• Published 18th Feb 2018
  • 9,801 Views, 198 Comments

Free at last. - cccvvvttt

How much pain can a six year old go through? Well...

  • ...

Final Chapter: Don't Leave Us.....

Twilight let out all her tears, over Zachary's limp body. She sobbed loudly, as the others just stood there in shock, not really knowing what just had happened. Twilight hugged Zachary close, as John laughed, like a mad man. Everypony, except for Fluttershy and Twilight, gave John a glare of hatred, anger, and definitely not mercy.

"YOU!" Applejack shouted, pointing her hoof at John. He just smiled in return.

"Who, me?" He asked. They growled at him. Applejack stomped her hoof down.

"HOW DARE YA DO THAT TO ZACHARY?! WE'LL MAKE SURE YOU SUFFER FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!" Applejack shouted, running up to John. He felt Applejacks hooves make contact with his stomach, as he was flown back a few feet. He coughed up a bit of blood.

"You..... Think that will stop me?" John asked. "You cannot stop me, I'll kill you all! After what you did to my daughter, I'll make sure you all suffer!" He then got up, and pointed the gun in Applejacks direction. Rarity and Pinkie gasped, as Rarity quickly levitated a nearby stick, and used it to smack John in the face.

"Stay down, you evil sick sorry excuse for a living creature!" Rarity shouted, with a growl. As John lay flat on the ground, Pinkie then came up, with an angry expression that nopony ever saw her wear.

"You meanie pants! Take this!" She shouted, pulling out a cupcake, and forcefully shoving it down John's throat, nearly causing him to choke. Once the cupcake began to make it's way down into his stomach, Pinkie punched it, causing him to throw up the now nasty cupcake.

"What is going on here?" The voice that sounded like Luna asked. They all turned, only to see Luna, Celestia, and Rainbow Dash, who all had looks of concerns. That's when they noticed the body that Twilight was holding so close to her chest.

"Is that..... Zachary?" Rainbow asked. She, along with the two princess's, walked up to them, and gasped when they saw that he was limp, and when they saw the bullet hole in his side area.

"Oh my Celestia!" Rainbow shouted, putting a hoof up to her mouth. That's when she noticed that John, was trying to crawl away from them.

"STOP RIGHT THERE, JOHN!" Luna shouted, using her Canterlot voice. He turned around, only to be met by a very angry looking Luna, Celestia, and Rainbow Dash. Meanwhile, Twilight was still holding Zachary close to her.

"How.... How could I let this happen?" Twilight asked herself. Fluttershy was looking at her, with concern, until she noticed something.

"Twilight!" She shouted, catching Twilight off guard. "Zachary's still breathing! He's still alive!" Twilight snapped her head up, before looking down at him. She was right. The chest of his body was moving up and down, indicating life. Twilight gasped.

"Fluttershy! We need to get to the hospital now!" Twilight shouted, getting up with Zachary, whipping a few of her tears away. "Grab onto me!" Fluttershy did just that, as they were both teleported to the hospital. The rest of them didn't seem to notice, as they were all holding Joh down, looking at him with angry intent in there eyes.

"Good... Job..... You got me...... But was it really worth it.....?" John asked, looking up at the angry ponies. Rainbow stomped her hoof down.

"What do you mean, "Was it all worth it?" Of course it was, you deserve to rot in Tartarus for all we care!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"You are all really pathetic." John said. "I loved it, how you're faces were turned into horror, as I shot him. " He smiled. "He's probably dead now, it's a shame you-" He was cut off, when he felt a hoof come into contact.

"Don't you dare!" Rainbow Dash said, trying the best to hold back her own tears. "He's still alive.... He has to be......" She let a few single drop of tears fall to the ground, as so did the rest of them.

He's........ Not gone........ Still alive...... A voice from Johns pocket said. There faces turned into confusion, as they reached into the pocket, and pulled out the watch that had haunted John for what seemed like forever.

"What the.... Wait, that gem!" Rarity said, pointing at it. "It's the same one that ate that one pony! Remember in the flashback?" That's when everypony remembered when the gem ate the pony alive when it was here in equestria.

"Let's destroy it!" Rainbow said. "After what it did, it deserves it!"

My time..... Is almost up..... The watch claimed.

"What do you mean by that?" Applejack asked, as the watch's light bean to fade more. "Hey, watchy thingy!" She tried to get it to respond again, but nothing came from it. What could it mean? They all looked back at John, still with a growing anger in their eyes.

"You will come with us." Luna said, pointing her hoof at him, her sister nodding in agreement.

"What if I don't, huh?" John asked. "Are you just going to kill me with you so called, "Magic?" Celestia, in response to this, stomped her hoof down.

"You will not mock the magic of Equestria like you are doing right now!" Celestia yelled, using her Canterlot voice. She then used her magic to lift up the gun. Johns eyes shrunk.

"Wait.... Your going to kill me?!" John asked, terrified. Celestia hadn't actually thought about his punishment yet, so she simply answered.

