• Published 18th Feb 2018
  • 695 Views, 98 Comments

Learning to see Luna, the story of Vivid Colour. - Hope

Vivid Colour tries to survive, live, and overcome her past in a world that seems determined to make that difficult.

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Chapter 3. Needle and Thread

Viv's magic rolled across the cloth before pulling it into a flat sheet, and folding it as instructed. The needle she held in her hoof then lit in the same light, and began a winding zig-zag pattern through the edge of the cloth as she had been instructed. It took an incredible amount of focus to move the needle through the cloth, as both were in her magical grip, it was as though she was trying to pass one hoof directly through the other without flinching. At first, she made crawling incremental progress, every second or so, making a complete stitch. Over time, however, she was able to speed up, she became less disturbed by the feeling of her magical fields colliding and passing through eachother.

Her jaw had been clenched, she realized, and she consciously relaxed, and smiled. Though the work was difficult, it was something she could do, despite not having the claws that the griffins used to sew. Though Viv had sewed before, she'd never done it with her magic. She'd clumsily done it with her hooves to hold the cloth and only using her magic to hold the needle. But with the way they wanted it folded, she couldn't do it alone without using her magic to hold the cloth as well.

"Good, you're getting faster."

When Grace spoke, Viv's magic drove the needle down into the wood of the table, and she had to pause to pull it back out.

"Of course. I will get better, over time. I am just... Not used to using my magic this way."

Grace moved nearby, walking around behind Viv to what she assumed was another table.

"What do you normally use your magic for?"

Vivid focused more on her sewing than the question, idly wondering how she should answer. Eventually she finished the current row and tied it off, laying the cloth aside to pick up the next one.

"Gardening, mostly. A bit of work on my house. For a while I carved and sold suns."

"Suns?" Grace laughed, "Why would you be carving suns? Are you some sort of cultist?"

"I was raised in a church of Sol, so you might say that, though in Bitain it's hardly considered a cult," Viv said defensively, shifting in her seat as she realized she was defending a religion she barely cared for.

"Well, if you ever go to Equestria, don't mention it there. They don't get out much during the sunlight hours, and they certainly don't have churches of soul, or..."

"Sol," Viv corrected. "The mythical alicorn of light and heat who brought the sun to life and crafted all living creatures. I would have thought the country led by Princess Celestia and her sister Luna would know of them."

In between speaking, Viv focused on her stitches. It was a nice pattern, she thought. Straight across, then through the fabric along the line, then straight across back. When she was done, she could pull the thread and it would tighten so she could then sew more tightly to seal the crease that formed the back of the cloak's hood.

"Princess Luna I know, but I've only heard stories of Celestia," Grace sighed. "A bitter power hungry monster who tried to exile her sister to take Equestria for herself, and was banished to the sun for it."

Viv stopped mid-stitch, her jaw hanging open. She couldn't believe it, any of it. It was like having someone tell her that magic wasn't real, or that she'd been made queen of Bitain.

"That's not at all like the stories of Celestia! In fact, I had heard quite the opposite, that Princess Luna was a bitter recluse, while Celestia ruled practically alone," Viv said, setting her work aside to turn and face Grace.

"Well, they are just that, aren't they? Stories. All that would know are long dead and gone, and it is of no consequence."

"That's just not true," Viv said, the pit in her stomach growing deeper, and her heart aching. "The stories of Sol, of his daughter Celestia, those stories mean a great deal. They mean... For some ponies, they mean the world, and hold the lessons that guide their lives. Goddesses should not be just dismissed or forgotten."

"Well that will be a lesson to learn from us griffins then," Grace sighed. "Do not cherish your heroes, or your gods, because they all die eventually."

Viv didn't know how to reply to that. She'd expected to be told to get over her pain, not to have Grace show her own pain from admiring fallen heroes. Viv returned to her work, and after a bit prodded Grace to continue.

"Who was the hero or god that you lost?"

Grace wasn't quick to reply, she clearly still felt pain at the subject, but while she worked she moved over to sit next to Viv so they could speak more privately.

"Your people, the Bitains, were not solely responsible for the collapse of the Griffish empire," Grace admitted. "Though they certainly played a part. We had three kings in a row who sought to take over the world, to make our race the dominant one. Grover was the first. He began a war with Equestria just after Celestia was banished, a war that lasted far too long, and cost too many lives. Our wealth was squandered and for all of it... We acquired just this piece of land where you now reside. One village that acts as a historical reminder that we failed. Then George, who annexed and conquered many small nations, uniting them only in their hatred of us. His son, George the second, had no skill of diplomacy, no love for the poor, and sought only to pleasure himself. After those three, truly the Griffish empire was doomed. Now only a few griffins hold large cities in the mountains where the ponies could not get to us, and throughout all of this, generations of suffering, our gods did nothing."

Grace's voice was bitter and full of anger which Viv understood, the tale was one of historical sorrow and decay, with no redemption in sight.

