• Published 27th Jun 2018
  • 6,974 Views, 732 Comments

Broken Bindings - anonpencil

You've found an "interesting" book recently. You don't know what it is, or why it was hidden in the back of Twilight's library, but you feel so compelled to read it. And keep reading it. And keep reading it...

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Long ago, before there were princesses, or even any kings or queens, there was only the sky and the earth. The earth had water, land, and stone, but it was lifeless and barren, and the sky above it was very lonely with only this vacant world to keep it company. Time passed slowly, empty, with nothing to fill the space between the above and the below. There was no music, no laughter, no love, and no grief. And the sky looked down at the ground every day, and found it still.

Eventually the sky became tired of the endless silence and stillness, and he called together all his might to create the wind. The wind was ever moving, and it did not stop. It flowed across the land endlessly, from one end to the other and back, never being still for even a moment, even when it spun 'round in eddies. And for a time, the sky enjoyed the wind. But like all things seemed to, even the wind made him weary after a while. You could not see the wind, only feel it, and there was nothing for the wind to stir into motion.

So then the sky created the plants. These shivered when the wind blew, bowed down to the sky under the wind's might, and made soft rustling noises, like distant whispers. The sky liked the plants, and the way they reached up to him for life each day. But even these did not please him for long.

The sky, in his most tremendous act, then created animal life. This life began small, but soon branched out in all directions. It became fish in the water, it became birds in the sky, and insects on leaves. And, of course, it became ponies too. Above all other life, the sky loved the ponies. They were graceful, they laughed, they sang, they loved, and they grieved. They were always in motion, like the wind, and always there when he looked down. They changed the land, picked the plants, and their manes rippled in the wind. Truly, the ponies were his favorite creations yet.

The ponies noticed the sky sometimes, but mostly, they became so interested in each other that it was all they did. They looked at each other, spoke to each other, and after a time, the sky began to feel jealous. He wanted the ponies to look up at him, worship him, love him the way he loved them. So the sky took away the sun. The ponies were afraid then, and they called up to the sky in fear, unsure what to do in this time without light or hope. The sky, not wanting to lose the love of his creations, created stars to keep their minds occupied, so they wouldn't be so afraid. The stars distracted the ponies for a while, and it forced them to look up and acknowledge him whenever they needed light. It made the sky feel very needed indeed.

The sky did grow tired of the dark eventually, but took the sun away once a day after that, just so he could force the ponies to look up at the stars, and acknowledge his power. Things went on for a long time this way, but eventually the sky even became tired of the ponies. They were always there, always laughing, always running, never changing. They were always the same. The same ponies he had created from the very first, and they bored him terribly.

So the sky created death.

Ponies began to die, and the sky, knowing that he would soon run out of ponies, also created birth. That way, the ponies would always have something to feed to death, without being destroyed themselves altogether. This satisfied the sky at last, and he watches us to this day, hoping that our continued cycle of life and death will continue to amuse him.

It is also said that, when we died, the sky takes us and locks us away inside him somewhere. And we stay there, for all eternity, sealed away. As his.

I don't know if you've ever heard that one before, but it's one of my favorites. I used to be afraid at night when I was young, but then I'd just look up at the stars in the sky, and know that they were made for me. So I would never forget that the sky was watching, and that I should do all I could to show my thanks to it. I was told it when I was a little filly, and I think back on the tale a lot these days. Especially at this moment.

You see, you're my sky now, in a way.

I am here to amuse you and make you happy, to fill any voids of loneliness or boredom you might feel. Celestia made sure I would be good at it too, and if you don't like just stories, we can play games as well! I'll never forget to tell you how thankful I am that you opened the book, either, you can be sure of that.

You just keep turning the pages. I'll keep doing my best.