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Chapter Seven: Sunset's Nightmares, A Bandit Massacre

Chapter Seven: Sunset’s Nightmares, A Bandit Massacre

Sunset and Princess Luna stared at the orb for what felt like an eternity. Waiting for the next dream to come forth as if somepony was waiting in the office for Day Court to begin, but before the unicorn could say anything, the orb began to glow brighter and brighter, blinding the both of them. It wasn’t like anything they’ve encountered before, but the sensation that they felt was rather… strange. It felt welcoming, but also rather tense as if something serious was in the air.

“Where… are we?” Sunset asked, looking towards Luna.

“It appears we are in the dream that is contained within this orb… but where we are… that I do not know.” Luna told her in response.

“Wait, what do you mean by that?”

“Normally, dreams would take place in a location that’s similar to a place within Equestria… but this feels foreign and not related to it at all.” The princess of the night explained to her, but before she could go on, Sunset pushed the lunar princess to the ground, taking cover as well as a beam of red light soared over their heads and struck the surface beneath them.

“W-What was that?” Luna asked, seeing the massive crater behind them.

“I-I don’t kno-” Sunset paused, hearing the sound of thunder through the air, but there were no clouds and before they knew it, a strange object came hurtling towards them, crashing beneath the surface, the land around them falling apart as water began to rise. Luna using her magic, began to levitate Sunset off the ground and began to take flight into the air as the ground shook.

“Sunset? Do you recall any of this?” The alicorn asked, but the unicorn was unresponsive as she watched, geyser shoot up into the air and whatever had crashed there began to slowly rise into the air, however, the lunar princess stopped mid air, spotting a tall bipedal creature with torn rags and golden hair. If lunar princess didn’t have a dark blue coat, her face would be completely blue as she looked on in horror. “T-This is what… You saw!?”

“You do realize how hypocritical this is? Your outrage of the lost of innocent lives?” They both heard, however the unicorn recognized the voice and slowly turned towards it, seeing a short pale white creature patches of purple skin with a long tail. “The Saiyan race isn’t exactly known for it’s mercy. Compared to you brutes, I’m a saint!”

The two mares could only look on as the two creatures continued to talk until the one with golden hair finally spoke. “We paid for our crimes.”

“And I made certain of that. You little monkeys alway got on my nerves.” The pale creature stated as it raised a brow, smirking at his opponent.

“It’s your turn Frieza, you knew this day would come.” And after hearing that name, Luna’s and Sunset’s suspicions were correct that the creature that had appeared in Sunset’s dreams before and the one that saved that village are indeed connected.

“Hahaha! You honestly think your a match for me!?” Frieza stated as he pointed his thumb at himself. “I could defeat you with both hands tied behind my back! Who knows? I might even try it!”

However the Saiyan did not move as his frown turned into a grin. “It makes no different if you are a Super Saiyan… No one battles Frieza and walks away!”

“Sunset! We need to wake up! NOW!” Luna shouted as she began to cast her magic, tearing the dream to shreds as the two beings before them clashed, sending a shock wave unimaginable, before the alicorn woke up, sweating as the unicorn next to her had jolted up.

“FRIEZA!!! He’s the one… the one with that horrible laughter…” Sunset shouted, panting as she began to hyperventilate

“S-sunset, please! Calm yourself…” She insisted, trying to get the unicorn to breathe easier as she looked back at Sunset. However the unicorn couldn’t stop, as she began recalling the dream, seeing the monster again and hearing its name made her panic, at least until the alicorn wrapped her wing around her and held her tightly to her chest, humming to her. “It’s okay… We’re no longer in the dreamscape… We’re safe now Sunset.”

“Y-You heard its name… Frieza, he’s… going to kill us.”

“Sunset, listen…” Luna replied back. “There are a lot of unknowns about him… and from the reports, he was supposed to have horns. He might have said that was his name, but his appearance doesn’t match the description that I told you… We need to find out more before we can confront this being.”

“O-Okay… J-Just give me… a moment… It’s just… Hard to believe that… Those two things actually exist.” Sunset said, trying to process what she had seen.

“You’re… not wrong there,” Luna replied, still processing everything she had witnessed as well, before realizing she was still holding Sunset close to her chest and began to lightly blush before releasing the unicorn. “A-Anyways… if you need me Sunset Shimmer, I’ll be in your guest room, if it’s no issue at all?”

“Oh, it’s fine Princess… Your welcome to stay here.” Sunset said, giving her a brief, but sincere smile before turning away. “Um… Princess? I’m not sure if… I’ll be able to sleep… After everything we saw, I just don’t know if I can.”

“Don’t worry Sunset, I’ll make sure you have pleasant dreams this night, after all I am the Princess of the Night, and watching over my little ponies dreams is simply one of my duties.” Luna explained, her horn glowing as she began casting magic on the young unicorn.

“W-What are you doin-” Before Sunset could finish her sentence, she had soon fallen under Luna’s sleep spell and fell onto the covers of her bed, giving off light snores that made the night princess giggle as she tucked her friend in, making sure that Sunset had peaceful dreams.