"I don't know yet." Before John could reply, he was struck in the head with the handle of the gun. He was knocked out instantly. Celestia then tried to levitate him up with her magic, but she failed to do so.

"What?! Why isn't my magic working?!" Celestia asked, shocked.

"That ruffian used some sort of anti magic potion, that's what he said, anyway." Rarity claimed, causing Celestia to go into shock.

"But how?!" Celestia asked, but then she face hooved herself. "Never mind, Luna, could you help me put him on my back?" Luna nodded, as she tried her best to use her hooves to put John on Celestia's back. Once on, Celestia looked back at the four ponies.

"I believe that Twilight has taken Zachary to the hospital, you should go there to visit them." Celestia said. "We'll catch up with you guys, once we put this worthless waste of air in the place he belongs at." They all nodded in agreement. She and Luna teleported away.

"Come on, let's get to the hospital." Rainbow Dash said. They all made their way down the road, all of them having the same thought.

I really hope he is okay.

Ponyville Hospital.....

Twilight was just sitting there, in the waiting room, looking down at her hooves. Fluttershy was with her, she had concern in her eyes for Twilight.

"Twilight..... Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight let out a sad sigh.

"No Fluttershy, I'm not." Twilight said, giving her friend a sad look. "Zachary's in the hospital, = and there not even sure if he will survive or not....." She looked away for a moment, before looking back. "I..... I really want to be his mother..... But, I don't know if he wants to be my son, after a failed him....."

"No Twilight, you didn't fail him." Fluttershy said, giving her friend a hopeful, yet stern stare. "He's going to pull through this, we have the best doctors here working on him, everything will be alright..... And I think you'll be able to be his real mother." Twilight gave her a tearful smile.

"Thank you." She said. Suddenly, the room to the hospital hallway opened, only revealing a nurse. Twilight got up from her seat, and walked up to her.

"Doctor.... How's Zachary?" Twilight asked. The doctor gave her a lighthearted smile.

"He's in stable condition, we managed to remove the thing that was in that hole.... He will be out of here by tomorrow." The nurse said.

"Can I see him? Please?" Twilight asked, with pleading eyes.

"Of course you can see him.... He's just sleeping right now, so only one of you can go in." The nurse replied. Twilight looked back at her friends, the other's just coming in. "Yeah, I'll see him." The nurse nodded.

"He is in room 302, can't miss it." The nurse said. Twilight nodded, as she went down the hallway at sort of a fast pace. She looked at the hallway doors, until she came across room 302. She slowly and quietly opened the door, and when she saw Zachary, she gasped.

"Oh my goodness, Zachary..." Twilight said. His heart monitor was beeping at the normal pace that it should, but that wasn't the worst part. He was attached to magical wires, that all lead into the hole, that was slowly closing it back up. Twilight walked to to the seat that was next to the bed, and put her head in her hooves.

"Zachary....." Twilight said, having a few more tears escape her eyes. "I'm... I'm sorry." She sobbed a bit louder. "I.... I broke my promise, I.... I failed you....."

"Mo...Mommy....?" The tiny voice of Zachary came from the bed. Twilight looked down, and saw him. Her little boy that she was taking care of. She let a few happy tears fall from her eyes.

"Zachary, thank Celestia! You're okay!" Twilight said, pulling him into a light hug. "Zachary..... I'm so sorry....." Zachary looked up at her, with an confused look.

"Why are you sorry?" Zachary asked, with an concerned look. Twilight returned his look with a sad one.

"Because.... I broke my promise....." Twilight said. "I said that I wouldn't let him hurt you, I said that I wouldn't let ANYONE or ANYPONY hurt you, and yet, you're in the hospital...." Zachary gave her a warm smile.

"Twilight.... There was no way you could ever keep that promise." Zachary said. "I'll always get hurt, but as long as someone is there with me...... It will never be that bad......" Twilight smiled down at him.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Twilight said, realizing the hug. She then remembered that he called her mom again. "Zachary..... When you woke up, you called me..... Your mommy...." Zachary looked up at her.

"I did? Sorry about that...." Zachary apologized, but was cut off by Twilight.

"no, you don't have to be sorry, because I would love to be your new mommy...." Twilight said. Zachary had a mix of shock, yet happy.

"Really? Does that mean, I get to call you mommy?" Zachary asked, and Twilight nodded. Zachary hugged her.

"I love you, mommy." He said. Twilight let out a few more joyful tears.

"Mommy loves you too...." Twilight said, as she patted him on the back. They stayed that way for a couple of moments, before they fell asleep, Twilight's head being on Zachary's lap. As they were sleeping, there was a certain pocket watch watching them.

Finally...... I No Longer Need To Be Here..... The watch said. The Last Source I Needed...... Was Love......... Now I Can Go Into My Rest....... And Free The Souls That Are Trapped..... Suddenly, the purple gem on the watch began to crack, before completely falling apart.

I Hope Your New Life With Your Son Goes Well, Twilight...... The spirt of the gem said, before disappearing.

One Month Later......

