• Published 2nd Apr 2019
  • 1,036 Views, 33 Comments

My Little Mages: The Mirror of Shadow Bolt - Foxhelm

After a short while of things seeming to go too well, Sunset visits Twilight, only to meet Starlight. Meanwhile, Juniper has some... family issues... to resolve. A My Little Mages retelling of Movie Magic

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Closer Than They Are

At the same time as Sunset and Starlight had left Juniper’s chambers, Juniper arrived at the office of the baroness. Juniper knocked on the door, “You may enter.” came Sunny’s voice from the other side. Sunny was at her desk and was scribing on a piece of paper. Sunny finished scribing and blew on the paper to blow off some dust and help it dry. She looked it over and gave a nod. She then rolled it up put on some sealing wax, warmed it. She then made a fist with her right hand showing a ring on the index finger with the insignia of Midnight Castle on it. She then placed the insignia ring into the wax and then pulled it out. She waited for the wax to finish cooling before she put it to the side and turn her attention to who she invited in. “Juniper, what brings you by?” she asked somewhat surprised to see Juniper.

Juniper smiled as she pulled out the hand mirror and pointed it to Sunny, “You know about your late parent’s marriage contract?” she asked.

Sunny raised an eyebrow, “Yes, what are you getting at, dearie?” she asked.

Juniper smirked, “Let’s just say I wish I could show you how to be a baroness and that I’m daddy’s favorite.”

The mirror then flashed and before Sunny could respond she was in the same realm as Sci-Twi, Sugarcoat and the others. Sunny looked around and noticed that her right ring finger didn't have the baron’s ring. “Well, this is just great.”

Back outside of the mirror Juniper giggled as she walked over to where Sunny sat and picked up the ring. She slid it on her finger, “Just like a glove.” she laughed.

Juniper didn’t know that she had left the office’s door open and her picking up the baron’s ring and putting it on was witnessed by Sunset and Starlight. The two stepped back around the corner. “Well, what do we do now?” Starlight asked.

Sunset looked to the ceiling, she took a breath, “Stay here and wait for me.” Sunset said and left Starlight around a corner and walked into the office and towards Juniper. She then coughed to get Juniper’s attention.

Juniper turned and smirked as she placed her left hand on the handle of her mirror, “Sunset Shimmer. I was wondering when you'd show up.”

Sunset took a second to form a good response, “I'm, uh, looking for Sunny.” Sunset mostly asked as she looked around the office. “I don't suppose you've seen her,” she added hoping to get a willing answer from her. Juniper only giggled mischievously in response. Sunset scowled as she placed both her hands on the desk. “Where are she and the others?”

Juniper smiled evilly as she began to pick up the mirror, “I'll never tell.”

“You don't have to.” Sunset’s right hand started to glow as she took hold of Juniper’s upper arm. She then saw how Juniper learned that she was another of her half-sisters, how Juniper figured out how the mirror worked and each of the times Juniper’s used the mirror. After the last image flashed, Sunset let go with a gasp. Juniper was still recovering from the spell. “Juniper, listen, I know what it's like to have issues with my family, but what you are doing with that mirror is only gonna make things worse for everyone, especially you.” Juniper scowled at Sunset and seemed unmoved at the argument. “Please, Juniper.” Sunset pleaded. “You wished them into that mirror. Maybe there's a way you can wish them out.”

Juniper looked from Sunset to the mirror and then back to Sunset. She then started to smirk evilly, “Or maybe... I wish you'd join them!” She pointed the mirror at Sunset and a white light was projected from it. The mirror’s light then pulled Sunset into the mirror’s pocket realm as the pyromancer screamed.

Starlight gasped as she ducked behind the corner. “Looks like it’s up to me,” she whispered before she gulped in slight dread.

Inside the mirror’s realm, Sunset was tackled by Sci-Twi. “Sunset! I’m so sorry for being jealous.”

“Not to rain on your parade, but we’re now trapped in here with no way out.” Sugarcoat pointed out.