"Some still believe. But I do not think it is wise to trust all powerful beings, whether griffin or pony," Grace concluded, continuing her work as Viv continued hers by her side.

The pony and griffin worked in silence for a while longer, before Viv heard a griffin approach her from the side. She didn't react, but nonetheless tensed up as she still didn't fully trust them.

"I have clothes for you."

Viv relaxed a little as she recognized the voice as George. She set her work down and moved her magic to the blanket over her back, lifting it off and shivering in the cool air. They did their work in one of the larger buildings, built on the ground though up on a hillside. But the building did not block the wind well, and she was grateful for the coat which was laid on her back and she was able to grab in her magic.

It was composed mostly of furs and feathers, but she didn't hesitate in securing the carved bone buttons and sighing happily as the soft lining settled around the back of her neck and her barrel. It had a fairly long tail that covered her haunches, and though her magic could feel the two long slits that would fit wings if she had them, she was pleased to find that there were flaps that laid over them, likely to keep water from flowing onto a young griffin's back off their wings, but it worked well to seal them for a pony without wings.

"Thank you, George," Vivid said, smiling in his direction as she felt the ends of the sleeves, that seemed wrapped in some kind of fur. She'd have to make sure she didn't get them dirty.

"The Edleweisses lost one of their children last winter, they'd been looking for someone to give it to," George replied, sounding tired, hurt.

"Lost?" Viv prompted while she picked up her work again.

There was more silence, and Viv had to just hope she hadn't offended them, as there was no way for her to tell what their reaction was. Thankfully, George sighed after a bit and sat down across Viv at the other side of the table.

"What do you know about Equestria?"

Viv thought on it for a bit. "Really, not a lot. I was taught of the Alicorn sisters, and of their foundation as a group which fled from Bitain long ago, but nothing recent."

"Equestria is a beautiful land, and the ponies that live there are ever expanding. At times sanctioned by their Princess, at times without that blessing. In the last decade there have been Buffalo forced from their lands, forced to flee and survive on their own as greedy settlers took their lands. Supposedly the Princess has done some work in resettling them, but the southern area has been taken by force, by ponies who claim it as their right to settle wherever they wish. We've had our own problems with settlers. Pegusi find the clouds that form in this land very suitable for building their homes, and last winter there was a fight. We are risking a drought, and they were taking our snowclouds. Galant was a bit of a hothead, and tried attacking them, which... did not end well. Griffins are historically excellent fighters due to our weapons. Without weapons, facing a pegusi alone... Hooves can break bone, and they can fly more nimbly than we can."

“So he was killed by a pony,” Viv concluded bluntly, wondering if she should refuse the gift of the coat, to respect the memory of the young griffin who had owned it.

“Yes. But we are quite aware that the violence of a few ponies does not mean that all ponies are violent. After all, you seem quite harmless,” Grace chuckled.

Viv just tried to smile, tried not to let the needle shake in her magic as it moved through the cloth.

“Well, I’ll leave you two to your work, then. See you when you come home.”

He left, and they resumed their work. Sadly, Viv did not find the work as involving and distracting as it had been before. She could easily sew without much focus with only an hour of practice, and she found her mind wandering.

Back to Bitain. Back to the dusty road named Estend, that led from her home to the town. Back to that quiet evening when she’d felt a sudden blow to her back, followed by a sharp laugh. To the desperate reach of her magic, like a million thin lines, spreading out from her, and the feeling as she sensed them pierce…

She set her sewing down and stood, trying to catch her breath, shaking her head and letting her horn go dark.

“Are you alright?”

“No,” Viv said softly. “Where could I get some water?”

“On that side of… Here, follow me,” Grace said as she stood and led Viv along the mostly empty tables of the hall, to the wall where Viv was able to take hold of the counter, wooden pitcher, and cups with her magic.

Grace went back to her work, leaving Viv alone to drink the cool water, and think. Her magic remaining around her cup and the floor around her, a comforting awareness of her surroundings.

“You’re the pony who wandered into Grace’s home, aren’t you?”

Viv turned towards the voice, surprised she hadn’t heard someone approach. Then she heard the griffin land, and realized there must be a roof entrance to the building where she’d entered. The newcomer with a feminine voice had flown down to her, unheard.

“I am. I cannot see, so I’m sorry if I seem impolite, not noticing your approach.”

“Oh, I know. Grace told everyone that you use your magic to feel things, so we shouldn’t surprise you and stuff. What would you do if you weren’t a unicorn?”

Viv smiled a little more genuinely, and relaxed. This griffin sounded closer to her age than Grace, and curious.

“Some Earth Ponies can feel through the ground, if they practice. Some Pegusi can feel movements in the air. But as I only know my magic, I imagine I would use a stick in my mouth, tap along to see what is in front of me.”

“That would be exhausting! What if you ran into something, the stick would be driven into your mouth!”

“Well the stick would be a curved one, Ms…”

“Aniessa. Aniessa Devorr, do ponies shake hands? Or, shake hooves?” she asked eagerly, moving slightly closer.