“Sweet dreams Sunset, you don’t have to worry about this any further, I’ll look further into this Frieza character and find out if the one from your dream is the same one Melody Heart described, but until then I’m going to have to ask Sister for help.” Luna thought to herself, as she looked back at the sleeping unicorn and couldn’t help, but smile at her as she leaned over and gave Sunset a gentle kiss on the cheek before leaving the room and making her way towards the guest room.

With the day over, Jack continued to march through Whitetail woods, dragging and injured Chappil by his tail and carrying Hopp over his shoulder. The frost demon had tortured the two most of the day, until he finally grew tired of it and decided it was time to get some answers from them. However the information that was given to him wasn’t much, but it was enough for him to formulate a plan if he ever did encounter the one name Frost.

“I can’t believe that these two hardly knew anything about Frost, other than that he's their leader and moves from place to place. To think I’d actually get some useful intel from these morons.” Jack thought to himself, as he continued to make his way back towards the village he had saved, in hopes to patch the two.

“If this Frost is like any other being, someone in his position would only have their closest allies know their secrets. For me, it was Zarbon and Dodoria… the two that you found were just sheer grunts in comparison.” Jack heard Frieza’s voice echo inside his head.

“Yet, those two both got their asses handed to them by Vegeta and those two didn’t even come close to the power these two displayed.” Jack retorted, however he knew Frieza was right and if it’s really true that these two were just foot soldiers, then he was going to have to improve his own skills if he ever hoped to return home someday.

“They were foolish to underestimate the fact that those damnable saiyans get stronger when on the brink… But you are right when it comes to terms of power…” Frieza spoke again. “Though, now that I think of it… Did you ever ask those two about who else served this Frost? Surely if the two that you beat did not have any information on Frost, someone else might.”

“Hmm… I’ll be sure to ask them once these two are in… Decent condition to answer questions. Still, I want to know if you actually know about Frost?”

“Why would you think I would know about them? Sure, the name sounds like something that one of my kind would call themselves, but I’ve never heard or met anyone with that name in my life…” Frieza replied back.

“Whatever… Whether you know him or not, I’ll just have to find a way to eliminate him myself. If what Hopp says about him is true, then he’s as powerful as your final form.” Jack explained to him, setting down his two new injured subordinates.

“You’re quick to assume that my final form is the sheer peak of my power, young Jack. I have broken through limits that I once thought was impossible when I was brought back to life… I’m sure that in time, you can be able to break those limits yourself before you use that power to break the Merchant’s spine.”

“Heh! I know about your Golden Form, Frieza. However I don’t think I’ll need it to take down Frost. Compared to you, Frost is just another weak knockoff trying to be you.” Jack said, beginning to suppress his power, and revert back into his previous form. “Hmm… I think I’m getting a better understanding of how your powers work, seeing as how your first form was to suppress the powers of your final form.”

“One step at a time, young Jack… One step at a time.”

Hearing those last words from his fellow frost demon, Jack left both Hopp and Chappil against the tree as he began to make his way back into the village, but before he could even step out of the darkness, he noticed dozens of ponies in dark navy blue cladded armor. “Hmm… What is happening here I wonder?”

“All of you with forensics better help with finishing this investigation as fast as possible, you hear me?” One of them, who appeared to be commanding the others shouted at them. “Witnesses have said that a being here that called himself Frieza saved this town and princess Luna wanted to talk with him… but I don’t buy any of it. So if you manage to see him or see anything suspicious, report to me immediately! You got that!?”

“Sir, yes sir!!” The other guards shouted in unison, saluting the pony that was in charge.

“Seems like I’m rather famous now… But I don’t like how this pony is portraying me as the bad guy here, especially after saving these pitiful ponies lives. However from the looks of it, the ponies here don’t look too happy here either, so I’m sure they’ll understand why I’d… off those soldiers.” Jack said aloud to himself as he watched every one of those guards march off in multiple directions. “I’ll have to move swiftly, take them all out and get those two medical attention.”

As Jack observed the pattern of the guards routes, he spotted the one leading them all enter a small tent and couldn’t help but smirk as he kept to the shadows. Meanwhile, within the tent, the Corporal couldn’t help but laugh as he continued to beat a young mare inside the tent. “You will tell me where he is… Otherwise you’re not going to see your husband again, wench.”

The mare beneath him was a pegasus who had a tan coat with a red mane and tail, her left eye was bruised with tears seeping down her face, her cutie mark was missing as only a bald spot remained. “P-Please… I don’t know!”

As the mare cried, she felt as if there was nopony in the world that could come save her. She anticipated the next beating, but instead of hearing the sound of the corporal’s forehoof against her side, she heard something knock the corporal to the ground and a new voice approach her. Turning around to see the bipedal form of the same being who saved her town earlier.

“Y-you’re-!” She gasped, tears running down her face as she looked at Jack. Hurrying towards him. “T-thank the stars that you’re here!”