“Starlight’s still outside,” Sunset replied. Before anyone could ask, “She’s a sort of a protege of Princess Twilight and she came here with me from Mystica after I got my copy of the linked journals.” she explained. Sci-Twi was about to let go of Sunset when they all heard the sound of glass breaking and space started to shake.

“That’s not good,” Sunset said as she unconsciously pulled Sci-Twi close to her.

“No, it’s a sign that everything's just fine,” Sour replied sarcastically. They all heard the sound of breaking glass. Everyone turned to see the floor starting to fragment and shatter.

“Hurry, Starlight,” Sunset whispered in prayer.

Back in the world outside the mirror, “Now I have justice.” Juniper laughed as she placed the mirror on the desk. “And everyone will see the truth, that I am the one fit to reign, how does it feel Cinch?” She asked as she turned her attention to the wall with portraits of past barons and baronesses of Midnight Castle. She looked to the mirror, “I wish I could show them all I am the greatest.” The mirror then flashed.

From within the mirror, Sunset suddenly gasped as she opened her eyes wide and became white and a red light was pulled out of her and out of the realm.

The flash from the mirror subsided as the red light entered into Juniper. She felt her body grew until she was twice her size, but still proportional. Her suit had changed to be a long shoulderless green and black gown. Her hair had become wavy and her face appeared to have makeup applied. “Not too shabby,” she giggled. She then placed the mirror back on the desk.

Starlight had witnessed this and turned back to think, “Okay, first things first. I need to get that mirror away from her.” she said to herself. She looked back in and while Juniper had her back to the door and the desk. Starlight took a breath and then dashed into office. She managed to grab the mirror.

“Hey!” Juniper shouted as she turned to see Starlight grab the mirror. Juniper panicked and accidentally dropped the mirror causing it to crack slightly. Starlight swiftly grabbed the mirror as Juniper started towards her, “Give that back!”

“No!” Starlight shouted as she tried to dash to the door only to be blocked by Juniper. She swiftly spun around and dove for the desk. “This mirror is nothing but trouble. You have to realize that.” she tried to plead.

“What I realize is that with it I have all the power!” Juniper shouted as she tried to reach for Starlight, but missed. She growled in frustration, “I wish you'd join them!” she shouted.

Both young women saw that nothing happened, Starlight gave a sigh of relief, “Eh... Phew! Looks like you can't make that wish unless you're the one holding the mirror!” Starlight declared but then she forgot that Juniper could reach for her until she tried. “Whoa!” Starlight then dove to be under it. “I wish Sunset Shimmer and her friends would come back!” she asked but then saw that the mirror was cracking more.

Juniper laughed as nothing happened, “Looks like you can't use it, either!” Juniper then picked up the desk, revealing Starlight. “Now, Give it back to me!”

Inside the mirror’s pocket realm as floor continued to break and shatter around the seven trapped young women. They whimpered in fear at the thought of falling into oblivion.

Back outside of the mirror’s realm, Starlight looked around her and saw no escape. However something struck her, Juniper’s mother was shown as little more than a maid. Juniper was hurting not because she wanted recognition, she wanted a family. “Is being the baroness really what you want?” Starlight asked. Juniper stopped and looked at Starlight confused. “Because I think what you’re looking for is something else.” Starlight added.

“Like what?!” Juniper asked in disgust and wrath before she reached for Starlight only for the binder to jump over the outreached arm and rolled to another corner of the room, still blocked from the door.

“Like…” Starlight started but quickly realized that she didn’t have an answer to go to as soon as she wanted. She couldn’t say ‘family’ because even though she only had her mother, that was still a family. After a second of thought, “someone who understands you, someone that wants to connect with you, a friend?” she offered.

Juniper paused, somehow that word managed to cut to her bones. She grew up always close to Sunny and her sisters, but they bonded and relied on the blood of their covenant with each other. She didn’t know that they were sisters, but she was always excluded, “Who would want to be my friend?” she asked as a tear started to form in the corner of her eye.

“I would.” Starlight answered as she stood up and stepped towards Juniper as the Amazon took a set on the desk in utter shock.

“Why?” Juniper asked as she was taken that anyone would reach out to her.

