off to sleep. She could hear his heartbeat where was and it was in tune with hers. Cadence smiled at this and felt a warm flutter in her heart.

At least I’m spending time with Shining Armor. She mused in thought as her dreams awaited her.

Author's Note:

Hello Everyone. I made this to be a fun and cute story. Haven't made one like this in awhile so do let me know what you thought of it.

Leave your comments down below and I'll talk to you all soon.


Comments ( 20 )

The word serene is an adjective and cannot be used in the title as a verb.

In the short description, Thunder, Storm, Lullaby, and Fully should be lowercase, and Cadance is misspelled.

Bad first impression.

I made the necessary changes. Thank you for pointing them out.

Thank you very much. :twilightsmile:

This was all kinds of precious!

I tend to make stories that way. :twilightsmile:

I accept you approved cuteness.

Cadance knowing an old Lullaby from the Crystal Empire, where have I heard that one before? Oh, right, I came up with that exact idea earlier (And wrote one too!) I haven't seen it done before, but it is a rather interesting thing to do.
Great job with this, it was truly adorable. I rather enjoyed that Lullaby, it's quite different than the one I wrote, and conveyed the safety Twi needed in the circumstances. (No, my lullaby isn't out yet, it will be in my next chapter.)

I'm glad that my lullaby inspired you to make your own. I do hope the story was to your liking.

Actually what I was saying was that I had the exact same idea just hours before reading your fic. You know what they say, "great minds think alike."

That's cool to know. :twilightsmile:

This is good, but just one problem though. According to canon, Twilight had no knowledge of the Crystal Empire prior to it's debut episode, so it's history probably wouldn't be in any of the books that Twilight read as a filly. Eh, I'll let it slide in the name of adorableness. :twilightsmile:

Eh I try, just thought it give something fun to add to the adorableness.

Cute story! :twilightsmile:

It is my estimation that you've got talent for writing. This has good flow, much cuteness, and a nice pace.

There were quite a few nit-picky things that stuck out to me that could be improved... a few word errors in spelling or usage (mostly spelling, but they're not too bad)... also, there were several places where the same word is used almost back to back, where finding a different way to say it would be better. If I wanted to get really picky, I'd ask about the microwave... I don't know if ponies use microwaves or not, but for some reason that stuck out to me. Also, Shining Armor "heard the scream" and made the milk warm to help, but when they walked by his room, he was still asleep. It would make more sense if perhaps another loud thunder had caused a second scream about the time Cadence got Twilight to bed before she sang the lullaby, which would be the scream Shining Armor heard.

Picking nits aside, I liked it. It's sweet and fun. Good work. I'll have to check out some of your other stories. Write on! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for that. I did do this on the fly with no editing help but I wanted to make a fun story that would be fun and relatable. Despite the little errors here and there I do hope that it was to your liking.

Without a doubt, yes I enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

I'm glad for that. If you want you can check out my other story, Courage, which was made on the fly but people seemed to like more.

Absolutely adorable

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