• Member Since 15th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen Sunday


I see people two ways who they are and who they can be.


How did it happen the greatest wielder of the Arcane Arts finds himself in the land of ponies but not as himself.

Sent there by a powerful curse cast by the evil Dormammu and Baron Mordo.

Will the Sorcerer Supreme find his way back home or choose to remain.

Dr. Strange will be a combination of the comics, the cartoons, and the movie in the way he acts and speaks plus some of my own tweaks here and there.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 31 )
Comment posted by WinterDaggerfin deleted Jul 5th, 2021

Add the sex tag. You gonna need it when next week happens.

Cool start, I think I'll give it a follow for a while and see where this goes.

The Monk
"Thirty minutes, Celestia. I was gone for thirty minutes," he said to her in an annoyed tone. "And in that time, Canterlot has been overrun with insect-like creatures, the groom is hypnotized and unable to perform his job, and you are being flung across your own throne room by...whatever that is. In thirty minutes." -Onomonopia

Whoa Faust. You are spitting fire...but also truths. XD

Not bad. Steven handled Pinkie well and I can't wait to see what adventures are in store for him,

awesome chapter dude keep up the good work!!!!

Dr Strange as magical dragon in the land of ponies? This sounds interesting indeed.

"That is quite simple Miss Dash for I have met two others much like Miss Pie the first I shall never speak his name aloud (Deadpool) and the other is a young man who was once known as Steve Harmon and now goes by Slapstick.," Steven said as he remembered the young man turned superhero with the reality-warping powers of a cartoon character.

Applejack: Yer world has two of Pinkie Pie over there? Yer have my condolence.

ah yes Doctor Steven Strange as a Dragon
hello Smaug

not gonna lie but this is pretty good

First chapter and I already love it!:raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry:

This chapter felt a bit rushed, specifically around the part were Celestia and Luna showed up.
Also if you are going to change scenes, like when you jumped between the marvelverse and the ponyverse, adding a horizontal rule would make it more stylish.

Like so.
Other than that it was still good and I'm looking forward to more.

Comment posted by WinterDaggerfin deleted Jul 5th, 2021


Okay. Despite being a heavy fan to the both of them myself. Not everyone likes or is interested to the major franchises like the two superhero universes.

This needs a pre-reader.
Noted a misplaced comma and also WHAT did Faust feel complimented for?
I'd be more specific and go on longer, but that is as far as I could bear to read in my current mood.

Comment posted by WinterDaggerfin deleted Jul 5th, 2021

Also, small criticism, I can't help but feel like the dialogue is either too robotic or too droning on. Like a good number of lines could use a comma or two or a descriptor whenever it says "X said" or "X says". Some other dialogue just feels unnatural, this could definitely use a proofreader if you don't already have one.

Otherwise, I like the premise and am intrigued as to how you'll continue this!

Oh yeah, that reminds me, the pacing seemed a little off. Now I know there isn't ever an easy way to do these HiE stories but everything just seemed really rushed and you didn't stop and give us time to breathe or take in the situation. I feel like you could've taken some time to describe Strange's aura of confidence during his short fight with Dormamu, his bewilderment when the shadowy figure altered the portal, or his complete and utter speechlessness when he was confronted by a talking winged unicorn.

Or, of course, if he wasn't at all speechless by those moments, then I'd like to know that and why.

I do not aim to offend you in any way by this, I just want to improve this story as best I can by providing feedback. I'm critical of things because I care.

Comment posted by UnamusedWaffle deleted Jul 5th, 2021

Holy shit that's a whole fucking essay I threw in this comment section

Great story so far! Been wanting to see a Doctor Strange story for awhile now. Like a few have said, it does seem a little rushed at times, but I understand the difficulties of adding 'fluf' to the story.

Finally, THANK YOU for choosing his transformation to be a dragon. There truly aren't enough stories with a dragon main character on this site.

Move along. Nothing to see here... just a potentially dead story.

continue com essa historia por favor ta muito legal mesmo amei essa historia por favor

Comment posted by Davenfjeld deleted Jul 6th, 2021

That's the problem with fics now adays especially the displaced ones involving the merchant

I was waiting for someone to make a story like this. Eagerly anticipating the next chapter, keep up the good work.

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