Starlight offered her right hand, “Because I understand you, Juniper.” Juniper raised an eyebrow in confusion, “You think getting revenge is going to make you feel better, but it's not! Please, don't make a mistake that you'll end up regretting for the rest of your life.”

Juniper paused as she let the words sink in, “I've already made too many mistakes.” she pointed out. She then started to hold herself, “What I've done is... is... unforgivable.”

Starlight shook her head with a small smile. “No, Juniper,” she said as she started to walk towards the desperate girl. “I know they'll forgive you,” she added as she starting to turn the mirror so that Juniper could take hold of the mirror’s handle. “But first, you have to set them free!” she finished.

Juniper looked into the mirror, and even though it was shattered and pieces were still breaking, she could still see part of her reflection and what she saw disgusted her. She turned her face away as she reached her right hand out and touched the mirror’s handle. “I... I wish I could make up for my mistakes.” Juniper reluctantly said and the mirror projected a light. Once the light faded Sci-Twi, Sunset, Sunny, Sugarcoat, Lemon, Indigo and Sour were out of the mirror's pocket dimension and back in the real world. They all gave breaths of relief. At the same time, Juniper transformed back to her normal state and the red light exited Juniper and returned to Sunset. Juniper and Starlight then both let go of the mirror let it fall to the floor destroying it.

“Starlight, you did it!” Sunset cheered as pulled Starlight into a hug or gratitude.

Juniper could only drop to her knees, she couldn’t even cry. All she could do was sigh in defeat at first. She took off the ring and placed it on the desk. “I suppose I’m about to lose my head.” She said looking at Sunny’s feet. “I'm sorry,” Juniper whispered as she looked up and saw that Sunny was looking down at her as the baroness had crossed her arms across her chest, with a face that seemed to be both emotionless and yet ready to cast judgment. Juniper gulped as she lowered her head.

Sunset looked from Juniper to Sunny and saw Sunny seemed to tap her left arm with the fingers of her right hand. She then stepped up and placed her hand on Juniper’s shoulder. “We've all been there,” Sunset said as she seemed to be defending Juniper.

Juniper looked up to Sunset somewhat surprised that anyone would come to her defense. She then recalled what Sunset and Sci-Twi did, and to the actions Shadowbolts when they aided Sunset. However, she was perplexed by the statement as it seemed to imply that “I remember what you and Sci-Twi did... but.” Juniper said and then she turned to Starlight utterly befuddled in her expression.

Starlight gave a weak chuckle as she rubbed the back of her head as she was about to answer the yet to be asked question on Juniper’s mind, “I manipulated an entire town into giving up their talents so they wouldn't think they were special and then augmented Star Swirl the Great’s time-traveling spell and almost doomed all life on the planet.” She then gave a large forced smile.

There was a pause that impregnated the air. “Huh, looks like we and the Rainbooms are a quite the pardoning lot.” Sugarcoat said as she took off and cleaned her glasses. “That assumes that Sunny is merciful.” Sugarcoat said as everyone looked to Sunny.

It was then that Sunny finally spoke, “Cinch would have had you drawn and quartered.” she said plainly. Juniper flinched and whimpered. “But I am not my mother, I am not going to cast out my family,” she said as she lowered her arms and a small smiled formed on her face. As she went to the desk and put her ring back on, “Besides, this day has been too exciting and there is a film I would like to enjoy.” She said as she started to leave, “Well, come on.” she said as she looked back to the others.

As the rest, including the seemingly pardoned Juniper, were about to leave, Sunset’s journal started to vibrate. Sci-Twi was the one open it and started to read, “Dear Sunset, I hope you and Starlight are well. Let her know, she can catch the premiere with you. On a different note, maybe we shouldn’t be writing to each other as often, I have enough communication issues with my boyfriend, I really don’t want to make him jealous. Sincerely Twilight.” Sci-Twi closed the book and seemed to smile. “I feel better now.”

Sunset shook her head, “Bae, never change.” she said as she pulled Sci-Twi into a hug and kissed her on the cheek.