Twilight was unpacking her bags, as she, the mane six, and Zachary, were staying in Canterlot Castle, for one reason only.

"Hey mommy, why are we here again?" Zachary asked, and Twilight smiled.

"It's for John..... It's Time for him to be punished for what he did to you, so he can't hurt you anymore...." Twilight said, before giving him a kiss on the forehead. "It's tomorrow, so we don't have to worry about it right now....
so we can do whatever you want...." Zachary hugged Twilight.

"Thank you mommy..." Zachary said. Her heart melted at the gesture. Twilight smiled to herself. The past month had been great. Zachary and her had a lot of motherly and son bonding time. She really did consider him apart of her family. The one she could look after and protect

Her son....

The End

Ending Song.

Author's Note:

The End, Thatnks For Reading. :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 55 )

Great Final Chapter. Though I am more curious about the gem. Great Job cccvvvttt. *hugs cccvvvttt*:yay:
P.S i just realized i hug too much but will that stop me NOPE!!!:pinkiehappy:

Yep, and thanks, but the gem wont come back, due to it being shattered now.

are you going to do a story on the gem's origins???

Maybe..... Thought, that might take a while, because so far, it came from equestria, it seems to feed off magic or emotions, and yeah.

howdy cccvvvttt Question why is it that in chap 7 the gems color is pink but in this chap its purple

Great ending, dude!

It changes colors

Now THAT'S what I call a happy ending

glad you liked it

A Happy little ending.
But we now its not over for our little boy see you next time!

Yep, you're right, there will be a sequel

You're very welcome Keep up the good work and I am looking foward to see more of your work :twilightsmile:

I am hell excited for that sequel!:pinkiehappy:

Will the sequel begin with john's punishment

now I'm even more excited for the sequel :yay: :pinkiehappy:

That's great, also, in like ten minutes, my new story should be up

"Hey mommy, why are we here again?" Zachary asked, and Twilight smiled.

"It's for John..... It's Time for him to be punished for what he did to you, so he can't hurt you anymore...."

Does she mean execution?

No...... something like it though. Just wait and see

This fic needs a Silent Hill tag.

Because of the ending song, or because of the chapter set in the ghostly little town? I really don't want to add in a silent hill tag, because i feel like that would be misleading, because the story does reference it, but it's not about it, that's for another time:pinkiecrazy:

8871829 I could have sworn this fic wouldn’t feel too out of place in Silent Hill... Oh well.

Don't worry, I'm planning on making a silent hill story in the EG universe.

wow so beautiful.:fluttercry:

When does this story take place in the MLP timeline? Because I don’t think twilight being a princess has been mentioned yet. Starlight doesn’t seem to exist either. Not even the friendship castle so... what gives?

In the prologue, the bold text at the top says that this takes place before season 4. In the chapter with Cadence, the pony herself is watching over Zachary, due to the mane six cutie marks getting changed, just like in the real episode. However, the events with Starlight and with the friendship castle replacing the golden oaks library, has not happened yet. Also, Twilight has her wings, the whole ceremony that was thrown for her, happened in the one month part that isn't shown in this. She got her wings in the chapter that has Cadence as well. Sorry if I confused you, but that's the order of events that are supposed to happen. I hope this reply helped, and now, for me to write some more

Sorry... I usually skip small portions of stories simply because there’s just too many stories out there and I like to spend as little time on stories as possible. Especially if they’re long stories. I just so happened to skip out on the prologue... my mistake...

Also, thanks for following me! I really appreciate it! :pinkiehappy:

Your welcome. I like meeting new people on this site

That was intentional

Good story :)

The grammar gets better, and I did put a lot of effort into this story, trying to make it to the best of my abilities

A great story, I am waiting for the continuation. Good job, good luck:twilightsmile:

I made a sequel, you can find it on my profile. I'll be doing a re-imagining soon as well.

Oh. Thanks for the clarification.

Thumbs up for the storytelling.

Not so much for the spelling and grammar issues. An editor, or even a beta reader would help out immensely. Feel free to hit me up if you would like some help refining and polishing. :twilightsmile:

Now on to read the sequel.

Thanks. I would appreciate it

9374286 Good to know. Let me know when it's fixed and I'll gladly take a look.

9424863 No worries. Thank you, though.

It's a good story. Not everyone is perfect, especially when it comes to grammar or behaviors. I just finished my first story, and I was nowhere close to perfect. :twilightsmile: Besides, everyone's gotta start somewhere, right?

And I also misinterpreted the whole "punish" thing, so that's my bad. :twilightsheepish:

Still, good story so far. So what if it's cliche? It's a fanfic. YOU wrote it, and I'm sure that you are proud of it, even though it may not be your best work. You gave it heart, like any other good author would. For that, I take my hat off to you. :twilightsmile: 👍

I'm proud of it. Though I'm opened to any criticism and ways I can improve. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to read my story

Why isn't there an OC tag? If it's because Zachary is a human, you should know that that tag is for all OCs, regardless of species.

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