“Care to explain to me what the hell is going on here?” Jack demanded, glaring at the mare as he picked up the Corporal by his mane and lifted him up into the air.

“H-he’s not part of the guard…” The mare told her, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Him and s-several other guard members are bandits that were hired by some… Frost… pony? This pony had been tormenting me for hours, trying to get me to tell him where you were. Threatening to kill my husband…”

“Frost? Well… Then, I still have use for this insect afterall.”

“Y-you need to hurry t-though… I overheard him ordering some of the bandits to find the pony who saw you… I-if they find Melody, t-they might put her through w-what I just went through.” The mare replied back to her.

“Hahahaha! Don’t worry you little head… I’ll see too it that these bandits are dealt with swiftly. I’m not going to allow scum taint the very town I had just saved no less.” Jack stated as he began to drag the Corporal outside and taking flight into the air, until he was high enough to be spotted by the bandits that were on the ground. Aiming what looked to be crossbows at him as numerous bolts began to fly past them.

“How pathetic… do they really think such ancient weaponry can harm the likes of you?!” Frieza laughed. “Go give them a taste of fear that they won’t forget.”

“It’s truly pathetic to think those feeble weapons could harm the likes of me?! And what’s worse is that you’d actually shoot knowing I’m holding your superior officer hostage!” Jack said, glaring at the bandits before him until the ground beneath began to shake as the frost demon lifted his left hand into the air.

“I think the time is ripe for you to use that ability next… Hehehehehe!” Frieza said to Jack as both frost demons laughters filled the night air as the ground began to crack as large piles of rocks rose into the air. With a motion of his wrist, the rocks began to drop down towards the bandits. Much faster then many of them could react as they got crushed by the sheer weight of the boulders that were thrown directly at them. The sounds of screams and cries of pain echoed throughout the town until they all died down alongside the dead that were crushed.

“Well done… I couldn’t have done it better myself.” He heard Frieza say, just as Jack noticed a few survivors desperately trying to flee from the town. Pointing his finger at them, Jack fired a series of beams. Shooting each one of them down as them began to drop like flies until there were no more of them left.

Looking back towards where he placed Hopp and Chappil now, he soon remembered something important. That he needed to take them to Melody so she could heal them. “Ponies! I have once again saved your village, so as a reward for my efforts, I ask that you heal my comrades that rest in those trees.”

Immediately, a familiar face soon emerged from the confines of a nearby tent. The mare named Melody Heart as she looked back at Jack. “L-Lord Frieza! Thank goodness your here… I was beginning to think that you weren’t going to return to m-*Cough, Cough* Return to us!”

“Yes, but not for the sake of saying hello I’m afraid… You see, two of my subordinates have been severely injured.” He said, using his newly awaken telekinetic powers, he lifted both Chappil and Hopp over to him. “As you can clearly see, these two are in need of your medical expertise.”

“I’ll see what I can do… But what about… Him?” Melody asked as everypony turned towards the bandit leader Corporal. “When he first arrived, we thought he was sweet and kind hearted, but it turned out he was a despicable bandit. He’s beaten, raped, and killed over a dozen ponies in this village… We… We don’t want to go through this again.”

“He has information that I want to strip from him first,” Jack then responded as he picked up the unconscious stallion and carried him over to the tent he was in before. “And I’ll do whatever it takes to get it out of him. Think of it as Justice being served.”

“T-thank you, Lord Frieza!” Melody told him. “Y-you have done so much for the town that we call home, how can we ever repay you?”

“This village is now under the name of Lord Frieza… And as such, if I do return to this village, I expect a warm welcome.” Jack said with a cocky grin, before he felt the Corporal stir.

“W-what-?” The Corporal muttered, until he realized the situation that he was in and saw that his men were buried under numerous boulders.

“Well look who’s awake? I’ve been waiting a while for you to stir. Now that I have you up, your going to answer my questions Corporal. Hehehehe!” Jack said, grinning at the stallion as his eyes glowed brightly before he threw the stallion into the tent and entered inside. “Now… I suggest you start telling me about this Frost you work for… Who is he exactly?”

“W-Why should I tell y-” However, the Corporal felt a tremendous amount of pain in his forehoof as a small hole opened appeared suddenly, smoke of his flesh burning, before seeing the frost demon aiming his index finger at him.

“So, will you start telling me what I need to know, or would you rather for me to begin the real torture?!” Jack asked, shooting him on the other hoof as he watched the stallion fall to the ground after only two shots, which really disappointed him. “For a big horse like yourself, your not really resilient are you?”

“Gah! S-STOP YOU BI-” But he was once again shot by another ki blast from Jack, but this time it was on his torso.

“Watch your tongue welp… I’m only keeping you alive because you have information I need. And trust me, you’ll be begging for your death once I’m through with you.” Jack said, smirking to the stallion as his finger glowed once again. And throughout the night, all that could be heard were the Corporal’s screams of agony.

Author's Note:

This took a little longer then it should have, but with the help of my friend, I was able to finish not one, but two chapters, which will be posted tomorrow morning. For now please enjoy this chapter :D