“We do, though I rarely get to, since I cannot see when it is offered,” Vivid explained as she held out a hoof, which was quickly taken hold of by the griffin, and shaken gently, with a firm grip. “It is nice to meet you, Aniessa. My name is Vivid Colour.”

“That’s a beautiful name,” Aniessa said as she released Viv’s hoof. “Call me Anie, please.”

“I prefer handsome, rather than beautiful,” Viv said, smiling towards her. “Though Anie, that is a beautiful name.”

Anie hummed, and then stepped closer, her clawed hands on the pool of magic around Viv, letting Viv feel every detail.

“When the sun rises, leave Grace’s house and come to the town square pole. Maybe we can get to know eachother.”

Then she walked away, leaving Viv somewhat confused. She turned to ask what she had meant, but Anie had already taken flight, likely leaving the building completely. She pondered the whole interaction for a moment, the rapid introduction then exit, but all she could conclude was that the griffin wanted to be friends with her. Nasty rumors of griffins carrying off ponies to consume came to mind, but nothing she’d experienced since arriving would lead her to believe that any of those rumors were true. She resolved to meet Anie once Grace and George went to sleep. She’d enjoy being up with the sun anyway, and getting to know a new friend would be an added bonus.

Taking another deep gulp of water, Viv made her way back to the table and picked up her cloth, stitching with renewed enthusiasm, now that her mind was a bit more clear of her past.

“Made a new friend?” Grace asked from her seat next to her. “Be careful, Aniessa is an odd one. She’s… We call them Druids, they live like animals. Though she is an excellent healer, she has been distant since her tutor died, the prior Druid for the area.”

“I’m accustomed to odd ponies, an odd griffin won’t bother me,” Vivid reassured Grace, still smiling.

“Well then maybe you may be able to raise her spirits. She seems not to wish to even speak to most of us, preferring her animals.”

“What sorts of animals?” Viv asked, relaxing into her work and the easy conversation that Grace offered.

They discussed Anie, and the weather in the area. Viv learned that her cold night huddled in her makeshift shelter had been unusual, typically the weather did not grow cold until several months later. There was discussion of how Equestria’s use of the clouds in the area to support new settlements may have caused the sudden cold snap.

Grace also spoke at length about the other work that they needed done, shearing sheep and plucking chickens. Viv reassured her that she would be willing to do both, so long as she didn’t have to kill the chickens herself, and they decided the next night they would switch to doing so, as they had made great progress on the needed sewing.

As the night was drawing to a close, they returned to Grace’s home, and Viv was able to get a better sense of how the town was put together, as Grace described it to her.

“There is the town square, which is square, of course. It has a big pillar in the middle which we put up our names on, and as we run out of space, we put new pieces on top, to add more names. Around the square is the park, just an open place where we can hold meetings and such, or gatherings of importance such as to celebrate a new child, or someone coming of age. Beyond the park is the first ring of homes, mine is there, er… In front of us, then to the right and all the way around there are homes in the trees we’ve grown. It’s a special sort of tree which grows the way we need it to, and which does not burn easily.”

“The big building, it was up on the hill, why not in a tree?” Viv asked.

“Well, all griffin cities have at least one great hall. It… Is supposed to represent the connection we have to the ground, and it is decorated like the first castle, with stone blocks at the base, and carved griffins on each corner, called Gargoyles. They are made of wood here, but usually stone. They protect us from the windagos that chased away the ponies so long ago.”

“I’ll have to extend my magic up there some day to see them,” Viv sighed wistfully, wondering what style they were made in, whether they were detailed or more abstract, with blocky shapes like ancient pony carvings.

“Well, maybe tomorrow. The sun will be up soon, and while you may come from a land that is awake during the day, it is just too uncomfortable for me after all these years,” Grace said before yawning, walking back towards her house.

“You didn’t always sleep during the day?” Viv asked as she followed her up the stairs, careful not to trip, knowing now that if she fell off the sides of the stairs she would fall through the branches of the tree to the ground below without much to break her fall.

“No, we began following the Equestrian schedule when I was a hatchling, I still remember being afraid of the night, it seems almost comical now.”

“Would it be alright if I went outside during the day? To spend some time in the sun?” Vivid asked as she returned to the sofa, only to be struck by the smell of cooking meat.

She couldn’t help it, her mouth watered, and she was suddenly ravenously hungry. Thankfully Grace walked into the other room as she spoke, so Viv didn’t have to hide her hoof going to her stomach, pressing it to try and suppress the ache.

“Of course! We trust you’ll stay at least long enough to finish a week’s worth of work for us, you may come and go as you please, though during the day please try not to be too loud. We all share a nocturnal schedule here. Dinner will be ready soon, though… What exactly are your needs? We don’t keep many oats on hand, we may run out in the next few days…”

Viv laughed softly, rolling onto her side and grimacing at her own conflicted feelings.

“Let me try some of whatever you’re cooking… I might be able to stomach it.”